Întermedjario | Inglech | Tipo de Palavra | Etimologí | Notas |
triglicérido | triglyceride: a type of fat in the blood that's used for energy by the body | noun | | |
(de) parranda | out on the town, out partying/carrousing | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
0, zero, nul | 0, zero | number | | |
1, uno | 1, one | number | | |
1.000 mill | 1,000; thousand | number | | |
1.000.000 millón | 1,000,000; million | number | Italian: millione (now milione), literally "a great thousand," augmentative of mille "thousand," | | billón | 1,000,000,000; billion | number | | |
10, dieç [deci-] | 10, ten | number | | |
100, cento | 100, hundred | number | | |
11, unce | 11, eleven | number | | |
12, doce | 12, twelve | number | | |
13, trece | 13, thirteen | number | | |
14, catorce | 14, fourteen | number | | |
15, quince, cincuce | 15, fifteen | number | | |
16, seice, deciseis | 16, sixteen | number | | |
17, setece, decisete | 17, seventeen | number | | |
18, otchoce, deciotcho | 18, eighteen | number | | |
19, novece | 19, nineteen | number | | |
2, dos | 2, two | number | | |
20, vinte, dosenta | 20, twenty | number | | |
3, tres | 3, three | number | | |
30, trenta | 30, thirty | number | | |
4, catro [cator-, cuar-] | 4, four | number | | |
40, cuarenta | 40, forty | number | | |
5, cincu | 5, five | number | | |
50, cincuenta | 50, fifty | number | | |
6, seis | 6, six | number | | |
60, seisenta | 60, sixty | number | | |
7, sete | 7, seven | number | | |
70, setenta | 70, seventy | number | | |
8, otcho | 8, eight | number | | |
80, otchenta | 80, eighty | number | | |
9, nove | 9, nine | number | | |
90, noventa | 90, ninety | number | | |
a | to (motion towards, location); on or at (time) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
a cargo de; encargadu | in charge of; responsible for (adverb) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
a causa de, devidu a | because of, due to, owing to (adverb) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
a corte plazo | short-term | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish: a corto plazo | |
a dieta | on a diet | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
a l'altura | at the level, up to (at the height) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
a merced de | at the mercy of | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
a onde | to where | interrogative, question word | | |
a partir de (le) | from ... on, as of (time), since (time in past), surpassing/starting at (a point in time), from (a point in time) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
a pesar de | despite, notwithstanding, in spite of | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Spanish; Portuguese: apesar de | |
a proba | on trial, to the test | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
a proba de balaz, antibaliste | bulletproof | adjective | | |
a puntu de | on the point of, about to | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
a todo luoga | everywhere (go) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
a vecez | at times, sometimes | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
a ver | let's see | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
a, ale | on (musical instrument) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
Aarón | Aaron | noun | | |
abaijar | lower, take down, turn down | verb | | |
abaiju | down, below (anything below your reference point), downward | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
abaiju de | under | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
abalar | shake | verb | | |
abandonade | abandoned | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
abandonadu | abandoned | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
abandonar | abandon | verb | | |
abandono | abandonment | noun | | |
abanico | fan (that moves air), span, range | noun | | |
abarcar | span, comprise or contain, include or cover, reach (distance, time), take in | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: abarcar | |
abastecer [-ezca-] | supply, provide | verb | | |
abastecer-se | stock up on, obtain, fill up, refuel on | verb | | |
abastecimento | supply | noun | | |
abastecimento certificade | certified sourcing | noun | French: approvisionnement certifié | |
abasto | supply | noun | | |
abatide | dejected, downcast, demoralized, haggard (face) | adjective | | |
abatidu | dejected, downcast, demoralized, haggard (face) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
abatimento | discouragement, dejection (feeling), despondency; depression (mental/psychological) | noun | | |
abatir | discourage (confidence), reduce: bring down; knock down ( a tree); kill (livestock) | verb | | |
abatorio, matadoro | abattoir, slaughterhouse | noun | Spanish: matadero; Portuguese: matadouro; French: abattoir | |
Abbasidye | Abbasid | adjective | | |
abdicación | abdication | noun | | |
abdicar | abdicate | verb | | |
abdomen [+:abdomenz; abdomin-] | abdomen | noun | | |
abdominal | abdominal | adjective | | |
abducción | abduction | noun | | |
abducir [abduj-, abduzca-, abducc-] | abduct: lead away | verb | | |
abductor | abductor | noun | | |
abecedario | alphabet, abc's | noun | | |
abecis, alfabeto | alphabet | noun | Judeo-Spanish, Papiamentu | |
aberrante | aberrant: departing from an accepted standard or behavior | adjective | | |
abeto | fir tree | noun | | |
abexa | bee | noun | | |
abexa asassine | killer bee, Africanized bee | noun | | |
abexa de miel | honey bee | noun | | |
ábil | able, skillful, clever | adjective | | |
abilitá | skill, ability | noun | | |
abilitación | empowerment, habilitation, qualification, authorization, enablement | noun | | |
abilitar | enable, authorize, equip, qualify | verb | | |
abioco | the drowsiness that follows eating a big meal | noun | Italian: abbiocco | |
abismal | abysmal | adjective | | |
abismo | abyss, chasm | noun | | |
abistru | ostrich | noun | | |
Abiya | Abijah | noun | | |
abjección | abjection | noun | | |
abjete | abject, downcast | adjective | | |
abjurar | abjure, renounce (a belief or cause) | verb | | |
abnegación | abnegation: negative assertion, self-denial or renunciation | noun | | |
abnegar | abnegate: refuse or deny | verb | | |
abolición | abolition | noun | | |
abolicionista | abolitionist | noun | | |
abolide | abolished | adjective | | |
abolidu | abolished | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
abolir | abolish | verb | | |
abominábel | abominable | adjective | | |
abominación | abomination | noun | | |
abominar | abominate, detest, loath | verb | | |
abonar | fertilize, prepare the ground for; apply payment (to/towards); lend weight or credence to | verb | | |
abonar-se cun | dance exclusively with (just one person) | verb | | |
abono, abonamento | fertilizer, manure, deposit (payment) | noun | | |
abordadj | boarding | noun | | |
abordadj multidisciplinare | multidisciplinary approach | noun | | |
abordadj ôperacional | operational approach | noun | | |
aborride | boring, uninteresting | adjective | | |
aborridu | boring, uninteresting | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aborrimento | boredom, wearyness | noun | | |
aborrir | bore: torment with lack of things to do; weary | verb | | |
Abrahámic | Abrahamic | adjective | Spanish: Abrahámico | |
abrasar | embrace, hug | verb | | |
abraso | embrace, hug | noun | | |
abrevar | water (plants, animals), give water to; shower/swamp (someone with too much work, information, etc) | verb | | |
abrevatorio | watering hole | noun | | |
abreviación | abbreviation: act of shortening | noun | | |
abreviar | abbreviate, shorten (word), abridge (book) | verb | | |
abreviatura | abbreviation: short form | noun | | |
abrigar-se | take shelter, protect oneself, wrap oneself up | verb | | |
abrigo | coat | noun | | |
abrîl | April (month) | noun | | |
abrogación | abrogation | noun | | |
abrogar | abrogate | verb | | |
abrumadore | overwhelming, daunting, great (task, responsibility) | adjective | Spanish: abrumador | |
abrumar | overpower (of emotions), overwhelm | verb | Spanish: abrumar | |
absença | absence | noun | | |
absente | absent | adjective | | |
absolte | absolved | adjective | | |
absoltu | absolved | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
absolución | absolution | noun | | |
absolutamén | absolutely, utterly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
absolute [absoluta-] | absolute | adjective | | |
absolutismo | absolutism | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: absolutismo, Italian: assolutismo | |
absolutorie | absolving | adjective | | |
absolver [absolt-] | absolve, loosen from, acquit | verb | | |
absorber [absor-] | absorb | verb | Spanish/Galician/French: absorber; Portuguese: absorver; Catalan: absorbir; Italian: assorbire | |
absorbide | absorbed | adjective | | |
absorbidu | absorbed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
absorción | absorption | noun | Spanish/Galician: absorción; Portuguese: absorção; Catalan: absorció | |
absorte | engrossed, absorbed, lost (in something) | adjective | | |
abstener de [abstinen-] | abstain from | verb | | |
abstinença | abstinence | noun | | |
abstinente | abstinent | adjective | | |
abstinide | abstained | adjective | | |
abstinidu | abstained | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
abstracción | abstraction | noun | | |
abstracte | abstract | adjective | | |
abstraher [abstrac-] | abstract: draw away | verb | | |
abstrahide | abstracted | adjective | Sp: abstraído | |
absurde | absurd | adjective | | |
absurditá | absurdity | noun | | |
absurdo | nonsense, the nonsensical | noun | | |
abula | grandmother, grandma | noun | | |
abulita | dearest grandmother | noun | | |
abulo | grandfather | noun | | |
abundança | abundance | noun | | |
abundante | abundant | adjective | | |
abundantemén | abundantly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
abundar | abound, well up, be plentiful | verb | | |
abuser | abuse, misuse/overuse, exploit | verb | | |
abuso | abuse (of privileges, of power, of drugs...) | noun | | |
abuso secsual | sexual abuse | noun | | |
acabade | flat broke (without money) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
acabadu | flat broke (without money) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
acabamento | finishing, completion, end | noun | Spanish | |
acabar | finish (off), end | verb | | |
acabar de | finish from, just ___ | verb | | add infinitive of another verb |
acacia | flame tree (originally native to Madagascar) | noun | | |
academia | academy: people/institution united for the advancement of the arts and sciences. | noun | | |
académic | academic | adjective | | |
acallade | hushed, quieted | adjective | Spanish: acallado | |
acaloramento | passion, vehemence | noun | | |
acalorar | inflame, work up (audience, crowd), encourage (ambition) | verb | | |
acampar | go camping | verb | | |
acariciar | caress, pet, touch softly | verb | | |
acaudalade | well-off, affluent | adjective | | |
acaudalar | accumulate, amass for oneself | verb | | |
accedendu | accessing, agreeing to | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
acceder | agree to, accept, come to an agreement, accede, access | verb | | |
acceder [acces-] | access | verb | | |
accentu | accent: particular mode of pronunciation | noun | | |
accentuar | emphasize, stress, accentuate | verb | | |
accepción | acception: favorable reception or approval; an accepted meaning or action | noun | | |
acceptábel | acceptable | adjective | | |
acceptación | acceptance | noun | | |
acceptade | accepted | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
acceptadu | accepted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
acceptar | accept | verb | | |
accesíbel | accessible, approachable, comprehensible | adjective | | |
accesión | accession | noun | | |
acceso | access | noun | | |
accidental | accidental | adjective | | |
accidentalmén | accidentally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
accidenti [accident-] | accident | noun | | |
acciomátic | axiomatic | adjective | | |
acción | action | noun | | |
acción encuverte | covert action | noun | | |
accionábel | actionable | adjective | | |
accionista | stakeholder | noun | | |
ace | ago (used before the time, day) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
ace bocu de têmpo | a long time ago | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
acebib | raisin | noun | | |
acedj | copper, iron or zinc sulphate | noun | Spanish: aceche | |
acéfale | acephalous | adjective | | |
acefalía | acephaly | noun | | |
aceituno | bitterwood, paradise tree (Simarouba glauca) | noun | | |
aceleración | acceleration | noun | | |
acelerador | accelerator, throttle, gas pedal | noun | Spanish: acelerador/a | |
acelerar | accelerate, go faster | verb | | |
acemila | beast of burden, taxation | noun | | |
acequia | irrigation canal | noun | | |
acera, saiwôc | sidewalk | noun | | |
acerbe | acerbic | adjective | | sharp and forthright (in conversation or speaking) |
acercamento | approach, approximation | noun | | |
aceri | maple | adjective | Spanish: arce; Italian: acero | |
acéricole | maple (syrup) producing | adjective | | |
acertar | get right, guess or answer correctly | verb | | |
achever | complete, finish (a project...) | verb | | |
achevide | complete, absolute | adjective | | |
achevidu | complete, absolute | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
achevimento | completion (of work, education...) | noun | | |
achín | peddler on the streets, street vendor | noun | | |
achinería | marketplace, area where vendors sell merchandise | noun | | |
achinero | market vendor | noun | | |
acia | towards (not necessarily implying arrival), by (date in future) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
acia abaiju | downwards, bent down (something pointed in that direction) | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
acia adelanch | forward, toward the front | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
acia arriba | up (towards that direction); upward/upwards | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
acia atras | backward, backwards: toward the rear | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
acia fuera | outwards, outward | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
acicalar | clean/polish, make to look presentable | verb | | |
acicat | spurs, spiky or thorny thing | noun | | |
acidesa | acidity, acidness | noun | | |
acidic | acidic | adjective | | |
acidificación | acidification | noun | | |
ácido | acid | noun | | |
ácido cítric | citric acid | noun | | |
ácido fosfóric | phosphoric acid | noun | | |
acima de | above, higher than | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
aclarar | clear up; explain; clarify; brighten; lighten (color) | verb | | |
aclaratorie | clearing up, illuminating, explanatory | adjective | | |
aclimatar | acclimate, acclimatize | verb | | |
aclivi | incline, slope | noun | | |
acní | acne | noun | Spanish/French: acné | |
acólito | acolyte: follower or assistant | noun | | |
acólito | acolyte | noun | | |
acoller | receive, welcome, take in and accomodate (guests, visitors, immigrants, travelers) | verb | Spanish: acoger; Catalin:acollir | |
acollido | reception (of visitors), looking after (guests), welcome | noun | | |
acollidore | welcoming | adjective | | |
acomodar | accomodate | verb | | |
acompañamento | accompaniment | noun | | |
acompañanti | chaperone, person that accompanies: partner or companion | noun | Spanish: acompañante | |
acompañar | accompany, go with | verb | | |
acontecer [-ezca-] | happen, befall, take place, come about | verb | | |
acontecimento | event, occurrence, événement | noun | Spanish: acontecimiento | |
acoplamento | connection, coupling (mechanical), docking (of ship) | noun | | |
acoplar | couple, connect, put together | verb | | |
acoplar-se | dock (of ships, planes), adapt or settle in (of people to a new place or routine) | verb | | |
acordar | harmonize, match, be in agreement | verb | | |
acordeon | accordion | noun | | |
acordeonista | accordionist | noun | | |
acordi | chord (music notes played together on guitar and piano) | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: acorde | |
acordo | agreement, accord | noun | | |
acordo de na-proliferación nucleare | nuclear nonproliferation agreement | noun | | |
acortamento | curtailment, shortening | noun | | |
acortar | shorten, curtail | verb | | |
acostumade | accustomed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
acostumadu | accustomed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
acostumar | accustom | verb | | |
acotamento | shoulder (on road) | noun | | |
acotar | mark contour lines on a map, delimit | verb | | |
acrobata | acrobat | noun | | |
acrónimo | acronym | noun | | |
actitud [-tudin-] | attitude | noun | | |
activade | activated | adjective | | |
activadu | activated | past participle | | |
activar | activate | verb | | |
active | active | adjective | | |
activismo | activism | noun | | |
activiste | activist | adjective | | |
activitá | activity | noun | | |
activitáz conspirative | conspiratorial activities | noun | | |
activitud riceptive | openness, receptivity | noun | | |
actor | actor (thing) | noun | | |
actor | actor (person, man) | noun | | |
actor estatal | state actor | noun | | |
actor na-estatal | nonstate actor | noun | | |
actriç [+:actricez] | actress | noun | | |
actu | act | noun | | |
actuación | performance (of music group, theater, etc.); appearance (especially an actor or actress in film, book, play) | noun | | |
actual | present, current, contemporary, topical | adjective | | |
actualitá | topicality, subject of immediate relevance | noun | | |
actualización | actualization, update, upgrade (computing) | noun | | |
actualizar | actualize, make a reality of, update | verb | | |
actuar | actuate, behave | verb | | |
Actuz de l'Apôstolez | Acts of the Apostles (New Testament of Bible) | noun | | |
acuaponia | aquaponics | noun | | |
acuarela | watercolor, watercolour | noun | | |
acuariu | aquarium | noun | | |
acuder | lean, rest one's elbox or arm on | verb | | |
acudir | come to, turn to | verb | | |
acueducto | aqueduct: structure that leads water | noun | | |
aculerade | sissyish | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
aculeradu | sissyish | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aculerar-se | lose one's nerve, chicken out | verb | | |
aculturación | acculturation | noun | | |
acumulación | accumulation | noun | | |
acumular | acumulate, heap up, accrue | verb | | |
acumulative | accumulative | adjective | | |
acunar | rock (baby, rocking chair) | verb | Spanish: acunar | |
acupar-se de | take care of | verb | | |
acupuntura | acupuncture | noun | | |
acusación | accusation | noun | | |
acusade | accused | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
acusado | defendant, the accused | noun | | |
acusador | plaintiff, accuser | noun | | |
acusadu | accused | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
acusar | accuse | verb | | |
adalid | high-ranking leader | noun | | |
Adám | Adam | noun | | |
adaptábel | adaptable | adjective | | |
adaptabilitá | adaptability | noun | | |
adaptación | adaptation | noun | | |
adaptar | adapt, adjust to a situation | verb | | |
adecuade | adequate, enough | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
adecuadu | adequate, enough | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
adecuar | equalize, make equal | verb | | |
adelanch | forward, ahead | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
adelantade | forward (in time); advanced (crop...) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
adelantadu | forward (in time); advanced (crop...) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
adelantar | advance, move forward | verb | | |
adelanto | advance, progress | noun | | |
ademais, adicionalmén | furthermore | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
adepte | adept | adjective | | |
adhésion | adhesion, adherence (to rules), support in affiliation | noun | | |
adhesive | adhesive, sticky | adjective | | |
adhesivitá | adhesiveness | noun | | |
adiafa | something given to sailors or troops when they safely return home | noun | | |
adición | addition (calculation), bill/check with total amount due | noun | | |
adicional | additional | adjective | | |
adiestrar | train, instruct how to do perform a job; drill (military) | verb | | |
aditive | additive | adjective | | |
adjami | novice, someone who is not an expert | noun | Judeo-Spanish, Turkish | |
adjetivo | adjective (grammar) | noun | | |
administración | administration | noun | | |
administracional | administrational | adjective | | |
administrador | administrator | noun | | |
administrador de basi de datoz | DBA, Database Administrator | noun | | |
administrar | administrate, administer | verb | | |
administrative | administrative | adjective | | |
admirábel | admirable | adjective | | |
admiración | admiration | noun | | |
admirador | admirer (male) | noun | | |
admirar | admire | verb | | |
admiratriç [+:admiratricez] | admirer (female) | noun | | |
admisíbel | admissible, acceptable | adjective | | |
admisión | admission | noun | | |
admitir | admit | verb | | |
admitir [admis-] | admit, accept, allow | verb | | |
admonitorie | warning, cautioning, admonishing | adjective | | |
ADN de homínidjo | hominin DNA | noun | | |
adobo | marinade | noun | | |
adolescenti | teenager, adolescent | noun | | |
adopción | adoption | noun | | |
adoptar | adopt | verb | | |
adoquin | paving-stone, cobble | noun | | |
adorar | adore, worship | verb | | |
adormecer [-ezca-] | make sleepy, put to sleep | verb | | |
adquisición | acquisition | noun | | |
adquisición linguístic | language acquisition | noun | | |
adquisir | acquire | verb | | |
adrenalina | adrenaline | noun | | |
adscripción | ascription: the attribution of something to a cause. | noun | | |
aduana | customs control (when entering a country) | noun | | |
aducción | adduction | noun | | |
aducir [aduj-, aduzca-] | adduce | verb | | |
adueñar-se (de) | take control/possession of, take over (business), take hold of | verb | | |
adulte | adult, mature | adjective | | |
adulto | adult | noun | | |
adverbi | adverb | noun | | |
adversare | adversarial | adjective | | |
adversario | adversary, opponent | noun | | |
advertença | warning (on label) | noun | Spanish: advertencia; Italian: avvertenza | |
advertimento | warning, caution | noun | | |
advertir | warn | verb | | |
advogací, advogatura | advocacy | noun | | |
advogado | lawyer, attorney, advocate | noun | | |
advogado dele diablo | devil's advocate | noun | | |
advogar | advocate | verb | | |
adyacente | adjacent | adjective | Spanish: adyacente, Italian: adiacente, Portuguese/French: adjacente | |
aeración | aeration | noun | | |
aerar | aerate (soil), plow | verb | | |
aeratura | plowed ground | noun | | |
aeratural | regarding plowed/aerated ground | adjective | | |
aeri | air | noun | | |
aeri acondicionade | air conditioner | noun | | |
aeri respirábel | breathable air | noun | | |
aerial | aerial | adjective | | |
aérie | air | adjective | | |
aerodinámic | aerodynamic | adjective | | |
aerodinámica | aerodynamics | noun | | |
aeroespachal | aerospace | adjective | | |
aerogenerador | wind generator | noun | | |
aeroliña | airline | noun | | |
aeromosa | stewardess (on flight) | noun | | |
aeronautica | aeronautics | noun | | |
aeronavio | aircraft, plane | noun | | |
aeroporto, aeroxafi | airport | noun | | |
aerosol | aerosol spray | noun | | |
aerosol cloraseptic | chloraseptic spray | noun | | |
afábel | affable | adjective | Portuguese: afável; Spanish/Catalan: afable; Romanian: afabil; French: affable | |
afastade | distant, remote | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
afastadu | distant, remote | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
afastar | move away; remove (from a position); separate (one from the other) | verb | | |
afeirs | affairs, matters | noun | | |
afeirs egsteriore | foreign affairs | noun | | |
afeirs oficial | official business, official work or duty | noun | | |
afeitar | affect | verb | | |
afeitar a | impinge on | verb | | |
afeitar le cambio | affect change | verb | | |
afeitive | affective | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
afeito | affection | noun | | |
aferrar | cling, hold to (notion, thought) | verb | | |
afgan | Afghan | adjective | | |
Afganistôn | Afghanistan | noun | | |
aficionado | dabbler, fan, amateur | noun | Spanish: aficionado | |
afilador | sharpener (for blades) | noun | Spanish: afilador | |
afilar, aguzar | sharpen (tool) | verb | Spanish | |
afiliación | affiliation | noun | | |
afiliade | affiliated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
afiliadoz | affiliates | noun | | |
afiliadu | affiliated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
afiliar | affiliate | verb | | |
afinar | tune an instrument, tune up | verb | | |
afinitá | affinity | noun | | |
afinitáz elective | elective affinities | noun | | |
afirmación | affirmation, assertion | noun | | |
afirmar | affirm, assert, allege (that) | verb | | |
afirmative | affirmative, positive | adjective | | |
afixo | affix | noun | | |
aflicción | affliction | noun | | |
aflixide | afflicted | adjective | | |
aflixidu | afflicted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aflixir [aflic-] | afflict | verb | | |
aforismo | aphorism | noun | | |
afortunade | fortunate | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
afortunadu | fortunate | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
África | Africa (continent) | noun | | |
african | African | adjective | | |
africano | person from Africa, African | noun | | |
afrobrasileños | Afro-Brazilians | noun | | |
afuera | outside | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
agantchar | hook/harness, couple up | verb | | |
agapamar | love selflessly and sacrificially | verb | | |
agapic | agapic, of selfless love for everyone | adjective | | |
agarrar para | head for, going to | verb | | |
agarrose | astringent; used when eating certain unripe fruits | adjective | | |
agarta | caterpillar | noun | | |
agatchado | second-hand clothing | noun | | |
agatchon | sale of used-clothing or shoes | noun | | |
agença | agency | noun | | |
Agença Mundial Antidopadj | World Anti-Doping Agency | noun | | |
agença regulatorie | regulatory agency | noun | | |
agenda | agenda: discussion points (of meeting), schedule | noun | | |
agenda llene | full calendar | noun | | |
agenti | agent | noun | | |
agenti biológic | biological agent | noun | | |
agenti secrete | secret agent | noun | | |
aghixón | sting, stinger (of insect) | noun | | |
ágil | agile | adjective | | |
agiley | hurry, haste | noun | Judeo-Spanish/Turkish | |
agir com judeç | adjudicate | verb | | |
agir [-igir, agen-, act-] | act, be doing | verb | Vulgar Latin: agere | |
agita | heartburn | noun | | |
agitación cultural | cultural upheaval | noun | | |
agitación social | civil unrest | noun | | |
agitadora | shaker, agitator | noun | Portuguese/Spanish: agitador(a) | |
aglomeración | congestion (people) | noun | Spanish | |
aglomeranti | binder (cooking, chemistry) | noun | Spanish: aglomerante | |
agnóstic | agnostic | adjective | | |
agnosticismo | agnosticism | noun | | |
agnóstico, agnóstica | agnostic: someone who professes that God cannot be known | noun | | |
agora | now, right now | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Spanish: ahora; Portuguese/Galician: agora | |
agorcel | mushroom | noun | | |
agosto | August (month) | noun | | |
agotábel | exhaustible | adjective | | |
agotamento | depletion, exhaustion | noun | Spanish: agotamiento | |
agotar | exhaust, deplete, drain out | verb | | |
agradábel | palatable, enjoyable, pleasant | adjective | | |
agradecer [-ezca-] | thank, be grateful for | verb | | |
agradecide | thankful, grateful | adjective | | |
agradecimento | gratefulness, gratitude | noun | Spanish: agradecimiento; Catalan: agraïment | |
agrare | agrarian, land-use usually of growing crops or raising animals | adjective | Spanish/Italian: agraria/o; Portuguese: agrária/o | |
agredábel | nice, pleasing | noun | | |
agredar | please: give pleasure to, be pleasing to | verb | | |
agregación | aggregation | noun | | |
agregado | aggregate | noun | | |
agregar | add (in a mix or concoction), aggregate | verb | | |
agresive | agressive, forceful | adjective | | |
agresivitá | agressiveness | noun | | |
agrícole | farming, agricultural | adjective | | |
agricultor | farmer, harvester | noun | | |
agricultura | agriculture | noun | | |
agroalimentare | agri-food, agribusiness | adjective | Italian: agroalimentare; French: agroalimentaire | |
agu | adults say this to babies | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
agua bendite | holy water (blessed water) | noun | | |
agua potábel | potable water, drinking water | noun | | |
agua tchirie | foul, insipid water or drink | noun | | |
agua [acu-] | water | noun | Papiamentu | |
aguacelo | heavy rain | noun | | |
aguantar | put up with, tolerate, endure | verb | Spanish: aguantar | |
aguantar-se | hang on, withstand/bear, hold oneself back | verb | | |
aguardar | wait: be on the lookout for; await | verb | | |
aguardenti | fiery water, alcoholic beverage that contains 30 to 60 percent alcohol by volume | noun | Spanish: aguardiente | |
aguas geotérmic | geothermal water | noun | Spanish: aguas geotérmicas | |
aguas-abaiju, rivo-abaiju | downstream, downriver | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
aguatero | water vender | noun | | |
aguaviva | jellyfish | noun | | |
agude | acute, severe (of sickness) | adjective | | |
aguero | omen, prediction | noun | Sp: agüero | |
aguevade | ashamed, embarassed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
aguevadu | ashamed, embarassed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aguevar | be embarassed | verb | | |
aguevar-se | embarrass, shame, be uneasy | verb | | |
agulla | needle | noun | Spanish: aguja, French: aiguille, Catalan: agulla, Portuguese: agulha | |
aguxero | hole, opening | noun | | |
aguxero nerre | black hole | noun | | |
aharoba | carob | noun | | |
ahogar | drown, choke, suffocate, hinder/cripple (more figurative) | verb | | |
ahoquillo | green heron | noun | | |
ahoquin | bare-throated tiger heron | noun | | |
ahorrar | save (in a financial sense) | verb | Spanish | |
ailo | garlic | noun | | |
ainda | still, yet | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Portuguese | Spanish: todavía |
ainda na | not yet | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
aipo | celery | noun | | |
aislacionismo | isolationism | noun | | |
aislacionista | isolationist | noun | | |
aislade | isolated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
aisladu | isolated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aislamento | isolation | noun | | |
aislar | isolate | verb | | |
aisogesi | isogesis, eisogesis | noun | | |
aiwasti | ground toasted squash seeds | noun | | |
ají | there, in that place | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
ajusta | adjustment | noun | | |
ajustábel | adjustable | adjective | | |
ajustador | adjuster | noun | | |
ajustar | adjust | verb | | |
ala | wing | noun | | |
alacritá | alacrity | noun | | |
alagartade | greedy, self-seeking | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
alagartado | miser, server of self | noun | | |
alagartadu | greedy, self-seeking | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
alarma | alarm, warning sound | noun | | |
alarma de antiîncendioz | fire alarm | noun | | |
albacea | executor, a person who takes action or an institution that decides on a particular thing | noun | | |
albaceazgo | executorship, a person or institution that puts something into effect (usually a will and testament) | noun | | |
albahaca | basil | noun | Spanish | |
albardo | saddle made of rawhide | noun | | |
albastro | alabaster | noun | | |
albedo | albedo | noun | | |
albergade | housed, harbored, sheltered | adjective | | |
albergar | harbor, give refuge to, shelter | verb | | |
albergio | shelter, hostel, inn | noun | | |
alboroto | caramel-coated popcorn ball | noun | | |
alborozar | fill with joy, overjoy | verb | Spanish: alborozar | |
álbum | album: book or recording | noun | | |
alcaldi | mayor | noun | | |
alcaldía | mayorship, office or position of mayor | noun | | |
álcali | alkali | noun | | |
alcaline | alkaline | adjective | | |
alcançábel | reachable, attainable | adjective | | |
alcançar su plenitud | reach its fullness, blossom, flourish (of a place, relationship, etc) | verb | Spanish: alcanzar su plenitud | |
alcançar [alcanci] | catch up (with), reach, achieve (agreement, expectations, peace) | verb | Portuguese: alcançar; Spanish: alcanzar | |
alcanci | scope, reach | noun | | |
alcanci de producto | product scope | noun | | |
alcanci de projetu | project scope | noun | | |
alcantarilla | sewer | noun | Spanish: alcantarilla | |
alciste | upwards, upward | adjective | | |
alcitron | figleaf gourd confection | noun | | |
alcoba | personal quarters, bedroom | noun | Andalusian Spanish | |
alcoôl | alcohol | noun | | |
alcoôlic | alcoholic | adjective | | |
Alcorá [alcorán-] | Qur'an, Koran, Quran | noun | | |
alcoránic | Qur'anic, Koranic, Quranic | adjective | | |
aldea | village | noun | | |
Aldea global | Global Village | noun | | |
aldean | rustic, village | adjective | | |
aldeano | villager | noun | | |
ale | to the (contraction: a le) | article or demonstrative | | |
ale alcanci dele manu | within reach | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Po: ao alcance da mão | |
ale dorso | on the back, over | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
ale dreita | on the right | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
ale frente | facing | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
ale lado | beside (adverb) *French: à côté | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
ale lado de | to the side of, beside, alongside (preposition) à côté de | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
ale lexos | in the distance | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
ale mais | at most | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: al más | |
ale menos | at least | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
ale mesme têmpo | at the same time | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
ale pastor | al pastor | adjective | | |
ale reverso | backward: in reverse order; on backwards | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
ale vanguardia | on the cutting edge, at the forefront | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: a la vanguardia; Portuguese: na vanguarda; Catalan: a l''avantguarda; Italian: all''avanguardia | |
ale vapor; estobe | steamed | adjective | | |
aleatorie | random, accidental | adjective | | |
alebrestade | brimming with happiness, vivacious | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
alebrestadu | brimming with happiness, vivacious | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
alebrestar-se | get excited; overflow with happiness | verb | | |
alegación | allegation | noun | catalan: allegar | |
alegar | allege, use as an excuse | verb | | |
alegar que | allege that | verb | | |
alegre | cheerful, lively, merry, sprightly | adjective | | |
alegría | cheerfulness, joy | noun | | |
alegros | allegro, at a brisk tempo | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
alentade | in good health, robust and sound | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
alentado | healthy person | noun | | |
alentadu | in good health, robust and sound | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
alento | breath | noun | | |
alergic | allergic | adjective | | |
alertar | alert | verb | | |
alerte | alert | adjective | | |
aletazo | offensive smell from sweaty armpits | noun | | |
alexade | far away, remote, removed from | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
alexadu | far away, remote, removed from | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
Alexandro Magne | Alexander the Great | noun | | |
alexar | move away from, keep away from | verb | | |
Alfabeto Fonétic Înternacional | IPA: International Phonetic Alphabet | noun | | |
alfanuméric | alphanumeric | adjective | | |
alfeñiqui | alfeñique: confection molded from sugar paste. | noun | | |
alfombrilla | mousepad | noun | Spanish: alfombrilla de ratón | |
alforxa | saddlebag | noun | | |
alfrescu | in the open air, outdoors | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
alfresque | alfresco, outside, outdoors | adjective | | |
alga(s) | algae | noun | | |
álgebra | algebra | noun | | |
algebraic | algebraic | adjective | | |
algom | anybody/somebody, someone (questions) | pronoun | Portuguese: alguém; Spanish: alguien; French: quelqu’un | |
algom mais | someone else | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Portuguese: alguém mais; Spanish: alguién más; Italian: qualcun altro; French: quelqu'un d'autre; | |
algomez | some (people) | pronoun | | |
algorítmic | algorithmic | adjective | | |
algoritmo | algorithm | noun | | |
algoutro | another one, a different one | noun | | |
algú cosa | anything, something (questions) | noun | | |
algú luoga (dan/a ...) | anywhere, somewhere | noun | | |
algú mais | some more | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
algú [alg-] | some, certain (particular), any (when used in affirmative question) | intensifier or quantifier | Catalan: algú, Spanish: algún | |
alí | there | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
alí dêntro | in there | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
aliança | alliance | noun | | |
aliar | ally, combine | verb | | |
álibi | alibi | noun | Portuguese | |
alicienti | incentive, attraction, lure, inducement | noun | | |
alienábel | alienable | adjective | | |
alienación | alienation | noun | | |
alienade | alienated, estranged | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
alienadu | alienated, estranged | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
alienar | alienate | verb | | |
alienígena | alien (species) | noun | Portuguese: alienígena | |
alimentación | nutrition, feeding, food | noun | | |
alimentación eléctric | electrical power supply | noun | | |
alimentar | feed, nourish | verb | Spanish | |
alimentare | of or about nourishment, food | adjective | | |
alimento | nourishment, food, alimony | noun | | |
alimentoz | groceries | noun | Spanish: alimentos | |
aliñade | aligned | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
aliñadu | aligned | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aliñamento, aliñación | alignment | noun | | |
aliñar | align | verb | | |
aliruzade | clever, quick witted | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
aliruzadu | clever, quick witted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aliruzar-se | smarten up | verb | | |
alisar | flatten, smooth out, straighten, make even (especially of hair, dough) | verb | | |
aliviar | assuage; alleviate (pain, grief, loneliness...) | verb | | |
alivio | alleviation, mitigation | noun | | |
aljemaz | handcuffs | noun | | |
allá | over there, down yonder | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
allar | find (implies searching), find out, discover; can also imply opinions (I think that) | verb | Spanish: hallar; Portuguese: achar | |
allazgo | discovery, finding, find | noun | Spanish: hallazgo | |
allene [aliena-] | alien: outside of your circle, something or someone else | adjective | Spanish: ajeno | |
allodola | skylark | noun | Italian: allodola, from Gaelic | |
allur | elsewhere, somewhere else, other places | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | French: ailleurs; Portuguese: algures | |
alma | soul, spirit | noun | | |
almadana | sledgehammer | noun | | |
alman, german | German | adjective | | |
almanech, germano | German person or language | noun | | |
Almania, Germania | Germany (country) | noun | | |
almendra | almond | noun | | |
almochref | customs officer, revenue collector | noun | Spanish: almojarife from Andalusian Arabic al-mušríf, from Arabic mušrif: supervisor, overseer | |
almohado | pillow | noun | | |
almorsar | have lunch | verb | | |
almorso | lunch | noun | | |
almorso especial | lunch special | noun | | |
alocución | allocution, a very formal speech toward a group of people | noun | | |
alojamento | accommodation (lodging) | noun | | |
alojamento webe | web hosting | noun | | |
alojar | accomodate (lodging): put up in quarters or hotel room; stay at/with | verb | | |
alótropo | allotrope | noun | | |
alquidey | candy | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
alquilar | rent, lend | verb | | |
altamisa | feverfew: herb remedy used for stomachaches | noun | | |
alte | high, tall | adjective | | |
alte calitá | high quality | noun | | |
alte cuizín | gourmet cooking, high cuisine | noun | | |
altefavlanti | speaker (of radio, television, etc), loud speaker | noun | | |
altel | altar | noun | | |
alteración | alteration | noun | | |
alterar | alter (change length of clothes) | verb | | |
altercación | altercation, argument | noun | | |
altercade | disputed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
altercado | altercated, disputed | noun | | |
altercadu | disputed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
altercanti | disputer, debater | noun | | |
altercar | dispute (with another), debate | verb | | |
alternador | alternator (automobile, electronics) | noun | | |
alternar | alternate, mix with | verb | | |
alternative | alternative | adjective | | |
alterne | alternate, alternating | adjective | | |
altesa | highness, highmindedness | noun | | |
altimetro | altimeter | noun | | |
altiplano | high flatlands | noun | | |
Altíssimo | the Most High | noun | | |
altitud [-tudin-] | altitude | noun | | |
altitudinal | altitudinal | adjective | | |
altitudinose | altitudinous | adjective | | |
altive | arrogant, haughty | adjective | | |
altivesa | arrogance, haughtiness | noun | | |
altruismo | altruism | noun | | |
altruista | altruist | noun | | |
altruistic | altruistic | adjective | | |
altura | height, elevation | noun | | |
alucinación | hallucination, delusion | noun | | |
alucinar | hallucinate | verb | | |
alucinógenic, alucinógene | hallucinogenic | adjective | | |
alucinógeno | hallucinogen | noun | | |
aludir a | allude, refer | verb | | |
aludir a | allude to, refer to | verb | Spanish: aludir a | |
alumet | match, matchstick (for lighting fire or candle) | noun | | |
aluminiu | aluminum | noun | | |
alumno | pupil, student | noun | Portuguese: aluno; Spanish: alumno; Catalan: alumne; Italian: alunno | |
alunade | in heat, rut | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
alunadu | in heat, rut | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aluri | lory: a small Australasian and Southeast Asian parrot with a brush-tipped tongue for feeding on nectar and pollen, having mainly green plumage with patches of bright color. | noun | | |
alusión | allusion | noun | | |
aluvial | alluvial | adjective | | |
alv de uevo | egg white | noun | Romansch | |
alve | white (color) | noun | Romansch | |
alveolare | alveolar | adjective | | |
alza | upswing, rise (in a commodity) | noun | | |
amábel | kind, amiable, gracious (host) | adjective | | |
amabilitá | kindness | noun | | |
amachinade | living together | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
amachinadu | living together | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
amachinar-se | live together, cohabit | verb | | |
amador | amateur, lover of... | noun | | |
amañecer [-ezca-] | dawn, daybreak, wake up (in the morning) | verb | | |
amanti | lover, sweetheart | noun | | |
amar [amis-, amig-] | love | verb | | |
amarete | stingy, mean | adjective | | |
amarico | Amharic | noun | | |
amaril | yellow | adjective | | |
amarilecer [-ezca-] | become yellow | verb | | |
amasixar | fondle, grope, be all over | verb | | |
amazonía; l'amazonía | amazon, the Amazon | noun | Sp | |
ambajada | embassy | noun | | |
ambajador | ambassador | noun | | |
ambajadriç [+: ambajadricez] | ambassador (woman) | noun | | |
ambe | both | adjective | | |
ambe elaz | both of them (female) | noun | | |
ambe elez | both of them | noun | | |
ambe nos | both of us | noun | | |
ambición | ambition | noun | | |
ambiciose | ambitious | adjective | | |
ambidegstre | ambidextrous | adjective | | |
ambientalista | environmentalist | noun | | |
ambienti | atmosphere as in the ambience or environment | noun | | |
ambigue | ambiguous | adjective | | |
ambiguitá | ambiguity | noun | | |
ámbito | scope, ambit, extent | noun | | |
ambos | both (as pronoun) | noun | | |
ambulança | ambulance | noun | French: ambulance; Italian: ambulanza; Spanish: ambulancia; Portuguese: ambulância; Romanian: ambulanță; Catalan: ambulància | |
amenaça | menace, threat, pain or annoyance | noun | Spanish: amenaza; French: menace; Portuguese: ameaça | |
amenaça egsistenchal | existential threat | noun | | |
amenaçar | threaten, menace | verb | Spanish: amenazar; Portuguese: ameaçar; Italian: minacciare; French: menacer | |
amenitá | amenity | noun | | |
amere | bitter | adjective | | |
América | America (2 continents) | noun | | |
american | American: from North or South America | adjective | | |
americanismo | americanism | noun | | |
americanizar | americanize | verb | | |
americano | American person | noun | | |
amerindian | American Indian, Native American | adjective | | |
amerindiano, amerindio | American Indian, Native American (person) | noun | | |
amfetamina | amphetamine | noun | French: amphétamine; Catalan/Romanian: amfetamina; Spanish/Portuguese/Italian: anfetamina | |
amfibie | amphibious, amphibian (both land and sea) | adjective | French: amphibie; Romanian: amfibiu; Spanish: anfibia/o | |
amfibio | amphibian | noun | French: amphibie; Catalan: amfibi; Portuguese: anfíbio; Spanish: anfibio; Romanian: amfibian | |
amfitiatro | amphitheater, amphitheatre | noun | Catalan: amfiteatre; French: amphithéâtre; Spanish/Italian/Portuguese/Galician: anfiteatro | |
ámfora | amphora | noun | Catalan: àmfora; Romanian: amfora; Spanish/Galician: ánfora; Portuguese: ânfora; French: amphore | |
amiga [-emig-] | friend (girl) | noun | | |
amigábel | amicable, friendly | noun | | |
amighismo | cronyism | noun | | |
amigo [-emig-] | friend (boy) | noun | | |
amigón, amigona | best friend, really good friend | noun | | |
amigota | crony | noun | | |
aminoácidoz | aminoacids | noun | | |
amirantazgo | admiralship, admiralty | noun | Spanish/Galician: almirantazgo | |
amiranti | admiral (rank in military) | noun | | |
amiscla | musk | noun | | |
amisclare | musky | adjective | | |
amistá | friendship | noun | | |
amistose | friendly, cordial | adjective | | |
amnesia | amnesia | noun | | |
amnésic | amnesiac | adjective | | |
amnistíê | amnesty | noun | Spanish: amnistía; French: amnistie | |
amocar-se | blow one's nose | verb | Judeo-Spanish | |
amonestación | admonition | noun | | |
amonestar | admonish, caution | verb | | |
amor | love | noun | | |
amoral | amoral | adjective | Spanish/Catalan/Portuguese: amoral | |
amorfe | amorphous | adjective | | |
amorfización | metamictization, amorphization, amorphisation | noun | | |
amortiguador | shock-absorber | noun | | |
amortiguadore | shock-absorbing, muffliing | adjective | | |
amortiguar | cushion, soften, absorb (impact), muffle (sound) | verb | | |
amparo | protection (from outside), shelter | noun | | |
amperadj | amperage | noun | | |
amplamén | widely, broadly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
ample [ampla-] | wide, broad, spacious, vast, ample | adjective | | |
ampliación | broadening, enlargement, extension | noun | | |
ampliar | enlarge, broaden, expand | verb | | |
amplificación | amplification | noun | | |
amplificador, ampi | amplifier (guitar, PA system) | noun | | |
amplifiçar [amplifica-] | amplify | verb | | |
amplifiçar [amplifica-] | amplify | verb | | |
amplitud [-tudin-] | amplitude | noun | | |
Ámsterdam | Amsterdam | noun | | |
amuleto | amulet | noun | Spanish: amuleto | |
amuzbuch | amuse-bouche: single, bite-sized hors d’œuvre | noun | | |
anabólic | anabolic | adjective | | |
anacachi | pineapple | noun | abacaxi and ananas | |
anacaluto | anacoluthon: unexpected discontinuity in the expression of ideas within a sentence, leading to a form of words in which there is logical incoherence of thought | noun | Greek anakolouthon, from an-: "not" and ἀκόλουθος akólouthos: "following") | |
anacaona | lovely gold flower | noun | | |
anacrónic | anachronistic | adjective | | |
anacronismo | anachronism: chronological inconsistency | noun | | |
añadide | added | adjective | | |
añadir | add, sum | verb | | |
anafri | ceramic dish or bowl for cooking or keeping food warm | noun | | |
anagrama | anagram | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: anagrama | |
analfabete | illiterate | adjective | | |
analfabétic | analphabetic: representing sounds by composite signs rather than by single letters or symbols. | adjective | | |
analfabetismo | illiteracy | noun | | |
analfabeto | illiterate (person) | noun | | |
análisi | analysis | noun | | |
análisi estadístic | statistical analysis | noun | | |
analític | analytic, analytical | adjective | | |
analítica en le nubo | cloud analytics | noun | Spanish: analítica en la nube | |
analizar | analyze | verb | | |
análoghe | analogous | adjective | | |
anarquíê | anarchy | noun | | |
anarquista | anarchist | noun | | |
anástrofi | anastrophe: literary device that inverts/rearranges the natural word order | noun | | |
anatema | anathema | noun | | |
ancella | eyebrow | noun | Catalan: cella, Portuguese: sobrancelha, Spanish: ceja | |
ancestral | ancestral, ancient | adjective | | |
ancestro | ancestor | noun | | |
anche | baggy, wide, broad | adjective | | |
anchova | anchovy | noun | | |
anchura | width (quantitative and used with measurement) | noun | | |
ancian | ancient, old | adjective | | |
ancloti | grapnel (anchor, hook) | noun | | |
ancra | anchor | noun | | |
andador | walker (for toddlers) | noun | | |
andar cun l'onda de | have in one's mind | verb | | |
andar cun le conexo | be broke, without money | adjective | When pockets are turned inside out, it looks like a rabbit. | |
andar [anduvi-, andem] | walk, run, function, travel (take a bus/plane) | verb | | |
andareghear | walk a lot, wander | verb | | |
andén | platform (for train, etc), raised sidewalk | noun | | |
andoli | tree lizard | noun | St. Lucian | |
androcéntric | androcentric, male-centered | adjective | | |
andrógine | androgynous | adjective | | |
androginia | androgyny | noun | | |
androidê | android | noun | | |
anecsación | annexation | noun | | |
anecsar | annex | verb | | |
anégdota | anecdote | noun | Spanish: anécdota | |
anegdótic | anecdotal | adjective | | |
añel | lamb | noun | | |
anelo | ring | noun | | |
anemia | anaemia, anemia | noun | | |
anemic | anemic | adjective | | |
ángel | angel | noun | | |
anglican | Anglican | adjective | | |
anglicano | Anglican | noun | | |
anglofavlante | English-speaking | adjective | | |
anglofonia | The Anglosphere | noun | | |
anglofono | Person who speaks English | noun | | |
angua | nail (tools) | noun | | |
ángul morte | blindspot (esp. when driving) | noun | | |
ángul recte | right angle | noun | | |
angulare | angular | adjective | | |
anguste | narrow | adjective | Spanish/Italian | |
añil | indigo (color) | adjective | | |
añilar | dye indigo blue | verb | | |
anima | soul, mind | noun | | |
animación | animation, cartoon | noun | | |
animade | animated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
animadu | animated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
animar | animate, enliven | verb | | |
animau | animal, beast | noun | | |
animauz | animals | noun | | |
animismo | animism | noun | | |
ánimo | encouragement, strength (mental and/or spiritual) | noun | | |
animose | spirited, bold | adjective | | |
animositá | animosity, boldness (not necessarily in a hostile sense) | noun | | |
aniquilación | annihilation | noun | Sp, Ca, Po | |
aniquilade | annihilated, wiped out | adjective | | |
aniquilar | annihilate | verb | Sp | |
anís | anise | noun | | |
aniversare | anniversary | adjective | | |
aniversario | anniversary | noun | | |
ano | anus | noun | | |
ánodo | anode: electrode in a polarized electrical device that allows current to enter the device from an external circuit | noun | Spanish: ánodo, French: anode | |
anómale | anomalous | adjective | | |
anomalíê | anomaly | noun | | |
anónime | anonymous, nameless | adjective | | |
anonimemén; de manera anónime | anonymously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | French: de manière anonyme; Catalan: de manera anònima | |
anoreccia | anorexia | noun | | |
anoreccic | anorexic | adjective | | |
anormal | abnormal, unnatural, anomalous | adjective | | |
anotchecer [-ezca-] | begin the night, get dark | verb | | |
ansia | yearning, eagerness, strong desire | noun | | |
ansietá | anxiety | noun | | |
ansiose | anxious | adjective | | |
antagónic | antagonistic, adversarial, antipathetic | adjective | | |
antagonista | antagonist | noun | | |
antagoniste | antagonistic | adjective | | |
antagonizar | antagonize | verb | | |
antárctic | antarctic: polar region around south pole | adjective | | |
Antártida | Antarctica: continent on Earth's south pole | noun | | |
antebraso | forearm | noun | | |
antecama | carpet laid before a bed | noun | | |
antecambro | antechamber | noun | | |
antecedente | antecedent:preceding in time or order; previous or preexisting | adjective | | |
antecedenti | antecedent: a thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another; In Grammar, a word, phrase, clause, or sentence to which another word refers; In Logic, the statement contained in the “if” clause of a conditional proposition. | noun | | |
anteceder | antecede, precede, come before | verb | | |
antecipación | anticipation | noun | | |
antecipade | anticipated, early | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
antecipadu | anticipated, early | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
antecipar | anticipate | verb | | |
antecipatore | anticipatory, anticipating | noun | | |
antemanu | beforehand, in advance | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
antepasado, antepasada | ancestor | noun | | |
anteriamén | previously, formerly, anteriorly, before, beforehand, back of | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
anterie [anteria-] | previous, prior | adjective | | |
anteriore | anterior | adjective | | |
antes de | before (in time) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
antes de jegar a | before arriving at | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
anteyeri | day before yesterday | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
anti-americanismo, antiamericanismo | anti-americanism, antiamericanism | noun | | |
anti-esenchaliste | anti-essentialist | adjective | | |
anti-histamínic | antihistamine | adjective | | |
anti-histamínico | antihistamine | noun | | |
anti-igiénic | unsanitary, antihygenic | adjective | | |
anti-înmigrante | anti-immigrant | adjective | | |
anti-neoliberal | anti-neoliberal | adjective | | |
anti-occidental | anti-Western | adjective | | |
anti-universaliste | anti-universalist | adjective | | |
antiaglomeranti | anti-caking agent | noun | Spanish: antiaglomerante | |
antibiotic | antibiotic | adjective | | |
antibiotico | antibiotic | noun | | |
anticomuniste | anticommunist | adjective | | |
anticuade | antiquated, old-fashioned | adjective | Spanish: anticuada | |
antídoto | antidote | noun | | |
antigualla | old piece of junk | noun | | |
antigue | antique, vintage | adjective | | |
antiguitá | Antiquity | noun | | |
Antijas | West Indies | noun | | |
antimicrobian | antimicrobial | adjective | | |
antipátic | unpleasant, unfriendly | adjective | | |
antipatíê | antipathy, unpleasantness | noun | | |
antiquíssime | age-old | adjective | | |
antitesi | antithesis | noun | | |
antitétic | antithetical | adjective | | |
antoxo | whim, craving, sudden and strong desire | noun | Spanish: antojo | |
antracita | anthracite | noun | | |
antropocéntric | anthropocentric | adjective | | |
antropóloga, antropólogo | anthropologist | noun | | |
antropológic | anthropological | adjective | | |
antropologíê | anthropology | noun | | |
antropologíê cultural | cultural anthropology | noun | | |
antropomórfic | anthropomorphic | adjective | | |
antropomorfismo | anthropomorphism | noun | | |
añu, annu | year | noun | | |
añual, annual | annual, yearly | adjective | | |
anulación | annulment, nullification, cancellation | noun | Spanish: anulación | |
anular | cancel, anul | verb | | |
anunaqui | annunaki: group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures | noun | | |
anunciar | announce publicly or commercially, advertise | verb | | |
anuncio | advertisement, ad, commercial for product | noun | | |
apachonar | impassion, love | verb | Portuguese:apaixonar | |
apagafogo | fireman, firefighter | noun | | |
apagar | turn off, switch off, put out (make stop burning), quench | verb | Sp | |
apagón | blackout, a sudden cutoff of electric power | noun | | |
apahuilade | intimidated, shy | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
apahuiladu | intimidated, shy | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
apahuilar-se | be intimidated, be frightened | verb | | |
apañar | seize, make away with, capture, apprehend | verb | | |
apantayar | make as if one has money or position, pretend | verb | | |
apapachar | hug with the soul, care with the soul, shower someone with love from the heart with your favorite things | verb | Mexican Spanish from Nahuatl | |
aparato de respiración | breathing apparatus | noun | | |
aparato, aparello | apparatus, device; contrivance (tool to solve a task) | noun | Portuguese: aparelho | |
aparcamento | parking lot | noun | | |
aparcar | park | verb | Spanish: parcar | |
aparecer [-ezca-] | appear: become visible, turn up | verb | | |
aparecido | ghost, apparition | noun | | |
aparecimento | appearance: emergence, appearing of, arising of | noun | | |
aparença | appearance; look | noun | | |
aparente | ostensible, apparent | adjective | | |
aparexo | packsaddle | noun | Spanish: aparejo | |
aparición | appearance (of person at event) | noun | | |
apartamento | apartment (building) | noun | | |
apartamento monolocal | studio apartment | noun | Italian: appartamento monolocale; French: appartement d'une pièce | |
aparte | apart | adjective | Sp | |
apatli | earthenware pot with handles for holding water | noun | | |
apel | apple, usually red variety | noun | | |
apelación | appeal: act of appealing | noun | | |
apelar | appeal | verb | | |
apeler | call for, summon, yell someone's name | verb | | |
apellido | surname, last name, family name | noun | | |
apéndici | appendix | noun | Catalan: apèndix; French/Italian: appendice; Portuguese: apêndice; Spanish: apéndice | |
apendiciti | appendicitis | noun | | |
aperativ | appetizer, starter | noun | Czech, Spanish | |
apercepción | apperception: the mental process by which a person makes sense of an idea by assimilating it to the body of ideas he or she already possesses. | noun | | |
apercibir [apercep-] | apperceive: comprehend or assimilate something such as a new idea in terms of previous experiences or perceptions | verb | | |
apertar | press/push (a button); tighten | verb | | |
aperto | fix, tight spot | noun | | |
apetito | appetite | noun | | |
apetitose | appetizing | adjective | | |
apiyar | unload, gorge oneself | verb | | |
aplacábel | appeasable, soothable | adjective | | |
aplacamento | appeasableness | noun | | |
aplacar | placate, calm/soothe (fears, anger), appease, quench (thirst), satisfy (hunger), assuage | verb | | |
aplanadora | flattener, device that flattens | noun | | uses rollers or pressure on sheets of material |
aplanar | flatten (road, grass); squash, compress | verb | | |
aplastade | crushed, flattened | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
aplastadu | crushed, flattened | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aplastar | crush, flatten, overwhelm (figurative) | verb | | |
aplicábel | applicable | adjective | | |
aplicabilitá | applicability | noun | | |
aplicación | application (not a job application) | noun | | |
aplicade | applied | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
aplicadu | applied | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aplicar | apply, put on, put to use | verb | | |
aplomo | aplomb: self-confidence when in a demanding situation | noun | | |
apocalíptic | apocalyptic | adjective | | |
apocalíptic | apocalyptic, apocalyptical | adjective | | |
apócrife | apocryphal | adjective | | |
apodade | nicknamed, known as | adjective | | |
apodar | nickname, dub, call (by a name) | verb | | |
apoderado, apoderada | representative, attorney who stands in on behalf of client, manager/agent (of musical group, comedian, sports star) | noun | | |
apogeo | apogee | noun | | |
apolitismo | apoliticism | noun | | |
apologétic | apologetical | adjective | | |
apologética | apologetics | noun | | |
apopleccia [apoplét-] | apoplexy | noun | | |
apoplétic | apoplectic | adjective | | |
aposición | apposition | noun | | |
apôstol | apostle | noun | | |
apôstolazgo, apôstolado | apostleship | noun | | |
apôstolic | apostolic | adjective | | |
apoteca | storehouse of medicines, tinctures, or chemicals | noun | Venetian, Greek | |
apotrófic | apotrophic | adjective | | |
apoyar | provide moral or physical support | verb | | |
apoyo | support (moral or otherwise) | noun | | |
apoyo de braso | armrest | noun | Italian: bracciolo; Portuguese: apoio de braço; Catalan: reposabraços; Spanish: apoyabrazos, reposabrazos | |
apreciación | appreciation | noun | | |
apreciade | appreciated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
apreciadu | appreciated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
apreciamento | appreciation | noun | Italian: apprezzamento | |
apreciar | appreciate, take pleasure in, value | verb | French: apprécier, Italian: apprezzar, Spanish: apreciar | |
aprecoc | apricot | noun | | |
apremiante | urgent, pressing, critical | adjective | | |
apremiar | urge on, press, hurry along | verb | | |
aprender | apprehend: grasp in the mind, learn | verb | | |
aprendis | apprentice | noun | | |
aprendisadj | apprenticeship | noun | | |
aprendisadj automátic | machine learning | noun | | |
aprensión | apprehension: understanding (not anxiety or seizure) | noun | | |
apresurar-se | hurry (up), hasten oneself | verb | | |
apretar | tighten, squeeze | verb | Judeo-Spanish | |
aprobación | approval | noun | | |
aprobar | approve of | verb | | |
apropiación | appropriation | noun | | |
apropiade | appropriate, took as one's own | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
apropiadu | appropriate, took as one's own | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
apropiar | take possession of, take as one's own; arrogate | verb | | |
aprosimación | approximation | noun | | |
aprosimadamén | approximately | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
aprosimade [aprosimada-] | approximate | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
aprosimadu | approximate | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
aprosimar | approximate: make close to, round | verb | | |
aprovetchar | take advantage of | verb | Spanish | |
apte | apt | adjective | | |
aptitud [-tudin-] | aptitude, fitness | noun | | |
apuntar | point at, point to, aim at (with gun) | verb | | |
aquiline | aquiline: curved like an eagle beak | adjective | | |
árabe | Arab, Arabic | adjective | | |
arabech, arábigo | Arabic (language) | noun | | |
árabi | Arab (person) | noun | | |
arábic | Arabic | adjective | | |
arabización | Arabization | noun | | |
arabo-islámic | Arabo-Islamic | adjective | | |
aracnidjo | arachnid, spider | noun | Portuguese: aracnídeo, Spanish: arácnido, French: arachnide | |
Aragón | Aragon | noun | | |
araña | spider | noun | | |
araña de lucez | chandelier | noun | | |
arancel | duty (customs), fee/tariff | noun | Spanish | |
arandela | washer (flat disk, placed beneath a nut) | noun | | |
aranje | orange(color) | adjective | | |
arastri | influence | adjective | | |
arbitradj | arbitrage, arbitration | noun | | |
arbitrare [arbitrara-, arbitra-] | arbitrary | adjective | | |
arbitraremén | arbitrarily | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
arbitrarietá | arbitrariness | noun | | |
árbitro | arbiter, arbitrator | noun | | |
árbor | tree | noun | | |
árbor de banana | banana tree | noun | | |
árbor de carao | pink shower tree | noun | | |
árbor de mança | apple tree | noun | | |
árbor de Navitau | Christmas tree | noun | | |
árbor genealógic | family tree | noun | | |
arbore | arboreal | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: arbóreo | |
árboreido | grove: group of trees | noun | | |
arbóricole | arboricultural | adjective | French: arboricole | |
arborista | arborist | noun | | |
arborito | little tree | noun | | |
arbusto | bush, shrub | noun | | |
arcaic | archaic | adjective | | |
Arcansaw | Arkansas | noun | | |
archibispal | archiepiscopal | adjective | | |
archibispo | archbishop | noun | | |
archinemigo | archenemy | noun | | |
archipélago | archipelago | noun | | |
archipristazgo | archpriesthood, archpriestship | noun | Spanish: arciprestazgo | |
archipristi | archpriest, chief priest, archpresbyter | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: arcipreste, Italian: arciprete, French: archiprêtre | |
arco | bow, curve, arc | noun | | |
arco de carira | career arc | noun | | |
arco de pesonadj | character arc | noun | | |
árctic | Arctic | adjective | | |
Arctico | Arctic region | noun | | |
ardente | ardent: enthusiastic or passionate | adjective | | |
arder | glow, burn (figuratively) | verb | | |
ardide | hardy | adjective | | |
ardilla | chipmunk | noun | Spanish: ardilla (listada) | |
árdue | arduous, hard, difficult, toilsome | adjective | | |
área | area | noun | | |
área de combati | combat zone | noun | | |
área de responsabilitá | AOR: Area of Responsibility | noun | | |
aredor de | approximately: about, around | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
arena | sand | noun | | |
argente | silver: color | adjective | | |
Argentina | Argentina | noun | | |
argentinan, argentine | Argentinian | adjective | | |
argentino | Argentinian | noun | | |
argento | silver: metal | noun | | |
argila | clay | noun | | |
argila abissal | abyssal clay | noun | | |
arginina | arginine | noun | | |
argolla | political ring, clique; closed circle | noun | | |
argou | argot: language of a certain occupation, occupational jargon | noun | | |
argoyero | ringleader | noun | | |
argumentative | argumentative | adjective | | |
argumento | argument: an exchange of different viewpoints usually in an angry way. | noun | | |
aride | arid: lacking moisture, especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees or woody plants | adjective | | |
aridesa | aridness | noun | | |
arina | arena, ring where sports are conducted | noun | Portuguese/Spanish/Italian: arena; Romanian: arena; Galician: area; French: arène | |
arina polític | policy arena | noun | | |
aristocraciê [aristocrat-] | aristocracy | noun | | |
aristócrata | aristocrat (person who is ruler) | noun | | |
aristocrátic | aristocratic | noun | | |
aristofanesc | Aristophanean (characteristic of Aristophanes’ plays and poetry) | adjective | | |
aristotélic | Aristotelian | adjective | | |
aritmétic | arithmetic | adjective | | |
arja | money (cash or silver) | noun | | |
Árlanda | Ireland | noun | | |
arma | weapon | noun | | |
arma de fogo | firearm | noun | | |
armacén | warehouse (of stored goods) | noun | | |
armacenábel | storeable | adjective | | |
armacenadj | storage, storing | noun | | |
armacenamento de datoz | data storage | noun | | |
armacenamento primare | primary storage | noun | | |
armacenamento têmporare en disco | disk spooling | noun | | |
armacenar | store, warehouse, stock up (with), put into storage | verb | | |
armación | frame, framework | noun | | |
armada | navy | noun | | |
armade | armed, carrying weapons or involving weapons | adjective | | |
armadilo | armadillo | noun | | |
armadu | armed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
armadura | armour, armor; suit of armor; framework | noun | | |
armadura de clef | key signature | noun | | |
armamento | weaponry | noun | | |
armamentoz | armaments | noun | | |
armar | arm; set (a trap) | verb | | |
armario | cabinet (storage area), cupboard | noun | | |
armatutchi | thingamajig, large thing or object | noun | | |
arogátic | arogatic - underlying structure | adjective | | |
arom | copper | noun | Romansch | |
aromáticoz | aromatics | noun | | |
arpa | harp | noun | | |
arpegiar | arpeggiate: pick chord notes | verb | | |
arpegio | arpeggio | noun | | |
arqueológic | archeological | adjective | | |
arqueologíê | archaeology, archeology | noun | | |
arqueólogo | archaeologist, archeologist | noun | | |
arquetípic | archetypal, archetypical | adjective | | |
arquétipo | archetype | noun | | |
arquitetónic | architectonic, architectural | adjective | | |
arquitetu | architect | noun | | |
arquitetura | architecture | noun | | |
arquitetural | architectural | adjective | | |
arquival | archival | adjective | | |
arquivo | archive, record/file | noun | | |
arraigade | entrenched (attitudes, beliefs, customs), firmly established, deep-rooted | adjective | | |
arraigar | take root, make ingrained | verb | | |
arraigar-se | settle (of a person in a location), establish oneself, take root | verb | | |
arrancar | root out, pluck, gouge (eyes) | verb | | |
arrancar | boot (a computer), go through a process to run a machine | verb | Spanish: arrancar | |
arrancar-se | uproot, sever, force from, rip away | verb | | |
arranjoz | arrangements | noun | | |
arrasar | raise to the ground | verb | | |
arrastramento de l'alcanci | scope creep, scope drag | noun | | |
arrastrar | drag, drag down (sometimes: attract or draw in), pull | verb | | |
arreandu gáado | herding cattle | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
arrear | herd, bring together (animals, children, etc.) | verb | | |
arrebol | reddish or orangish glow, usually of clouds | noun | Spanish | |
arrechar | arouse, enliven | verb | | |
arreche | vigorous, energetic, lively | adjective | | |
arreglo floral | floral arrangement | noun | | |
arrepentimento | contrition, regret | noun | | |
arrepentir-se | repent, be repentant | verb | | |
arrestar | arrest | verb | Judeo-Spanish | |
arretchar-se | lose one's temper, become angry | verb | | |
arretche | angry, infuriated | adjective | | |
arriba | higher: up, above; upstairs; ahead (score), above (in a text, on an object, age) | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
arriba de | over (direction, size, amount), above (not touching), more than | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
arriba de tudo | above all | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
arribar | arrive | verb | Catalan/Spanish/Sardinian: arribar; Italian: arrivare; French: arriver | |
arribe | stoned, high on drugs | adjective | | |
arricriar-se | feel refreshed after enjoying oneself; literally: recreate yourself | verb | Neapolitan | |
arris | rice as food | noun | | |
arrodillar-se | kneel (down) | verb | | |
arrotzi | vagabond | noun | | |
arrujelo | stream, creek | noun | Spanish: arroyuelo from Pre-Roman: arrugia | |
arrumar | fix, set up, repair | verb | | |
arsenico | arsenic | noun | | |
artefacto | artifact | noun | | |
arterial | arterial | adjective | | |
arteríê | artery | noun | | |
artesanal | craft | adjective | | |
artesanalería | woodshop, painting studio, place where art or crafts are made by artisans | noun | | |
artesanalmén | handcrafted | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
artesanía | something made by artisans, arts and crafts | noun | | |
artesano | craftsman, artisan | noun | | |
arti | art | noun | | |
arti de portada | cover art | noun | Spanish | |
artichota, alcachofra | artichoke | noun | French: artichaut; Spanish/Portuguese: alcachofra | |
artícul | article (thing that connects) | noun | | |
artícul de rembrança | souvenir | noun | | |
articular | articulate, pronounce | verb | | |
articulare | articular | adjective | | |
articulatorie | articulatory | adjective | | |
artifici | workmanship, artifice, the making of anything by craft or skill | noun | | |
artificial | artificial | adjective | | |
artigo | article (of newpaper, magazine etc) | noun | | |
artimaña | snare, trap, cunning deception | noun | | |
artista | artist | noun | | |
artistic | artistic | adjective | | |
artriti | arthritis | noun | | |
artritic | arthritic | adjective | | |
aruinar | pull down, bring to ruin | verb | | |
arveha | pea | noun | | |
asade | angry, fuming | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
asadu | angry, fuming | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
asafata | hostess, stewardess | noun | Spanish: azafata | |
asambleya | assembly: meeting, law-making body, "the floor" | noun | | |
asassino | assassin | noun | | |
asautar | assault, raid, storm (in) | verb | | |
asauto | assault, raid | noun | | |
ascender | ascend, rise, climb up | verb | | |
ascender a | be promoted to (employee, military…), rise to | verb | | |
ascendide | ascended, promoted | adjective | | |
ascendidu | ascended, promoted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ascenso | advancement in rank, ascent, rise | noun | | |
ascensor, elevador | elevator, lift (mechanical) | noun | | |
ascétic | ascetic | adjective | | |
ascetismo | asceticism | noun | | |
asco | disgrace, sickeningness, foulness, disgust | noun | | |
aseguramento | assuredness, assurance: result of something done | noun | | |
aseguramento dele calitá | QA, quality assurance | noun | | |
asegurança | insurance | noun | | |
asegurar | assure, affirm, ensure, insure | verb | | |
asentamento | settlement (archeological, of people) | noun | | |
asentar | lay down the foundation of, establish, make firm (ground) | verb | Spanish/Portuguese | |
asfaltar | asphalt | verb | | |
asfalto | asphalt | noun | | |
asficsia | asphyxiation, asphyxia | noun | | |
asficsiar | asphyxiate | verb | | |
así | so, therefore, thereby; for that reason/cause | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
así com | even as, the same way as; while/whereas | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
así que | therefore/so | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
Asia | Asia | noun | | |
asiátic | Asian, asiatique | adjective | | |
asiáticoz | Asians | noun | | |
asiet | plate, dish, bowl (anything that holds food) | noun | | |
asignación | allocation, assignment, payment, allowance | noun | | |
asignar | allocate, assign, allot | verb | Spanish: asignar | |
asilar | harbor, shelter | verb | | |
asilo | asylum | noun | | |
asimétric | asymmetrical | adjective | | |
asimetríê | asymmetry | noun | | |
asimismo | as well, moreover, also | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
asinanti | subscriber | noun | | |
asinar | subscribe (magazine, newspaper); sign (with one's signature a document, such as a check) | verb | | |
asinatura | subscription (magazine, newspaper); signature | noun | | |
Asiriologíê | Assyriology | noun | | |
asiriólogo | assyriologist | noun | | |
asistença social | welfare (public assistance) | noun | | |
asistente | attending, present (at meeting, gathering) | adjective | | |
asistenti | assistant, servant, caregiver, attendant | noun | | |
asister | assist, help someone, care for, treat with medicine | verb | | |
asnine | asinine | adjective | | |
asno | donkey, ass | noun | | |
asociación | association | noun | | |
Asociación de Naciónz de Asia Sudoriental | ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations | noun | Portuguese: Associação de Nações do Sudeste Asiático; Spanish: Asociación de Naciones de Asia Sudoriental; French: Association des nations de l'Asie du Su | |
asociade | associated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
asociado | associate: colleague in business | noun | | |
asociadu | associated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
asociar | associate | verb | | |
asolapade | underhand, secretive, masked in some way | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
asolapadu | underhand, secretive, masked in some way | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
asombrade | amazed, astonished | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
asombradu | amazed, astonished | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
asombrar | amaze, astonish | verb | | |
asombro | astonishment, amazement | noun | | |
asombrose | astonishing, amazing | adjective | | |
asomer | knock out, stun | verb | French: assommer | |
asparago | asparragus | noun | | |
aspectu | aspect, personal appearance; look | noun | | |
aspectual | aspectual | adjective | | |
áspere | jagged (peaks), rough (terrain, physical feature), rugged | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: áspero | |
aspiración | aspiration | noun | | |
aspiradora | vacuum | noun | Spanish | |
aspiradora | vacuum cleaner | noun | Spanish: aspiradora; French: aspirateur; Portuguese: aspirador de pó | |
aspirante a | would-be | adjective | | |
aspirar | aspire | verb | | |
aspirin | aspirin | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
assiduamén | assiduously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
assídue [assidua-] | assiduous | adjective | | |
assimilación | assimilation | noun | | |
assimilar | assimilate, take in, absorb | verb | | |
assimilar-se | be similar to, be like, resemble | verb | Spanish: asimilarse | |
astê | until, over to (something), towards (something), as far as, up to, and down to | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Portuguese: até, Spanish: hasta | |
astenosfera | asthenosphere | noun | | |
astenosféric | asthenospheric | adjective | | |
asteroidê | asteroid | noun | | |
astral | astral | adjective | | |
astro | star, star-like planet, heavenly body | noun | | |
astrofísica | astrophysics | noun | | |
astrofisicien | astrophysicist | noun | | |
astrologíê | astrology | noun | | |
astronauta | astronaut | noun | | |
astronavio | spaceship, starship | noun | | |
astronómic | astronomic, astronomical | adjective | | |
astronomíê | astronomy | noun | | |
astute | astute, artful, shrewd | adjective | | |
astute | astute | adjective | | |
asufri [sulfur-] | sulphur | noun | | |
asumción | assumption, supposition | noun | Sp: asunción | |
asumir | assume (duties), take over (a position), take (responsibility) | verb | Sp | |
asumto | subject matter | noun | Spanish: asunto; Catalan: asumpte; Latin: assumptus | |
asustadice | skittish, jumpy | adjective | Spanish: asustadizo; Portuguese: assustadiço | when person or animal is scared or nervous |
atachemento | attachment | noun | | |
atacher | attach | verb | | |
atachey | attaché | noun | | |
atachey legal | legal attaché | noun | | |
atachide | attached | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
atachidu | attached | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
atado | block-shaped cakes made of powdered sugar | noun | | |
atañer | concern, have to do with, relates to/with | verb | Sp | |
ataqui | attack | noun | | |
ataqui preventive | pre-emptive strike | noun | | |
atargecer [-ezca-] | begin the afternoon | verb | | |
atasco de tráfico | traffic jam | noun | | |
atavic | atavistic | adjective | | |
atavismo | atavism | noun | | |
ataxo de | bunch of, collection of (usually of people of moral depravity: crooks, thieves...) | noun | | |
atcha | axe | noun | | |
atcha de pedra pulide | polished stone hand axe | noun | | |
atchatchai | brrrr! (used when it is cold) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
atcheo | steel | noun | | |
atcheo inocsidábel | stainless steel | noun | | |
atchioti | annatto seed or powder | noun | | |
ateísta, ateo | atheist | noun | | |
ateístic, ateíste | atheistic | adjective | | |
atênción | attention | noun | | |
atención primare | primary care | noun | Spanish: atención primaria | |
atêndendu | meanwhile, in the meantime | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
atênder [atên-] | anticipate/expect, wait for, attend to | verb | French:attendre | |
atener-se | abide by, adhere to or keep to a routine or doctrine | verb | | |
atentar | attempt (on someone's life) | verb | | |
atênte | attentive, courteous (service), thoughtful and polite | adjective | | |
atêntemén | attentively | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
atenuación | attenuation, easing/lessening, mitigation (of pain) | noun | | |
atenuanti | mitigation: something to ease a judgement | noun | | |
atenuar | alleviate, ease, attenuate, tone down | verb | | |
aterrizadj | landing (from air to land of aircraft) | noun | Spanish: aterrizaje, Portuguese: aterrissagem, French: atterrissage, Italian: atterraggio | |
aterrizar | land an aircraft, touch down, turn up (colloquial) | verb | Spanish | |
atestación | attestation, testimony | noun | | |
atestación múltiple | multiple attestation | noun | | |
ático | attic | noun | | |
atípic | atypical | adjective | | |
Atlántic | Atlantic | adjective | | |
atleta | athlete | noun | | |
atletic | athletic | adjective | | |
atletica | athletics | noun | | |
atmósfera | atmosphere | noun | | |
atmósfera terrestre | atmosphere of Earth, terran atmosphere | noun | | |
atmosféric | atmospheric | adjective | | |
atoca | cranberry | noun | | |
atol | porridge made from boiled corn with milk and sugar. | noun | | |
atôm | atom | noun | | |
atômic | atomic | adjective | | |
atonal | atonal | adjective | | |
atorar | flunk | verb | | |
atracción | attraction | noun | | |
atraco | heist | noun | | |
atractive | attractive | adjective | | |
atraher [atrac-] | attract: pull or draw out to | verb | | |
atrás | behind | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
atrás de | behind | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
atrasade | underdeveloped, backward, late, overdue | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
atrasadu | underdeveloped, backward, late: after the scheduled time, overdue | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
atraso | delay | noun | | |
atravérs de | through, along, across; undetermined general time (during) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
atraversar | cross (over a bridge, road, border...); go through; traverse | verb | | |
atribución | attribution | noun | | |
atribuíbel a | attributable to | adjective | Spanish: atribuible a; Portuguese: atribuível a | |
atribuir | attribute, assign | verb | | |
atribulación | affliction, tribulation | noun | | |
atribular | grieve, afflict | verb | Spanish/Portuguese | |
atribuyú | attributed, assigned | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
atriel | lectern: slanted reading desk sometimes used while standing | noun | Spanish, Portuguese | |
atrobu | once more, afresh, anew | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
atroce | egregious, extremely wicked or cruel, atrocious | adjective | | |
atrocitá | atrocity | noun | | |
atrofiê | atrophy | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: atrofia; Catalan: atròfia; French: atrophie | |
atropejo | hit or run over (accident by vehicle); crime and abuse (of power) | noun | Sp: atropello | |
atropellar | run over, walk all over | verb | spanish:atropellar | |
atu | chewing stick | noun | | |
atún | tuna | noun | Spanish: atún from Arabic al-tun | |
aubada | serenade performed at dawn (usually by troubadours) | noun | Occitan: aubada; French: aubade | |
auberca | water pond | noun | | |
audace | audacious | adjective | | |
audacia, audacitá | audacity | noun | | |
audíbel | audible | adjective | | |
audiença | audience | noun | Spanish: audiencia; Portuguese: audiência; French: audience; Romanian: audienţă | |
audiolivro | audiobook | noun | | |
audiométric | audiometric | adjective | | |
audiovizual | audiovisual | adjective | | |
auditor | auditor | noun | | |
auditorio | auditorium | noun | | |
aufaci | head of lettuce | noun | | |
aufayati | tailor | noun | | |
augmentar | increase, go up, augment | verb | | |
augmento | increase, augmentation, magnification | noun | | |
augsiliare | auxiliary | adjective | | |
aula | classroom, class | noun | | group of students |
aula magistral; aula magne; aula de mayestro | masterclass, master class | noun | Portuguese: aula magne; Spanish: clase magistral | |
aún | even, including | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
aún así | even so, including those circumstances | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
aunque | though, although (while) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
aureol | halo (around angels) | noun | | |
aurícul | auricle: outer ear | noun | | 3000-4000hz |
aurora | aurora | noun | | |
austere | austere | adjective | | |
austeritá | austerity | noun | | |
Austín | Austin, Texas | noun | | |
Australia | Australia | noun | | |
australian | Australian | adjective | | |
Austria | Austria | noun | | |
austrian | Austrian | adjective | | |
austriano | Austrian (person) | noun | | |
auténtic | authentic | adjective | | |
autenticitá | authentiticity | noun | | |
auto-actualización | self-actualization | noun | | |
auto-analizar | self-analyze | verb | | |
auto-calmante fisiológic | physiological self-soothing | noun | | |
auto-conchiente | self-conscious | adjective | | |
auto-defensa | self-defense, self-defence (training) | noun | | |
auto-estima | self-esteem | noun | | |
auto-proclamade | self-proclaimed | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: autoproclamado | |
auto-publiar | self publish | verb | | |
auto-referenchal | self-referential | adjective | Spanish: autorreferencial | |
auto-regulábel | self-adjusting | adjective | | |
auto-regular | self-regulate, autoregulate | verb | Sp | |
autobiografíê | autobiography | noun | | |
autochtonz | indigenous laws | noun | | |
autocolp | self-coup | noun | | |
autocontrol | self-control | noun | Catalan: autocontrol; Portuguese: autocontrole; Italian: autocontrollo | |
autocraciê [autocrat-] | autocracy | noun | | |
autócrata | autocrat: a ruler with absolute power | noun | | |
autocrátic | autocratic | adjective | | |
autóctone | autochthonous | adjective | | |
autodidacta | autodidact: independent self-learner, person who is well-read on a particular subject that interests him or her. | noun | | |
autodisciplina | self-control | noun | | |
autodominio | self-restraint, self-control and forebearance, command of one's self | noun | Spanish: autodominio | |
autofagia | autophagy | noun | | |
autogestión | self-management | noun | | |
autógrafo | autograph | noun | | |
autoinmolación | self-immolation | noun | Spanish: autoinmolación | |
autolimitante | self-limiting | adjective | | |
automátic | automatic | adjective | | |
automatización | automation | noun | | |
automatizar | automate | verb | | |
autómato | automaton | noun | Portuguese: autômato; Spanish/Galician: autómata | |
automotrice | automotive (sector), self-propelled | adjective | Spanish: automotriz | |
automóviel | automobile | noun | | |
autónome | autonomous, self-governing | adjective | | |
autonómic | autonomic | adjective | | |
autonomíê | autonomy | noun | | |
autonomiste | autonomist | adjective | | |
autor | author | noun | | |
autoral | authorial | adjective | | |
autoritá | authority | noun | | |
autoritare | authoritarian | adjective | | |
autoritario | authoritarian | noun | | |
autoritarismo | authoritarianism | noun | | |
autoritative | authoritative | adjective | | |
autorización | authorisation, authorization | noun | | |
autorizar | authorize, give permission | verb | | |
avacati | avocado | noun | Po:abacate, Sp:aguacate, Fr:avocate | |
avalancha | avalanche | noun | | |
avaluación | evaluation, assessment | noun | | |
avaluación dele redi ôperative | operational net assessment | noun | | |
avaluar | evaluate, assess | verb | | |
avaluative | evaluative | adjective | | |
avalúo | appraisal | noun | | |
avancide | advanced (in position) | adjective | | |
avancidu | advanced (in position) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
avancimento | advancement | noun | | |
avancir | move forward, progress, advance | verb | | |
avanço | breakthrough, advance (in progress) | noun | Portuguese: avanço | |
avare | stingy, avaricious, miserly | adjective | | |
avariça; avaresa | avarice, greed | noun | Catalan: avarícia; Spanish: avaricia; Portuguese: avareza; French: avarice | |
avenida | avenue | noun | | |
avenidaz de ataqui | avenues of attack | noun | | |
avenimento, avento | advent, arrival | noun | | |
aventon | hitch (ride), lift | noun | | |
aventura | adventure | noun | | |
aventurade | adventurous, risky | adjective | | |
aventuradu | ventured, risked, risk | past participle | | |
aventurero | adventurer | noun | | |
aventurose | adventurous | adjective | | |
averiguábel | investigable | adjective | | |
averiguar | investigate, find out, determine, ascertain, verify | verb | | |
aversión | aversion (feeling) | noun | | |
avestruç [+: avestrucez] | ostrich [+: ostriches] | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: avestruz, Catalan: estruç | |
avia | animal that flies esp. bird | noun | | |
aviación | aviation | noun | | |
aviador | aviator | noun | | |
aviariu | aviary, giant bird cage that allows birds to fly freely | noun | | |
aviator, aviatriç | pilot | noun | | aviatriç (female pilot), aviator (male pilot) |
ávide | avid, eager | adjective | | |
avidesa | avidity | noun | | |
avión | plane, aircraft | noun | | |
avíoz | gear, tackle, equipment, things | noun | | |
aviso | notice, notification, prompt (computing) | noun | | |
Aviso: Sens Salida | Notice: No Exit | noun | | |
avllana | hazelnut | noun | Judeo-Spanish, Spanish: avellana | |
axá | yup, I hear you, keep going | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: ajá | |
axaraca | ornamental loop in Andalusian architecture | noun | | |
ayacatchli | indigineous maraca, rattle | noun | | |
ayeri | yesterday | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
Ayití | Haiti (a country) | noun | | |
ayoteira | squash plant | noun | | |
ayoti | winter squash | noun | | |
ayotón | bumpkin | noun | | |
azacua | broad-winged hawk (corresponds to rainy season) | noun | | |
azadon | hoe | noun | | |
azeiti | oil (cooking); olive oil; salad dressing | noun | | |
azeituna | olive | noun | | |
azoiti | scourge (cause of suffering) | noun | | |
azor | hawk | noun | | |
azorade | flustered, embarassed, alarmed, startled | adjective | Spanish: azorado | |
azoramento | alarm, state of being startled or flustered | noun | Spanish: azoramiento; Catalan: azorament | |
azorar | startle, embarrass | verb | | |
azorar | frighten, scare | verb | | |
azorar-se | become startled; get flustered/rattled | verb | Spanish: azorarse | |
azoro | spirit, ghost | noun | | |
azotea | rooftop | noun | | |
azteque | aztec | adjective | | |
azule | sky blue (between cyan and blue) | adjective | | |
azulón | blue denim | noun | | |
baba | idiot | noun | | |
baba-ganuj | baba ghanoush (Levantine dish) | noun | | |
babalao | santeria priest | noun | | |
babilónic | Babylonian | adjective | | |
babosa | slug (animal) | noun | Cape Verdean Portuguese | |
babosada | nonsense, foolishness | noun | | |
babuino | baboon | noun | | |
babuña | light rain, like a drooling baby | noun | Galician | |
bacallau | cod | noun | Spanish: bacalao, Portuguese: bacalhau | |
bacan | awesome, cool | adjective | | |
bachec | talented trader of goods even in a slow economy | noun | | |
bachilerato | high school diploma | noun | | |
bacino | basin (fluvial) | noun | | |
backup operation | ôperación de apoyo | noun | | |
bacteria | bacteria | noun | | |
bacterian | bacterial | adjective | | |
bacteriológic | bacteriological | adjective | | |
bacteriólogo | bacteriologist | noun | | |
badj | badge (usually on display for identification) | noun | | |
bagadj | baggage (military or figurative) | noun | | |
bagay | stuff, thing, thingy | noun | Haitian Creole: bagay, Filipinio: bagay | |
bagunsa | mess, disorderly place or situation | noun | | |
baharequi | wattle and daub: traditional wall construction technique that uses interwoven branches along with mud and clay | noun | | |
baía | bay | noun | | |
baije | low, low-lying, bass | adjective | | |
baijista | bass player, bassist | noun | | |
baijo | bass (music) | noun | | |
baiju | under, in the control of | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
baiju juramento | under oath | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
baiju le tutela de | under the aegis of | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: bajo la tutela de | |
bailador | dancer | noun | | |
bailar | dance | verb | | |
bailarín | ballet dancer | noun | | |
baitê, octeto | byte (B): 8 bits, octet | noun | | |
balacera | shootout, gunbattle | noun | | |
balada | ballad: form of verse, often a narrative set to music. | noun | Spanish | |
balança | balance: scale (instrument for weighing) | noun | | |
balança final | bottom-line | noun | | |
balancín | rocker, seesaw | noun | | |
balaz de plumo | lead bullets | noun | | |
balbucir | stammer, stutter | verb | Spanish | |
balcanización | Balkanization | noun | | |
balcanizar | Balkanize | verb | | |
balcón [+:balcónz] | balcony | noun | | |
baldaquín | canopy (in architecture), baldachin | noun | | |
baldi | bucket, pale (big container) | noun | | |
balear | shoot at, shoot down | verb | | |
baleina | whale | noun | | |
baleina boreal | northern right whale | noun | | |
baleina franque austral | southern right whale | noun | | |
balístic | ballistic | adjective | | |
ballesta | crossbow | noun | Spanish: ballesta | |
balota | ballot | noun | Venetian, English | |
balsa de salvetadj | liferaft | noun | | |
balurde | awkward, low-class | adjective | | |
balurdo | awkward or ridiculous person | noun | | |
bamba | a fake or imitation | noun | | |
bambu | bamboo | noun | | |
banal | banal | adjective | | |
banana | banana | noun | | |
bancarut | bill of exchange | noun | | |
banch | bench | noun | | |
banch de l'înformación | information desk | noun | | |
banco | bank (business, economics) | noun | | |
banda | band, strip, ribbon | noun | | |
banda anche | broadband | noun | | |
banda de irmanoz | band of brothers | noun | | |
banda de rôqui; banda de rôck | rock band | noun | | |
banda magnétic | magnetic strip | noun | | |
bandeira | banner, colors of regiment or gang | noun | | |
bandeja | tray, platter | noun | Portuguese: bandeja | |
bandido | bandit | noun | | |
bandola | bullfigher's whip | noun | | |
bañeira | bathtub | noun | | |
banjo | banjo: type of stringed instrument | noun | | |
baño | bath | noun | | |
bano | edict, mandate, proclamation | noun | | |
banquero | banker | noun | | |
baquechich | tip for services rendered (usually used for | noun | Turkish | |
baracazo | coup within the military | noun | | |
barahar | cut or shuffle a deck of cards | verb | Lunfardo | |
barajustar | leave in a hurry; bolt | verb | | |
barate | inexpensive, cheap | adjective | | |
barba | beard | noun | | |
barbaritá | barbarity | noun | | |
bárbaroz transatlántic | transatlantic barbarians | noun | | |
barbero | barber | noun | | |
barbîcu | barbecue, a taino roasting process | noun | Arawakan: barabicu and Spanish: barbacoa | |
barbui | catfish | noun | Louisiana French: barbue | |
barbuleta | butterfly | noun | Papiamentu, Portuguese | |
Barcelona | Barcelona: city in Spain | noun | | |
barcelonese | from Barcelona, Spain | adjective | | |
barco | boat, ship, vessel | noun | | |
bardj | barge: flat-bottomed boat, built mainly for river and canal transport of heavy goods. Some barges are not self-propelled and need to be towed or pushed by towboats. Canal barges, towed by draft animals on an adjacent towpath, contended with the railway in the early Industrial Revolution, but were outcompeted in the carriage of high-value items due to the higher speed, falling costs and route flexibility of railways. | noun | | |
bardjer | barge, run into | verb | | |
bardo | mud | noun | | |
barel de tchancho, barel de purco | pork barrel | noun | | |
bari | bar | noun | | |
barica | stomach, bowels | noun | Papiamentu | |
bariel | barrel | noun | | |
barista | bartender of cold or hot drinks, barista | noun | | |
baroco tardíe | late Baroque (period) | noun | | |
barométric | barometric | adjective | | |
barómetro | barometer | noun | | |
baronesa | rugged bus for passengers or freight | noun | | |
barraca | beach umbrella | noun | Portuguese | |
barrer | sweep, sweep clean | verb | | |
barrida | sweep, raid, landslide (election) | noun | | |
barriera | barrier | noun | | |
barrio | neighborhood, quarter, district | noun | | |
barrotero | grocer | noun | Spanish: abarrotero | |
basar | build on, base (on) | verb | | |
Baselja dele Sante Sepulcro | Church of the Holy Sepulcher | noun | | |
baselja; basílica | church building, basilica | noun | | |
basella | serving dishes and silverware | noun | | |
basi | base, basis, foundation | noun | | |
basi de datoz | database | noun | | |
basi de datoz relacional [+:basiz de datoz relacional] | relational database | noun | | |
básic | basic | adjective | | |
baso | kiss | noun | Italian: bacio; French: bise; Spanish: beso; Portuguese: beijo; Galician: bico; Latin: basio/basium | |
basoreccia | basorexia: an intense desire of feeling the need to kiss someone | noun | | |
basoreccic | basorexic | adjective | | |
bastanch | rather, quite, sufficiently | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
bastar | suffice, be enough | verb | | |
baste cun dicer | suffice it to say | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
bastimento | provisions tied together or prepared in some way | noun | | |
bastir | bind, baste, put together | verb | French: bâtir from Frankonian: bastian | |
bastir | baste, tie together | verb | | |
bastón | baton, truncheon, billy-club | noun | Spanish: bastón | |
basura | trash, garbage | noun | | |
basurero | garbageman: someone who collects and prepares trash | noun | | |
batalla | battle | noun | | |
batallón | battalion | noun | | |
batana | tonic made from the oil of American palm nut, used in hair conditioner | noun | | |
batata | potato | noun | | |
batataz frite | fried potatoes, papas fritas | noun | | |
bataz ceremonial | ceremonial robes | noun | | |
batcha | roach: marijuana butt | noun | | |
bateríê | drums | noun | | |
baterista | drummer | noun | Spanish: baterista | |
batidora | beater (culinary) | noun | Spanish: batidora | |
batir | hit (object), batter, whisk (eggs, flour...) | verb | | |
baton | lipstick | noun | French: bâton; Portuguese: batom | |
batriê | battery (of car, computer, etc) | noun | | |
batuca | drum; dance music with heavy drums | noun | | |
bauli (de carro) | trunk (of car) | noun | Latin American Spanish: baúl; Portuguese: baú; Italian: baule | |
bautismo | baptism | noun | | |
bautizar | baptize, baptise, Christen | verb | | |
bayau | climbing palm whose leaves are used to weave baskets and hats | noun | | |
bayoneta | bayonet | noun | | |
béarnes | Béarnaise sauce: sauce made of clarified butter emulsified in egg yolks and white wine vinegar and flavored with herbs | noun | | |
beate | blessed and happy | adjective | | |
beatifiçar [beatifica-] | bless, make happy | verb | | |
beatitud [-tudin-] | happiness, blessedness, felicity, beatitude, blissfulness | noun | | |
bebí | baby | noun | | |
beca | scholarship, internship | noun | | |
becario | intern, student who is being mentored | noun | | |
becco | beak | noun | Italian | |
becho de mêr | sea slug | noun | | |
bedcar | reconsider | verb | Judeo-Spanish | |
beige | beige | adjective | | |
beiser | turn down (heating), lower (glass, eyes, control) | verb | | |
beja | berry | noun | | |
bejuco | cord, rope | noun | Taino | |
beleg | cold cuts | noun | Papiamentu | |
belgian | Belgian | adjective | | |
belgiano | Belgian (person) | noun | | |
Bélgica | Belgium | noun | | |
bélic | war, warlike | adjective | | |
belicismo | warmongering, militarism | noun | | |
belicista | warmonger | noun | | |
belicose | aggressive, bellicose | adjective | | |
belicositá | warlike spirit, agressiveness | noun | | |
beligerante | belligerent: aggressive or waging war | adjective | Spanish: beligerante | |
belle | fine, lovely | adjective | | |
belle-letraz | belles-lettres, belles lettres, elegant literature (as a fine art) | noun | | |
bellesa | loveliness, beauty | noun | | |
belletriste, belletristric | belletristric: written to inspire or provide aesthetic value | adjective | | |
bencina | benzine: a colorless, volatile, flammable, liquid mixture of various hydrocarbons, obtained in the distillation of petroleum, and used in cleaning, dyeing, etc. | noun | | |
bendicer [bendit-, bendij-, bendiga-] | bless | verb | | |
bendicidu | blessed | past participle | | |
bendite | blessed | adjective | | |
benedicción | benediction, blessing | noun | | |
benefactor | benefactor | noun | | |
beneficiar | benefit | verb | | |
beneficiario | beneficiary | noun | | |
beneficio | benefit, advantage | noun | | |
beneficiose | beneficial | adjective | | |
benevole, benevolente | benevolent | adjective | | |
benevolença | benevolence, kindness/geniality | noun | | |
benigne | benign, kind, temperate | adjective | | |
benignitá | kindness | noun | | |
benzoato de sódiu, benzoato sódic | sodium benzoate | noun | | |
beracha | blessing | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
bergamota | bergamot | noun | | |
Bernaba | Barnabas | noun | | |
berraco/a | someone amazing and skilled at something | noun | | |
besito | marshmallow | noun | | |
bestia | beast, animal, unpleasant person or unpleasant experience (colloquial) | noun | | |
bestialismo, zoôfilia | beastiality | noun | | |
beton | concrete | noun | | |
bevedoro | drinking fountain | noun | Spanish: bebedero; Portuguese: bebedouro | |
bever | drink | verb | | |
bevida | beverage, drink | noun | | |
Beyal | Baal, Ba'al: Caananite storm God | noun | | |
beyota | pine cone | noun | | |
Biblia | Bible | noun | | |
bíblic | biblical | adjective | | |
bibliofilo | bibliophile | noun | | |
biblioteca | library | noun | | |
bibliotecario | librarian | noun | | |
biblioterapia | bibliotherapy | noun | | |
bicambral | bicameral | adjective | | |
bicentenare | bicentennial | adjective | | |
bicentenario | bicentennial, bicentenary | noun | | |
bíceps | bicepts | noun | | |
bicho | bug, small insect | noun | | |
bicicleta | bicycle | noun | | |
bidireccional | bidirectional | adjective | | |
bien | well | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
bien ricebide | welcome | adjective | | |
bien ricebidu | welcomed, well-received | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
bien-adaptade | well-adapted | adjective | Spanish: bien adaptado | |
bien-adiestrade | well-trained | adjective | | |
bien-capacitade | well-qualified, well-trained | adjective | | |
bien-comunz global | global commons | noun | | |
bien-definide | well-defined | adjective | | |
bien-entendide | well-understood | adjective | | |
bien-estar | well-being | noun | | |
bien-estar social | social well-being | noun | | |
bien-fetche | well done, well-done | adjective | Spanish: bien hecho | |
bien-funcionante | well-functioning | adjective | | |
bienaventurade | blessed and fortunate | adjective | | |
bienaventurado | blessed person | noun | | |
bienaventuradoz | the Blessed (people) | noun | | |
bienaventurança | happiness, beatitude, divine vision | noun | | |
bienvenida | welcome | noun | | |
bifurcación | bifurcation, fork in road | noun | | |
bihao | macaw flower | noun | | |
bihuver | behoove: be necessary, proper, or advantageous for | verb | English/Dutch | |
bilateral | bilateral, of both sides | adjective | | |
bilbul | nightingale | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
bilet | bill (paper money), note | noun | | |
bileteiro | billfold, wallet | noun | | |
bilingue | bilingual | adjective | Spanish, Portuguese, French, Catalan | |
bilocar | bilocate | verb | | |
binare | binary | adjective | | |
biodiversitá | biodiversity | noun | | |
bioétic | bioethical | adjective | | |
bioética | bioethics | noun | | |
biogeográfic | biogeographical | adjective | | |
biográfic | biographic | adjective | | |
biografíê | biography | noun | | |
bioîngeñaría | bioengineering | noun | | |
biológic | organic, biological | adjective | | |
biologicamén | biologically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
biologíê | biology | noun | | |
biólogo | biologist | noun | | |
bioluminescença | bioluminescence | noun | | |
bioma | biome | noun | Spanish/Portuguese/Catalan: bioma | |
biomarcador | biomarker | noun | | |
biomasa | biomass | noun | | |
biométric | biometric | adjective | | |
biométrica | biometrics | noun | | |
biopsia | biopsy | noun | Spanish: biopsia | |
bioquímic | biochemical | adjective | | |
bioquímica | biochemistry | noun | | |
bioresonança | bioresonance | noun | | |
biosfera | biosphere | noun | | |
biosféric | biospheric | adjective | | |
biostratigrafíê | biostratigraphy | noun | | |
bioterapéutic | biotherapeutic | adjective | | |
bipartidarismo | bipartisanship | noun | | |
bipartite | bipartite | adjective | | |
bipolare | bipolar | adjective | | |
bipolaritá | bipolarity | noun | | |
birria | birria | noun | | |
birria | travesty | noun | | |
bis-abula | great grandmother, great grandma | noun | | |
bis-abulo | great grandfather, great grandpa | noun | | |
bis-nieta | great granddaughter | noun | | |
bis-nieto | great grandson | noun | | |
biscucho | pastry, sponge cake | noun | sp: bizcocho | |
biscuit | biscuit, cracker | noun | | |
Bislama | creole language of Vanuatu | noun | | |
bislis | peas | noun | Venetian, Italian | |
bismuto | bismuth | noun | | |
bisnear | do business (with), make a deal | verb | | |
bisnero | businessperson, entrepreneur who is sharp | noun | | |
bison | bison, American buffalo | noun | | |
bistro | bistro, small restaurant | noun | | |
bît | bit | noun | | |
bitumi | bitumen | noun | | |
bituminose | bituminous | adjective | | |
biuro | agency or department of a government or large organization, bureau | noun | | |
biurocraciê [biurocrat-] | bureaucracy | noun | | |
biurócrata | bureaucrat | noun | | |
biurocrátic | bureaucratic | adjective | | |
biyuyo | money, cash | noun | | |
bizancio | Byzantium | noun | | |
bizantine | Byzantine | adjective | | |
blande | soft, bland | adjective | | |
blanque | off-white (usually used for skin tone) | adjective | French/Spanish | |
blanqueamento | whitening | noun | | |
blanquear | whiten; practice shooting at targets, go for target practice | verb | | |
blasfeme | blasphemous | adjective | | |
blasfemia | blasphemy | noun | | |
blasfemiar | blaspheme | verb | | |
blasón | coat of arms, blazon | noun | Spanish: blasón | |
blave | blue: darker than "azule" | adjective | Catalan: blau, blava, blaus, blaves | |
blave marine | navy blue | adjective | | |
blindade | armored, bulletproof, shielded | adjective | Spanish: blindado | |
blindadj | shield (of equipment), shielding | noun | | |
blindadj solare | sun shielding | noun | | |
blindado | armored vehicle | noun | Spanish: blindado | |
blindar | armor-plate, shield, armour-plate | verb | Spanish: blindar | |
bloco | concrete block | noun | | (for building or standing something up on) |
blocoz de construcción | building blocks | noun | | |
blog | blog | noun | | |
bloghero | blogger | noun | | |
bloquear | prevent, block, blockade, jam (make unable to work), lock (freeze in place) | verb | | |
bloquero | concrete block maker | noun | | |
bluetaz | blueberries | noun | French Canadian | |
blujin | blue jeans | noun | | |
bobe | silly, naive, stupid | adjective | | |
bocado | bocadillo, bocata, sandwich made with baguette cut lengthwise and filled with chorizo sausage, cold cuts, tuna, or ham | noun | sp: bocata, bocadillo | |
bocina | speaker (electronic) | noun | | |
bocon | sorcerer | noun | Haitian | |
bocu | a lot, very much | intensifier or quantifier | French: beaucoup
| |
bocu de | many, a lot of | adjective | | |
bodi | buck | noun | | |
bogcha | bundle | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
bohí | modest home; hut with thatched roof | noun | | |
boiar, flotar | float | verb | | |
boicotar | boycott | verb | | |
boicoti | boycott | noun | | |
boleto | ticket (admission, plane/bus), coupon | noun | Mexico and Latin America Spanish: boleto | |
bolichi | bowling | noun | | |
bolígrafo | ballpoint pen | noun | | |
bolivarianismo | Bolivarianism | noun | | |
Bolivia | Bolivia | noun | | |
bolo | cake | noun | | |
bolsa | bag, pocket | noun | | |
bolsa de manu | handbag | noun | | |
bolsear | lift, steal, pickpocket | verb | | |
bolsillo | pocket (in clothes) | noun | Spanish: bolsillo | |
boma | livestock enclosure traditionally made of wood stakes | noun | Bantu | |
bomba încendiare | firebomb, incendiary bomb | noun | | |
bombardear | bombard | verb | Spanish, Portuguese | |
bombardemento, bombardeo | bombardment | noun | | |
bombilla | light bulb | noun | | |
bombón | chocolate-covered candy | noun | | |
bon comportamento | good behaviour | noun | Spanish: buen comportamiento | |
bon djorn | Good day | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Bon mañá | Good morning | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Bon notchi | Good night | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Bon provetcho | Enjoy your meal | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Bon suara | Good evening | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Bon targi | Good afternoon, good early evening | noun | | |
Bon viadj | Have a nice trip | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
bon-sensu | good sense, common sense, good judgement | adjective | | |
bondi | tram, electric streetcar | noun | | |
bone, bon | good | adjective | | (bôn before noun; bône after noun) |
bonificación | betterment, improvement | noun | Catalan: bonificació; Spanish: bonificación | |
bonifiçar [bonifica-] | make better, improve | verb | | |
boníssime | very good (superlative of bune) | adjective | | |
bonitá | goodness | noun | | |
bonitose | kind, full of goodness | adjective | Portuguese: bondoso; Spanish: bondadoso | |
bónus | bonus | noun | | |
boquit | bucket | noun | | |
boquita | appetizer | noun | | |
borbulla | bubble | noun | Spanish: burbuja, Portuguese: borbulha | |
borbulla especulative | speculative bubble | noun | | |
borbullante | bubbling | adjective | Galician: burbullante, Spanish: burbujeante; Portuguese: borbulhante | |
borbullar | bubble | verb | Spanish: burbujar, Portuguese: borbulhar | |
bordar | border; skirt around | verb | | |
bordillo | curb | noun | | |
bordo | embankment, levee, roughly-built dam | noun | | |
bordura | edging, trim | noun | | |
borrar | erase, delete (file on computer) | verb | | |
borratche | drunk | adjective | | |
borrose | blurred, smudgy, indistinct (of an image); fuzzy or vague (memory, instructions) | adjective | Spanish: borroso/a | |
Bosnia | Bosnia | noun | | |
bosnian | Bosnian | adjective | | |
bosniano | Bosnian | noun | | |
bosquet | grove, little forest, bosk | noun | | |
bosqui | woods, forest | noun | | |
bosta | crappy thing, something really bad | noun | Portuguese | |
bostejar | yawn | verb | Spanish: bostezar, Portuguese: bocejar | |
bostejo | yawn | noun | Sp: bostezo, Po: bocejo | |
bot de IA; bot de intelixença artificial | AI bot | noun | | |
botanar | snack on something, have snacks | verb | | |
botanaz | snacks | noun | | |
botánic | botanical | adjective | | |
botánica | botany | noun | | |
botar | throw away, waste; spill a drink | verb | | |
botarata | spendthrift | noun | Honduran | |
botaz | boots | noun | | |
boteja | liquid measurement of about .75 liters | noun | | |
botela | bottle: usually see-through and sealed | noun | | |
botixa | buried treasure | noun | Spanish: botija | |
bôton | button (of clothes or machine), switch (light) | noun | | |
bôton de grabación | record button | noun | | |
boutic | boutique, exclusive and of limited quantity (usually handmade) | adjective | | |
bovine | bovine | adjective | | |
bovsteica | steak, beef steak | noun | | |
bozwê | need | noun | | |
bra'môgo | bloke, dude | noun | Mandinka (African) | |
brandir | brandish, wave something (e.g. a weapon) | verb | | |
branquia | gill | noun | | |
brasaleti | bracelet | noun | | |
Brasil | Brazil | noun | | |
brasilian | Brazilian | adjective | | |
brasiliano, brasileño | Brazilian language, person from Brazil | noun | | |
braso | arm (of person) | noun | | |
bratworst | bratwurst: fried or grilled German sausage | noun | | |
brave | brave | adjective | | |
bravura | bravery | noun | | |
brecha | breach, rift, gap, gash | noun | Spanish/Galician: brecha; Occitan: breça; Italian: brecchia | |
brécoli | broccoli | noun | Spain Spanish: brécol; Mexico Spanish: brócoli | |
brema | eggplant | noun | Louisiana French: brème | |
brequi | brake (of vehicle) | noun | English | |
bretzel | pretzel | noun | | |
breve | brief, short (vowel, syllable, etc) | adjective | | |
brevemén | briefly, concisely | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
brevitá | brevity, shortness, conciseness (of style) | noun | | |
briev | letter/message to someone | noun | Romansh | |
brillante | brilliant | adjective | | |
brillantesa | brilliance | noun | | |
brillar | shine | verb | | |
brincu | earring | noun | | |
briochi | brioche | noun | French and Portuguese | |
brisa | breeze | noun | | |
brîsquet | brisket: cut of meat from the breast or lower chest of beef or veal. | noun | | |
británica | brit, British lady | noun | | |
britanico | British (person) | noun | | |
broca | coffee berry borer (small beetle) | noun | | |
brochur | brochure | noun | | |
brodade | embroidered | adjective | | |
brodar | embroider | verb | | |
broma | hoax, joke (that involves trickery) | noun | | |
bromear | joke, kid (not mean it) | verb | | |
bronce | bronze, brasen | adjective | | |
bronque | wild, untame, aggressive (of person) | adjective | | |
bronquial | bronchial | adjective | | |
bronquiti | bronchitis | noun | | |
brossa | outback, bush, wild area away from civilization/towns | noun | French: brousse; Occitan: brossa | |
brossard | bushman, someone who lives in the outback | noun | French: broussard | |
broti | shoot (of plant), outbreak | noun | Spanish: brote | |
brucha | witch, hag | noun | | |
brugo | bridge for road or railway | noun | | |
brugo transbordadore | transfer bridge | noun | | |
brullente | quiet | adjective | | |
brulló | broth, light-colored soup | noun | Catalan: brou; French: bouillon | |
bruma | fog, mist, sea mist | noun | | |
brumose | foggy, misty | adjective | | |
brune | brown (light shade of brown) | adjective | | |
bruñide | messed-up, in a mess, bothered | adjective | Honduran Spanish | |
bruñidu | messed-up, in a mess, bothered | past participle | Honduran Spanish | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
bruñir | annoy, bother | verb | | |
bruscamén | quickly, sharply | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
brusque [brusca-] | quick, sharp | adjective | | |
brutalitá | cruelty, brutality | noun | | |
brute | gross (income, profit, weight) | adjective | | |
bruxe | broke, out of money | adjective | | |
buca | mouth | noun | | |
bucado | mouthful, morsel, bite | noun | | |
bucio | skuba diving | noun | Spanish: buceo | |
Buda | Buddha | noun | | |
buding | pudding | noun | | |
bufalo | buffalo (not bison) | noun | | |
bufando | muffler | noun | | |
bufet | buffet | noun | | |
bufún | buffoon | noun | | |
buger | move: budge | verb | | |
bugi | candle | noun | French | |
bui [bov-] | ox | noun | | |
bujir | seethe | verb | | |
bulboz, rizomaz, i tubérculez | bulbs, rhizomes, and tubers | noun | | |
bulevard | boulevard: wide city street, limited access highway | noun | Spanish: bulevar; French/English: boulevard | |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria | noun | | |
bulgarian | Bulgarian | adjective | | |
bulgariano | Bulgarian | noun | | |
bullaranga | noise, boisterousness | noun | Latin America | |
bullicio | noise, racket, hustle and bustle of activity | noun | Sp: bullicio, Po: alvoroço | |
bulliciose | noisy, boisterous, rowdy | adjective | | |
bullir | boil | verb | | |
bulno | bolt | noun | | |
bulto | shopping bag, lump/bump, bundle | noun | Spanish: bulto | |
bumbulu | tadpole | noun | | |
bumi | boom, upswing | noun | | |
bunatzi | lull | noun | | |
buno | coffee beans (raw) | noun | | |
búnquêr | bunker | noun | | |
burdel | brothel | noun | | |
burgeo, burgés | bourgeois person, person of high status who controls capital, middle class citizen:
usually a merchant or craftsman in the city | noun | Italian: borghese; Spanish: burguesa/burgués; Portuguese: burguês/burguesa; French: bourgeoise/bourgeois; German: Bürger/Bourgeois | |
burgese | bourgeoise, bourgeois: characteristic of the middle class | adjective | | |
burgesía | bourgeoisie: sociologically defined class, especially in contemporary times, referring to people with a certain cultural and financial capital belonging to the middle or upper stratum of the middle class | noun | Italian: borghesia; Portuguese: burguesia; French: bourgeoisie; Spanish: burguesía | |
burgh | fortified city | noun | | |
burghero | citizen of city | noun | | |
burghesa de pollo | chicken burger | noun | | |
burlar | outwit, thwart | verb | | |
burlone | teasing (derisive or joking), sardonic | adjective | | |
burresa | stupidity | noun | | |
burro | donkey (animal); halfwit/dummy (person) | noun | | |
burrusco | thicket, dense plant growth | noun | | |
bursátil | stock market, stock exchange | adjective | | |
buru | money | noun | Palenquero in Columbia | |
burugo | executioner, hangman, torturer | noun | | |
buscador | search engine | noun | | |
buscador de fortuna | fortune seeker | noun | | |
buscandu | seeking | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
buscar | seek, search | verb | | |
búsqueda, busca | search, quest | noun | | |
butaca | armchair | noun | | |
butarga | salted fish roe | noun | Italian | |
butchaca | pocket (in pool/billiards) | noun | | |
butega | boutique, small store, apothecary | noun | | |
cabaç | shopping basket | noun | Portuguese | |
cabalerose | chivalrous, gallant, gentlemanly | adjective | Spanish: caballeroso | |
cabalerositá | chivalry, gentlemanliness | noun | Spanish: caballerosidad | |
cabaña | goal (in soccer) | noun | | |
cabana | cabin (rustic house) | noun | | |
cabeça | head | noun | | |
cabecefoque | bald (slang) | adjective | | |
cabeçone | head-strong, stubborn | adjective | | |
cabeçote | big-headed, stubborn | noun | | |
cabeçude | head-strong, pigheaded, hard-headed | adjective | | |
cabelleira | head of hair, wig | noun | | |
cabelleirero/a | hairstylist, hairdresser | noun | | |
cabello | hair | noun | French: cheveu/chevelure; Catalan: cabell; Portuguese: cabelo; Spanish: cabello | |
cabello corte | short hair | noun | | |
cabello lise | straight hair, smooth hair | noun | | |
cabello longhe | long hair | noun | | |
cabello rizade | curly hair | noun | | |
cabellude | hairy: full of hair | adjective | | |
caber | fit, be fitting | verb | | |
cabezau | tractor truck | noun | | |
cabíbel | fitting, appropriate, applicable | adjective | | |
cabimento | sense (something that fits the narrative) | noun | | |
cabina | cabin (of ship, plane) | noun | | |
cabina de pilotadj | control deck (of ship) | noun | | |
cabo | cape (geography) | noun | | |
cabra | goat | noun | | |
cabul | cable | noun | | |
cabul coaccial; cabul coeichial | coaxial cable | noun | | |
cabuya | string, twine, thin rope | noun | | |
cacahuati | peanut | noun | Spanish: cacahuate, cacahuete | |
cacaloti | northern raven | noun | | |
cacasli | car or electrical appliance that has been scrapped or stripped; frame of car | noun | | |
cacatu | cockatoo: type of bird | noun | | |
cacau | cocoa, cocoa powder drink | noun | | |
cacempulga | black widow spider | noun | | |
cacetchi | club, stick | noun | | |
cacha | hunt, hunting, pursuit/chase | noun | | |
cachada | hunting trip | noun | | |
cachador | hunter | noun | | |
cachador-recolector | hunter-gatherer | noun | Spanish: cazador-recolector | |
cachalotchi | sperm whale | noun | | |
cachar | hunt, pursue, chase after | verb | Italian: cacciare; Spanish: cazar; Portuguese: caçar | |
cachasa | sugar-cane liquor, Brazilian white rum | noun | | |
cacheco | scarf | noun | | |
cacher | hide, conceal | verb | French | |
cacherol | casserole pan | noun | | |
cachi | cupboard | noun | | |
cachimbu | pipe for smoking, tobacco pipe | noun | | |
cachor | dog: cherished pet | noun | | |
cachu | bunch (bananas, grapes); collection | noun | | |
cachueira | waterfall in rapids | noun | Portuguese: cachoeira | |
cacicazgo | chiefdom, chieftainship | noun | Spanish: cacicazgo | |
cacimba | well (for water) | noun | Brazilian and Angloan Portuguese | |
caciqui | boss (political), chief (tribal) | noun | | |
cacofoníê | cacophony | noun | | |
cacomistli | cacomistle, Bassariscus sumichrasti:preferred habitats are wet, tropical, evergreen woodlands and mountain forests | noun | The term cacomistle is from the Nahuatl language (tlahcomiztli) and means "half cat" or "half mountain lion" | |
cactu | cactus | noun | | |
cacuetchi | nervous tic, twitch | noun | | |
cada | each | intensifier or quantifier | | |
cada día | each day, every day | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
cada uno | each one | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
cadarsu | shoelace | noun | | |
cadastro | register | noun | | |
cádavêr | corpse, dead body, cadaver | noun | | |
cadavre | worn-out, dead | adjective | | |
cadena | chain | noun | | |
cadena de distribución | distribution chain, supply chain | noun | | |
cadena de mando | chain of command | noun | | |
cadena de medja | medium-chain | adjective | | |
cadença | cadence | noun | | |
cadjado | padlock | noun | | |
cadmiu | cadmium | noun | | |
caducar | expire, lapse, run out; become senile | verb | | |
caduque | lapsed, expired; senile | adjective | | |
cafeína | caffeine | noun | | |
cafone | tacky | adjective | | |
cafuney | caress, run fingers through hair | noun | | |
caguama | loggerhead turtle | noun | Spanish: tortuga caguama | |
caibra | cramp, charley horse | noun | | |
caich | wharf, quay | noun | | |
caidu | fallen | past participle | | |
caigue | lazy, disinclined to work, indolent | adjective | Guarani: kaigue | |
caija | case, box | noun | Spanish: caja/cajón; Portuguese/Catalan: caixa | |
caija forte | safe (repository for valuables), strongbox | noun | | |
caija nerre | black box | noun | | |
caija registradore | cash box, place to store money | noun | Neapolitan Italian: carusiello | |
caijera | cashier | noun | | |
caijón | cajón, big box | noun | | |
caima | caiman (type of alligator) | noun | | |
cair [caiga-, cayessê] | fall | verb | Vulgar Latin: cadere | |
cair-se | fall down | verb | | |
caitli | sandal made from tires | noun | | |
caju | cashew (nut) | noun | | |
calabaso | dried pumpkin-shell bowl | noun | | |
calaboso | dungeon | noun | | |
calaca | death personified | noun | | |
calamad | fried squid | noun | | |
calamari | squid, calamari | noun | Spanish | |
calambri | mixed drink made with gin, red wine, sugar, and ice | noun | | |
calamitá | calamity | noun | | |
calamitose | calamitous | adjective | | |
calate | naked, nude | adjective | | |
calcare | limestone | adjective | | |
calciu | calcium | noun | | |
calco semántic | calque | noun | | |
calcolític | Chalcolithic, copper age | adjective | | |
calcomania | sticker | noun | Sp: calcomania | |
calculábel | calculable, searchable | adjective | | |
calculadora | calculator | noun | | |
calcular | calculate, assess | verb | | |
calculo diferenchal | differential calculus | noun | | |
caldeira | boiler (pan), cauldron | noun | | |
calefacción central | central heating | noun | | |
calefacción; chofagi | heating | noun | | |
calefacer [calefici-, calefetch-, calefaga-, calefar-] | heat up, warm up | verb | | |
caleidoscopio | kaleidoscope | noun | | |
calentador | heater | noun | Spanish: calentador | |
calentador de agua | water heater | noun | | |
calentamento | warming, heating (up), warm-up | noun | Spanish: calentamiento | |
calentar | heat, warm up | verb | | |
calente | very warm, hot | adjective | Spanish: caliente; Catalan: calenta | |
calentite | nice and warm | adjective | Spanish: calientito | |
calibración | calibration | noun | | |
calibrar | calibrate | verb | | |
cáliç [+:cálicez] | chalice | noun | | |
calide | warm (of temperature, climate) | adjective | | |
calidesa | warmth, mellowness, friendliness | noun | Spanish: calidez | |
califa | caliph | noun | | |
califal | caliphal | noun | | |
califato | caliphate, khalifate, kalifate | noun | | |
calificación | qualification | noun | | |
califiçar [califica-] | qualify, label, call/describe/pinpoint | verb | | |
caligrafíê | calligraphy | noun | | |
calija | pest, pain in the neck | noun | | |
calisa [calqu-] | limestone | noun | | |
calistenia | calisthenics, callisthenics | noun | French: callisthénie; Spanish/Portuguese: calistenia | |
calitá | quality | noun | | |
calitative | qualitative | adjective | | |
callade | quiet, reserved | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
calladu | quiet | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
callar | silence, get/be quiet | verb | | |
callê | street | noun | Spanish: calle | |
callê lateral | side street, alley | noun | | |
callê-abaiju | down the street | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
callêcita | village street, small road | noun | Sp: callecita | |
callêxón [+:callêxónz] | alleyway | noun | | |
calma | calm | noun | | |
calmante | soothing, calming | adjective | | |
calmar | calm | verb | | |
calme | calm | adjective | | |
calofrio | shiver | noun | | |
calor | heat, warmth | noun | | |
caloríê | calorie (in food) | noun | | |
calorose | hot (day, season) | adjective | | |
calsado | footwear | noun | | |
calz | lime, whitewash | noun | | |
calzado | footwear | noun | | |
calzar | wedge | verb | | |
calzo | wedge | noun | | |
calzon(ez) | panties | noun | | |
cama | bed | noun | | |
camada | bed (of clay, mineral deposits…) | noun | | |
camague | underripe (fruit, vegetable), in between green and fully ripe | adjective | | |
cambalatchi | favor, errand | noun | | |
cambiar | change | verb | | |
cambiar de tactica | change one's policy/tactic | verb | | |
cambio | change, switch (in policy) | noun | | |
cambio de fasi | phase shift | noun | | |
cambrera | waitress, attendant | noun | | |
cambrero | waiter, attendant | noun | | |
cambro | chamber, room in restaurant, public area | noun | | |
Cambro de Représentantiz | House of Representatives | noun | | |
camelar | woo, seduce | verb | | |
camelidjo | camelid: a mammal with a 3-chambered stomach, including the camel, llama, guanaco, alpaca, and vicuña | noun | | |
camelo | camel | noun | | |
cámera | camera | noun | | |
camerada | comrade | noun | | |
cameradadj | comradeship, companionship | noun | Portuguese | |
camilla | portable bed, stretcher (litter) | noun | | |
caminada | walk | noun | | |
caminanti | hiker | noun | | |
caminar | walk | verb | | |
caminata | trek | noun | Spanish: caminata | |
camino | path, road, route | noun | | |
camino bien-trijade | well-trodden path | noun | | |
camión | truck | noun | | |
camioneta | pickup truck, small truck or van | noun | Spanish: camioneta; Portuguese: caminhonete; Italian: camioncino | |
camisa | shirt | noun | | |
camisear-se | conceal (a weapon) | verb | | |
camiseta | t-shirt | noun | | |
camiziña | condom | noun | | |
camizol | light coat, jacket | noun | | |
camoti, batata dolce | sweet potato | noun | | |
campaña | countryside, the country | noun | | |
campana | bell | noun | | |
campanario | steeple, church tower | noun | | |
campanillaz | slang: balls | noun | | |
campeina | campaign: an organized operation or course of action to achieve a particular goal. (see: campaña for countryside) | noun | | |
campeón | champion | noun | | |
campesine | rural, having to do with farming | adjective | | |
campesino | farmer, peasant | noun | | |
campo | field (agriculture), camp | noun | | |
campo (înformátic) | field in a record of a database or table | noun | | |
campo de batalla | battlefield | noun | | |
campo de concentración | concentration camp | noun | | |
campo de refugiadoz | refugee camp | noun | | |
campo de trigo | wheat field | noun | | |
campo gravitacional | gravitational field | noun | | |
campo morfogenétic | morphagenetic field | noun | | |
campongo | compound: group of buildings; small village of close buildings | noun | via Dutch (kampoeng) or Portuguese, from Malay kampong | |
camufladj | camouflage | noun | | |
camuflar | camouflage | verb | | |
Canadá | Canada | noun | | |
canadense | Canadian | adjective | | |
canadensi | Canadian, person from Canada | noun | | |
canalla | scoundrel, rascal, rat/rascal | noun | Spanish/Catalan/Galician: canalla, Portuguese: canalha, Italian: canaglia, Romanian: canalie | |
cañamo | string or twine made from hemp | noun | | |
canard, pato | duck | noun | | |
canau | canal, channel | noun | | |
canau navegábel | waterway (navigable by boats) | noun | | |
canau radiculare | root canal | noun | | |
cáncêr | cancer | noun | | |
canción | song | noun | | |
candel | candle | noun | | |
candela | flourescent tube for lamp | noun | | |
candidatar-se | run for (position, election), apply for | verb | | |
candidato | candidate (election), applicant (for job, scholarship) | noun | | |
candidato governatore | gubernatorial candidate | noun | | |
candidatura | application (job,scholarship...), candidacy | noun | | |
cándide | naïve and unsuspecting, unsophisticated | adjective | | |
cando | when | interrogative, question word | | |
canela | cinnamon | noun | Spanish/Portuguese | |
caneleta | trough | noun | Spanish: canaleta, canal | |
canetcho | an edible freshwater crab | noun | | |
cangrí | prison | noun | | |
canguru | kangaroo | noun | | |
cani | dog (animal species) | noun | | |
canicula | dog days; in July and August | noun | | |
canidjo | canid, mammal of the dog family | noun | Portuguese: canídeo, Spanish: cánido | |
canine | canine, of or like a dog | adjective | | |
canino | dog-like animal | noun | | |
cannón | cannon (artillery ball) | noun | | |
canoa | canoe | noun | Arawakan: canaoua, Spanish/Catalan/Portuguese/Italian: canoa | |
cañón | canyon, gorge (cut in mountains); couloir | noun | | |
canón | canon, precept/rule; authentic books of holy scriptures, tenet | noun | | |
canónic | canonical, canonic | adjective | | |
canonicamén | canonically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
canonicitá | canonicity | noun | | |
canonización | canonization | noun | | |
cansade | tired | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
cansadu | tired | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
cansanción | tiredness, weariness, fatigue | noun | | |
cansante | tiring | adjective | | |
cansar | tire, get tired | verb | | |
cansative | tiring, grueling | adjective | Portuguese: cansativa | |
cantador, cantanti | singer, vocalist (for music group) | noun | | |
cantaleta | same old story; repeat | noun | | |
cantante | singing | adjective | | |
cantar | sing | verb | | |
cantcha | sportsfield | noun | | |
cantimplora | canteen (not a drinking establishment), water bottle | noun | | |
cantina | bar room that serves alcoholic beverages and wines, cafeteria | noun | | |
cantinear-se | chase after; seduce/entice | verb | | |
cantón | state, jurisdiction within larger nation | noun | | |
caoba | mahogany (wood) | noun | | |
caos | chaos | noun | | |
caótic | chaotic | adjective | | |
capa | cover | noun | | |
capace | capable | adjective | | |
capacitá | capacity | noun | | |
capacitá de concentración | powers of concentration, ability to concentrate/focus | noun | | |
capacitá imaxinative | powers of imagination | noun | | |
capacitación | training | noun | | |
capacitade | qualified, trained (employee) | adjective | Spanish: capacitado | |
capacitar | impart skills to, train, qualify (for position), enable | verb | | |
capacitar-se | train, acquire skills | verb | | |
capacitáz antiblindadje | anti-armor capabilities | noun | Spanish: capacidades antiblindaje | |
capacitor, condensador | capacitor (electrical) | noun | | |
capciose | captious: tending to find fault or raise petty objections. | adjective | | |
capela | chapel | noun | | |
capicher | grasp (the concept of), understand what someone is saying or how they are thinking (slang: get it) | verb | Italian: capire, capisce | |
capirucha | capital city | noun | | |
capitalismo | capitalism | noun | | |
capitalista | capitalist | noun | | |
capitau | capital: money, stocks, property | noun | | |
capitel | capital: forms the topmost member of a column or pilaster(architecture) | noun | | |
capitén | captain, head (person in charge) | noun | | |
capitol | capitol: building that houses a government's legislative branch | noun | | |
capítul | meeting, section (of law) | noun | | |
capitulación | agreement, surrender | noun | | |
capitulación matrimonial | marriage contract | noun | | |
capitulación sens condiciónz | unconditional surrender | noun | | |
capitular | capitulate, surrender; agree to/on | verb | | |
capitulare | meeting, chapter | adjective | | |
capotar | capsize | verb | Po | |
capricho | whim, caprice | noun | | |
caprichose | capricious, whimsical | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: caprichoso | |
caprichoz dele (mercado, oradj, ...) | vagaries of the (market, weather, …) | noun | | |
cápsul | capsule | noun | | |
capsulare | capsular | adjective | | |
captivante | captivating | adjective | | |
captivar | captivate | verb | | |
captive | captive | adjective | | |
captivitá | captivity | noun | | |
captor, captriç | captor | noun | | |
captura | capture | noun | | |
captura dele regulador | regulatory capture | noun | Spanish: captura del regulador | |
capturar | capture | verb | | |
capuca | small palm (tree) about 2 meters high | noun | | |
capulana | cloth square | noun | | |
caquie | khaki color | adjective | | |
cara | face (of person) | noun | | |
caráctêr | character, nature | noun | | |
caractêrístic | characteristic, typical | adjective | | |
caractêrística | characteristic | noun | | |
caractêrizar | characterize | verb | | |
caragol | snail (edible) | noun | | |
caramba | musical bow of traditional instrument | noun | | |
carambano | icicle | noun | | |
carambelo | frozen candy | noun | | |
caramelización | caramelization | noun | | |
caramelo | caramel: a beige to dark-brown confectionery product made by heating a variety of sugars | noun | | |
caratey | karate | noun | | |
caravana | caravan | noun | | |
carbónic | carbonic | adjective | | |
carbono | carbon | noun | | |
carbunco | shifting light or ball of fire that appears on hills at night indicating the presence of treasure according to folklore. | noun | | |
carburanti | fuel (for vehicle) | noun | | |
carcacha | old car, junker | noun | | |
carcahada | hearty laughter; guffaw | noun | | |
carcaxada | loud laugh, guffaw | noun | Spanish: carcajada | |
cárcel | prison | noun | | |
cardenau | cardinal (catholicism) | noun | Spanish/Catalan: cardenal; Portuguese: cardeal; Italian: cardinale | |
cardiaque | cardiac | adjective | | |
cardinalidjo | cardinal (bird), cardinalid | noun | Portuguese: cardinalídeo, Spanish: cardenalida, French: cardinalide | |
cardio-respiratorie | cardiorespiratory | adjective | | |
carença | deficiency | noun | | |
carença vitaminic | vitamin deficiency | noun | | |
cargar | carry (support), charge (battery) | verb | | |
cargoz adicional | additional charges/fees | noun | | |
caribeñe | from the Caribbean | adjective | | |
caribeño | person from the Caribbean | noun | | |
caribi | red banana of Jamaican origin | noun | | |
caricatura | caricature | noun | | |
cariñar-se | grow fond of | verb | | |
cariño | fondness, dearness | noun | | |
cariñose | affectionate | adjective | | |
carira | career | noun | | |
carisma | charisma | noun | | |
carismátic | charismatic | adjective | | |
caritá | charity: benevolence towards the poor | noun | | |
caritative | charitable | adjective | Spanish: caritativa | |
carmeze | crimson color, bluish deep red | adjective | Spanish: carmesí | |
carmun | weasel | noun | Celtic | |
carnavau | carnival: on certain days of Lent, Roman Catholics and some other Christians traditionally abstained from the consumption of meat and poultry, hence the term "carnival," from carnelevare, "to remove (literally, "raise") meat." | noun | | |
carni bovine | beef; meat from a cow | noun | | |
carni selecte | choice meat (preferred, of good quality) | verb | Spanish: carne selecta | |
carni [-carna-] | meat as food, does not include fish or chicken | noun | | |
carnicería | butcher shop, meat store | noun | | |
carnicero | butcher, meat preparer | noun | | |
carnivor | carnivore | noun | | |
carnivorose | carnivorous | adjective | | |
caroña | carrion, dead flesh, carcasses | noun | Spanish: carroña; French: charogne; Italian: carogna; Portuguese: carniça | |
caroñard | scavenger, vulture (figuratively) | noun | French: charognard | |
carpa | tent (for camping) | noun | | |
carpeta | samples of work, portfolio of art/designs/work | noun | Spanish: carpeta | |
carpintero [carpintar-] | carpenter | noun | | |
carpir | groan, moan | verb | | |
carpo | carpus | noun | | |
carrel | lane (for motor vehicle) | noun | | |
carrello de egsposición | exhibition stand, display cart | noun | | |
carreteira | highway | noun | | |
carretilla | wheelbarrow, cart (in store) | noun | | |
carro | car, automobile | noun | | |
carro compacte | compact car | noun | | |
carro eléctric | electric car, car powered by electricity | noun | | |
carrocería | bodywork, body shop | noun | | |
carruco | joint, marijuana cigarette wrapped in newspaper | noun | | |
carson | trousers, pants | noun | Papiamentu | |
carta | letter: written message | noun | | |
carta blanque | carte blanche | noun | | |
carteira | satchel | noun | | |
carteira de acciónz | equity portfolio, stock portfolio | noun | Spanish: cartera de acciones; Portuguese: carteira de ações | |
cartel | cartel | noun | | |
cartelización | cartelization | adjective | | |
cartelizar | form a cartel in an industry or trade (illicit or licit) | verb | | |
cartero, cartera | mailman, mail woman | noun | | |
cartílagen | cartilage | noun | | |
cartográfic | cartographical, cartographic | adjective | | |
cartografíê | cartography | noun | | |
cartografiteca | map library | noun | | |
cartógrafo | cartographer | noun | | |
cartucho | cartridge (of gun), cartouche | noun | | |
carucha | pulley | noun | | |
casa | home (place where you and your family lives), house | noun | | |
casamento | marriage wedding | noun | | |
casau | couple | noun | | |
casca de noez | nutshell | noun | | |
cascada | waterfall, cascade | noun | Spanish/Occitan: cascada; Portuguese: cascata | |
casco | helmet | noun | | |
casco | hull (of vehicle, ship) | noun | | |
cascu | shard, broken glass | noun | | |
caso | case (in case of) | noun | | |
caso aparte | outlier (unique member of a group) | noun | | |
caso de estudo | case study | noun | | |
caspa | dandruff, dander | noun | | |
casseti | cassette | noun | | |
cassolet | stew of slow-cooked meat | noun | French: cassoulet | |
castaña | chestnut | noun | | |
castañe | brown, dark (hair, eyes) | adjective | | |
castaño | chestnut | noun | Spanish: castaño | |
castello | castle | noun | Galician/Portuguese: castelo; Leonese: castiellu; Catalan: castell; Spanish: castillo; French: château | |
castigo | punishment for disciplinary reasons | noun | | |
castor | beaver | noun | | |
casuar | mock, make fun of | verb | | |
cataclísmic, de cataclismo | cataclysmic | adjective | | |
cataclismo | cataclysm | noun | | |
catala | paper wasp | noun | | |
catalano [catalun-] | Catalan (language or person) | noun | | |
catalepsia | catalepsy | noun | | |
catálogo | catalog, catalogue, list that is differentiated between types | noun | | |
Catalunia | Catalonia, Cataluña | noun | | |
catar | taste (wine), sample (a drink or food) | verb | | |
catástrofi | catastrophe | noun | | |
catastrófic | catastrophic | adjective | | |
catatónic | catatonic | adjective | | |
catcha | butt (of weapon), thigh | noun | | |
catche | worthwhile, advantageous | adjective | | |
catchimbeo | commotion, ruckus, brawl | noun | | |
catchinga | caatinga: dry region with stunted vegetation especially in northeastern Brazil | noun | | |
catchiporra | billy club | noun | | |
catchup | ketchup, catsup | noun | | |
catédrau | cathedral | noun | | |
categóric | categorical | adjective | | |
categoríê | category | noun | | |
categoríê de nación | nationhood | noun | Spanish: categoría de nación | |
categoríê gramatical | part of speech, grammatical category | noun | | |
catequesi | catechesis | noun | | religious instruction given to a person in preparation for Christian baptism or confirma |
catequismo | catechism | noun | Italian: catechismo, French: catechisme, Spanish/Portuguese: catecismo | |
cátodo | cathode | noun | | |
católic | catholic | adjective | | |
catolicismo | catholicism | noun | | |
catorcime | 14th, fourteenth | adjective | | |
catorcimo | 14th, fourteenth | noun | | |
catotcha | wallet | noun | | |
catruple, cuadruple | quadruple, four times as many | adjective | | |
catusiar | pinch | verb | | |
caución | bail | noun | | |
caudau | wealth, capital, volume (of water) | noun | | |
caudauz públic | public funds | noun | | |
caudillazgo | caudilloship | noun | Spanish: caudillazgo | |
caudillo | caudillo: strong personalist leader and usually a dictator | noun | | |
causa | cause | noun | | |
causa físic | physical cause | noun | | |
causalitá | causation, causality | noun | | |
cautcho | rubber | noun | | |
cautela | caution, stealthiness | noun | | |
cautelosamén | cautiously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
cautelose [cautelos-] | cautious | adjective | | |
cavalcar | ride a horse | verb | | |
cavalería | cavalry | noun | | |
cavalerisa | stable (building for horse) | noun | Spanish/Catalan/Portuguese | |
cavalero | knight, horseman, cavalry soldier | noun | | |
cavalo | horse | noun | | |
cavalo de Troya | Trojan horse | noun | | |
cavar | dig (manually) | verb | | |
caverna | cavern | noun | | |
cavernícola | caveman, cave dweller, reactionary (pejorative) | noun | | |
cavernose | cavernous | adjective | | |
caví [cafe-] | coffee | noun | | |
cavihaus | coffee house | noun | | |
cavildear | lobby (politics, campaign) | verb | | |
cavildeo | lobbying | noun | | |
cavildero | lobbyist | noun | | |
cavitá | cavity | noun | | |
caviteira | coffee maker | noun | | |
cawin | rowdy, drunken gathering | noun | | |
caxel | synagogue | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
cayena, pimenta ruje | cayenne pepper | noun | | |
cayera | notebook for taking notes | noun | French: cahier | |
cayú | fell | verb | past tense of cair | |
cayuco | dugout canoe | noun | | |
cayuquero | canoeist, boatman/boatwoman; paddler | noun | | |
cazab | cassava bread | noun | | |
Cazaquistôn | Kazakhstan | noun | | |
cazon | small shark | noun | Spanish | |
cebolla | onion | noun | Spanish: cebolla, Portuguese: cebola | |
cecina | dried or cured fish fillet | noun | | |
cedilla | cédille, cedilla | noun | French: cédille; Spanish: cedilla; Italian: cediglia | |
cedro | cedar | noun | | |
cédula | identification card, I.D. | noun | | |
Cefas | Cephas | noun | | |
célebre | famous, celebrated, renowned | adjective | | |
celebreción | celebration | noun | | |
celebrer | celebrate (a holiday) | verb | | |
celebritá | celebrity | noun | | |
celibato | celibacy | noun | | |
célibe | celibate | adjective | | |
celo | zeal | noun | | |
celo por; entusiasmo por | zeal for, enthusiasm about | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
celose | zealous, easily set off, hair-trigger | adjective | | |
célul | cell | noun | | |
celulare | cellular | adjective | | |
celuloidê | celluloid | noun | | |
ceminterio | cemetery | noun | | |
cenahora | carrot | noun | | |
ceñir | restrict, limit, gird up | verb | | |
cenizo | Hawaiian sweet banana | noun | | |
centella | spark, sparkle | noun | Portuguese: centelha, Spanish: centella | |
centenare | centenary, 100 years, centennial | adjective | | |
centenario | centenary, centennial | noun | | |
centigrad | centigrade | noun | | |
centime | 100th, hundredth | adjective | | |
centimetro | centimeter (measurement) | noun | | |
centimo | 100th, hundredth | noun | | |
central | central | adjective | | |
centralista | centralist | noun | | |
centralización | centralization | noun | | |
centralizade | centralized | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
centralizadu | centralized | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
centralizar | centralize | verb | | |
centramento | centering | noun | | |
centrifugadora | centrifuge | noun | Spanish | |
centrípete | centripetal | adjective | | |
centro | center, centre | noun | | |
centro para negochi | business center | noun | | |
cepa | strain (of virus etc.) | noun | Spanish/Portuguese/Galacian: cepa | |
cepillo | brush | noun | Spanish: cepillo; French: brosse; Catalan: raspallada; Portuguese: escova; Italian/Corsican: spazzola | |
cepillo dental | toothbrush | noun | Spanish: cepillo de dientes, cepillo dental; French: brosse à dents; Catalan: raspall de dents; Portuguese: escova de dentes | |
cerámica | ceramic | noun | | |
cerca | fence | noun | | |
cerca de | around, approximately | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
cercan | close, near, intimate (not in sexual way) | adjective | | |
cercaníê | suburbs, around or near town | noun | | |
cercar | surround, fence in, enclose (land/garden) | verb | Spanish: cercar | |
cerdo | pig, hog | noun | | |
ceréau | cereal | noun | | |
cerebelo | cerebellum | noun | | |
cerebral | cerebral | adjective | | |
cerebrar | think something up, brainstorm | verb | Lunfardo | |
cerebro | brain, cerebrum | noun | | |
ceremonia | ceremony | noun | | |
cerevro | brain | noun | | |
cerisa | cherry | noun | | |
cernedor | sieve | noun | | |
cerner-se | sieve, sift, hover | verb | | |
cero | zero | noun | | |
cerrade | closed, shut | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
cerrado | scrubland: vegetation in Brazil's interior | noun | | |
cerradu | closed, shut | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
cerrar | close (for business), clench, shut (window, door...) | verb | | |
cerrar le distança | close the distance, bridge the gap(used figuritively) | verb | | |
certesa | certainty | noun | | |
certificación | certification | noun | | |
certificado | certificate | noun | | |
certifiçar [certifica-] | certify | verb | | |
certitud [-tudin-] | certitude, certainty | noun | | |
cerule, cerulean | cerulean (darker than azure) | adjective | | |
cervesa | beer | noun | | |
cervesería | brewery | noun | Spanish: cervecería; Catalan: cerveseria; Portuguese: cervejaria | |
cervesero | brewer | noun | | |
cervo | deer | noun | | |
cesante | outgoing (government, person in a position who is leaving), ceasing | adjective | | |
cevitchi | ceviche: a dish is typically made from fresh raw fish cured in citrus juices, such as lemon or lime, and spiced with ají or chili peppers. Additional seasonings, such as chopped onions, salt, and cilantro, may also be added. | noun | | |
chacara | farm house, small farm (estate) | noun | | |
chacarero | farmer | noun | | |
chadenfroidê | Schadenfreude | noun | from German, meaning harm-joy | |
chadrej | chess, chess board | noun | | |
chaghiti | soggy earth, sodden ground | noun | | |
chaghitose | soggy, waterlogged (of ground) | adjective | | |
chagrín | sorrow, grief, heartache | noun | | |
chaleco | vest | noun | Spanish | |
chali | shawl | noun | | |
chalupi de salvetadj | lifeboat | noun | | |
chamada en vivevoç | hands-free call | noun | Portuguese: chamada com vova-voz; Italian: chiamate in vivavoce | |
chamade | called, by the name of | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
chamadu | called, by the name of | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
chamamento | call, appeal (of authority or group) | noun | Spanish: llamamiento, Portuguese: chamamento | |
chamar | call, name, appeal (law), claim | verb | | |
chamar l'atênción sobrê | bring attention to; call attention to | verb | | |
chamb | room, chamber (smaller than a lounge) | noun | | |
chamb de baño; bañeiro | bathroom: room containing bathtub | noun | | |
chamb de cochinar; cochinabo | kitchen, cooking place | noun | | |
chamb de comer, comedoro | dining room, eating place | noun | | |
chamb de dormir; dormitorio | bedroom | noun | | |
chamb de enseyadj | fitting room | noun | | |
chamb de lavar; lavabo | washroom, restroom | noun | Portuguese | |
chamb de sejur; living | living room, sitting room | noun | | |
chamfrá | chamfer | noun | Spanish: chaflán; Portuguese: chanfro; Catalan: xamfrà | |
chamin | fireplace | noun | | |
champaña | champagne | noun | | |
champú | shampoo | noun | | |
chantcha | charity: contribution to good cause | noun | | |
chapa | plate (metal) | noun | | |
chaparre | short (person), stocky | adjective | | |
chapítul | chapter (of book, etc) | noun | | |
chapo | hat | noun | | |
chaquina | shekhina (Hebrew), sakinah (Arabic): dwelling that denotes security | noun | | |
charj-dafeirs | chargé d'affaires: subordinate diplomat who substitutes for an absent ambassador or minister | noun | | |
charnera | hinge, joint (knee, elbow, etc) | noun | Portuguese: charneira | |
charso | pool (of water, blood, rain), puddle | noun | | |
charta | charter | noun | | |
charta de projetu | project charter | noun | | |
chaste | chaste: simple/restrained, not having any sexual intention or nature | adjective | | |
chastitá | chastity | noun | | |
chatchar | cuff (handcuff), boot (a vehicle) | verb | | |
chatrenj | chess | noun | Portuguese: xadrez | |
chausa | roadway | noun | | |
chawi | raccoon | noun | Louisiana French: chaoui | |
chazedj | estimation | noun | Romansch: schazetg | |
chédyul | schedule: hour by hour timetable | noun | | |
cheiqui | shayk, master | noun | | |
cheix | sheik, sheikh, cheikh | noun | Arabic | |
cheleste | heavenly, unworldly | adjective | | |
chelestial | celestial | adjective | | |
chelo | heaven, sky | noun | | |
chelse | tall | adjective | Latin: cels- | |
chelsitud [-tudin-] | tallness, high stature | noun | | |
chena | scene, (theatrical) stage, part of a play or movie | noun | Portuguese, Spanish, Italian | |
chenario | scenario (hypothetical), scenery, stage set, scene (sphere/place) | noun | Spanish: escenario | |
chenario geográfic | geographic setting | noun | | |
chenet | gap between 2 front teeth | noun | Haitian | |
chénic | scenic, scenical | adjective | Sp: escénico | |
chenográfic | scenographic | adjective | | |
chenografíê | scenography: relates to the study and practice of performance design. | noun | | |
chéptic | skeptical | adjective | | |
chepticismo | skepticism | noun | | |
chere | dear, expensive: worth a lot | adjective | | |
chérif | sheriff | noun | | |
cherimoya | cherimoya, custard apple | noun | | |
cheriño, cheriña | dear, valued person | noun | | |
cherqui | jerky: dried and salted lean meat strips, sometimes smoked | noun | | |
chêtol-democraciê | shuttle democracy: political activity in which someone makes frequent journeys between two countries and talks to each government in order to end a disagreement or war | noun | | |
chevere | great, fabulous, cool | adjective | | |
chi | yes | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | some speakers of Romansch: schi, Ladin: sci; Spanish: sí; Portuguese: sim; French: oui | |
chic | stylish, chic, smart | adjective | | |
chícara | cup, any kind | noun | | |
chicoter | whip/hit with belt or switch | verb | | |
chiença | science | noun | | |
chiença económic, l'economíê | economics: field of economy | noun | | |
chiença înformátic | computer science | noun | | |
chiente | learned, well-informed | adjective | | |
chientífic | scientific | adjective | | |
chientista | scientist | noun | | |
Chile | Chile | noun | | |
chilean | Chilean | adjective | | |
chileno | Chilean | noun | | |
Chili | Chile (Country) | noun | | |
chîminea | chimney | noun | | |
chimpanzí | chimpanzee | noun | | |
China [sino-] | China | noun | | |
chinech | Chinese (Mandarin language), person from China | noun | | |
chinese | Chinese | adjective | | |
chinqui | bedbug | noun | | |
chintchin | drizzle, street music | noun | | |
chipren | Cyprus | noun | | |
chirúrgic | surgical, operative (in medicine, physiology) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | adj | Spanish: quirúrgico; Portuguese: cirúrgico; |
chirurgíê | surgery | noun | French: chirurgie; Spanish: cirugía; Portuguese: cirurgia | |
chirurgien | surgeon | noun | French: chirurgienne; Italian: chirurgo; Spanish: cirujano; Portuguese: cirurgião | |
chisma | schism | noun | | |
chispa | spark | noun | | |
chítcharo | green pea | noun | Mexican and Cuban Spanish: chícharo | |
chitcharron | pork rind, piece of fried pork skin | noun | | |
chivado | informer, squealer | noun | | |
chivar-se | denounce somebody, squeal (inform police...) | verb | | |
chiviadaz | games of chance, dice games | noun | | |
chiviadera | gambler, craps shooter | noun | | |
chlorofluorocarbon | chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) | noun | | |
chmêc | schmuck: foolish and contemptible person | noun | | |
chnapa | brandy: distilled wine, spirit made from grapes | noun | German: Schnaps, Venetian: sgnapa | |
chnitzel, filey frite com un pollo | chicken fried steak, wiener schnitzel | noun | | |
chocar | crash (into), collide with, hit something | verb | | |
chocolati | chocolate | noun | | |
chocoti | spanish plum, red mombin | noun | | |
chofa | shovel | noun | | |
chofêr | driver, chauffeur | noun | Spanish | |
choquente | shocking | adjective | | |
choquer | shock, shake | verb | | |
choqui | shock | noun | | |
choriso | pork sausage that is cured and smoked with chili peppers | noun | | |
chortcha | oriole bird species | noun | | |
choru | choro: Brazilian musical genre of samba-style or bossa nova rhythms that is played on a guitar or other fretted stringed instrument, plus flute or clarinet and percussion. | noun | | |
chou | show | noun | | |
chovinismo | jingoism, chauvinism | noun | | |
choviniste | jingoistic, chauvinist | adjective | | |
chucreiro | sugar bowl | noun | | |
chucro de cana | sugar cane | noun | | |
chucro, asucá | sugar: chucro is sugar obtained from sugar cane, asuca is any kind of sugar | noun | | |
chucrosa | sucrose | adjective | | |
chumo | canal/river for boats (especially in town where the streets are waterways) | noun | Neapolitan | |
chupi | soup, chowder | noun | | |
chuque | sour-tasting | adjective | | |
chuquer | pierce, poke | verb | Haitian | |
chutchaqui | hangover | noun | | |
chutear | shoot | verb | | |
chuva | rain | noun | | |
chuva de meteoraz | meteor shower | noun | | |
chuvente | raining | adjective | | |
chuver | rain | verb | | |
chuvizna | drizzle | noun | | |
cian | cyan, light blue | adjective | | |
ciátic | sciatica | adjective | | |
ciberataqui | cyber attack | noun | | |
cibercriminau; ciberdelincuenti | cybercriminal, cyber criminal | noun | | |
ciberespaço | cyberspace | noun | | |
ciberterrorismo | cyberterrorism, cyber terrorism | noun | | |
cicatriç [+:cicatricez] | scar, mark (an imperfection on the body) | noun | | |
ciclo | cycle, series of phases | noun | | |
ciclo circadian | circadian cycle | noun | | |
ciclo hidrológic | hydrological cycle | noun | | |
ciclón | cyclone | noun | | |
ciegar | blind, dazzle | verb | | |
cieghe | blind | adjective | | |
ciertamén | certainly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
cierte [cierta-, -cierto, -cert-] | certain (particular) | adjective | | |
cifra | code, cipher | noun | | |
cigano, cigana | gypsy | noun | Portuguese: cigano, cigana; Spanish/Catalan: gitana; Russian: tsygan; French: gitane | |
cigaret | cigarette | noun | | |
cigaro | cigar, stogie | noun | | |
cigoña | stork | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
cigoña | stork | noun | French: cigogne; Italian: cicogna; Occitan: cigonha; Catalan: cigonya; Spanish: cigüeña; Portuguese: cegonha | |
cilantro | cilantro | noun | | |
cilindro | cylander | noun | | |
címbalo | cymbal | noun | Italian: cembalo; Portuguese/Spanish: címbalo; French: cymbale | |
cimentación | laying of the foundations | noun | | |
cimentar | cement | verb | | |
cincho | cheese press | noun | | |
cincuentime | 50th, fiftieth | adjective | | |
cincuentimo | 50th, fiftieth | noun | | |
cinema | cinema, movie theater | noun | | |
cinemátic | cinematic | adjective | | |
cinematográfic | movie, film, cinematographic, of cinematography | adjective | | |
cinematografíê | cinematography, film-making | noun | | |
cinétic | kinetic | adjective | | |
cinetic | kinetic | adjective | | |
cínic | cynical | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: cínico/a; Italian: cinico/a | |
cinta | tape (strip or audio/video cassette) | noun | | |
cinta adhesive | tape: adhesive strip | noun | | |
cintura | waist | noun | | |
cinturón | belt | noun | | |
cinza | ash | noun | Portuguese | |
ciprés | cypress (tree) | noun | | |
circadian | circadian (rhythm) | adjective | | |
circuito | circuit | noun | | |
círcul | circle | noun | | |
circulación | circulation | noun | | |
circular | circulate, move in circles | verb | | |
circulare | circular | adjective | | |
circulatorie | circulatory | adjective | | |
circumcidar-se | circumcise | verb | | |
circumcisión | circumcision | noun | | |
circumferença | circumference | noun | | |
circumferer | encompass, go around | verb | | |
circumnavegación | circumnavigation | noun | Spanish: circunnavegación | |
circumpolare | circumpolar | adjective | | |
circumspecte | carefully chosen, guarded, circumspect | adjective | | |
circumstança | circumstance | noun | | |
circumstanchal | circumstantial | adjective | | |
cislunare | cislunar: between the earth and the moon | adjective | | |
cisna | swan | noun | | |
citación | quote (a person), citation (from a source document) | noun | | |
citar | cite, quote from | verb | | |
citrón, fruta cítric | citrus fruit | noun | | |
ciudadan | citizen | adjective | | |
ciudadanía | citizenship | noun | | |
ciudadano | citizen | noun | | |
ciutá | city | noun | | |
ciutá capital | capital city, capital: principal city where the courts are and laws are made | noun | | |
civil | civil | adjective | | |
civili | civilian (non-military person) | noun | | |
civilización | civilization | noun | | |
civilizacional | civilizational | adjective | | |
civilizade | civilized | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
civilizadore, civilizante | civilizing, civilizational | adjective | Portuguese: civilizatória | |
civilizadu | civilized | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
civilizar | civilize | verb | | |
clamar | cry out (to), shout (to) | verb | | |
clamor | clamor, outcry, uproar | noun | | |
clandestine | clandestine, undercover | adjective | | |
claramén | clearly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
clare [clara-] | clear, apparent, see-through, bright, light(when speaking of colors) | adjective | | |
clarificación | clarification | noun | | |
clarifiçar [clarifica-] | clarify; illuminate | verb | | |
claríssime | very clear, transparent; as plain as a pike staff | adjective | | |
clarividença | clairvoyance | noun | | |
clarividenti | clairvoyant, someone who sees the future | noun | | |
clasi | class (not in school) | noun | | |
clásic | classic, classical | adjective | | |
clasificación | classification, categorization | noun | | |
clasificade baiju | classified under, categorized under | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish | |
clasifiçar [clasifica-] | classify, categorize | verb | | |
clasificatorie | qualifying, qualifier | adjective | Sp: clasificatorio | |
clav de fa | bass clef (key of F) | noun | | |
clav de sol | treble clef (key of G) | noun | | |
clav forane | foreign key | noun | | |
clav primare | primary key | noun | | |
clav, clev | key (musical), clef | noun | | |
clavar | hammer, drive/thrust | verb | Spanish: clavar | |
clavar | hammer, drive, nail | verb | | |
clave | key (person, topic...) | adjective | | |
clemença | clemency, mercy and mildness | noun | | |
clemente | mild (weather), merciful | adjective | | |
cleptocraciê | kleptocracy | noun | | |
clérigo | clergyman, pastor, ecclesiastic, cleric | noun | | |
clicar | click (button on computer keyboard, mouse, controller...) | verb | | |
clientê | client, customer, guest or shopper | noun | | |
clientela | clientele: clients collectively | noun | Spanish/Portuguese/Italian: clientela; French: clientèle | |
clientelismo | clientelism | noun | | |
clima [climat-] | climate | noun | | |
climátic | climatic | adjective | | |
climatológic | climatological | adjective | | |
climatologíê | climatology | noun | | |
climatólogo | climatologist | noun | | |
clínica | clinic | noun | | |
clinicien | clinician | noun | | |
clobasa | kielbasa; sausage meat | noun | Czech: klobása | |
clorofila | chlorophyll | noun | | |
co-liderar | co-lead | verb | | |
co-ocurrente | co-occurring | adjective | | |
co-oficial | co-official | adjective | | |
coagul | curd, soured milk | noun | | |
coagular | coagulate | verb | | |
coalición | coalition | noun | | |
cobayo | guinea pig | noun | Spanish: cobayo | |
coblero | cobbler (dessert, food) | noun | American English | |
cobrê | copper | noun | | |
coca | coca plant: native to South America | noun | | |
cocaína | cocaine | noun | | |
cocha | hip (part of body) | noun | La: coxam, Sp: cojo, Po: coxa | |
cochín | cushion | noun | | |
cochinar | cook | verb | | |
cochinera, cochinero | cook, chef (at restaurant) | noun | | |
cochquilla | tickling | noun | Spanish: cosquillas/cosquilleo, Portuguese: cócegas | |
cocienti | quotient | noun | | |
cocienti intelectual | intelligence quotient | noun | | |
coco | coconut | noun | | |
cóctel | cocktail: mixed drink | noun | | |
coctelera | shaker (to make cocktails) | noun | Spanish/Catalan: coctelera | |
cóctelez molotov | molotov cocktails | noun | | |
cocusaigin | a person open to making friends from outside one’s country and socio-economic standing and finding common ground. | noun | Japanese | |
cocuyo | glowing click beetle (pyrophorus) | noun | Spanish: cocuyo from Taino | |
coda | tail, coda (in music) | noun | | |
codach | reference book, codex, key book | noun | Romansch:cudesch | |
codici | codex | noun | | |
codifiçar [codifica-] | codify | verb | | |
código | code | noun | | |
código de conduta | code of conduct | noun | | |
codirigir | co-direct | verb | | |
codov | elbow | noun | | |
coegsistença | coexistence | noun | | |
coegsistenchalismo | coexistentialism | noun | | |
coegsistente | coexisting | adjective | | |
coerjer | coerce | verb | | |
coerjión | coercion | noun | | |
coerjitive | coercive | adjective | Portuguese: coercitiva | |
coeternal | coeternal | adjective | | |
coftey | meatball | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
cognitive | cognitive | adjective | | |
Cohélet | book of Ecclesiastes | noun | | |
coherença | coherence, logic | noun | | |
coherente | coherent: logical and consistent | adjective | | |
cohortê | cohort: company of soldiers, band of warriors | noun | | |
coime | astute, strategical | adjective | | |
coimero | person who receives a bribe | noun | | |
coîncidença | coincidence | noun | | |
coîncidental | coincidental | adjective | | |
coîncidim cun | matches, coincides with | verb | | |
coîncidir [coîncide-] | coincide | verb | | |
coinonía | fellowship and sharing life with others at a deep level | noun | Greek: Koinonia | |
cojado | saddle (cartographical, geographical) | noun | | |
col | cabbage | verb | German: Kohl, Mexican Spanish, Catalan: col; Spain Spanish, Galician: repollo, French: chou | |
colaboración | collaboration | noun | | |
colaborador | collaborator | noun | | |
colaborar | collaborate | verb | | |
colaborative | collaborative | adjective | | |
coladura | salted anchovy | noun | | |
colágeno | collagen | noun | | |
colarey | necklace | noun | | |
colatchi | kolache: sweetened yeast dough formed into rolls and filled with fruit, cheese or sausage before baking. (a Czech and Texan treat) | noun | Czech: koláče | |
colateral | collateral | adjective | | |
colchón | mattress | noun | Spanish | |
colección | collection | noun | | |
coleccionar | collect (stamps, baseball cards, etc) | verb | | |
colectivamén | collectively | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
colective [colectiva-] | collective | adjective | | |
colectivismo | collectivism | noun | | |
colectiviste | collectivist | adjective | | |
colectivitá | collectivity | noun | Italian: collettività, Spanish: colectividad, Portuguese: coletividade | |
colega | colleague, coworker | noun | | |
colegial | collegiate | adjective | | |
colegio | college, higher educational institute | noun | | |
colegio electoral | electoral college | noun | | |
cólera | cholera | noun | | |
colgar | hang, dangle, hang up | verb | | |
colina | hill, mound | noun | | |
colisión | collision, crash | noun | | |
colisionar | collide (especially vehicles) | verb | | |
colleitaz | crops (of harvest) | noun | Portuguese: colheitas | |
coller | gather (evidence), pick (fruit, flowers) | verb | | |
colmillo | fang, pointy tooth | noun | Portuguese: colmilho, Spanish: colmillo | |
colocade | placed | adjective | | |
colocar | place (faith, product, investment); invest, plant, put on/up | verb | Spanish, Portuguese | |
coloni | colony | noun | | |
colonial | colonial | adjective | | |
colonialización | colonialization | noun | | |
colonizador | settler, colonizer | noun | | |
color | color | noun | | |
color caramele | caramel color | noun | | |
colorez vive | vivid colors | noun | | |
colossal | colossal, enormous, extraordinary | adjective | Spanish | |
colp de estat | coup, blow of state | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Columbia Británic | British Columbia | noun | | |
columna | pillar, column | noun | | |
com | like, as | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
com aliança | as a covenant, covenantal | adjective | Spanish: como alianza | |
com l'últime caso | as the last resort | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
comadrê | midwife | noun | | |
comandar | command (ship, controls, computer...) | verb | | |
comando | command (computing) | noun | | |
comarca | district, territory/region; administrative division comprising a number of municipalities | noun | Spanish | |
combati | combat, fighting | noun | | |
combatienti | combatant | noun | | |
combatir | combat, fight against | verb | | |
combinade | combined | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
combinadu | combined | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
combinar | combine, mix | verb | | |
combustíbel | combustible | adjective | | |
combustibilitá | combustibility | adjective | | |
combustión | combustion | noun | Spanish: combustión | |
comedia | comedy | noun | | |
comedien | comedian | noun | | |
comencimento, comencio | commencement, starting | noun | | |
comencir | begin, start | verb | | |
comentar | comment | verb | | |
comentario | commentary | noun | | |
comentarista | commentator (on radio, television) | noun | | |
comer | eat a meal | verb | | |
comer dineiro | embezzle (literally: eat money) | verb | | |
comerchábel | marketable | adjective | | |
comerchal | commercial | adjective | | |
comerchalización | commercialization | noun | | |
comerchalizar | commercialize, market | verb | | |
comerchanti | merchant (on a large scale), trader, businessman | noun | | |
comerchar | trade, do business (with) | verb | | |
Comerço de Emisiónz | cap and trade, emissions trading | noun | | |
comerço [comerch-] | trade, commerce | noun | | |
cometa | comet | noun | | |
cómic | funny, comical | adjective | | |
cômic, cómic | comical, funny | adjective | | |
comida | meal (food) | noun | Spanish | |
comisario | commissioner, superintendent | noun | | |
comisión | commission, assignment | noun | | |
comisionario | commission agent, broker | noun | French: commissionnaire | |
como | how, in what manner | interrogative, question word | | |
cómode | convenient, comfortable, satisfactory | adjective | | |
comoditá | convenience, comfort | noun | | |
comoditáz | amenities, conveniences | noun | | |
comórbide | comorbid | adjective | | |
comorbiditá | comorbidity | noun | | |
comorebi | sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees | noun | | |
compachive | compassionate | adjective | Spanish: compasivo, Portuguese: compassivo; Italian: compassionevole | |
compachón | compassion | noun | | |
compactar | compact | verb | | |
compacte | compact | adjective | | |
compañerismo | fellowship | noun | | |
compañero de treballo | coworker, fellow worker | noun | | |
compañero, compa | companion, comrade, partner, fellow | noun | | |
compañía | company: people, or group in business | noun | | |
comparábel | comparable: capable of comparison | adjective | | |
comparábel a | comparable to | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
comparación | comparison | noun | | |
comparar | compare | verb | | |
comparativamén | comparably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
comparative [comparativa-] | comparative, related to | adjective | | |
comparecença | appearance (before court) | noun | | |
comparecer [-ezca-] | appear (before someone or in court) | verb | | |
Compartam este página! | share this page! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
compartijamento de înformación | information sharing | noun | | |
compartijar | share in, participate in | verb | | |
compartimento | compartment | noun | | |
compartir | share, distribute | verb | | |
compatecente | pitying, compassionate, having sympathy, sympathetic | adjective | French: compatissant | |
compatecer [-ezca-] | have pity on, sympathize with | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: compadecer; French: compatir | |
compatíbel | compatible | adjective | | |
compatibilitá | compatibility | noun | | |
compatriote | fellow (of same nation or country) | adjective | | |
compelide | compelled | adjective | | |
compelidu | compelled | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
compelir | compel | verb | | |
compendio [+:compendioz] | compendium [+:compendia] | noun | | |
compensación | offset, compensation | noun | | |
compensar | compensate (for), countervail, make up for | verb | Spanish: compensar | |
compensar | compensate, counterbalance, offset | verb | | |
compensatorie | compensatory | adjective | | |
competença | competence, expertise | noun | | |
competente | competent, capable (of person) | adjective | | |
competición | competition | noun | | |
competitive | competitive | adjective | | |
competitivitá | competitiveness | noun | | |
compleje | complex, complicated | adjective | | |
complejitá | complexity | noun | | |
completar | complete, finish | verb | | |
complete | complete | adjective | | |
complicación | complication | noun | | |
complicade | complicated | adjective | | |
complicar | complicate | verb | | |
cómplice | complicit | adjective | | |
cómplicê | accomplice | noun | | |
complicitá | complicity | noun | | |
complimento | complement, compliment | noun | | |
componente | constituent | adjective | | |
componenti | component: a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle | noun | | |
componer [compost-, composi-, componga-] | compose of: made up of | verb | | |
comporta | gate (mechanical and/or locking), floodgate | noun | Spanish: compuerta; Portuguese: comporta; | |
comportamento | behavior, behaviour, performance | noun | | |
comportamentoz coalicional | coalitional behaviors | noun | | |
comportar-se | behave | verb | | |
composente | composing | adjective | | |
composenti | composer | noun | | |
composer | compose, write (music, book, ...) | verb | | |
composición | makeup, make-up, composition, constitution (of person) | noun | | |
composide | composed (book, music, play...) | adjective | | |
composidu | composed (book, music, play...) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
compositor | composer | noun | | |
composta | compost: organic material made from decaying plants and animals | noun | | |
compostadj | composting | noun | | |
composte | composite, mixed, compound | adjective | | |
comprender | comprehend, understand | verb | | |
comprensíbel | understandable, comprehensible | adjective | | |
comprensibelmén | understandably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
comprensión | comprehension | noun | | |
comprensive | comprehensive | adjective | | |
compresa | medical dressing, pack, compress | noun | | |
comprimide | compressed | noun | | |
comprise | included, comprising, inclusive | adjective | | |
comprise entre | contained between | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
comprobanti | written proof, receipt of purchase, supporting document | noun | | |
comprobar; comprobar que | check, confirm; realize (that), confirm (that) | verb | | |
comprometidamén | committedly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
comprometide [comprometide-] | committed | adjective | | |
comprometidu | committed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
comprometir | commit | verb | | |
compromiso | commitment, appointment | noun | | |
compromiso | compromise, commitment, agreement and pledge | noun | Spanish: compromiso; Portuguese: compromisso; French: compromis | |
computación | computation | noun | | |
computacional | computational | adjective | | |
computador portátil | laptop or notebook computer | noun | Spanish: computadora portátil | |
computador, compiuterro | computer (usually machine) | noun | Spanish, Neapolitan | |
computar | compute | verb | | |
computative | computative | adjective | | |
computerizade | computerized, adapted to be used or operated on a computer | adjective | | |
comtá, comdado | county, shire | noun | | |
comunal | communal, city/municipal/town, community | adjective | | |
comune | common | adjective | | |
comune-luoga | cliché, platitude, commonplace remark | noun | | |
comunicación | communication | noun | | |
comunicaciónz mundial | worldwide communications | noun | | |
comunicado | statement (public), press release, communiqué | noun | | |
comunicado de obertura | opening statement | noun | | |
comunicar | communicate | verb | | |
comunió | communion | noun | | |
comunismo | communism | noun | | |
comuníssime | most common | adjective | | |
comunitare | community, communal | adjective | Spanish: comunitario, French: communautaire | |
comunitario | communitarian | noun | Spanish/Italian: comunitario, comunitaria | |
comunitarismo | communitarianism | noun | Spanish/Italian/Portuguese | |
coñac | cognac, a type of twice-distilled brandy made from white wine | noun | | |
concatenación | concatenation (computer programming) | noun | French: concaténation; Spanish: concatenación; Portuguese: concatenação | |
concatenar | concatenate (especially in programming), link up | verb | | |
concebíbel | conceivable | adjective | | |
concebide | conceived | adjective | | |
concebidu | conceived, envisioned | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
concebir [concep-] | conceive (to bring forth an idea or baby), envision | verb | | |
conceder [conces-] | bestow: award, grant; acknowledge: concede, admit | verb | Spanish | |
concentración | concentration | noun | | |
concentrado de tomati | tomato paste | noun | | |
concentrar | focus, concentrate | verb | | |
concepción | conception | noun | | |
conceptu | concept | noun | | |
conceptu errone; idea errone | misconception | noun | | |
conceptual | conceptual | adjective | | |
conceptualizar | conceptualize | verb | | |
conceptualmén | conceptually | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
concernandu | concerning | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
concernide | concerned | adjective | | |
concernidu | concerned | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
concerniente | concerning | adjective | | |
concernir | concern | verb | | |
concertar | agree on, arrange, match up (data) | verb | | |
concertista de ghitara | concert guitarist | noun | | |
concertista de piano | concert pianist | noun | | |
concesión | concession | noun | | |
concesionario | dealer, concessionaire, agent of goods | noun | | |
concesionariu de automovielez | auto dealership | noun | | |
conchiença | awareness, consciousness, conscience | noun | | |
conchiença înterne | inner awareness | noun | | |
conchiença social | social consciousness | noun | | |
conchienciose | conscientious | adjective | Portuguese: consciencioso; French: consciencieux | |
conchiente | conscious, aware, cognizant | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: consciente; Catalan/French: conscient | |
Concierto European | Concert of Europe | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
concierto [concert-] | concert (music) | noun | | |
conciliación | conciliation | noun | | |
conciliar | conciliate; to gain friends, bring together people or affections | verb | | |
conciliare | conciliary, of or pertaining to councils | adjective | | |
concilio | council | noun | | |
concilio comunal | city council, municipal council | noun | | |
Concilio de Europa | Council of Europe | noun | | |
concilio superiore | high council | noun | | |
concise | concise: brief but comprehensive | adjective | | |
conciudadanoz | fellow citizens | noun | | |
concluir [conclus-] | conclude: bring to a close, reach a final settlement | verb | | |
conclusión | conclusion (brought to a close) | noun | | |
conclusive | conclusive | adjective | | |
concluyente | conclusive, concluding | adjective | | |
concluyú | concluded, brought to a close | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
concomitança | concomitance: being together or in connection with another | noun | | |
concomitante | concomitant: naturally accompanying or associated | adjective | | |
concordar | agree (grammar, people) | verb | | |
concordia | concord: an agreement or understanding between people | noun | | |
concurso | contest, competition | noun | | |
condamnación | condemnation | noun | | |
condamnar | condemn | verb | | |
condamnar a l'ostracismo | ostracize | verb | | |
condamnatorie | condemnatory | adjective | | |
condecoración | award/decoration/medal | noun | | |
condición | condition | noun | | |
condicional | conditional | adjective | | |
condicionalmén | conditionally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
condicionamento | conditioning | noun | | |
condicionante | determining | adjective | | |
condicionar | condition, determine | verb | | |
condicionau progresive | conditional progressive | noun | | |
condiciónz obrare | working conditions | noun | | |
condiciónz preferenchal | preferential terms | noun | | |
conditar | sweeten and/or preserve, candy | verb | | |
conditería | confectioner's shop; konditorei sells pastries - made in-house or brought in from another bakery, coffees, teas, and soft drinks. It differs from a restaurant in that opening hours tend to be morning and afternoon, rather than afternoon and evening. Many larger konditorei also serve ice cream. | noun | | |
conditero | confectioner | noun | | |
conditura | candied fruit, jam | noun | | |
condolença | condolence | noun | | |
condominio | condo, condominium | noun | | |
condor | condor | noun | | |
conducción | conduction | noun | | |
conducir [conduj-, conduzca-, conducc-] | drive (a vehicle), conduct a train, lead (to) | verb | | |
conducta | conduct, behaviour | noun | | |
conductor | driver (of vehicle), conductor | noun | | |
conduito, conducto | conduit, duct | noun | | |
conecsión | connection, link | noun | | |
conecsión de basi de datoz | database connection | noun | | |
conectar [conecs-] | connect | verb | | |
conello | rabbit | noun | | |
confabular-se | collude | verb | | |
confederación | confederation | noun | | |
conferença | conference | noun | | |
conferença webe | web conference | noun | | |
conferide | conferred | adjective | | |
conferir autoritá a | confer powers to/on, empower (someone) | verb | | |
conferir [confere-] | confer, bestow | verb | | |
confesar | confess | verb | | |
confesión | confession | noun | | |
confeti | confetti | noun | | |
confiábel | reliable, trustworthy, instilling confidence (person) | adjective | | |
confiança | confidence | noun | | |
confiar [confide-] | trust: have faith in something or someone; rely | verb | | |
confidenchal [confidenciali-], confianchal | confidential | adjective | | |
confidencialitá | confidentiality | noun | | |
confidente | confident (of) | adjective | | |
configuración | setting (mechanical), configuration | noun | | |
configurar | configure (used in IT) | verb | | |
confín | confine, limit | noun | | |
confinar | confine | verb | | |
confirmación | confirmation | noun | | |
confirmar | confirm | verb | | |
confiscación | confiscation, seizure | noun | | |
confiscar | confiscate | verb | | |
confiscatore | confiscatory | adjective | | |
conflictu | conflict | noun | | |
conflictual | conflictual | adjective | | |
confligir [conflic-, conflige-] | conflict | verb | | |
conformar | constitute, make up, create | verb | | |
conforme | in agreement, satisfied/agreed | adjective | Spanish | |
conforme a | according to, in accordance with, IAW | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
conforme cun | in keeping with, consistent with, in line with | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish | |
conformitá | conformity, compliance | noun | | |
conformitá normative, conformitá regulatorie | regulatory compliance | noun | | |
confortábel | comfortable | adjective | | |
confortar | comfort | verb | | |
confucianismo | Confucianism | noun | Catalan: confucianisme; Spanish: confucianismo | |
Confucio | Confucius | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: Confucio | |
confundidu | confused, confounded | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
confundir [confus-] | confound, confuse | verb | | |
confuse | confused, confounded | adjective | | |
confusión | confusion, disarray, perplexity/bewilderment, mix of very different ideas | noun | Spanish: confusión; Portuguese: confusão; Catalan: confusió; French: confusion | |
congelador | freezer | noun | | |
congestión | congestion (illness, traffic) | noun | Spanish | |
congi | furlough, leave | noun | French | |
congregación | congregation | noun | | |
congregacional | congregational | adjective | | |
congregar-se | congregate | verb | | |
congreso | congress | noun | | |
conjetura | conjecture | noun | | |
conjugación | conjugation | noun | | |
conjugal | conjugal | adjective | | |
conjugar | marry (figurative), conjoin, conjugate (verb) | verb | | |
conjuncción | conjunction | noun | | |
conjunto | set, collection of parts that make a whole; mechanism | noun | | |
conjunto de datoz | dataset | noun | | |
conjuntura | joint, conjuncture, juncture | noun | | |
conjuntura crític | critical juncture | noun | Spanish: coyunura crítica; Catalan: conjuntura crítica | |
conmemorar | commemorate | verb | Spanish | |
conmemorative | commemorative | adjective | | |
conmoción | commotion, upheaval (social) | noun | | |
conmover | move emotionally | verb | | |
conmutación | commutation | noun | | conversion of a legal obligation or entitlement into another form; action or the process |
connivença | collusion, connivence | noun | | |
cono | cone | noun | | |
conocedor | connoisseur, expert | noun | | |
conocer [conozca-] | know: be aquainted with | verb | | |
conocido | acqaintance, known person | noun | | |
conocimento | common sense, cognizance, knowledge/familiarity, consciousness (awakened state) | noun | | |
conocimento genral | general knowledge (of something) | noun | | |
conocimento musical | knowledge of music | noun | | |
conocimento profunde dele tema | thorough knowledge of the subject | noun | | |
conquista | conquest | noun | | |
conquistador | conquerer, conquistador | noun | | |
conquistar | conquer | verb | | |
consagrar | consecrate, make sacred, dedicate, commit time and effort toward | verb | | |
consanghinitá | kinship, consanguinity | noun | Portuguese: consanguinidade | |
consecución | attainment, achievement, fruition, procurement | noun | | |
consecuença | consequence | noun | Spanish: consecuencia, Portuguese: consequência, French: conséquence | |
consecuenchalista | consequentialist | noun | | |
conseghir | manage to, get to | verb | | |
consellero | counselor, adviser | noun | | |
consello | advice, counsel, guidance | noun | | |
conselloz infalíbel | foolproof tips | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
consensu | consensus | noun | | |
consensual | consensual | adjective | | |
consentimento | consent, allowance | noun | | |
consentir | consent, allow, stand/bear, tolerate/sanction | verb | | |
conservación | conservation | noun | | |
conservador | conservative (in politics or social norms) | noun | | |
conservar | conserve | verb | | |
conservatore | conservative | adjective | | |
conservatorio | conservatory, conservatoire | noun | | |
conservaz | canned goods | noun | | |
considerábel | considerable, significant | adjective | | |
considerabelmén | considerably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
consideración | consideration | noun | | |
considerandu que | whereas, considering that | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
considerar | consider | verb | | |
consierj | errand person, messenger | noun | | |
consigna | watchword, password | noun | | |
consistença | consistency | noun | Italian: consistenza; Portuguese: consistência; French: consistance; Spanish: consistencia | |
consistente | consistent | adjective | | |
consister | consist | verb | | |
consistorio | consistory, town hall, meeting place for politics | noun | | |
consola | console (machine), instrument panel | noun | | |
consola de vídeojuco | video game console | noun | | |
consolaça | solace, assurance and comfort (especially during times of grief), consolation | noun | Portuguese: consolação/consolo, Catalan: consol, Spanish: consuelo/solaz, French: consolation | |
consonanti | consonant (grammar) | noun | | |
conspicue | conspicuous | adjective | | |
conspiración | conspiracy | noun | | |
conspirador | conspirator | noun | Spanish: con | |
conspirar | conspire, collude | verb | | |
conspirative | conspiratorial, tending toward conspiracy | adjective | Italian: cospirativa | |
constança | steadfastness, constancy | noun | Italian: costanza; Spanish: constancia; Portuguese: constância; French: constance; Catalan: constància | |
constante | constant, incessant | adjective | | |
constantemén | constantly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
consternación | consternation | noun | | |
consternar | dismay | verb | | |
constipación | constipation | noun | | |
constitución | constitution (of state) | noun | | |
constitucional | constitutional | adjective | | |
constituide | constituted | adjective | | |
constituir | constitute, build up; give legal or constitutional form to (an institution) | verb | | |
constituyú | built up, gave legal form to, constituted | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
construcción | construction, the process of building together | noun | | |
construcción de coaliciónz | coalition building | noun | | |
construcción de confiança | trust building | noun | Spanish:construcción de confianza | |
constructive | constructive | adjective | | |
constructivismo | constructivism | noun | | |
constructiviste | constructivist | adjective | | |
constructor | constructor, construction worker | noun | | |
constructu social | social construct | noun | | |
constructual | constructual | adjective | | |
construide | built, constructed | adjective | | |
construidu | built, constructed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
construir [construc-] | construct | verb | | |
construyam | present subjunctive of construir [to construct] | verb | | |
construyessê | imperfect subjunctive of construir [to construct] | verb | | |
construyú | constructed | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
constultar | contult: act stupidly with your friends and/or family; play the fool together | verb | Latin: con-stultus | |
consuete | customary, usual | adjective | | |
consul | consul: Diplomatic agent in charge of defending the interests of its nationals in a foreign country. | noun | | |
consulare | consular | adjective | | |
consultación | consultation | noun | | |
consultar | consult | verb | | |
consultorio | office and place of consulting | noun | | |
consumación | consummation | noun | | |
consumar | make perfect, complete; make marriage complete by having sexual intercourse | verb | | |
consumide | consumed | adjective | | |
consumidor | consumer | noun | | |
consumidor, clientê | consumer of a commercial product | noun | | |
consumidu | consumed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
consumiente | consuming | adjective | | |
consumir | use, consume | verb | | |
consumismo | consumerism | noun | | |
consumo | consumption, use (of goods) | noun | | |
consumtive | consumptive | adjective | | |
conta | account, bill, check (for meal) | noun | | |
conta de espari | savings account | noun | Dutch | |
contador | accountant | noun | | |
contaduría | accountancy, accountant's office, bookkeeping | noun | | |
contagiar | infect, infest | verb | | |
contagio | contagion | noun | | |
contagiose | contagious | adjective | | |
contaminación | contamination | noun | | |
contaminar | contaminate | verb | | |
contar | count | verb | | |
contatar | contact | verb | | |
contcha | shell (of sea creature) | noun | | |
contchude | shameless, cheeky, brash | adjective | | |
contegstu | context | noun | | |
contegstual | contextual | adjective | | |
contemplación | contemplation | noun | | |
contemplade | contemplated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
contempladu | contemplated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
contemplante | contemplating | adjective | | |
contemplar | contemplate | verb | | |
contêmporane | contemporary, new and hip | adjective | | |
contención | containment, restraint, legal suit (contention) | noun | | |
contenciose | litigious, contentious | adjective | | |
contenedor | container (especially in transport) | noun | | |
contener [contuvi-, contenga-, continen-] | contain, restrain, hold back, suppress, curb (expectations, etc) | verb | | |
contenide | contained, held inside | adjective | | |
contenido | content, subject matter, contents | noun | | |
contenido multimidial | multimedia content | noun | | |
contenidu | contained, held inside | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
contentíssime | thrilled, extremely happy | adjective | | |
contestábel | contestable | adjective | | |
contestación | answer, reply | noun | | |
contestación ale confirmación de domicilio para efeituz de înscripción de votantiz | voter registration address confirmation | noun | | |
contestar | challenge, contest, dispute | verb | | |
contigue | contiguous: sharing a border or next to each other | adjective | | |
continença | self-control, continence | noun | | |
continental | continental | adjective | | |
continenti [continent-] | continent | noun | | |
contingença | contingency | noun | | |
contingente | contingent | adjective | | |
contingíbel | contingible: possibility of happening | adjective | | |
continuación | continuation, continuance, carrying-on | noun | | |
continual | continual | adjective | | |
continuar [continúa-] | carry on with, continue | verb | | |
contínue | continuous (event, process), ongoing | adjective | | |
continuitá | continuity | noun | | |
contínuo dialectal | dialect continuum | noun | | |
contra | against | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
contra-argumento | counterargument | noun | | |
contraataqui, contra-ataqui | counterattack | noun | | |
contrabandista | smuggler | noun | | |
contrabando | contraband: smuggled goods, not allowed items | noun | | |
contracción | contraction, shrinkage | noun | | |
contrademostración | counterdemonstrations | noun | | |
contradicción | contradiction, inconsistency | noun | | |
contradicente | contradicting | adjective | | |
contradicer [contraditch-, contradij-, contradiga-, contradir-] | contradict, be contrary to | verb | | |
contradictorie | contradictory | adjective | | |
contraditche | contradicted | adjective | | |
contraditchu | contradicted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
contrafeitual | counterfactual | adjective | | |
contrahegemónic, contra-hegemónic | counterhegemonic | noun | | |
contraher [contrac-] | contract: draw together, combine, make an agreement; incur (debt); make (commitments) | verb | | |
contranarrativa | counternarrative, counter-narrative | noun | | |
contraproducente | counterproductive | adjective | | |
contrare | contrary, counter, opposite | adjective | | |
contraremén | contrary to, unlike | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
contrario | opposite, contrary | noun | | |
contraseña | password, code (to unlock something) | noun | | |
contratación egsterne | outsourcing (of labor) | noun | | |
contratade | contracted | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
contratadu | contracted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
contratar | hire under contract | verb | | |
contratarismo | contractarianism | noun | | |
contraterrorismo | counterterrorism | noun | | |
contratista | contractor | noun | | |
contratu | contract | noun | | |
contratu blindade | ironclad contract | noun | Spanish: contrato blindado | |
contratu de arrendamento | lease, leasing contract | noun | Spanish: contrato de arrendamiento | |
contratu têmporal | short-term contract | noun | | |
contratual | contractual | adjective | | |
contratuerca | locknut | noun | | |
contravenir [contravini-, contravenga-] | contravene | verb | | |
contribución | contibution | noun | | |
contribuir | contribute | verb | | |
contribuyente | contributing, contributory, conducive | adjective | | |
contribuyú | contributed | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
contrite, arrepentide | contrite | adjective | | |
control de calitá | QC, quality control | noun | | |
control de sintonización | tuning control | noun | | |
control numéric per computador | CNC: computer numerical control | noun | | |
controlade | monitored, controlled | adjective | | |
controlar | monitor, control | verb | | |
controversia | controversy | noun | | |
controversial | controversial: relating to or causing the expression of opposing opinions | adjective | | |
controvertíbel | controvertible: open to question or dispute, controversial | adjective | | |
contudo | nevertheless, however | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Portuguese; Spanish uses sin embargo | |
contumace | contumacious: resisting legitimate authority, headstrong, haughty and insolent | adjective | Italian: contumace, Spanish/Portuguese/Galician: contumaz, Catalan: contumaç | |
contumacia | contumacy: stubborn refusal to obey or comply with authority | noun | | |
contundença | bluntness, forcefulness | noun | | |
contundente | decisive, blunt, forceful | adjective | | |
contunder | bruise, contuse | verb | | |
convencer [convença-] | persuade, convince, win over | verb | | |
convencide | convinced | adjective | | |
convencidu | convinced | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
convención | convention, assembly (of people) | noun | | |
convencional | conventional | adjective | | |
conveníbel | suitable, becoming, adequate | adjective | | |
conveniença | convenience | noun | | |
conveniente | convenient | adjective | | |
convenio | covenant, agreement | noun | Spanish: convenio | |
convenio colective | collective agreement; general wages agreement (labor rights) | noun | | |
convenio comerchal | trade agreement | noun | | |
convenir [convini-, convenga-] | convene: agree to, suit; be convenient | verb | | |
convento | convent | noun | | |
convergença | convergence | noun | | |
convergente | convergent, converging | adjective | | |
converger | converge | verb | | |
conversación | conversation | noun | | |
conversación telefónic | telephone conversation | noun | | |
conversar | converse | verb | | |
conversión | conversion, transformation | noun | | |
convertir | convert, change, become (something new) | verb | | |
convicción | conviction | noun | | |
convidade | invited | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
convidado | guest, the invited | noun | | |
convidadu | invited | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
convidar | invite over, invite out | verb | | |
convincente | convincing, powerful (argument) | adjective | | |
convivença | coexistence, cohabitation, living together | noun | | |
convivio | family get-together | noun | | |
convocanti | organizer (of events) | noun | | |
convocar | summon, notify; convene | verb | | |
convoy | convoy | noun | | |
convoyar | convoy, convey (travel together) | verb | | |
convulsión | convulsion | noun | | |
convulsión polític | political upheaval | noun | | |
convulsivamén | convulsively | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
convulsive [convulsiva-] | convulsive | adjective | | |
coôperación | cooperation | noun | | |
coôperación antiterroriste | antiterrorism cooperation | noun | | |
coôperar | cooperate | verb | | |
cooptación | co-optation | noun | | |
coordinación | coordination | noun | | |
coordinada | coordinate | noun | | |
coordinade | coordinated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
coordinadu | coordinated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
coordinar | coordinate | verb | | |
copa | wine glass | noun | | |
copa de vino | glass of wine | noun | | |
copa para coctel, coctel-copa | cocktail glass | noun | | |
copanti | footbridge made of planks of wood to cross a stream | noun | | |
copia | copy | noun | | |
copia de seguridad | backup copy | noun | | |
copiar | copy | verb | | |
coprofagia | coprophagy, coprophagia | noun | | |
coquero | cocaine addict | noun | | |
cor | core, center | noun | | |
coraçón | heart, core of a person | noun | Portuguese: coração, Spanish: corazón, French: cœur | |
coradj | courage | noun | | |
coradjose | courageous | adjective | | |
coral | choral, of a choir | adjective | | |
coralillo | coral snake | noun | | |
corbela | basket | noun | | |
corceza | bark (of tree), crust, rind, peel | noun | | |
corda | cord, string, rope | noun | | |
cordafono | chordophone: any stringed instrument | noun | | |
cordero | lamb (meat) | noun | | |
cordial | cordial, from the heart | adjective | | |
cordialitá | cordiality, warmth, geniality | noun | | |
cordillera | range (mountain, etc.) | noun | Portuguese: cadeia, Spanish: cordillera | |
cordillera mesoatlántic | Mid-Atlantic Ridge | noun | Spanish: dorsal/cordillera mesoatlántica; French: dorsale médio-atlantique; Portuguese: dorsal/ cordilheira mesoatlântica | |
cordoncillo | spiked pepper, false kava | noun | | |
Coreia Norte | North Korea | noun | | |
coreian | Korean | adjective | | |
coreiano | Korean (person) | noun | | |
coreografíê | choreography | noun | | |
coreógrafo, coreógrafa | choreographer | noun | | |
corno francese | French horn | noun | | |
Cornuala | Cornwall, England | noun | Spanish: Cornualles, Portuguese: cornualha | |
cornuda | eyelash viper | noun | | |
coro | choir | noun | | |
corolario | corollary | noun | | |
coronel | colonel: an officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps ranking between lieutenant colonel and brigadier general | noun | roughly English pronunciation; Spanish/Portuguese: coronel | |
coronela | 4-door SUV | noun | | |
corozo | cohune palm | noun | | |
corpo estudantil | student body | noun | Galician/Portuguese: corpo estudantil; Italian: corpo studentesco; Spanish: cuerpo estudiantil | |
corpo pequine | small body in the solar system | noun | | |
corpo [corpor-] | body | noun | | |
corporación | corporation | noun | | |
corporal | of or relating to the body | adjective | | |
corralito | playpen | noun | | |
corrección | correction | noun | | |
correcte | correct, decent | adjective | | |
corredor | broker | noun | | |
correduría | brokerage | noun | | |
correlación | correlation | noun | | |
correlación înterclase | interclass correlation | noun | | |
correlative | correlative | adjective | | |
correlativo objetive | objective correlative | noun | | |
correo | mail | noun | | |
correspondença | correspondence, communication through letters; connection/interchange | noun | | |
corresponder | correspond | verb | | |
corresponsau | correspondent (news) | noun | | |
corretadj | brokerage, broking | noun | Portuguese: corretagem; Spanish: corretaje | |
corretear | tell someone to leave | verb | | |
corrigíbel | rectifiable; corrigible: capable of being corrected, rectified, or reformed. | adjective | | |
corrigiduría | internal affairs, inspectorate general, corrections | noun | | |
corrigir [correc-] | correct | verb | | |
corromper [corrupt-] | corrupt | verb | | |
corrompidu | rotten, putrid (of things); corrupted, gone bad (of people) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
corroncha | scaly surface or shell | noun | | |
corrupción | corruption | noun | | |
corrupte | corrupt | adjective | | |
corruptíbel | corruptible | adjective | | |
corruptibilitá | corruptibility | noun | | |
corsaro | pirate (usually of the Barbary coast); coursair | noun | | |
corso | roe deer | noun | | |
corte | short (in length, distance, duration), brief | adjective | | |
cortero | cutter: person who cuts the hanging clusters of fruit from banana plants or a coffee picker | noun | | |
cortesan, cortesane | courtier, court-like, attendant, obliging | adjective | | |
cortese | courtly, well-behaved, courteous, gentle, gracious | adjective | | |
cortesíê dele casa | on the house; courtesy of the house | noun | | |
córtiç [+:córticez] | cortex | noun | | |
cortina | curtain | noun | | |
cortisol | cortisol | noun | | |
corto-mato | shortcut | noun | Mozambican Portuguese | literally: short kill |
corvo | wide tip machete | noun | | |
cosa | thing | noun | | |
cosa segure | certainty, sure thing | noun | | |
cosar | scratch (someone's back...), maybe rub | verb | | |
cosín | cousin (any relation) | noun | | |
cosmetológic | cosmetological, cosmetics | adjective | | |
cósmic | cosmic, outer space | adjective | | |
cosmológic | cosmological | adjective | | |
cosmologíê | cosmology | noun | | |
cosmopolita | cosmopolitan, cosmopolite | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: cosmopolita | |
cosmopolitic, cosmopolite | cosmopolitan, cosmopolitical | adjective | French: cosmopolitique, Spanish/Portuguese: cosmopolita | |
cosmopolitismo | cosmopolitanism | noun | Spanish/Italian/Portuguese | |
cosmos, l'espaço | outer space | noun | | |
cosmovizíon | worldview | noun | | |
costa | coast | noun | | |
costa iste | east coast, eastern coast | noun | | |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica | noun | | |
costa weste | west coast, western coast | noun | | |
costaricense | Costa Rican | adjective | | |
costila | rib | noun | | |
costumi | custom | noun | | |
cota | senior citizen, older person | noun | | |
cotchi | stroller (for baby), cart (shopping), carriage | noun | | |
cotchi esportive | sports car | noun | | |
cotidian | day-to-day, everyday, daily | adjective | | |
cotidianitá | routine (in life) | noun | | |
cotidiano | daily life | noun | | |
cotización | price (stock market), value (financial, currency), estimate/quote (for something) | noun | | |
covarde | coward | adjective | Portuguese: covarde; Spanish: cobarde; Catalan: covard | |
covardemén | cowardly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
covatcha | shanty or shack made of scraps from wood and sheetmetal as well as cardboard | noun | | |
coxe | lacking sense, lame | adjective | | |
coxer | take a hold of, f*** (vulgar) | verb | Spanish: coger | |
coya | pot (cooking), kettle | noun | | |
coyol | Mexican wine palm | noun | | |
coyoti | smuggler of goods, middleman, or human smuggler | noun | | |
coyotiar | traffic | verb | | |
crach bursátil | stock market crash | noun | | |
crachá | name tag | noun | Portuguese: crachá | |
cranear | rack one's brain (around), think hard | verb | | |
cranghixo | crab | noun | | |
crayón | crayon, writing utensil usually made of colored wax | noun | French: crayon | |
crechendo | crescendo | noun | | |
crechente | growing, increasing | adjective | | |
crecher | grow (animals, hair, people, farm animals) | verb | | |
crechimento | growth, expansion | noun | | |
crechimento verde | green growth, green-growth | noun | Spanish: crecimiento verde | |
credibilitá | believability, credibility | noun | | |
crédule | credulous, gullible | adjective | | |
creíbel [credibil-] | credible, believable | adjective | | |
creíde | believed | adjective | | |
creídu | believed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
creír [creye-, crede-] | believe, have faith in | verb | Latin: credere | |
crem | cream (of milk) | noun | | |
creme | cream | adjective | | |
cremería | creamery (usually of ice cream) | noun | | |
cremose | creamy | adjective | | |
crepúscul | twilight | noun | | |
crepusculare | of twilight | adjective | | |
cresta | ridge (cartographical, geographical) | noun | | |
Creta | Crete | noun | | |
cretense | Cretan, from Crete | adjective | | |
creveta | shrimp | noun | French: crevette | |
creyença | credence, belief | noun | | |
creyente | believing | adjective | | |
creyenti | believer | noun | | |
creyessê | imperfect subjunctive of creír (to believe) | verb | | |
creyose | chalky | adjective | French: crayeux | |
creyú | believed | verb | from Spanish: creer | preterite (past tense) of creír |
criación | creation | noun | | |
criade | created | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
criador | creator | noun | | |
criadu | created | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
criançaz | children, created beings | noun | | |
criante | creating | adjective | | |
criar | create | verb | | |
criativamén | creatively | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
criative [criativa-] | creative | adjective | | |
criatura | creature | noun | | |
crica | creek, brook | noun | | |
crimen [+:crimenz; crimin-] | crime | noun | | |
criminal | criminal | adjective | | |
criminau | criminal (person) | noun | | |
criosfera | cryosphere | noun | | |
criptografíê | cryptography | noun | | |
criptológic | cryptological, cryptologic | adjective | | |
criptologíê | cryptology | noun | | |
criptólogo | cryptologist | noun | | |
Crîs | Chris (name) | noun | | |
crisi | crisis | noun | | |
crisi de significado | crises of meaning | noun | Portuguese: crise de significado; Spanish: crisis del significado | |
crisi nervose | nervous breakdown | noun | | |
crisiz | crises | noun | | |
crisol | crucible | noun | Spanish/Catalan | |
crispación | crispness, great irritation | noun | Spanish | |
cristaline | crystalline, transparent | adjective | | |
cristan | Christian | adjective | | |
cristanismo | Christianity | noun | | |
cristanitá | Christendom: the global community of those who adhere to the Christian faith, with religious practices and dogmas gleaned from the teachings of the Bible. | noun | | |
cristano, cristana | Christian (someone who adheres to the teachings of Christ and believes in the resurrection) | noun | | |
cristau [cristal-] | crystal | noun | | |
Cristmisa | Christmas, Christ-mass | noun | | |
Cristo | Christ | noun | | |
Cristóbau Colombo | Christopher Columbus | noun | Portuguese: Cristóvão Colombo; Spanish: Cristóbal Colón | |
cristologíê | Christology | noun | | |
criterio [+: criterioz] | criterion: singular criteria [+: criteria] | noun | | |
crític | critical: fault-finding, analytical | adjective | | |
criticar | criticize | verb | | |
criticismo | criticism | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: criticismo | |
critico | critic, reviewer | noun | | |
crîze | hollow, empty | adjective | French: creux, creuse | |
Croacia | Croatia | noun | | |
croacian | Croatian | adjective | | |
croata, croaciano | Croatian | noun | | |
crocante | crunchy, crispy | adjective | Portuguese: crocante; Italian: croccante; Romanian: crocant | |
crocodilo | crocodile | noun | | |
cromosoma | chromosome | noun | Spanish/Italian: cromosoma, Portuguese: cromossoma | |
cronic | chronic: lasting and denotes seriousness | adjective | | |
cronica, croniec | chronicle: a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence. | noun | | |
cronista | chronicler | noun | | |
cronograma | timetable, schedule | noun | Portuguese: cronograma | |
cronológic | chronological | adjective | | |
cronologíê | chronology: the science of arranging events in their order of occurrence in time | noun | | |
crosta | crust | noun | Spanish: costra; Portuguese/Catalan: crosta; French: croûte | |
crosta continental | continental crust | noun | | |
crostille | crusty | adjective | French: croustillant | |
crovata | necktie | noun | | |
cruasant | crescent (food) | noun | | |
cruç [+:crucez] | cross | noun | | |
crucial | critical, crucial | adjective | | |
crucificación | crucification | noun | | |
crucificadu | crucified | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
crucifiçar [crucifica-] | crucify | verb | | |
crucificsión | crucifixion | noun | | |
crucifixo | crucifix | noun | | |
crucin | crossing, intersection | noun | | |
crue | raw, crude | adjective | | |
cruele | cruel | adjective | | |
crusada | crusade | noun | Spanish:cruzada | |
cruxiente | crunchy, crispy | adjective | | |
cruxir | crunch, grind, creak | verb | | |
cuaderno | exercise book | noun | | |
cuadrado [cuadrat-] | square | noun | | |
cuadrátic | quadratic | adjective | | |
cuadrícul | grid | noun | | |
cuadriñoz | comics: comic strips | noun | | |
cuadro | picture, engraving, print | noun | | |
cuahiniqui | cocoawood tree | noun | | |
cual | which one, which ones; what (followed by is/are, when not expecting a definition) | interrogative, question word | | |
cualquel | any (used in affirmative sentences), whichever, no matter which | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
cualquel cosa | anything (positive), something | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
cualquel luoga (dan/a ...) | anywhere, any place | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
cualquelom | anybody (any which person) | pronoun | | |
cuantitá | quantity | noun | | |
cuantitative | quantitative | adjective | | |
cuanto | how much, how many | adjective | | |
cuanto custo | how much, at what cost | interrogative, question word | | |
cuarentime | 40th, fortieth | adjective | | |
cuarentimo | 40th, fortieth | noun | | |
cuaresima | Lent: forty days that begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with the celebration of Easter | noun | | |
cuarta | 4th/fourth note above root in music | noun | | |
cuarte | 4th, fourth, quart | adjective | | |
cuartel | barracks, quarters | noun | | |
cuarto | 4th, quart, quarter (of a) | noun | | |
cuasi | almost, near to | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
cuaxada | cuajada: dairy product like cottage cheese wrapped in plantain leaves | noun | | |
cubata | house | noun | | |
cuberta | bed cover | noun | | |
cuberta de paseo | covered deck, promenade deck | noun | | |
cuberte | covered | adjective | | |
cubertu | covered | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
cubertura | coverage, range (of radio...), covering | noun | | |
cubiha | roof | noun | | |
cubihar | shelter, protect from the elements | verb | | |
cubriente | covering | adjective | | |
cubrir [cubert-] | cover | verb | | |
cucarotcha | cockroach | noun | | |
cuchac | belt, girdle | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
cuchma | traditional long shirt/dress | noun | | |
cudir | answer | verb | | |
cueinte | quaint: attractively old-fashioned, outdated | adjective | | |
cuello | collar | noun | Spanish | |
cuello | influence (have pull) | noun | | |
cuelo | neck | noun | | |
cuenca | socket (of eye); bowl | noun | | |
cuerda | string (of stringed instrument) | noun | Spanish | |
cuero | leather | noun | Spanish; Portuguese: couro/coiro | |
cuervo | raven | noun | | |
cuestión | question (on exam), problem/issue | noun | | |
cuestionábel | questionable | adjective | | |
cuestionar | question: give a problem or issue to solve (especially on examinations) | verb | | |
cuetaso | blast, explosion | noun | | |
cuetêz | fireworks | noun | Mexican Spanish: cuetes | |
cuetiar | shoot | verb | | |
cui | guinea pig that is eaten | noun | | |
cuidado | caution, care | noun | | |
cuidadosamén | carefully | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
cuidadose [cuidadosa-] | careful, exhibiting caution | adjective | | |
cuidar | watch with care, be mindful of | verb | | |
cuizín | cuisine, cooking (as an art) | noun | | |
culadj | loss of stock, business loss | noun | | |
culata | butt (of gun) | noun | | |
culata | cylinder head, hind quarters, buttstock (of weapon) | noun | | |
culatchino | condensation from a glass: the mark left on a table by a cold glass. | noun | | |
culeid | powdered fruit drink mix | noun | | |
culer | sink, go under, cast (mold, metal) | verb | | |
culicha | earthworm | noun | | |
culinare | culinary, of cooking | adjective | | |
cullara | spoon | noun | Spanish: cuchara, Portuguese: colher | |
culminante | culminating, climactic: exciting or thrilling and acting as a climax to a series of events | adjective | | |
culminar | culminate, reach/attain/conclude | verb | | |
culo | butt (colloquial) | noun | Spanish: culo | |
culo-de-sac | cul-de-sac | noun | | |
culpa | fault: blame/responsibility | noun | | |
culpábel | guilty, culpable | adjective | | |
culpabilitá | culpability | noun | | |
culpade | guilty | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
culpado | the accused, the guilty | noun | | |
culpadu | guilty | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
culpar | blame | verb | | |
culpeo | fox species | noun | | |
cultivación | cultivation | noun | | |
cultivador | weeding hoe | noun | | |
cultivar | cultivate, weed | noun | | |
cultive | educated, cultured | adjective | | |
cultivo concertade | concerted cultivation | noun | | |
culto | cult | noun | | |
cultura | culture | noun | | |
cultura de empresa | corporate culture | noun | | |
cultura mesopotámic | Mesopotamian culture | noun | | |
cultural | cultural | adjective | | |
cuma | farm tool used for weeding | noun | | |
cumba | noggin, head | noun | | |
cumbi | top, summit | noun | | |
cumbrê | summit (political) | noun | Spanish: cumbre | |
cumitti | committee | noun | | |
cumpleañu, cumpleannu | birthday | noun | | |
cumplide | completed, fulfilled, full | adjective | | |
cumplidu | completed, fulfilled, full | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
cumplimento | compliance, acquiescence | noun | | |
cumplir | fulfill, comply, carry out, complete, adhere to | verb | | |
cumprade | bought | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
cumprador | buyer | noun | | |
cumprador principal | head buyer, principal purchaser | noun | | |
cumpradu | bought | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
cumprar | buy | verb | Spanish/Papiamentu | |
cun | with | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Romansh, Sardinan... | |
cun blindadj; blindade | shielded | adjective | | |
cun desprecio | contemptuously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
cun frecuença | often, with frequency | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
cun ideaz semellante | like-minded | adjective | | |
cun l'esperança de que | in the hope that | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
cun le que | with which | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
cun licença | with license, excuse me (may I continue?) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
cun mig | with me | pronoun | | |
cun simpatíê | favorably, with liking | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
cun su autorización | on his authority, with his authorization | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
cun tal de | as long as, if | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
cun tig | with you | pronoun | | |
cun todo promtitud | expeditiously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
cuna | crib | noun | | |
cuñad | brother-in-law | noun | | |
cuñada | sister-in-law | noun | | |
cuneiforme | cuneiform | adjective | | |
cuota | quota | noun | | |
cuota de înscripción | registration fee | noun | | |
cúpula | dome, cupola | noun | | |
Cúpula dele Roca | Dome of the Rock | noun | | |
curasau | curassow: pheasant-like bird from American tropical forests | noun | Portuguese | |
cúrcuma | turmeric | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: cúrcuma; Italian/French: curcuma | |
curde | drunk | adjective | | |
curona | crown (on head) | noun | French: couronne, Italian/Spanish/Catalan: corona, Portuguese: coroa, Romanian: coroana | |
curredor | corridor, passage | noun | | |
curredor | runner, racer | noun | | |
currente | current, running | adjective | | |
currenti | current (of water) | noun | | |
currenti de turbidesa | turbidity current | noun | | |
currer | run: move fast | verb | | |
currículo vitae | resume (for a job), curriculum vitae | noun | | |
cursa | race, competition | noun | | |
cursa de armamentoz | arms race | noun | | |
curso | course: natural order | noun | | |
curtir | be into, be involved in | verb | Lunfardo | |
curuma | lump of salt made from evaporating sea water | noun | | |
curviliñe | curvaceous | adjective | | |
cusicuz | so-so, not bad, normal | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
custar | cost | verb | | |
custo | cost | noun | | |
custose | costly, pricey | adjective | | |
custoz prisupostade | budgeted costs | noun | | |
cususa | moonshine, hooch | noun | | |
cutatcha | large knife | noun | | |
cutche | boxed in, in a helpless or weak position | adjective | | |
cutcho | knife | noun | | |
cutchumbo | exchange of gifts at a Christmas or similar gathering | noun | | |
cuumba | kuumba: creativity with the goal of leaving our environment more beautiful and beneficial than when we inherited it. | noun | Swahili | |
cuver | sit on, brood (an egg); mollycoddle (keep someone or something safe) | verb | | |
cuvitorio | hatchery | noun | | |
cuyo | whose (used in relative clauses) | adjective | | |
d. de C., dopué de Cristo | A.D.; Anno Domini | noun | | |
da, dai | give (imperative or command form) | verb | Spanish: da, damos, dé, den; Portuguese: dá, dê, dêmos, demos, dai, dêem | |
dab | out of, taken from | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Italian da (de ab) | |
dadu | given | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
daga | dagger | noun | | |
dama de hônor | bridesmaid | noun | | |
dança | dance | noun | | |
danech | Danish | noun | | |
danese | Danish | adjective | | |
Dangú | Thanks (when server brings something at restaurant, or someone hands you something you asked for) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Papiamentu Danki from Dutch | |
danimarca | Denmark | noun | | |
dañine | able to cause harm, harmful, dangerous | adjective | | |
daño | hurt, harm | noun | Spanish: daño | |
dañose | harmful, that damages, damaging | adjective | | |
dantesc | Dantesque, Dantean (pertaining to Dante’s style) | adjective | | |
daoísmo | daoism, taoism | noun | | |
dar asilo | give asylum, harbor, shelter | verb | | |
dar remolqui | tow | verb | | |
dar seghimento a | proceed with | verb | Portuguese: dar seguimento a | |
dar un consello | give a piece of advice | verb | | |
dar [di-, dem] | give | verb | | |
darga | shield | noun | | |
darsena | dock, shipside | noun | | |
datación radiométric | radiometric dating | noun | Spanish: datación radiométrica; French: datation radiométrique, Portuguese: datação radiométrica | |
dati | date (fruit) | noun | | |
dato [+:datoz] | datum [+:data, information/facts] | noun | | |
datoz empíric | empirical data | noun | | |
datoz sens estructura | unstructured data | noun | | |
de | of or from, and can indicate possession | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de acordo | in agreement, agreed; okay | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de ancho | width (used alone) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de bone reputación | well-established (of good reputation) | noun | adj | Spanish: de buena reputación |
de búsqueda de rentaz | rent-seeking | adjective | de búsqueda de rentas | |
de comerço equitábel | fair trade | adjective | | |
de conformitá cun l'artícul # | pursuant to section # | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
de conspirador; conspiratore | conspiratorial, conspiratory | adjective | | |
de cualquel manera | anyhow (carelessly, haphazardly) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de desculpa; arrepentide | apologetic | adjective | | |
de dos fasiz | 2-stage | adjective | | |
de efeitu suspensive | standstill | adjective | | |
de enbaiju | downstairs, lower, from bottom | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
de enseyadj | fitting | adjective | | |
de entregherraz | interwar, between wars | adjective | | |
de equipo | team | adjective | | |
de Eustaquio | Eustachian | adjective | named after Eustachius/Eustace | usually refers to tubes in inner ears |
De feitu | As a matter of fact | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
de gran precisión | accurate (missile, launch) | adjective | | |
de idad avancide | well along in years, of an advanced age | adjective | | |
de jurio | de jure: according to rightful entitlement or claim | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
de l'orden públic | law enforcement | adjective | | |
de l'últime décadaz | of the last decades | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Spanish: de las últimas décadas | |
de longhe alcanci | long-range (of rockets, ships, missiles) | adjective | Spanish: de largo alcance; Portuguese: de longo alcance; French: à longue portée | |
de longo | length | noun | | |
De mesme manera | In the same manner, similarly | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de nada | you're welcome; it was nothing | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
de ningú modo | no way | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de nosre día | nowadays | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de nuve | afresh, anew, (sometimes) again; de novo | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de om a l'outro | of each other, one to the other | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de onde | from where | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de origen aérie | airborne | adjective | | |
de origen hidric | waterborne | adjective | | |
de origen înmigratorie | with immigrant backgrounds | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
de origen; peor original | derivative, less original | adjective | | |
de Oriónidjo | Orionid | adjective | | |
de parti de | on behalf of, from | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Spanish: de parte de | |
de pósgherra | postwar | adjective | | |
de propósito | on purpose, deliberately | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de protección, protectore | protective, protecting | adjective | | |
de pure casualitá | by any chance | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Spanish | |
de que le que será | than the one that was | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
de quíe | whose (used in questions) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de rigenración; rigenrative | regenerative | adjective | | |
de romplone | without warning, unexpectedly | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de sanghi calide | warm-blooded | adjective | | |
de sanghi frije | cold-blooded (of animal) | adjective | | |
de su pesonalitá jurídic | of his legal status | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de suma împortança | all-important | adjective | | |
de tal manera | likewise | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
de ultramêr | overseas | adjective | | |
de Westfalia | Westphalian | adjective | | |
debati | debate | noun | | |
debati ulose | heated debate | noun | | |
debatir | debate, discuss | verb | | |
débil | weak, faint/light (breeze, voice, sound) | adjective | | |
debilitá | weakness, debility | noun | | |
debilitación | debilitation, weakening | noun | | |
debilitante | debilitating, weakening | adjective | | |
debilitar | debilitate, weaken | verb | | |
debit | debit (of bank account) | noun | | |
debutanti | debutante: upper class young lady | noun | | |
década | decade | noun | | |
decadença | decadence | noun | | |
decaimento | decay, decline, weakening (of health) | noun | | |
decair [decade-] | decay, wane | verb | | |
decapitar | behead, decapitate | verb | | |
decayú | decayed | verb | past tense of decair | |
decenaz de | tens of | noun | | |
decença | decency | noun | | |
decente | decent, acceptable | adjective | | |
dechade | left (behind) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
dechadu | left (behind) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
dechar | leave (something or someone behind); let/allow without stopping | verb | | |
dechar salir a algom | let someone out | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
dechem-nois saber; înformem-nois | let us know; inform us | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: déjenos saber; Portuguese: deixe-nos saber | "You" is the implied subject, "let" is the verb (command form), and "us" is the indirect |
decidide | decided, purposeful | adjective | | |
decididu | decided, purposeful | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
decidir | decide | verb | | |
decilitro | deciliter | noun | | |
decimal | decimal | adjective | | |
decimau | decimal | noun | | |
décime | 10th, tenth | adjective | | |
décimo | 10th, tenth | noun | | |
decina (de) | approximately ten (units), about ten, ten or so (in a group), some | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Portuguese: dezena; Spanish: decena; French: dizaine; Catalan: desena; Italian: decina | |
decinas (de) | tens (used to accentuate a number), dozens | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
decisión | decision | noun | | |
decisiónz conchiente | conscious decisions | noun | | |
decisive | decisive | adjective | | |
declamación | declamation | noun | | |
declamade | declaimed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
declamadu | declaimed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
declamar | declaim: utter or deliver words or a speech in a rhetorical or impassioned way | verb | | |
declaración | declaration, announcement | noun | | |
declaración jurada; afidavit | affidavit | noun | | |
declaraciónz demagógic | demagoguery | noun | | |
declarar | declare | verb | | |
declivi | downhill slope | noun | | |
decor | decor, set | noun | | |
decoración | decoration | noun | | |
decorar | decorate | verb | | |
decorative | decorative | adjective | | |
dedaso | custom or practice of handpicking candidates for office | noun | | |
dedicación | dedication, devotion towards a cause, work towards something | noun | | |
dedicar | devote, dedicate | verb | | |
dedo | finger, digit | noun | | |
dedo de pied | toe | noun | | |
dedo índice | index finger | noun | | |
dedocraciê | a small organization of special people that handpicks people for elected office; dedocracy | noun | | |
dedócrata | dedocrat | noun | | |
dedocrátic | handpicked by elitist government | adjective | | |
deducción | deduction | noun | | |
deducir [deduj-, deduzca-, deducc-] | deduce, deduct | verb | | |
deductive | deductive | adjective | | |
defender | defend | verb | | |
defensa | defense | noun | | |
defensive | defensive | adjective | | |
defensor | defender (of something/someone), advocate | noun | | |
defensor dele suprémacia blanque | white supremacist | noun | | |
déficit | deficit, shortfall | noun | | |
déficit prisupostare | budget deficit | noun | | |
definición | definition | noun | | |
definide | defined, definite | adjective | | |
definidu | defined, definite | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
definir | define | verb | | |
definitivamén | definitely | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
definitive [definitiva-] | definitive, final | adjective | | |
definitorie | defining, distinctive | adjective | | |
defraudar | disappoint, let down, dash (hope) | verb | | |
defuse | diffuse, not concentrated | adjective | | |
degeneración maculare | macular degeneration | noun | | |
degradante | degrading | adjective | | |
degradar | degrade | verb | | |
degstre | dextrous, skilled, skillful, deft | adjective | Portuguese/Italian: destro, Catalan: destre, Spanish: diestro | |
degstresa | dexterity, skill, deftness | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: destreza, Italian: destrezza, French: dextérité | |
dejección | dejection | noun | | |
dejetar | deject | verb | | |
dêl | dried lentils | noun | | |
delanch de | in front of | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
delanch dele Padrê | before the Father | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
delanchare | forward; head/front, out front | adjective | | |
dele | of the (contraction: de le) | article or demonstrative | | contraction |
dele cambio de sigul | turn-of-the-century | adjective | | |
dele congreso | congressional | adjective | | |
deleción | deletion (biological) | noun | | |
deleciónz génic | gene deletions | noun | Spanish: deleciones génicas | |
delegación | delegation | noun | | |
delegar | delegate: send as a representative | verb | | |
deleitar | delight | verb | | |
deleitose | delightful | adjective | | |
delgade | delicate, thin (of object) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
delgadu | delicate, thin (of object) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
deliberación | deliberation | noun | | |
deliberar | deliberate | verb | | |
delicade | delicate, gentle | adjective | | |
delicadesa | gentleness, tenderness, delicacy | adjective | | |
delicha | delight, allure | noun | | |
delichose | delicious, yummy | adjective | | |
delincuença | delinquency, unlawfulness, crime | noun | | |
delincuente | delinquent, criminal, offending | adjective | | |
delincuenti | criminal, delinquent (person) | noun | | |
delito | offense, delict, misdemeanor | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: delito | |
delituose | offensive, criminal (intent to be harmful) | adjective | Portuguese, Spanish:delictivo | |
dem | present subjunctive of dar [to give] | verb | | |
demae | the rest, others | adjective | | |
demagogo | demagogue | noun | | |
demañá | tomorrow | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Catalan: demà; Portuguese: amanhã; Spanish: mañana; French: demain | |
demanda | demand | noun | Spanish | |
demanda de | demand (for) | noun | | |
demandar | sue, take someone to court | verb | | |
demasia | excess | noun | | |
demasiado | too, too much, excessively | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
demasie | excess | adjective | | |
demente | demented, insane | adjective | | |
dementir | contradict, deny | verb | | |
democraciê înclusive | inclusive democracy | noun | | |
democraciê [democrat-] | democracy | noun | | |
demócrata | democrat | noun | | |
democrátic | democratic | adjective | | |
democratizar | democratize | verb | | |
demonio | demon | noun | | |
demostrábel | demonstrable | adjective | | |
demostración | demonstration | noun | | |
demostrar | demonstrate, prove | verb | | |
demostrative | demonstrative | adjective | | |
dena | dinner | noun | | |
denar | dine | verb | | |
denigrade | denigrated | adjective | | |
denigrar | denigrate, defame | verb | | |
denîm | denim | noun | | |
denominación | denomination (of money); naming, designation | noun | | |
denominar | denominate | verb | | |
dense | dense, thick (fog) | adjective | | |
densitá | density | noun | | |
dental | dental | adjective | | |
denti [+:dentiz, dent-] | tooth [+:teeth] | noun | | |
dentifrico | toothpaste | noun | | |
dentista | dentist | noun | | |
dêntro | within, inside, indoors | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
dêntro de | within, inside of | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
dêntro de l'ámbito de | within the limits of, in the context of | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: dentro del ámbito de | |
dêntro dele pantalón | tucked in (shirt); inside the pants | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
denuncianti | whistleblower | noun | Spanish: denunciante | |
denuncianti | denunciator | noun | | |
denunciar | denounce | verb | | |
Deo | God | noun | | |
deontologic | deontological | adjective | | |
deontologíê | deontology | noun | | |
deparar | have in store, bring, yield | verb | Spanish: deparar | |
departamental | departmental | adjective | | |
departamento | department or ministry of government, department of a business | noun | | |
dependença | dependence | noun | | |
dependente | dependent, depending | adjective | | |
dependenti | dependent | noun | | |
depender | depend, hang upon (something else) | verb | | |
dependide | depended | adjective | | |
dependidu | depended | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
depleyamento | deployment, display | noun | | |
depleyar | unfold, spread out, deploy | verb | | |
deplorábel | deplorable | adjective | | |
deplorar | deplore | verb | | |
deportación | deportation | noun | | |
deportante | deporting | adjective | | |
deportar | deport, carry off | verb | | |
depresión | depression | noun | | |
deriva continental | continental drift | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: deriva continental; French: dérive des continents; Italian: deriva dei continenti; Catalan: deriva dels continents | |
derivación | derivation | noun | | |
derivacional | derivational | adjective | | |
derivade | derived, derivative | adjective | | |
derivado | outgrowth, derivative, by-product | noun | | |
derivado | derivative | noun | | |
derivar | derive from, come from, arise from | verb | | |
dernie | last, highest or lowest | adjective | | |
derogatorie | derogatory | adjective | | |
derramamento | spilling, shedding (of blood, of light) | noun | | |
derramar | spill (liquid), shed (light, blood) | verb | | |
derritir | melt | verb | | |
derrota | defeat, loss | noun | | |
derrotar | defeat, beat in a game | verb | | |
derrubioz | debris | noun | Spanish: derrubios | |
derrucar | overthrow, topple, knock down, pull down, cut down a tree | verb | Spanish: derrocar; Portuguese: derrubar | |
desabasto | shortage | noun | | |
desaceleración | deceleration | noun | | |
desacelerar | decelerate: go slower | verb | | |
desacopladj; desacoplamento | decoupling | noun | French: découplage | |
desactivade | deactivated, disabled | adjective | | |
desactivar | deactivate, disable (computer, comments on blog...) | verb | | |
desafiar | defy, challenge, brave | verb | | |
desafío | challenge, defiance | noun | | |
desafortunadamén | unfortunately | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
desafortunade [desafortunada-] | unfortunate | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
desafortunadu | unfortunate | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
desagradábel | unpalatable, disgusting, not enjoyable | adjective | | |
desalento | dismay, consternation, despondency | noun | | |
desanimar-se | get discouraged, lose heart, dishearten one's self | verb | Spanish: desanimarse | |
desanodar | dénouement; an untying (of knots, nodes) | verb | Spanish: desanudar; Latin: nodus | |
desaparecer [-ezca-] | disappear (do the opposite of appear) | verb | | |
desarmamento | disarmament | noun | | |
desarmar | disarm | verb | | |
desastrê | disaster | noun | | |
desatênción | inattention, impoliteless, neglect | noun | | |
desayun | breakfast | noun | | |
desbocade | runaway, out of control | adjective | | |
desbocar-se | bolt, run away, get out of control | verb | | |
desbordamento | overflowing, flood, outburst | noun | Sp: desbordamiento | |
desbordante | overflowing | adjective | | |
desbordar | overflow | verb | | |
desbordo | overflowing, outburst | noun | | |
descansar | rest, unwind | verb | | |
descanso | rest, break from working | noun | | |
descarade | blatant, shameless (disrespect, disregard for authority or rules) | adjective | | |
descarbonación | decarbonization of steel | noun | | |
descarburación | decarbonization | noun | | |
descargamento, descarga | unloading | noun | | |
descargar | fire/discharge (a weapon) | verb | French: décharger; Spanish: disparar | |
descartar | rule out, dismiss, discard/reject | verb | Spanish: descartar | |
descartar-se | discard, throw away | verb | | |
descendenti | descendant | noun | | |
descender | descend | verb | | |
descentralización | decentralization | noun | | |
descentralizade | decentralized | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
descentralizadu | decentralized | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
descentralizar | decentralize | verb | | |
descentramento | decentering, bias | noun | | |
descifrar | decipher | verb | | |
desclasificade | declassified | adjective | | |
desclasifiçar [desclasifica-] | declassify | verb | | |
descolonialización | decolonialization,decolonialisation | noun | | |
descomponer [descompost-, descomposi-, descomponga-] | decompose | verb | | |
desconcertante | bewildering | adjective | | |
desconcertar | bewilder, unsettle, disconcert | verb | | |
desconectar | disconnect | verb | | |
desconfiança | mistrust, distrust | noun | French: méfiance; Spanish: desconfianza | |
desconfortábel | uncomfortable, incommodious | adjective | | |
desconforto | discomfort | noun | | |
desconocide | unfamiliar, unknown | adjective | | |
desconsolade | grieving, inconsolable, heartbroken | adjective | | |
desconstruir | deconstruct | verb | | |
descontaminación | decontamination | noun | | |
descontentamento | dissatisfaction, discontent, discontentment | noun | | |
descontente | discontent, malcontent, unhappy, disgruntled | adjective | | |
descoradjade | discouraged | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
descoradjadu | discouraged | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
descoradjamento | discouragement | noun | | |
descoradjar | discourage | verb | | |
descortesíê | incivility | noun | Spanish: descortesía | |
descripción | description | noun | | |
descripción genral | overview, general description | noun | | |
descritu | described | past participle | | |
descriver [descrit-, descrip-] | describe | verb | | |
descubertu | discovered, uncovered | past participle | | |
descubridor | discoverer (person) | noun | | |
descubrimento | discovery | noun | | |
descubrir [descubert-] | discover, uncover | verb | | |
descuidade | unkempt, sloppy, messy, careless | adjective | | |
descuidade | careless, without caution | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
descuidadu | careless, without caution | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
descuidar | neglect, abandon, not bother with | verb | | |
desculpa | apology: expression of regret, excuse | noun | | |
desculpábel | excusable, forgivable | adjective | Portuguese: desculpável | |
desculpabilizar | exonerate: free from blame | verb | | |
desculpar | forgive, excuse, unblame | verb | | |
desculpar-se | apologize, say you are sorry | verb | | |
desculpem-me | pardon me, excuse me | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | formal, respectful; Use when entering a room, interrupting a conversation, etc |
desde | from (indicating starting point), since | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | de + ex + de (vulgar latin) | |
desde arriba | from above | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
desde cando | how long (something has been going on), since when | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
desde enbaiju | from below | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
desde esse día en adelanch | from that day forward | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
desde lexos | from a distance, from afar | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
desde zero | from scratch | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: desde cero | |
desdén | disdain | noun | | |
desdeñábel | contemptible | adjective | | |
desdeñar | scorn, look down on | verb | | |
desdeñose | dismissive, disdainful, scornful | adjective | | |
desecación | desiccation: process of extreme drying | noun | | |
desejábel | desirable | adjective | | |
Desejandu te un.... | Wishing you a.... | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
desejar | desire, wish | verb | desear in Spanish | |
desejo | desire, wish | noun | | |
desembarcar | land, disembark | verb | | |
desembarco | landing, disembarkation | noun | | |
desemfatizar | de-emphasize, deemphasize | verb | Spanish: desenfatizar; Catalan: desemfatitzar | |
desencadenar | unchain, trigger, unfetter | verb | | |
desentrañar | disembowel | verb | | |
desequilibrio | imbalance, unsteadiness | noun | | |
deserte | deserted | adjective | | |
deserto | desert: barren area of land where little precipitation falls | noun | | |
desertor | defector | noun | | |
desesperación | desperation, hopelessness | noun | Catalan: desesperació, Spanish: desesperación, Italian: disperazione, French: désespoir, Portuguese: desespero | |
desesperade | desperate | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
desesperado | person in despair: desperado | noun | | |
desesperadu | desperate | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
desesperança | despair | noun | | |
desesperar | despair | verb | | |
desestabilización | destabilization | noun | | |
desestabilizante | destabilizing | adjective | | |
desestabilizar | destabilize | verb | | |
desestigmatizar | destigmatize | verb | Spanish | |
desfacer [desfetch-, desfici-, desfaga-, desfar-] | undo | verb | | |
desfasi | phase lag, gap/difference | noun | Spanish: desfase | |
desfavorábel | unfavorable, inauspicious | adjective | | |
desfavorecer [-ezca-] | not to suit (clothes), hurt in some way, disadvantage | verb | | |
desfavorecide | disadvantaged, unfavored | adjective | | |
desfavorecidu | disadvantaged, unfavored | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
desfetchu | undone | past participle | | |
desfigurar | disfigure | verb | | |
desfollar | defoliate, pull off petals | verb | Spanish: deshojar, Portuguese: desfolhar, French: défolier, Italian: defogliar | |
desgenerade | degenerated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
desgeneradu | degenerated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
desgenerar | degenerate: decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally. | verb | | |
desgenración | degeneration | noun | | |
desgovernade; na-governade | ungoverned | adjective | | |
desgustade | disgusted | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
desgustadu | disgusted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
desgustante | disgusting | adjective | | |
desgustar | disgust | verb | | |
desgusto | disgust | noun | | |
deshidratade | dehydrated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
deshidratadu | dehydrated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
deshidratar | dehydrate | verb | | |
deshônrose | dishonorable | adjective | | |
deshumanización | dehumanization | noun | | |
deshumanizar | dehumanize | verb | | |
desiccate | desecar | verb | | |
desiccated | desecade | adjective | | |
designade | designated | adjective | | |
designado | designated officer of the government | noun | | |
designar | designate, appoint | verb | | |
desînfectanti | disinfectant | noun | | |
desînfectanti para le manuz | hand sanitizer | noun | | |
desînfectar | disinfect | verb | | |
deslealitá | disloyalty | noun | | |
deslisar | slide, slip | verb | Spanish/Portuguese | |
deslisón | sudden slip that can make you painfully thump on the floor | noun | | |
desmantelade | dismantled, decommissioned | adjective | Spanish: desmantelada | |
desmantelar | dismantle, strip or tear apart (a vehicle, machine), decommission | verb | Portuguese/Spanish: desmantelar | |
desmayar-se | faint, pass out, droop low (of plant) | verb | Spanish | |
desmistifiçar [desmistifica-] | demystify | verb | | |
desmoralizade | demoralized | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
desmoralizadu | demoralized | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
desmoralizar | demoralize | verb | | |
desmovilizar | demobilize | verb | | |
desnivel | slope (incline), drop (not level with the ground or the Y axis over X), difference, disparity, gap | noun | Spanish: desnivel | |
desobidiença | disobedience | noun | | |
desodoranti | deodorant | noun | | |
despaciu | slowly, with less intensity, gently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Fr: lentement | |
despaismento | feeling that comes from not being in one’s home country - of being a foreigner, or an immigrant, of being somewhat displaced from your origin. | noun | | |
despatchar | deal with; finish off, dispose of, dispatch | verb | | |
despatcho | dispatch, office, study | noun | | |
despatcho dele director | director's office | noun | | |
despedir | fire (an employee); get rid of someone | verb | | |
despegar | take off (airplane, rocket), detach/unstick, be successful (business) | verb | Spanish: despegar | |
despensa | storeroom (of restaurant), food reserves | noun | | |
desperdisar | waste, squander, throw away | verb | | |
desperdiso | waste, refuse, garbage, scraps, squandering | noun | | |
despertadu | awakened, woke up | past participle | | |
despertar [despert-] | wake up, awaken | verb | | |
desperte | awake | adjective | | |
despesonalizar | depersonalize | verb | Spanish: despersonalizar | |
despiadade | ruthless, cutthroat | adjective | | |
despintar | peel paint from | verb | | |
desplacer | scroll (with mouse, etc), displace | verb | | |
desplacimento | displacement | noun | | |
desplantador | trowel | noun | | |
despobulade | depopulated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
despobuladu | depopulated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
despobular | depopulate | verb | | |
despolitización | depoliticization | noun | | |
despolitizar | depoliticize | verb | | |
despreciar | despise, hate | verb | Spanish: despreciar; Portuguese:desprezar | |
desprecio | contempt, scorn, disdain | noun | | |
desreificación | dereification | noun | | |
dessegmentación | desegmentation | noun | | |
destacado | column heading that is smaller than a headline in a newspaper | noun | | |
destacar | highlight (speech, article), stress (an article), emphasize | verb | Spanish: destacar | |
destachemento | detachment | noun | | |
destacher | detach, disconnect | verb | destacar | |
destinación | destination: stopping point (not necessarily a place) | noun | | |
destinar | allocate (funds), devote (time), assign (a function, employee) | verb | | |
destinatario | addressee | noun | Spanish: destinatario | |
destino | destiny, fate | noun | | |
destrucción | destruction | noun | | |
destrucción criative | creative destruction | noun | | |
destrucción masive | mass destruction | noun | spanish: destrucción masiva | |
destrucción mutue asegurade | mutually assured destruction | noun | | |
destruir [destruc-] | destroy | verb | | |
destruyam | present subjunctive of destruyir [to destroy] | verb | | |
destruyú | destroyed | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
desunión | disunity | noun | | |
desvalorizade | devalorized | adjective | | |
desvalorizar | devalorize | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: desvalorizar | |
desvalorizar-se | lose value (depreciate) | verb | Portuguese: desvalorizar-se | |
desvelar | keep awake; discover, reveal, uncover | verb | | |
desvelopente | developing | adjective | | |
desveloper | develop | verb | | |
desvelopide | developed | adjective | | |
desvelopidor | developer | noun | | |
desvelopidu | developed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
desvelopimental | developmental | adjective | | |
desvelopimento | development | noun | | |
desviación | deflection | noun | | |
desviación | deviation | noun | | |
desviar | deviate | verb | | |
desviar | deflect | verb | | |
desviar bruscamén; dar un volantazo | swerve | verb | Spanish: dar un volantazo | |
desvío | detour | noun | Portuguese: desvio; Spanish: desvío | |
detall | detail | noun | | |
detallade | detailed, close (examination) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
detalladu | detailed, close (examination) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
detallar | detail | verb | | |
detallez | details | noun | | |
detallez nimie | meticulous or trivial details | noun | | |
detección | detection | noun | | |
detectivo | detective (person) | noun | | |
deteger [detec-] | detect, perceive | verb | | |
detener [detuvi-, detenga-] | detain, hold back | verb | | |
detenide | detained | adjective | | |
detenido, detenida | prisoner, detained, arrested person | noun | | |
detenidu | detained | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
detergenti | detergent | noun | | |
deterger | wipe away, cleanse | verb | | |
deterioración, deterioro | deterioration | noun | | |
deteriorar | deteriorate | verb | | |
determinación | determination, resolution | noun | | |
determinade | determinate | adjective | | |
determinanti | determinant | noun | | |
determinar | determine | verb | | |
detonación | detonation | noun | | |
detonar | detonate | verb | | |
detrás de | behind, after | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
detrimental | detrimental | adjective | | |
detrimento | detriment, a rubbing off | noun | | |
detrir | rub away | verb | | |
detritoz glacial | glacial debris | noun | | |
deuda | debt | noun | | |
Deuteronomio | Deuteronomy | noun | | |
devaluación | devaluation | noun | | |
devastación | devastation | noun | | |
devastacional | devastational | adjective | | |
devenir [devini-, devenga-] | become | verb | | |
dever | ought (to), must, should, gotta; (by itself) owe money or favor | verb | Portuguese: dever; Spanish: deber; French: doire; Catalan: deure; Latin: debere | |
devessê ser | should be, ought to be | verb | Spanish: debiera ser | |
devoción | devotion | noun | | |
devolver [devolt-] | give back, return | verb | | |
devorar | devour | verb | | |
deyen | dean, doyen/doyenne: most prominent person in a field | noun | | |
deyenazgo | deanship | noun | Spanish: decanazgo, deanazgo and French: deyen | |
di-jey | D.J., Disc Jockey | noun | | |
día | day: full rotation of planet around its axis; the whole 24-hour day as a time unit | noun | | |
Día dele Mortoz | Day of the Dead | noun | | |
día entere | all day, the entire day | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
día sagrade | holy day (sacred day) | noun | | |
día seghiente | next day, following day | noun | | |
diablo [diabol-] | devil | noun | | |
diabólic | diabolical, devilish | adjective | | |
diacono | deacon | noun | | |
diadema | coronet, diadem: crown symbol | noun | | |
diafragma | diaphragm | noun | | |
diagénesi | diagenesis | noun | | |
diagnosi | diagnosis | noun | | |
diagnóstic | diagnostic | adjective | | |
diagnosticade | diagnosed | adjective | | |
diagnosticar | diagnose | verb | | |
diagrama | diagram | noun | | |
dialecto | dialect | noun | Spanish: dialecto, Portuguese: dialeto, French: dialecte | |
diálogo | dialogue | noun | | |
diam | give, gives | verb | | present tense of dar |
diamanti | diamond | noun | | |
diare | daily (occurring each day) | adjective | | |
diarrea | diarrhea | noun | | |
diáspora | diaspora | noun | | |
diaspóric | diasporic | adjective | | |
dibuxo | drawing | noun | Catalan: dibuix, Spanish: dibujo | |
diç | say/tell (imperative or command form) | verb | Portuguese: diz, diga, digamos, dizei, digam; Spanish: di, diga, digamos, decid, digan | |
dicción | diction: act of speaking or singing | noun | | |
diccionario | dictionary: collection of dictions | noun | | |
dicembro | December (12th month of Gregorian calender) | noun | | |
dicente | saying, telling | adjective | | |
dicer [dij-, ditch-, diga-, dir-, -dicc-] | tell, say | verb | Latin: dicere | |
dicha | joy, good fortune, bliss | noun | Spanish | |
dichose | fortunate, joyful, blessed, blissful | adjective | | |
dicíbel | speakable, capable of being spoken or uttered | adjective | | |
dicotómic | dichotomous | adjective | | |
dicotomíê | dichotomy | noun | | |
dicotomización | dichotomization | noun | | |
dictación | dictation: the act of dictating material to be recorded or taken down in writing; or authoritative commands | noun | | |
dictacional | dictational | adjective | | |
dictador | dictator | noun | | |
dictar | dictate | verb | | |
dictative | dictative | adjective | | |
dictatura | dictatorship | noun | | |
diésel-motor | diesel engine | noun | | |
diessê | imperfect subjunctive of dar [to give] | verb | | |
difamatorie | abusive, derogatory, defamatory | adjective | | |
difeitu | defect, flaw | noun | | |
difeituose | defective, deficient | adjective | | |
diferença [diferench-, diferencia-] | difference | noun | | |
diferenchal | differencial | adjective | | |
diferenciábel | distinguishable | adjective | | |
diferenciación | differentiation | noun | | |
diferenciar | differentiate | verb | | |
diferente | different | adjective | | |
diferentemén | differently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
diferer | differ | verb | | |
difícil | difficult | adjective | | |
dificultá | difficulty | noun | | |
diftongación | diphthongization | noun | Spanish: diptongación | |
diftongo | diphthong | noun | Spanish: diptongo, Italian: dittongo, Portuguese: ditongo, French: diphtongue, Romanian: diftong | |
digam | present subjunctive of dicer [to say, tell] | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: diga, digas, digamos; Spanish: digan; Portuguese: digam | |
digit | number 0-9 | noun | | |
digitización | digitization | noun | | |
digitizar | digitize | verb | | |
digne | worthy, dignified, deserving | adjective | | |
dignitá | dignity, rank/position | noun | | |
dígrafo | digraph | noun | | |
dijessê | imperfect subjunctive of dicer [to say, tell] | verb | | |
dijú | preterite of dicer [to say] | verb | | |
dilema | dilemma | noun | | |
dilema de seguritá | security dilemma | noun | | |
diligença | dililigence | noun | | |
diligente | diligent | adjective | | |
dilixentemén | diligently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
dilución | dilution | noun | | |
diluir | dilute, weaken | verb | | |
diluvio | flood, diluvium | noun | | |
dimerización | dimerization | noun | | |
diminución | diminution: reduction in size, extent or importance | noun | | |
diminuir | diminish | verb | | |
diminute | diminutive, tiny, minute | adjective | | |
diminutive | diminutive | adjective | | |
diminutivo | diminutive (grammar) | noun | | |
diminuyú | diminished | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
dimisión | resignation | noun | Spanish: dimisión | |
dimitir de [dimis-] | resign (from), quit (job, post) | verb | Spanish: dimitir de | |
dinámic | dynamic, vibrant, lively | adjective | | |
dinamismo, dinamicitá | dynamism | noun | | |
dinastí | dynasty | noun | | |
dinástic | dynastic | adjective | | |
diócsido de carbono | carbon dioxide | noun | | |
diócsido de nitrógeno | nitrogen dioxide | noun | | |
diplomacia [diplomat-] | diplomacy | noun | | |
diplomata | diplomat | noun | | |
diplomátic | diplomatic | adjective | | |
diplomáticien | diplomatist: Foreign Office employee officially engaged as a diplomat; a person who is astute and tactful in any negotiation or relationship | noun | | |
dipositar | deposit (money, layer of sediment), put down or in | verb | | |
dipositario, dipositaria | stakeholder (especially financial) | noun | | |
dipósito | deposit (down payment or natural resources) | noun | | |
dipositorio | depository, dumping ground, landfill | noun | | |
dirá | will say/tell | verb | Spanish: dirá, diré, dirás; French: dirai, diras, dira, dirons; | (future tense) |
dirección | direction | noun | | |
direccional | directional | adjective | | |
directamén | directly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
directe [directa-] | straight (ahead), direct | adjective | | |
directiva | directive | noun | | |
directive | directive | adjective | | |
director | director, manager (of company) | noun | | |
directriç [+:directricez] | guideline, general rules, directive | noun | | |
directuôr | directory, folder, dossier, directive | noun | | |
diríeb | would say, would tell | verb | Spanish: diría; Portuguese: diria; French: dirait, dirais | (conditional form) |
dirigenti | leader, person who guides or directs people | noun | | |
dirigir [dirige-, direc-] | direct, drive/lead in, guide | verb | | |
disacordar | disagree | verb | | |
discernir | discern/understand (intentions) | verb | | |
disciplina | discipline | noun | | |
disciplinare | disciplinary | adjective | | |
discípul | disciple: someone learning to live by faith in Jesus | noun | | |
discipulado | discipleship | noun | | |
discipular | disciple to | verb | | |
disco compacte | CD (compact disc) | noun | | |
disco compacte, cidi | Compact Disc, CD | noun | | |
disco vinil | record, vinyl disc | noun | | |
discográfic | discographic | adjective | | |
discografíê | discography (created music collection) | noun | | |
discordante | discordant, clashing, conflicting (opinions, tones) | adjective | | |
discoteca | club, nightclub, disco | noun | | |
discreción | discretion, prudence | noun | | |
discrecional, discrecionare | discretionary | adjective | French: discrétionnaire; Portuguese: discricionária; Spanish: discrecional | |
discrepança | discrepancy | noun | Spanish: discrepancia; Portuguese: discrepância | |
discrete | discreet | adjective | | |
discriminación | discrimination | noun | | |
discriminar | discriminate | verb | | |
discriminatorie | discriminatory | adjective | | |
discursive | discursive | adjective | | |
discurso | discourse, speech | noun | | |
discurso escrite | dissertation, written speech | noun | | |
discurso mitigade | mitigated speech | noun | | |
discusión | discussion | noun | | |
discutíbel | debatable, arguable, moot | adjective | | |
discutidu | discussed | past participle | | |
discutir [discus-] | discuss | verb | | |
diseminación | dissemination | noun | | |
diseminar | disseminate | verb | | |
diseñador | designer | noun | | |
diseñar | design, draw | verb | | |
diseño | drawing, design | noun | | |
disfrazar | disguise, conceal | verb | | |
disfrutar | enjoy, take pleasure in, possess (skill, something good) | verb | | |
disfrutar de bone salud | enjoy good health | verb | | |
disidença | dissidence | noun | Spanish: disidencia; Portuguese: dissidência; French: dissidence; Catalan: dissidència; Italian: dissidenza; Romanian: disidenta | |
disidente | dissident | adjective | | |
disimulación | dissimulation, dissemblance, concealment | noun | | |
disimular | disguise, conceal | verb | Spanish: disimular | |
disimular | dissimulate, pretend | verb | | |
disipar | dissipate, disperse | verb | | |
disjunción | diremption: separation or division into two parts; disjunction | noun | Spanish: disyunció | |
disolución | dissolution | noun | | |
disolute | dissolute | adjective | | |
disolventi | dissolvent, thinner | noun | | |
disolver | dissolve | verb | | |
disonança | dissonance | noun | | |
disonança cognitive | cognitive dissonance | noun | | |
disonante | dissonant | adjective | | |
disorden | disorder | noun | | |
disordenade | disorderly: in a state of disarray | adjective | | |
disparar | disparate; make different | verb | | |
disparate | disparate | adjective | | |
disparitá | disparity [+:disparities] | noun | | |
disparo | round (of rifle, weapon) | noun | | |
dispensábel | dispensable | adjective | | |
dispensabilitá | dispensability | noun | | |
dispensación | dispensation | noun | | |
dispersar | disperse, scatter | verb | | |
dispersión | dispersion, dispersal | noun | | |
disponer de | make use of | verb | | |
disponer [dispost-, disponga-, disposi-] | get ready, arrange, have at one's disposal | verb | | |
disponíbel | available, free/ready (to do with), obtainable | adjective | | |
disposición | willingness, disposition | noun | | |
disposición ensolarade | sunny disposition | noun | | |
dispositivo | device | noun | | |
disposte | past participle of disponer, Willing, able | adjective | | |
disputa frontirize | border dispute | noun | | |
disputatore; controversial | disputatious | adjective | | |
dissensión | dissention, dissension | noun | Portuguese: dissensão; French: dissension; Catalan: dissensió; Romanian: disensiune | |
dissensu | dissensus, dissension, widespread dissent | noun | | |
dissentimento | dissent | noun | Spanish: disentimiento; Italian: dissentimento; French: dissentiment; | |
dissentir | dissent | verb | Italian: dissentire; Portuguese: dissentir; Spanish: disentir | |
dissidenti | dissident, person who strongly disagrees/dissents | noun | Spanish: disidente | |
distança | distance | noun | | |
distanciar | distance, space out (make space between), drive apart (alienate) | verb | | |
distanciar-se | move away, grow apart, distance oneself | verb | | |
distante | distant | adjective | | |
distilación | distillation | noun | | |
distilar | distill | verb | | |
distilería | distillery | noun | | |
distilero | distiller, beer maker | noun | | |
distinción | distinction | noun | | |
distinción hônorífic | honoric distinction, title of person | noun | Spanish/Catalan/Portuguese | |
distinguíbel | distinguished, distinguishable | adjective | | |
distinguidor | distinguisher | noun | | |
distinguir | distinguish | verb | | |
distinte | distinct | adjective | | |
distintive | distinctive | adjective | | |
distorsión | distortion | noun | | |
distorsionar | distort | verb | | |
distracción | distraction from concentration | noun | | |
distraher [distrac-] | distract | verb | | |
distrahidamén | absently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
distrahide [distrahida-] | distracted, absent in mind | adjective | | |
distribución | distribution | noun | | |
distribuidor | distributor | noun | | |
distribuidora | distributing machine | noun | | |
distribuir | distribute, allot | verb | | |
distribuyú | distributed | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
disuadide | dissuaded | adjective | | |
disuadir [disuas-] | dissuade | verb | | |
disuasión | dissuasion | noun | Portuguese: dissuasão, Italian: dissuasione, Spanish: disuasión, Catalan: dissuasió | |
disuasión | deterrence, dissuasion | noun | Spanish: disuasión | |
ditche | said, spoken of | adjective | | (from dicer) |
ditchu | said, spoken of | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
diú | gave | verb | | past tense of dar |
divergente | divergent | adjective | | |
diverger | diverge | verb | | |
diverse | diverse, various | adjective | | |
diverse entîtáz polític | diverse political entities | noun | | |
diversificación | diversification | noun | | |
diversifiçar [diversifica-] | diversify | verb | | |
diversión | diversion, entertainment, amusement | noun | | |
diversitá | diversity | noun | | |
divertide | entertaining, enjoyable, fun, funny (causing laughter) | adjective | | |
divertimento | condition of entertain, distracting condition | noun | | |
divertir [divers-] | amuse, entertain, distract | verb | | |
dividendo | dividend | noun | | |
dividir | divide | verb | | |
divinación | divination | noun | | |
divine | divine, God-like, of God | adjective | | |
divinitá | divinity | noun | | |
división | division | noun | | |
divisional | divisional | adjective | | |
divisiónz intraclase | intra-class divisions | noun | | |
divisore | dividing | adjective | | |
divisoria continental | continental divide | noun | | |
divisoria de aguaz | watershed | noun | | |
divulgación | divulgation: act of divulging or publishing; disclosure, spreading for popularization | noun | | |
divulgación chientífic | popular science | noun | | |
divulgación de înformación | information spreading | noun | | |
divulgar | divulge, publicize, disclose (information) | verb | | |
dizque | purported, so-called, in name only | adjective | | |
djaca | rat | noun | | |
djacgra | jaggery: traditional sugar with concentrated sugar cane juice and date or palm sap | noun | Portuguese: jagra from Malayam chakkara | |
djazz | jazz | noun | | |
djazz cigan | gypsy jazz | noun | | |
Djibuti | Djibouti | noun | | |
djîhad | jihad | noun | | |
djorn | day: length of time (usually) between sunrise and sunset | noun | French: journée, Italian: giorno | |
djorn feriade | bank holiday, public holiday | noun | | |
djornada | working day | noun | | |
djornalero | day laborer; someone who works between sunrise and sunset | noun | French: journalier | |
djornalese | journalese: in the jargon of a writer/editor of a magazine or newspaper | adjective | | |
djornalismo | journalism | noun | | |
djornalista | journalist | noun | | |
djornalístic | journalistic | noun | | |
djornau | journal, newspaper | noun | | |
djumbi | ghost | noun | | |
djunglina | sesame seed | noun | Maltese and Siculo-Arabic | |
djus | juice (of meal, especially of meat) | noun | | |
doblar | double, bend in half | verb | | |
doble | double | adjective | | |
doble hélici | double helix | noun | | |
dobles | fold, crease | noun | Spanish: doblez | |
doblesa | duplicity | noun | Spanish: doblez | |
docença | teaching, tutoring | noun | Italian: docenza; Spanish: docencia; Catalan: docència | |
docente | teaching, tutoring | adjective | | |
docenti | lecturer, instructor | noun | | |
dócil | submissive, docile | adjective | | |
docime | 12th, twelfth | adjective | | |
docimo | 12th, twelfth | noun | | |
doctor | doctor: person who holds a doctorate degree | noun | | |
doctoral | doctoral | adjective | | |
doctrina | doctrine | noun | | |
doctrina de abrogación | doctrine of abrogation | noun | | |
doctrinal | doctrinal | adjective | | |
documentario | documentary | noun | | |
documento | document | noun | | |
dogma | dogma | noun | | |
dogmátic | dogmatic | adjective | | |
dojang | dojang, martial arts studio | noun | Korean | |
dolce | sweet | adjective | | |
dolcíssime | sweetest | adjective | | |
doler | ache, have pain | verb | | |
dólêr ($) | dollar (US currency) | noun | | |
dolfín | dolphin | noun | | |
dolina | sinkhole | noun | | |
dolma | dolma: grape leaves with filling of rice and vegetables, spices and sometimes meat | noun | Turkish | |
dolomita | dolomite | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: dolomita, Italian/French: dolomite | |
dolor | pain, ache | noun | | |
domar | tame | verb | | |
dombala | Jerusalem artichoke | noun | | |
domein | domain, field, realm | noun | French: domaine; English: domain | |
domein de l'environimento | environmental field | noun | | |
domein dele política | the realm of politics | noun | | |
domein înterdisciplinare | interdisciplinary field | noun | | |
domein sensíbel | sensitive area, sensitive subject | noun | | |
doméstic | household, of the home; tame (of animal) | adjective | | |
domiciliade | domiciled | adjective | | |
domiciliar | domicile: treat a specified country as a permanent home. | verb | | |
domicilio | domicile: the country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with. | noun | | |
dominación | domination | noun | | |
dominar | dominate, have good command of (mastery of) | verb | | |
dominio | property, estate, command: mastery; dominion | noun | | |
dominio públic | public domain | noun | | |
dominoz | dominoes (game) | noun | | |
donación | donation | noun | | |
donade | donated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
donadu | donated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
donanti | donor, donator | noun | | |
donar | give (gift, aid), donate | verb | | |
donativo | donation | noun | | |
doncela | maiden | noun | Galician; Spanish: doncella, Portuguese: donzella | |
doncella | maid | noun | | |
donu | talent, gift (ability) | noun | Spanish: don; Italian: dono | |
dopué | next (time); next (in line), after that | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Italian/Spanish | Spanish: después |
dopué de | after (in time) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
Dopué de haver jegadu a X, | After having arrived in X, | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
dorade | golden (color) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
doradu | golden (color) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
dorar | gild, glaze (cake), brown (onions) | verb | | |
dormiente | sleeping | adjective | | |
dormienti | sleeper (person), hibernater | noun | | |
dormir | sleep | verb | | |
dormitorio | dormitory, sleeping quarters | noun | | |
dosel | canopy | noun | | |
dosis de reforço | booster shot | noun | | |
dotar | endow, furnish | verb | | |
doti | ground- solid surface usually of the earth but not always | noun | | |
dounêt | doughnut, donut | noun | | |
drab | bed sheet | noun | French: drap | |
drama | drama | noun | | |
dramátic | dramatic | adjective | | |
dramaticamén | dramatically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
drapo | flag (usually of a country or city) | noun | | |
dreita | right (direction; opposite of left) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
dreite | right | adjective | | |
dreitista | right-winger | noun | | |
dreitiste | right-wing | adjective | | |
drenadj de aguaz superfichal | storm sewer | noun | | |
drenar | drain (water when cooking) | verb | Spanish: drenar | |
dretcho maritime | maritime law | noun | | |
dretchoz de l'animauz | animal rights | noun | | |
dretchoz dele humanoz | human rights | noun | | |
drogaz | drugs | noun | | |
drole | funny, amusing | adjective | | |
drupaz | stone fruits, fleshy fruits | noun | | |
dubda | doubt | noun | | |
dubdábel | open to doubt, doubtful, contestable | adjective | | |
dubdar | doubt | verb | | |
dubdose | doubtful, dubious, questionable, suspect | adjective | | |
duc [duqu-] | duke | noun | | |
duchar | douche, give a shower | verb | | |
duelo | duel | noun | | |
duengi | duende: quality of emotion, inspiration, and authenticity | noun | | |
dueño, dueña | landlord, landlady, owner | noun | | |
duis | thumb | noun | | |
dulze | gentle, mild | adjective | | |
dulzura | gentleness (nature of person) | noun | | |
dumbanga | informal trade or spontaneous commercial interaction | noun | | |
dumingo | Sunday | noun | | |
dúo | duo, 2 people in a music group | noun | | |
duple | duplicate (copy), double | adjective | | |
duplicación | duplication | noun | | |
duplicar | duplicate | verb | | |
duquesa | duchess | noun | Italian/Spanish/Portuguese: duquesa; Catalan: duquessa | |
duración | duration | noun | | |
duración de vida | lifetime | noun | | |
duradoure | durable, long-lasting, abiding | adjective | | |
durant | during, over a time period | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
durar | last, not break down | verb | | |
dure | hard (opposite of soft) | adjective | | |
duríssime | hardest, extremely hard | adjective | | |
dusenteríê | dysentery | noun | | |
dusfagia | dysphagia | noun | | |
dusfunción | dysfunction | noun | | |
duslecsia | dyslexia | noun | | |
duslecsic | dyslexic | adjective | | |
dusregulación | dysregulation | noun | | |
dustimia | dysthymia | noun | | |
dustímic | dysthymic | adjective | | |
dustopia | dystopia | noun | Greek prefix | |
dustopian | dystopian | adjective | | |
dúzina | dozen, twelve of something | noun | Catalan: dotzena; Portuguese: dúzia; Spanish: docena; French: douzaine; Romanian: duzină; Italian: dozzina | |
eban | ebony | adjective | | |
ebanista | cabinet-maker, furniture maker | noun | | |
ebano | ebony: dense black ornamental wood | noun | | |
ebispo [episcop-] | bishop | noun | | |
ebrie | drunk, drunken | adjective | | |
ebrietá | ebriety, drunkenness | noun | | |
ebullición | ebullition: action of bubbling or boiling. | noun | | |
ebullir | make bubble, boil | verb | | |
eccedente | surplus, excess, exceeding | adjective | Spanish: excedente | |
eccedenti | surplus, excess | noun | Spanish: excedente | |
eccedenti de naicimentos | excess of births over deaths | noun | | |
ecceder | exceed | verb | | |
eccelença | excellence | noun | | |
eccelente | excellent | adjective | | |
eccelentíssime | most excellent | adjective | | |
ecceler | excel | verb | | |
eccentric | eccentric, unconventional; outlying | adjective | | |
eccentricitá | eccentricity | noun | | |
eccentrico | eccentric (person); circle or orbit not having the Earth precisely at its center | noun | | |
eccepción | exception | noun | | |
eccepcional | exceptional | adjective | | |
eccepcionalmén | exceptionally, unusually | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
ecceptar | except, exempt | verb | | |
eccepte [eccep-] | except: out of receiving or taking | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
ecchelse | lofty, eminent, very tall (like excelsior) | adjective | Latin: excelsus/excelsissimus | |
ecco | echo | noun | | |
echalon | echelon | noun | | |
echar | throw, toss (dice, a ball) | verb | Spanish | |
echlusel, llavi de tuerca | wrench | noun | | |
echone | arrogant | adjective | | |
eclesiasta | ecclesiastic: clergyman, priest | noun | | |
eclesiástic | ecclesiastical | adjective | | |
ecoblanqueamento | greenwashing | noun | | |
ecocentrismo | ecocentrism | noun | | |
ecológic | ecological | adjective | | |
ecologíê | ecology | noun | | |
ecologiste | environmentalist | adjective | | |
écologo, écologista | ecologist | noun | | |
econológic | econologic: economical and ecological | adjective | | |
econometríê | econometrics | noun | | |
económic | economic, economical | adjective | | |
economíê | economy | noun | | |
economíê doméstic | home economics | noun | | |
economizar | economize, save money by spending it carefully | verb | | |
ecosistema | ecosystem | noun | | |
ecozona afrotropical | afrotropical ecozone | noun | | |
ecsegesi | exegesis | noun | | |
ecsegeta | exegete: expounder or textual interpreter, especially of scripture | noun | | |
ecsogenamén | exogenously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish/Portuguese: exógenamente | |
ecsógene | exogenous | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: exógeno; Italian: esogeno; Romanian: exogene; French: exogène | |
écstasi | ecstasy | noun | | |
ecstátic | ecstatic | adjective | | |
ecstrovertide | outgoing, extroverted | adjective | | |
ectoderma | ectoderm | noun | | |
ecuación | equation | noun | | |
Ecuador | Ecuador | noun | | |
ecuanime | even-tempered | adjective | | |
ecuanimitá | equanimity: a calm mental state even as you deal with a difficult situation | noun | | |
ecuator | equator | noun | | |
ecuatorial | equatorial | adjective | | |
ecuménic | ecumenical | adjective | | |
ecumenismo | ecumenism | noun | | |
edición | edition | noun | | |
edificación | edification | noun | | |
edificante | edifying | adjective | | |
edifiçar [edifica-] | edify: to build up, sustain | verb | | |
edificative | edificative, edifying | adjective | | |
edificio | building, structure | noun | | |
editar | edit | verb | | |
editor | editor | noun | | |
editorial | editorial | adjective | | |
edivinar | guess | verb | | |
educábel | educable | adjective | | |
educación | education | noun | | |
educacional | educational | adjective | | |
educar | instill values and good manners to [educate:lead forth] | verb | | |
educative | educative | adjective | | |
educator | educator | noun | | |
efeitive | effective, actual/true | adjective | | See also: eficace |
efeitu | effect, result | noun | | |
efeitu de estufa | greenhouse effect | noun | | |
efeitu de estufa desbocade | runaway greenhouse effect | noun | | |
efeituar | effectuate, bring about, make happen; perform/realize | verb | | |
Éfeso | Ephesus | noun | | |
eficace | efficient, efficacious, effective (successful) | adjective | | |
eficacemén | efficaciously, efficiently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
eficacia, eficacitá | efficacy, effectiveness, efficaciousness | noun | | |
eficiente | efficient | adjective | | |
efímere | short-lived, ephemeral | adjective | | |
egarjar | slit the throat, slay | verb | Fr: égorger | |
egcider | cut out, cut off (usually pertains to surgery) | verb | | |
egcisión | excision (usually pertains to surgical) | noun | | |
eghe | acute, high-pitched (music note), sharp (pain) | adjective | | |
eghizer | sharpen (figuratively), whet, stimulate (senses) | verb | | |
égid | aegis, shield (figuratively protection) | noun | Spanish: égida | |
egiptologíê | Egyptology | noun | | |
egiptólogo | Egyptologist | noun | | |
egoiste | self-seeking, self-serving | adjective | | |
ególatre, egolatric | self-worshipping, egotistical | adjective | | |
egolatría | self-worship, egotism | noun | | |
egótic | egoistic | adjective | Sp: egótica | |
egre | sour, acrid | adjective | | |
egs-alumno | alumnus, alumna, former student | noun | Spanish: exalumno | |
egs-aluno | alumnus | noun | | |
egsabaitê, egsa-octeto | exabyte (EB): 1024 petabytes; 2 to the 60th power bytes; about 1 quintillion bytes, 1 billion gigabytes or 1 million terabytes | noun | | |
egsacerbade | exacerbated | adjective | | |
egsacerbar | exacerbate | verb | | |
egsageración | exaggeration | noun | | |
egsagerar | exaggerate | verb | | |
egsamen empíric | empirical examination | noun | | |
egsamen [+:egsamenz; egsamin-] | examination, consideration | noun | | |
egsatamén | exactly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
egsate [egsata-] | exact, accurate (of measurement) | adjective | | |
egsauste | exhausted, very tired | adjective | Spanish: exhausto; Italian: esausto; Portuguese: exausta | |
egsaustive | exhaustive, in-depth | adjective | | |
egscavar | excavate | verb | | |
egsclamación | exclamation | noun | | |
egsclamade | exclaimed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
egsclamadu | exclaimed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
egsclamar | exclaim | verb | | |
egscluide | excluded | adjective | | |
egscluidu | excluded | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
egscluir [egsclus-] | exclude | verb | | |
egsclusión | exclusion | noun | | |
egsclusivamén | exclusively | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
egsclusive [egsclusiva-] | exclusive | adjective | | |
egsclusiviste | exclusionary | adjective | | |
egscluyú | excluded | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
egscoriar; censure severely | excoriate | verb | | |
egscurrer | sell off, drain, drip; dwindle away (time, money...), drip dry, slip/slide away (can be used colloquially) | verb | Spanish: escurrir, Portuguese: escorrer, Latin: excurrere | |
egscurrer le bulto | buck-pass, pass the buck | verb | French: refiler la responsabilité | |
egscurridor | colander, strainer | noun | | |
egscursión | excursion | noun | | |
egscurso | excursus: a detailed discussion of a point in a book or a digression | noun | | |
egseditor | former editor | noun | | |
egsemción | exemption, waiver | noun | | |
egsemto de | exempt from; free of | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
egsemto de împostoz | tax free | adjective | Spanish: exento de impuestos | |
egsfiltración | exfiltration | noun | | |
egsfoliación | exfoliation | noun | | |
egsfolianti | exfoliant | noun | | |
egsfoliar | exfoliate | verb | | |
egsigença | exigency, requirement | noun | | |
egsigente | exigent: pressing; demanding | adjective | | |
egsigir [egsige-] | demand: require/need, call for (resources, fee), exigent upon | verb | | |
egsilar | exile | verb | Spanish: exiliar, Portuguese: exilar | |
egsilio | exile | noun | Spanish: exilio; Italian: esilio; Portuguese: exílio | |
egsistença [egsistench-] | existence | noun | | |
egsistenchal | existential | adjective | | |
egsistenchalmén | existentially | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
egsistente | existing | adjective | | |
egsister | exist | verb | | |
egsistide | existed | adjective | | |
egsistidu | existed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
égsito | success, outcome | noun | Spanish: éxito, Portuguese: êxito | |
égsitose | successful, blockbuster | adjective | | |
egsmandatario | predecessor (of president or great leader) | noun | | |
egsocéntric | exocentric | adjective | | |
égsodê, Égsodê | exodus | noun | French: exode, Catalan: èxode, Italian: esodo, Galician/Spanish: éxodo, Portuguese: êxodo | |
egsoesqueleto; egsosqueleto | exoskeleton | noun | | |
egsoneración | exoneration, acquital | noun | | |
egsorábel | exorable: able to be persuaded | adjective | | |
egsorbitante | exorbitant, extravagant (price) | adjective | | |
egsortación | exhortation | noun | French: exhortation; Spanish: exhortación; Catalan: exhortació; Portuguese: exortação; Italian: esortazione | |
egsortar | exhort | verb | Spanish: exhortar; Portuguese: exortar; Italian: esortare; French: exhorter | strongly encourage or urge (usually by argument or advice) |
egsosfera | exosphere | noun | | |
egsotéric | exoteric | adjective | | |
egsótic | exotic | adjective | | |
egsoticizar | exoticize | verb | | |
egspansión térmic | thermal expansion | noun | | |
egspansioniste | expansionist | adjective | | |
egspatriade | expatriated | adjective | | |
egspatriado | expatriate | noun | | |
egspatriar | expatriate | verb | Spanish: expatriar | |
egspectativa | expectation, expectancy, hope | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: expectativa, Italian: aspettativa | |
egspedienti | file/record of key information (police, government) | noun | | |
egspedir | send off, issue (passport), dispatch, draw up (contract) | verb | | |
egspeditive | expeditious | adjective | | |
egspender | expend | verb | | |
egspendide | expended | adjective | | |
egspendidu | expended | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
egspensive | expensive | adjective | | |
egsperiença | experience | noun | | |
egsperienchal | experiential | adjective | | |
egsperiente | savvy, with experience | adjective | Portuguese: experiente | |
egsperto | expert, maestro | noun | Spanish: experto | |
egspesamén | deliberately, expressly, clearly and plainly, on purpose | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish: expresamente | |
egspiación | atonement, expiation | noun | | |
egspiar | atone (for), expiate | verb | | |
egspiatorie | sacrificial, expiatory | adjective | | |
egsplayade | expatiated, expounded | adjective | | |
egsplayar | extend, expound | verb | | |
egsplicábel | explicable | adjective | | |
egsplicación | explanation, explication | noun | | |
egsplicar | explain | verb | | |
egsplicative | explanatory | adjective | | |
egsplícite | explicit | adjective | | |
egsplodir | explode, blast/burst | verb | Portuguese: explodir | |
egsploración | exploration | noun | | |
egsplorar | explore | verb | | |
egsploratorie | exploratory | adjective | | |
egsplosiva | plosive (linguistics), stop consonant | noun | | |
egsplotábel | exploitable | adjective | | |
egsplotación | exploitation | noun | | |
egsplotadore | exploitative | adjective | | |
egsplotar | exploit, make the most of | verb | | |
egsponente | exposing | adjective | | |
egsponenti | exponent (math); the prime example | noun | | |
egsponential | exponential | noun | | |
egsponer [egspost-, egsponga-, egsposi-] | expose; put on show (object at museum), exhibit; expound | verb | | |
egsportación | exportation | noun | | |
egsportade | exported | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
egsportador | exporter | noun | | |
egsportadu | exported | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
egsportante | exporting | adjective | | |
egsportar | export | verb | | |
egsposición | exposure; exhibition; exposition: comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory. | noun | | |
egspositive | expository | adjective | | |
egspositor | expositor, speaker who explains a complicated thing clearly, commentator, exhibitor | noun | | |
egspositor de nuve adquisiciónz | new acquisition rack | noun | | |
egsposte | exposed | adjective | | |
egspresábel | expressible, able to be expressed | adjective | Portuguese: expressável | |
egspresar [egspresi-] | express, articulate thoughts and ideas | verb | | |
egspresión | expression, phrase, saying | noun | | |
egsprimir [egspres-] | squeeze (out) | verb | | |
egspropiación | expropriation | noun | | |
egspropiar | expropriate | verb | | |
egspulsar | throw out | verb | | |
egspulsión | expulsion, ejection | noun | | |
egspulsionismo | expulsionism | noun | | |
egspulsionista | expulsionist | noun | | |
egsquisite | exquisite | adjective | | |
egsquisitesa | exquisiteness, lushness; delicacy: fine food, something special | noun | Catalan: exquisidesa; Spanish: exquisitez | |
egstêmporal | extemporaneous: "made, done, procured, or furnished 'at the time,'" hence "unpremeditated," | adjective | SP: extemporáneo, extemporal | |
egstênder [egstêns-] | extend, prolong, stretch | verb | | |
egstênse | extensive, long/lengthy, full/detailed | adjective | | |
egstênsión | extension | noun | | |
egstênsive | extensive | adjective | | |
egsteriore | exterior; outside, foreign | adjective | | |
egsterioritá | externalitad | noun | | |
egsterminio | extermination | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | spanish: exterminio; Portuguese: extermínio; Catalan: extermini |
egsternalizar | externalize, outsource | verb | | |
egsterne, egsternal | external | adjective | | |
egstinción | extinction | noun | | |
egstinguidu | extinguished | past participle | | |
egstinguir | extinguish, end, wipe out, put out (fire) | verb | | |
egstinte | extinct, extinguished | adjective | | |
egstirpar | extirpate | verb | | |
egstrabíblic | extrabiblical | adjective | | |
egstracción | extraction | noun | | |
egstracelulare | extracellular | adjective | | |
egstractive | extractive | adjective | | |
egstractivismo | extractivism | noun | | |
egstracto | extract | noun | Spanish: extracto; Portuguese: extrato | |
egstractor | extractor, puller | noun | Portuguese: extrator | |
egstracurriculare | extracurricular | adjective | | |
egstradición | extradition: the action of extraditing a person accused or convicted of a crime | noun | Spanish: extradición | |
egstraditar | extradite: hand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which the crime was committed | verb | | |
egstraescolare | outside-of-school, extracurricular | adjective | | |
egstraher [egstrac-] | extract | verb | | |
egstrajudicial | extrajudicial | adjective | | |
egstralegal | extralegal | adjective | | |
egstrañe | extraneous | adjective | | |
egstraordinare | extraordinary | adjective | | |
egstraordinaremén | extraordinarily | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
egstrapolación | extrapolation | noun | | |
egstrapolar | extrapolate | verb | | |
egstravagança | extravagance | noun | | |
egstravagante | extravagant (lacking in moderate behavior) | adjective | | |
egstraviar | mislead/disorient, misplace | verb | | |
egstraviar-se | go astray, wander away from, lose the way | verb | | |
egstricábel | extricable | adjective | | |
egstricabelmén | extricably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
egstrínseque | extrinsic | adjective | | |
egsuberança | lushness, exuberance | noun | | |
egsuberante | exuberant, luxurious, over-abundance | adjective | | |
egsultante | exultant | adjective | | |
egsumar | exhume | verb | Portuguese: exumar; Spanish/Catalan: exhumar; French: exhumer; Italian: esumare | |
eguábel | equable | adjective | | |
egual | equal, the same | adjective | | |
egual que todo l'añoz | same as every year | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: Igual que todos los años | |
egualade | neck and neck, evenly-matched | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
egualadu | neck and neck, evenly-matched | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
egualar | equal | verb | | |
egualitá | equality | noun | | |
egualitare | egalitarian | adjective | | |
egualitario | egalitarian (person) | noun | | |
egualitarismo | egalitarianism | noun | | |
egualmén | equally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
eguar | equate | verb | | |
ehidal | municipally owned, municipal | adjective | | |
eichi [acci-] | axis [+:axes] | noun | | |
eigla | eagle | noun | | |
eiquimalitoz | popsicles | noun | | |
ejección | ejection | noun | | |
ejección de masa coronal | coronal mass ejection | noun | | |
ejetar | eject | verb | | |
El es membro dele | He's on the (indicating membership) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
El estam de bon humor. | He is in a good mood. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
elástic | elastic, resilient (material), not easily damaged | adjective | | |
elección | election | noun | | |
electe | elected, chosen, elect | adjective | | |
elective | elective | adjective | | |
electivo | elective: extra school course | noun | | |
electorado; distrito electoral | constituency, electorate | noun | | |
eléctric | electric, electrical | adjective | | |
electricien | electrician | noun | | |
electricitá | electricity | noun | | |
electrocución | electrocution | noun | | |
electrocutar [electrocuci-] | electrocute | verb | | |
electroima | electromagnet | noun | | |
electrolización | electrolization | noun | | |
electromagnétic | electromagnetic | adjective | | |
electrôn | electron | noun | | |
electrônic | electronic | adjective | | |
electu, elegidu | elected, chosen | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
elefanti | elephant | noun | | |
elefantiz marine | elephant seals | noun | | |
elegante | elegant, tasteful | adjective | | |
elegíaque | elegiac | adjective | | |
elegíbel | eligible | adjective | Portuguese: elegível; Spanish/Catalan: elegible; French: éligible; Italian: eleggibile; Romanian: eligibil | |
elegiente | electing, choosing | adjective | | |
elegir [elect-] | choose, elect | verb | | |
elemental | elemental | adjective | | |
elementare | elementary | adjective | | |
elemento | element, component | noun | | |
elemento de acción | action item | noun | | |
elemento discordante | outlier: discordant element | noun | | |
elementoz de bandeira | parts of a flag | noun | | |
elevación | elevation | noun | | |
elevade | elevated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
elevadu | elevated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
elevante | elevating | adjective | | |
elevar | elevate, lift up | verb | | |
elez hau fetchu le transición de | they (have) made the switch | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
elîcsîr | elixir | noun | | |
êlievo, êlieva | student, pupil, learner, scholar | noun | Italian: allievo; French: élève | |
eliminación | elimination | noun | | |
eliminar | eliminate | verb | | |
eliminar gradualmén | phase out | verb | | |
eliminatore | selection by process of elimination | adjective | | |
elipsi [+:elipsiz] | ellipsis [+:ellipses] | noun | | |
elisión | elision (grammar) | noun | | |
éliti | elite | noun | | |
elitismo | elitism | noun | | |
elitiste | elitist | adjective | | |
élitiz aristocrátic | aristocratic elites | noun | | |
Ell | they, for him or her | pronoun | | gender-neutral pronoun |
Ella favlam español com un nativa. | She speaks Spanish like a native. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
elocuença | eloquence | noun | Spanish: elocuencia | |
elocuente | eloquent | adjective | Spanish | |
eloti | fresh ear of ripe corn | noun | Mexico Spanish: elote | |
eludir | elude, evade | verb | | |
em-ou | M.O., modus operandi (in Latin) | noun | | |
emanaciónz | fumes, emanations | noun | | |
emancipación | emancipation | noun | | |
emancipador | emancipator | noun | | |
emancipar | emancipate | verb | | |
embaladj | packing, boxing up | noun | | |
embalar | wrap | verb | | |
embaraço | embarassment, awkwardness | noun | Portuguese: embaraço; French: embarras; Italian: imbarazzo | In Spanish, embarazo means pregnancy |
embarcar | load, board (a ship) | verb | | |
embargo | seizure (of goods, property), distraint (legal), embargo (trade), sequestration (legal) | noun | | |
embellecer [-ezca-] | embellish, make beautiful, beautify, dress up | verb | | |
embellecide | embellished | adjective | | |
embellecimento | embellishment, engrossment | noun | | |
emblema | emblem | noun | | |
emblemátic | emblematic | adjective | | |
emblematicamén | emblematically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
emboscada | ambush | noun | | |
emboscar | ambush, set an ambush for | verb | | |
embotellamento | backup, back-up (traffic), bottleneck | noun | Spanish: embotellamiento | |
embotellar | block, bottle up | verb | Spanish: embotellar | |
embotellar-se | get stuck in a traffic jam | verb | | |
embriólogo | embryologist | noun | | |
embrión | embryo | noun | | |
embrionare | embryonary, embryonic | adjective | | |
embrollo | imbroglio: an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation | noun | Spanish: embrollo, Portuguese: embrulhada | |
embrullar | wrap up, gift wrap | verb | Portuguese: embrulhar | |
embustere | deceitful, lying, mendacious, dishonest | adjective | | |
embustero, embustera | liar, fibber | noun | | |
embusti | lie, falsehood, fabricated story | noun | | |
embustiar | make frequent use of frauds, tricks, and deceits | verb | | |
emergença | emergency | noun | | |
emerger [emers-] | emerge | verb | | |
émfasi | emphasis | noun | Catalan: èmfasi; Portuguese: ênfase; Spanish: énfasis | |
emfatizar | emphasize | verb | | |
emigranti | emigrant | noun | | |
emigrar | emigrate | verb | | |
eminença | eminence: distinction of character and abilities | noun | | |
eminente | eminent: notable, outstanding | adjective | | |
emisario | emissary: agent, envoy | noun | | |
emisión | emission (sound, light, warmth), issue (coins, stamps), broadcast (radio) | noun | | |
emisión de televizión | television program | noun | | |
emisor | radio/TV station, broadcaster | noun | | |
emitir [emis-] | emit, issue, broadcast | verb | | |
emoción | emotion | noun | | |
emover | move emotionally | verb | | |
emovide | moved emotionally | adjective | | |
emovidu | moved emotionally | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
empacar | pack (goods in crates/container) for transport | verb | | |
emparentade | kin, related | adjective | Spanish: emparentado | |
empatchar | get an upset stomach | verb | | |
empatcho | qualm, indigestion | noun | | |
empátic | empathetic | adjective | | |
empatíê | empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. | noun | | |
empautado | pact with the devil | noun | | |
empavonar-se | apply or slather on (cream, ointment, sunscreen...) | verb | | |
empeñade | committed | adjective | Spanish | |
empeño | endeavor, undertaking | noun | | |
empeorar | worsen, get worse | verb | | |
empequinecer [-ezca-] | dwarf, make smaller, become smaller; belittle (figurative) | verb | Sp+ | |
empiernar-se | intertwine one's legs with those of another | verb | | |
empíric | empirical | adjective | Greek: empeirikos | pertaining to or derived from experience or experiments |
empiricamén | empirically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
emplacer | summon, convene; site, place; erect (statue) | verb | | |
emplacimento | summons, emplacement (a place where something is located) | noun | | |
empleo | job, position/post, employment | noun | | |
empleyade | employed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
empleyado | employee | noun | | |
empleyador | employer | noun | | |
empleyadu | employed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
empleyar | employ | verb | | |
empolvar | powder: place powder on (face, etc) | verb | | |
emporio | general store, emporium | noun | | |
empovride | impoverished | adjective | | |
empovridu | impoverished | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
empovrir | impoverish | verb | | |
emprendedor, emprendedora | entrepreneur | noun | Spanish; Portuguese: empreendedora | |
emprender | undertake, start up, take up | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | verb | Spanish: emprender; Portuguese:empreender |
emprenta dactilare | fingerprint | noun | Sp: huella dactilar | |
empresa | enterprise, venture, firm, business, company | noun | Portuguese | |
empresarial; de emprendedor | entrepreneurial | adjective | | |
empresario | businessman, businesswoman | noun | Portuguese | |
empujar | push | verb | | |
empujón | shove, heavy push | noun | | |
en | at, in, within an area of; manner of being; expresses the length of time an action takes (within or during the time span of); | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en | on (radio, TV, internet), on (a bus, train, automobile, or airplane) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
en aparença | ostensibly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
en barbecho | fallow (agriculture), on standby, on the backburner | adjective | Spanish: en barbecho | |
en bref | in short, shortly, briefly | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en cambio | whereas, but (as opposed to this) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en cierte modo | in a sense | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en colaboración cun | in concert with; in cooperation with | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
en cualquel momento | at any time; at any moment | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: en cualquier momento; Portuguese: a qualquer momento; Catalan: en qualsevol moment | |
en curso | ongoing | adjective | | |
en demasia | excessively, too much | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en dirección iste | eastbound | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
en dirección norte | northbound | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
en dirección sude | southbound | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
en dirección weste | westbound | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
en directe (desde) | live (from), on the air | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en favor de | in favor of (indicating preference) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en frente de | in front of | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en función de | based on (used in sentences with 2 phrases) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Spanish: en función de | |
en l'ámbito nacional | on a nationwide basis, on a nationwide scale | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: en el ámbito nacional | |
en l'ámbito nacional i estrañere | at home and abroad | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: en el ámbito nacional y extranjero | |
en l'ist de… | in eastern... | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en le lado alciste | upside (adjective) | adjective | | |
en le lengua currente | in the vernacular | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Portuguese: na língua corrente | |
en le nort de... | in northern... | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en le página # | on page # | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
en le segonde piso | on the second floor | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
en le sud de... | in southern... | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en le west de... | in western... | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en medjo de | in the midst of | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Spanish: en medio de | |
en mev humile opinión | in my humble opinion, IMHO | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
en miniatura | miniature, small version | adjective | | |
en nosre nomi | on our behalf, in our name | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en orden | orderly, straightened out, tidy | adjective | Spanish | |
en penumbra | dimly lit, shadowy | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en periglo de | in danger of | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Portuguese: perigo & Spanish peligro | |
en plene funcionamento | fully operational | adjective | | |
en polv | powdered, in powder | adjective | | |
en profundura | in depth | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en proporción directe con | in direct ratio to | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
en proporción înverse | in inverse ratio | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
en que | in which | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en retrospectiva | in retrospect | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
en seghida | right away, at once | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
en situ | on site, in position, "in situ" | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en tal caso | in such a case | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en talla | in size | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en todo l'ámbito nacional | over the whole nation, throughout the country | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: en todo el ámbito nacional | |
en todo luoga | everywhere (be) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en todo maneraz | in any case, regardless, anyway | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
en veç de | instead of | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
enajenar | enrapture, entrance | verb | | |
enamorar-se (de) | fall in love with | verb | | |
enamorisquiar | become infatuated with | verb | | |
enano | dwarf banana | noun | | |
enano | dwarf | noun | Sp | |
enbaiju | underneath, beneath | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
enbaiju de | beneath, under | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
enca | ink | noun | | |
encabeçar | head (lead off, spearhead | verb | | |
encadenade | fettered, in chains | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
encadenadu | fettered, in chains | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
encadenar | chain, catenate, link together | verb | | |
encalar | whitewash | verb | | |
encantade | delighted, enchanted | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
encantador | charmer, enchanter | noun | | |
encantadore | charming, enchanting | adjective | | |
encantadu | delighted, enchanted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
encantar | delight, enchant | verb | | |
encapsulamento | encapsulation (programming) | noun | | |
encapsular | encapsulate | verb | | |
encarcelamento | incarceration | noun | | |
encarcelar | incarcerate | verb | | |
encargar | entrust, encharge, charge with | verb | | |
encarnación | incarnation | noun | | |
encarnacional | incarnational | adjective | | |
encarnade | incarnate, embodied | adjective | | |
encarnar | embody, epitomize, personify | verb | | |
encarter | insert | verb | | |
encarti | insert, inset | noun | | |
encerrade | closed (of ceremony), enclosed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
encerradu | closed (of ceremony), enclosed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
encerramento | close (especially of ceremony, discussion...) | noun | | |
encerrar | end/finish, wrap up (discussion, meeting), close (a ceremony); enclose | verb | | |
encher-se | fill up, get fed up (with) | verb | | |
enchiladaz | enchiladas: made of corn or flour tortillas, and filled with meat, cheese, seafood, beans, vegetables or all of the above. The stuffed tortillas are then covered in a chilli sauce making for a perfect Mexican breakfast. | noun | | |
enciclopedia | encyclopedia | noun | | |
encima | on (about one's person) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
encima de | on top of | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
encomendadu | committed | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
encomendar | entrust, commend | verb | | |
enconchar-se | enjoy, take pleasure in (usually alone) | verb | | |
encontrar | find (and have something in your possession), encounter (can mean to chance upon) | verb | | |
encontrar-se | encounter: run into something or someone by chance; come across; meet with (opposition) | verb | | |
encôntro | meet (competition, race); match (sports) | noun | Spanish: encuentro; Portuguese: encontro | |
encoradjade | encouraged | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
encoradjadu | encouraged | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
encoradjamento | encouragement | noun | | |
encoradjante | encouraging | adjective | | |
encoradjar | encourage | verb | | |
encosta | slope | noun | | |
encostar | lean, pullover to side (on highway) | verb | | |
encoxar | make lame | verb | Spanish: encojar | |
encoxar-se | go lame | verb | Spanish: encojarse | |
encrenca | trouble | noun | | |
encrencar | get into trouble | verb | | |
encrenquero | trouble-maker | noun | | |
encrucio | crossroads, intersection | noun | Sp: encruciajada. It: incrocio | |
encuanto | as soon as | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Spanish en cuanto, Portuguese enquanto | |
encuanto a | in terms of; regarding, with regard to | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish en cuanto a | |
encuberte | concealed, covert, secret, veiled | adjective | | |
encubertu | concealed, covert, secret, veiled | past participle | Galician: encuberta; Spanish: encubierta; Portuguese: encoberto | |
encubrimento | concealment | noun | Spanish: encubrimiento | |
encubrir | cover up, harbor (a criminal), hide | verb | | |
encurtido | pickled relish of carrots, cauliflower, baby corn, hot peppers... | noun | | |
endémic | endemic | adjective | | |
endiablade | devilish, demonic | adjective | Portuguese: endiabrado; Spanish: endiablado | |
endiablar | bedevil, pervert/corrupt | verb | Spanish: endiablar | |
endígene | indigenous, native to a region | adjective | Sp: indígena ; Haitian Creole: endijèn | meaning ‘to beget’, from the root ‘gene’ meaning ‘to produce, give birth, beget. |
endigenismo | indigenism | noun | | |
endocéntric | endocentric | adjective | | |
endogénesi | endogenesis | noun | | |
endometrial | endometrial | adjective | | |
endometrio | endometrium | noun | | |
endometriosi | endometriosis | noun | Portuguese: endometriose; Spanish: endometriosis; French: endométriose; Catalan: endometriosi | |
enérgic | energetic, assertive, emphatic (determined) | adjective | | |
energíê | energy | noun | | |
energíê eólic | wind power | noun | | |
energíê nucleare | nuclear energy | noun | | |
energíê rinuvábel | renewable energy | noun | | |
enferme | sick, ill | adjective | | |
enfermera, enfermero | nurse in hospital | noun | | |
enfermería | infirmary: sick bay: hospital onboard or in a place, small hospital | noun | | |
enfermitá | infirmity, illness | noun | | |
enfervorizade | feverish with excitement | adjective | | |
enfocar | focus (put in focus) | verb | | |
enfôlecer | go crazy, drive to madness | verb | Spanish: enloquecer; Portuguese: enlouquecer; French: devenir fou | |
enfrentamento | confrontation | noun | Spanish: enfrentamiento | |
enfrentar | confront, put face to face | verb | | |
enfrijamento dele relaciónz | cooling of the relations | noun | | |
enfrijar | cool, chill | verb | Spanish: enfriar | |
engajar | engage | verb | | |
engañar | mislead: fool, deceive, cheat | verb | | |
engaño | deception, hoax | noun | | |
engañosamén | deceptively | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish: engañosamente | |
engañose | deceptive | adjective | Spanish: engañoso/a | |
engavetar | shelve, pidgeonhole (legislation, report, project) | verb | | |
engavillar-se | hang out with one's friends or clique | verb | | |
engeñose | ingeniouse (scheme, idea, plan), clever, inventive | adjective | Sp: ingenioso; Po: engenhoso; Fr: ingénieux, ingénieuse | |
engolide (per) | swallowed, engulfed (by) | adjective | | |
engolir | engulf, swallow | verb | | |
Engratça a Deo... | Thank goodness... | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
engrifade | having goose bumps | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
engrifadu | having goose bumps | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
enharanamento | indebtedness | noun | | |
enharanar-se | get into debt | verb | | |
enigma | enigma, mystery, riddle | noun | | |
enigmátic | enigmatic, curious | adjective | | |
enjugar | wipe away | verb | | |
enjundia | substance, meat (colloquial) | noun | | |
enjundiose | pithy: concise and forcefully expressive, substantial | adjective | | |
enlacer | join, link, connect | verb | | |
enlatade | canned (food) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
enlatadu | canned (food) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
enlatar | can (preserve food) | verb | | |
enllenar | fill in, infill | verb | | |
enmudecer [-ezca-] | go mute, become silent, be dumbstruck | verb | | |
enojar-se | get angry, become displeased | verb | | |
enorme | huge, enormous | adjective | | |
enormemén | enormously, hugely, vastly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
enrarecer, rarefiar | rarefy, make scarce, strain | verb | | |
enriquecer [-ezca-] | enrich, improve, add ingredients | verb | | |
enriquecide | enriched | adjective | | |
enrujecer [-ezca-] | blush, redden | verb | | |
ensalada | salad | noun | Vulgar Latin *salata, literally "salted," short for herba salata "salted vegetables" | |
ensalzar | extoll, extol (merits, virtues), exalt | verb | | |
ensamblar | assemble, join | verb | Spanish: ensamblar | |
ensemu | together | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Occitan: ensèm from Latin: insimul; French: ensemble | |
enseñamento | teaching, instruction | noun | | |
enseñança | teaching, lesson, education | noun | | |
enseñanti | teacher, instructor | noun | | |
enseñar | instruct, teach, discipline | verb | | |
enseyadj | fitting, trying on | noun | | |
enseyar | test, try out, rehearse; practice | verb | | |
enseyo | trial, test, rehearsal | noun | | |
ensigna | insignia, insigne | noun | | |
ensolarade | sunny | adjective | | |
ensombrecer [-ezca-] | overshadow (spoil) | verb | | |
ensombrecimento verbal | verbal overshadowing | noun | | |
enstrumental | instrumental | adjective | | |
enstrumentista | instrumentalist | noun | | |
enstrumento | instrument | noun | | |
ensujar | soil, make dirty | verb | | |
entablar | strike up (a conversation); board up; embark upon (a business or negotiation); set up splint | verb | | |
entchambar | provide employment, hire | verb | | |
entchinte | pregnant (of woman) | adjective | Italian: incinta; French: enceinte | |
entchufi | socket, electric outlet, power plug | noun | Spanish: enchufe | |
entender | believe, think, understand (interpret) | verb | | |
entendimento | understanding, knowledge, mind/consciousness | noun | Spanish/Portuguese | |
entere | entire, whole | adjective | | |
enteresa | completeness, wholeness, decisiveness, presence of mind | noun | Spanish: entereza | |
enterrar | bury | verb | | |
enterro | burial | noun | | |
entitá | entity | noun | | |
entomologíê | entomology | noun | | |
entomólogo | entomologist | noun | | |
entonación | intonation | noun | Portuguese: entonação; Italian: intonazione; Spanish: entonación | |
entonar | intonate (linguistics) | verb | Spanish: entonar | |
entons | so then, after that | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Spanish: entonces; Portuguese: então | |
entorno | scene, setting | noun | | |
entorno natural | natural environment | noun | | |
entorno social | social setting | noun | | |
entortar-se | be seated or stationed in a place for a long time | verb | | |
entrada | entry, entrance | noun | | |
entrada comprensíbel, input comprensíbel | comprehensible input | noun | | |
entrada principal | main entrance | noun | | |
entradilla | opening line (of article in newspaper) | noun | Spanish: entradilla | |
entrañaz | entrails, bowels, inmost parts | noun | | |
entrar | enter, come in | verb | | |
entrar en reizón | come to one's senses | verb | | |
entre | among or between | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
entrega | delivery | noun | | |
entregábel | deliverable | adjective | | |
entregade | dedicated, devoted to, delivered/handed-over | adjective | | |
entregar | hand in, hand over, submit (a form, a paper), give/hand out | verb | | |
entreghismo | appeasement | noun | Sp: entreguismo | |
entrelacer | entwine | verb | | |
entrelacide | entwined | adjective | | |
entrenamento | coaching, training session | noun | | |
entrenar | coach, train | verb | | |
entrepaño | door panel | noun | | |
entreposto comerchal | trading post | noun | Portuguese: entreposto comercial | |
entretenente | entertaining | adjective | | |
entretener [entretuvi-, entretenga-] | entertain, mingle with friends | verb | | |
entretenide | entertained | adjective | | |
entretenidu | entertained | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
entretenimento | entertainment, amusement | noun | | |
entrevista | interview | noun | | |
entrevistador | interviewer | noun | | |
entrismo | entryism, entrism | noun | | |
entristecer [-ezca-] | sadden, become sad | verb | | |
entrópic | entropic | adjective | | |
enturadj | entourage, circle of friends and acquaintances | noun | | |
enturer | surround (with friends, strangers) | verb | | |
entusiaste | enthusiastic | adjective | | |
enumeración | enumeration | noun | | |
enumerar | enumerate, make a list | verb | | |
enumerar le mesme lemaz | rehearse the same slogans (enumerate the same things) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: enumerar los mismos eslóganes | |
envellecer [-ezca-] | get older | verb | sp: envejecer | |
envellecimento | aging, ageing | noun | | |
ênvelopi | envelope | noun | | |
envenenamento | poisoning | noun | | |
envenenar | poison, embitter | verb | | |
envergador | wingspan, breadth (nautical), magnitude, scope (of project) | noun | Spanish: envergador | |
envergadura | breadth, expanse | noun | | |
envergar | attach a sail to the yardarm (the outer extremity of a ship's yard.) | verb | | |
enviar | send | verb | | |
enviar trupaz | send troops | verb | | |
environer | surround, encircle | verb | | |
environimento | environment (ecological sense), surroundings | noun | | |
envixa | envy | noun | Catalan: enveja, Portuguese: inveja, Spanish: envidia; Galician: envexa; Italian: invidia; French: envie | |
envixábel | enviable | adjective | | |
envixose | envious | adjective | | |
envolta de | around | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
envoltu | involved, wrapped up in | past participle | | |
envoltura | wrapper, wrapping, package (that is wrapped or in a box) | noun | Sp: envoltorio | |
envolver | involve, wrap up in | verb | | |
envolvimento | involvement | noun | | |
enwi | ennui: feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. | noun | | |
enxaguanti bucal | mouthwash | noun | Portuguese: enxaguatório bucal, enxaguante bucal; Spanish: enjuague bucal | |
enxaguar | rinse | verb | Portuguese: enxaguar; Spanish: enjuagar | |
enxuagar | rinse | verb | Spanish: enjuagar; Portuguese: enxuagar | |
enyeguecer [-ezca-] | become as obsessed as a mare; be smitten | verb | | |
enzalanue | tired and brain doesn't seem to want to work | adjective | Neapolitan:nzalanudo | |
enzima | enzyme | noun | | |
enzimátic | enzymatic | adjective | | |
eólic | wind, of/by wind turbin, eolian | adjective | Fr: éolienne | |
eolito | eolith | noun | | |
epazoti | American wormseed (Chenopodium ambrosioides) | noun | | |
epicentro | epicenter | noun | | |
epidemi | epidemic | noun | | |
epidemic | epidemic, epidemical | adjective | | |
epiderma | epidermis | noun | | |
Epifaníê | epiphany | noun | | |
epifenómeno [+:epifenómenoz] | epiphenomenon [+:epiphenomena] | noun | | |
epigenética | epigenetics | noun | | |
epigráfic | epigraphic | adjective | | |
episcopal | Episcopal | adjective | | |
episcopalista | episcopalian | noun | | |
episodio | episode (in television, book, play), incident (some event) | noun | | |
epistemológic | epistemological | adjective | | |
epistemologíê | epistemology: the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. | noun | | |
epístola | epistle: literary letter intended to be published and read by individuals or groups of people. | noun | Ancient Greek | |
epistolare | epistolary | adjective | | |
época | time span, age, period | noun | | |
epónime | eponymous | adjective | | |
epopey | epic, historic poem: literary composition of the legendary exploits of heroic characters, which are generally part of the origin of a race or a people | noun | Spanish | |
Epopey de Gilgamech | Epic of Gilgamesh | noun | | |
equidistança | equal distant | noun | | |
equidistante | equidistant | adjective | | |
equilibrade | balanced: in state of equilibrium | adjective | | |
equilibrar | balance, equilibrate | verb | | |
equilibrio | equilibrium, balance | noun | | |
equilibrio puntuade | punctuated equilibrium | noun | | |
equipade | equipped | adjective | | |
equipadj | equipment, luggage, equipage | noun | | |
equipamento | equipment, outfit | noun | | |
equipar | equip, outfit | verb | | |
equipo | team | noun | | |
equis | the letter X | noun | | |
equis cero | tick tack toe | noun | | |
equitá | fairness, equity, reasonableness | noun | | |
equitábel, equitative | fair, just | adjective | | |
equitabelmén | fairly (in a just manner), justly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
equivalente | equivalent | adjective | | |
equivocación | equivocation, misunderstanding | noun | | |
equívoque | equivocal, ambiguous, questionable or suspicious | adjective | | |
era | imperfect past of ser | verb | | |
erba | herb | noun | | |
erba matey | yerba mate: refers to the leaves and not the drink | noun | | see: matey |
erba sante | hoja santa, vera cruz pepper | noun | | |
erección | erection | noun | | |
ergalia | catheter | noun | Greek: ???a?e?a ergaleía | |
erigir [erec-] | erect: build, set up, establish | verb | | |
erosamar | love passionate and intensely, usually lustful | verb | | |
erotic | erotic | adjective | | |
errone | erroneous, mistaken, untrue | adjective | | |
error | error | noun | | |
error human | human error | noun | | |
ersatz | ersatz: replacement, substitution | noun | | |
ersatze | ersatz | adjective | German: Ersatz | made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else |
erudición | erudition, scholarly knowledge | noun | Spanish | |
erudite | erudite: having or showing great knowledge or learning. | adjective | | |
erupción | eruption | noun | | |
es machu bien educade | has very good manners | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
es un cuestión de política | (it) is a matter of policy | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
esbirro | henchman, helper, minion | noun | | |
esbosar | sketch, rough out, outline, give a hint of (show) | verb | Spanish: esbozar | |
esboso | sketch, outline | noun | | |
escabedj | marinade | noun | Spanish: escabeche from Arabic asukkabaj | |
escada | stairs | noun | | |
escada rolante | escalator, moving/rolling stairs | noun | | |
escadaria | staircase, stairway | noun | | |
escala | scale (pertaining to magnitude) | noun | | |
escala de têmpo | timescale | noun | | |
escalación | escalation | noun | | |
escalada | climb (of mountain), ascent | noun | | |
escalar | scale, climb up (a mountain) | verb | | |
escalare | scalar | adjective | | |
escaleira | ladder | noun | | |
escalofrijante | spine-chilling, spooky | adjective | Spanish: escalofriante | |
escandalo | scandal (detestable act, thing) | noun | | |
escandalose | scandalous, sinful (waste) | adjective | | |
escandinave | Scandinavian | adjective | | |
escarmucho | skirmish: irregular fight of smaller numbers | noun | English: skirmish from French escarmouche and Italian: scaramuccia, schermugio; Dutch: schermen | |
escaroli | escarole is related to Belgian and curly endive but has broad, slightly curved pale green leaves with a milder flavor than either of them. | noun | | |
escarpadura | escarpment | noun | Spanish: escarpadura | |
escarpar | rasp, scarp, escarp | verb | Spanish: escarpar | |
escase | scarce, little of | adjective | | |
escasesa | scarcity, paucity | noun | Spanish: escasez; Portuguese: escassez; Galician: escaseza; Italian: scarsezza | |
escatológic | eschatological | adjective | | |
escatologíê | eschatology | noun | | |
escindir | rift, divide into 2 or more parts, break away | verb | | |
esclavadj, esclavitud [-tudin-] | slavery | noun | | |
esclavitud [-tudin-] | bondage, slavery | noun | | |
esclavizar | enslave | verb | | |
esclavo | slave | noun | | |
escoba | broom | noun | | |
escola | school | noun | | |
escola primare | primary school, elementary school | noun | | |
escolare | school, academic, scholastic | adjective | | |
escolástic | scholastic (philosophical), academical | adjective | Spanish: escolástico; Portuguese: scolastique | |
escolimose | difficult, fastidious | adjective | | |
escoller | choose | verb | | |
escollo | pitfall, stumbling block | noun | Spanish: escollo | |
escombro | rubbish | noun | | |
escombroz | debris (of building) | noun | | |
escombroz de construcción | construction debris | noun | | |
esconder | hide, conceal, disguise | verb | | |
escopet | gun with scope, shotgun | noun | | |
escosech | Scottish | noun | | |
escrite | written | adjective | | |
escritor, escritriç | writer | noun | | |
escritorio | desk or place of writing | noun | | |
escritu | written | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
escritura | scripture | noun | | |
escrivente | writing | adjective | | |
escriver [escrit-, escriva-] | write | verb | | |
escrôn | screen (of smart phone, computer), display | noun | | |
escrôn de cristau líquide | LCD (liquid crystal display) | noun | | |
escrúpul | scruple: feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: escrúpulo; Catalan: escrúpol; French: scrupule; Italian: scrupolo | |
escrupulose | thorough, done carefully, scrupulous, methodical, conscientious | adjective | Portuguese: escrupuloso | |
escrutini | scrutiny | noun | | |
escuadra | semi-automatic pistol | noun | | |
escuadra | squad, squadron | noun | | |
escuare | square (has right angles) | adjective | | |
escudo | shield, escutcheon | noun | | |
escudrinar | scrutinize, examine, inspect | verb | sp: escudriñar, po: escrutinar | |
escuincli | bratty child | noun | | |
esculgar | search through, look through, rummage through | verb | | |
esculpir | sculpt | verb | | |
escultóric | sculpturesque, sculptural | adjective | | |
escultura | sculpture | noun | | |
escultural | sculptural | adjective | | |
escungilo | cooked snail | noun | | |
escuñitzo | street urchin | noun | Neapolitano: scugnizzo | |
escure | dark, badly-lit | adjective | | |
escurridise | slippery (fish, thing), evasive (person) | adjective | | |
escusa | apology, regretful explanation, excuse | noun | | |
escusábel | excusable | adjective | | |
escusar | pardon, excuse; forget/avoid | verb | | |
Escusem-me | Excuse me (to get someone's attention) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
escutchar | listen | verb | | |
escutinar | whisper | verb | Romansch | |
esença [esench-] | essence | noun | | |
esenchal | essential, basic | adjective | | |
esenchalizar | essentialize | verb | | |
esenchalmén | essentially | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
esêr human | human being | noun | | |
esêr [esen-] | being (human, alien...) | noun | | |
esferoidê | spheroid | noun | | |
esforço | effort, exertion | noun | Spanish/Portuguese | Spanish: esfuerzo |
esforço concertade | concerted effort | noun | | |
esforço organizative | organizational effort | noun | Spanish: esfuerzo organizativo | |
esforçoz de contención | containment efforts | noun | | |
Eslovaquia | Slovakia | noun | | |
Eslovenia | Slovenia | noun | | |
esmerade treballo | painstaking work | noun | | |
esmeralda | emerald | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: esmeralda; Italian: smeraldo; French: émeraude | |
esmero | great care, diligence | noun | | |
esôfago | esophagus | noun | | |
esotéric | esoteric | adjective | | |
espachal | space, outer space, spatial | adjective | | |
espachose | spacious | adjective | | |
espaço aérie | air space | noun | | |
espaço [espach-] | space | noun | | |
espaço-têmporal | spatiotemporal | adjective | | |
espaçoz en blanco | blanks (of form), empty spaces | noun | | |
espada | spade (suit of cards) | noun | | |
espagheti | spaghetti | noun | | |
España, Espania | Spain | noun | | |
español, españech [ispani-] | Spanish language | noun | | |
espantábel | terrible, horrid, frightful, awful | adjective | | |
espantar | frighten, scare (away), intimidate | verb | | |
espanto | fright, dread, scare | noun | | |
espantose | frightful, dreadful, grimly | adjective | | |
especi | species, kind, sort | noun | | |
especi sapiente | sapient species; intelligent lifeform | noun | | |
especial | special, especial | adjective | | |
especialista | specialist | noun | | |
especialista en ética | specialist in ethics, ethicist | noun | Spanish: especialista en ética | |
especializade | specialized | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
especializadu | specialized | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
especializar | specialize | verb | | |
especialmén | especially | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
específic | specific | adjective | | |
especificación | specification | noun | | |
especificamén | specifically: in a specific way | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish específicamente | |
especifiçar [especifica-] | specify | verb | | |
espécimen | specimen, sample | noun | | |
espectácul | spectacle (show) | noun | | |
espectaculare | spectacular | adjective | | |
espectral | spectral, ghostly | adjective | | |
espectro | spectrum | noun | | |
espectrograma | spectrogram | noun | | |
espectrometríê | spectrometry | noun | | |
especulación | speculation | noun | | |
especulaciónz vane | idle speculation | noun | | |
especulador | speculator | noun | | |
especular | speculate, inspect/contemplate | verb | | |
especulative | speculative, thoughtful/contemplative | adjective | | |
espeleologíê | speleology: the study of caves/caverns | noun | | |
espello | mirror | noun | | |
espelunca | underground cave that has no light | noun | | |
esperança | hope, expectation | noun | Portuguese: esperança, French: espoir, Italian: speranza, Spanish: esperanza | |
esperançadore | encouraging, hopeful | adjective | | |
esperançose | hopeful | adjective | | Note: Spanish uses esperanzador |
esperantista | esperantist | noun | | |
esperar | hope, expect | verb | | |
espernada | end link of a chain | noun | | |
espesar | thicken, weave together | verb | | |
espighi | pain felt after doing anaerobic exercise from too much lactic acid building up | noun | Shetland dialect | |
espinachi | spinach | noun | | |
espion | spy | noun | | |
espionadj | espionage | noun | | |
espionar | spy | verb | | |
espiral | spiral | adjective | | |
espitch | speech: oral-auditory means of communication | noun | English | |
espléndide | splendid, generous | adjective | | |
esplendor | splendor | noun | | |
esponja | sponge | noun | | |
esponsor | sponsor | noun | | |
espontane [espontanea-] | spontaneous | adjective | | |
espontaneamén | spontaneously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
espontaneitá | spontaneity | noun | | |
espora | seed, sowing, spore | noun | | |
esporadic | sporadic | adjective | | |
esporadicamén | sporadically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
esporti | sport | noun | Portuguese | |
esportive | sporty, sports | adjective | | |
esposa, esposo | spouse, husband or wife | noun | | |
esposar | handcuff, shackle | verb | | |
esprin | spring (in mattress, watch) | noun | | |
espritu | spirit | noun | | |
espritu de corpo | esprit de corps (spirit of the body) | noun | | |
espritu de equipo | team spirit | noun | | |
espritu empresarial | entrepreneurship, business spirit | noun | | |
espritu maligne | evil spirit | noun | | |
Espritu Sante | Holy Spirit | noun | | |
espritual | spiritual | adjective | | |
esprituose | spirited, strong | adjective | | |
esprituositá | spirituousness | noun | | |
espuma | foam | noun | | |
esputar | spit | verb | Neapolitano | |
espyerta | offer | noun | Romansch: spüerta | |
esqualide | squalid | adjective | | |
esqueleto | skeleton | noun | | |
esquema | scheme | noun | | |
esquemático | schematic | noun | | |
esquerzar | joke, jest | verb | | |
esqueti | skateboard | noun | | |
esquina | corner | noun | | |
esquiro | squirrel | noun | Portuguese: esquilo from Latin scuriolus; Catalan: esquirol; French: écureuil; Italian: scoiattolo; Occitan: esquiròl | |
esquivar | dodge, sidestep | verb | | |
esquizofrénic | schizophrenic | adjective | | |
essa na es mev sistema | That's not my policy | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
esse | that | adjective | | |
esso | that (thing) | noun | | |
estábel | stable | adjective | | |
estabilitá | stability | noun | | |
establecer [-ezca-] | establish, make stable | verb | | |
establecide | established | adjective | | |
establecidu | established | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
establecimento | establishment | noun | | |
estación | station, post, depot (of bus or rail) | noun | | |
Estación Espachal Înternacional | International Space Station | noun | | |
estadístic | statistical (having to do with statistics) | adjective | | |
estadisticien | statistician | noun | | |
estadístico | statistic | noun | | |
estadj | stage/level (of culture, geography) | noun | | |
estadu | been (past participle of to be "estar") | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
estaf | staff (pole) | noun | | |
estaincru | beer stein | noun | | |
estallar | break out, flare up (civil unrest, warfare, etc) | verb | sp: estallar | |
estam | is/am/are (state of being or condition, present tense) | verb | | |
estam bien... | alright, all right | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
estam escase de | lacks, lack | verb | | |
estam __ndu | is/am/are __ing (forms present continuous tense, followed by gerund) | verb | | |
estampa | print, engraving | noun | | |
estampida | stampede | noun | | |
estança | stay, being (somewhere) | noun | Spanish: estancia | |
estancade | stagnant | adjective | | |
estancamento | stagnation | noun | | |
estancar-se | stagnate | verb | | |
estanco | small liquor store | noun | | |
estande | being (temporarily), standing | adjective | | |
estanquero | liquor store owner | noun | | |
estanti | shelf | noun | | |
estar de humor a facer | to be in the mood to do... | verb | | |
estar en grevê | be on strike | verb | | |
estar en plenitud de facultáz | be at the height of one's powers | verb | | |
estar [estuvi-, estem] | be: state of being or condition, including feeling and appearance | verb | | |
estasi | stasis: period or state of inactivity or equilibrium. | noun | | |
estat | state, country | noun | | |
Estatez Unide de América | United States of America | noun | | |
estátic | static | adjective | | |
estatista | statesman, statist | noun | | |
estatu | status, standing, decree, statute | noun | | |
estatu comerchal preferente | preferential trade status | noun | | |
estatu-cuo | status quo: existing state of affairs | noun | | |
estatunidense | American, of/from the United States | adjective | | |
estatunidensi | person from the United States | noun | | |
estatura | stature, height of a person, tallness | noun | | |
estatuto | statute, law, ordinance | noun | | |
estaular | pop, burst, explode | verb | Spanish: estallar; Portuguese: estalar/estourar | |
estava __ndu | was/were __ing (imperfect continuous tense) | verb | | |
este | this, these, that (nearby) | adjective | | |
este notchi | tonight | noun | | |
esteganografíê | steganography | noun | Spanish: esteganografía | |
esteganografíê | steganography | noun | | |
esteica | steak: slab of meat that is grilled | noun | | |
estelare | stellar (but not in the sense of outstanding), star-like, pertaining to stars | adjective | | |
estepa | steppe | noun | | |
estereotipade | stereotyped, stereotypical | adjective | | |
estéril | sterile, barren | adjective | | |
esterilizar | sterilize | verb | | |
estétic | esthetic, aesthetic | adjective | | |
estética | esthetics, aesthetics | noun | | |
esteticamén | esthetically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
estigmatizar | stigmatize | verb | Spanish | |
estilista | stylist (literature, hair), designer (technical) | noun | | |
estilistic | stylistic | adjective | | |
estilo | style, manner | noun | | |
estilográfica | fountain pen | noun | | |
estima | esteem: respect and admiration usually for a person | noun | | |
estimade | esteemed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
estimadu | esteemed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
estimar | esteem: respect and admire | verb | | |
estimative | estimative | adjective | | |
estimulanti | stimulant | noun | | |
estimular | stimulate | verb | | |
estímulo | stimulus, incentive, stimulation, encouragement | noun | | |
estío | summer | noun | Catalan/Occitan: estiu; Sardinian: istadi; Spanish: estío; Portuguese: estio | |
estiquirin | great horned owl | noun | | |
estiramento | stretching, pulling, strain | noun | | |
estirar | dilate, lengthen, draw or stretch out | verb | | |
esto | this, these | noun | | |
estobade | steamed (vegetables..) | adjective | Papiamentu | |
estobar | steam (food) | verb | | |
estocástic | stochastic | adjective | | |
estofado | hot pot | noun | | |
estóic | Stoic | adjective | Portuguese: estóica; Spanish: estoica; French: stoïque | |
estóicien | Stoic (person) | noun | French: stoïcien | |
estómago | stomach | noun | | |
estona | time, moment, a while | noun | Catalan (Spanish = rato) | |
estorbar | hinder, obstruct, interfer, cumber | verb | | |
estorbose | hindering, encumbering | adjective | | |
estorgamar | love parents naturally feel for their children | verb | | |
estrada | street, road | noun | | |
estrado | platform, podium, stand (court) | noun | | |
estragamento | disorder, depravation, depravity | noun | | |
estragar | deprave, corrupt, spoil | verb | | |
estrañamén | strangely, oddly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
estrañe [estraña-] | strange, odd | adjective | | |
estrañere | foreign, outsider | adjective | | |
estrañero | stranger | noun | | |
estrangul | mouthpiece (for brass/wind instruments) | noun | | |
estrangulación | strangulation | noun | | |
estrangular | strangle, choke, strangulate | verb | | |
estratega | strategist | noun | | |
estrategema | contrivance: scheme or plan | noun | Spanish | |
estratégic | strategic | adjective | | |
estratégicamén | strategically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
estrategiê | strategy | noun | | |
estrategiê basade en consentimento | consent-based | adjective | Spanish: estrategia basada en consentimiento; Portuguese: estratégia baseada em consentimento | |
estrategiê discursive | discursive strategy | noun | | |
estratificación | stratification | noun | | |
estrato | stratum | noun | | |
estratosfera | stratosphere | noun | | |
estratosféric | stratospheric | adjective | | |
estrella [estel-] | star | noun | | |
estremamén | extremely | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
estreme [estrema-] | extreme | adjective | | |
estremismo | extremism | noun | Italian: estremismo; French: extrémisme; Catalan: extremisme; Spanish/Portuguese: extremismo | |
estremista | extremist | noun | Italian: estremista; Spanish/Portuguese: extremista; French: extrémiste | |
estrés | stress, strain | noun | | |
estrés de combati | combat stress | noun | | |
estrica | stroke (of a pen) | noun | Venetian | |
estricte | strict | adjective | | |
estridente | strident | adjective | | |
estril | flat broke, without money | adjective | | |
estrite | narrow, strict (figurative) | adjective | | |
estrito | strait, straits (geography) | noun | | |
estrofar | turn and lock | verb | | |
estromar | strum (a guitar) | verb | | |
estropiar | ruin, spoil | verb | | |
estrucar | press/strike (a key) | verb | Venetian, proto-Germanic | |
estructura | structure, product of building | noun | | |
estructura jerarquic | hierachical structure | noun | | |
estructurade | structured | adjective | | |
estructural | structural | adjective | | |
estructuraz harmónic | harmonic structures; chord structures | noun | Spanish: estructuras armónicas; French: structures harmoniques; Portuguese: estruturas harmônicas | |
estrudel | strudel: type of layered pastry with a filling that is usually sweet; baklava | noun | | |
estuarian | estuarine, estuarian | adjective | | |
estuarioz | estuaries | noun | | |
estudanti | student | noun | | |
estudar | study | verb | | |
estudo | study, learning | noun | | |
estudose | studious, bookish | adjective | | |
estudoz clínic | clinical studies | noun | Spanish: estudios clínicos; Portuguese: estudos clínicos | |
estufa | greenhouse | noun | Portuguese | |
estul | chair, stool | noun | | |
estupende | stupendous, wonderful, fantastic, great, marvelous | adjective | spanish: estupendo; italian: stupendo | |
estutchi | stadium | noun | | |
estuvi | preterite (perfect past) of estar | verb | | |
estuvi __ndu | was/were __ing (past continuous tense) | verb | | |
estuviessê | imperfect subjunctive of estar [to be] | verb | | |
etairo | friend, partner, brother in a group of like-minded people | noun | | |
etairoz | brethren, brothers (figurative) | noun | | |
etanol | ethanol, drinking alcohol | noun | | |
etapa | period, stage, phase | noun | | |
etapaz de crechimento, fasiz de crechimento | stages of growth | noun | | |
etayiz | carvings | noun | | |
etchise | homemade | adjective | | |
étere | ethereal: heavenly and/or delicate; vaporous | adjective | Spanish: etéreo; French: éthéré; Italian: etereo | |
eternamén | eternally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
eterne, eternal | eternal | adjective | | |
eternitá | eternity | noun | | |
étic | ethical | adjective | | |
ética | ethics | noun | | |
ética de negochi | business ethics | noun | | |
éticien dele vertudez | virtue ethicist | noun | | |
éticien, éticista | ethicist | noun | French: éthicien; Porttuguese/Catalan: eticista | |
etileno | ethylene | noun | Portuguese/Spanish: etileno; French: éthylène | |
etimológic | etymological | adjective | | |
etimológico | etymologicon | noun | | |
etimologíê | etymology | noun | | |
etiqueta | tag/label (commerce, computing) | noun | Spanish | |
etiqueta XML | XML tag | noun | | |
etiquetadj | tagging, labeling | noun | | |
etnia | ethnic group | noun | | |
étnic | ethnic | adjective | | |
etnicitá | ethnicity | noun | | |
etnocéntric | ethnocentric | adjective | | |
etnográfic | ethnographic | adjective | | |
etnografíê | ethnography | noun | | |
etnógrafo, etnógrafa | ethnographer | noun | | |
etnolinguístic | ethnolinguistic | adjective | Spanish: etnolingüístico, Portuguese: etnolinguística, French: ethnolinguistique | |
etrusque | Etruscan | adjective | French: étrusque; Spanish/Portuguese: etrusco; Catalan: etrusc | |
eucaristía | eucharist: sacrament of the Christian church | noun | Spanish/Portuguese from Greek | |
eudaimónic | eudaimonic: signifying a deeper form of well-being that emphasizes living a meaningful, virtuous life | adjective | | |
eufemismo | euphemism | noun | | |
eufológic | euphologic | adjective | | |
euforia | euphoria | noun | | |
eufóric | euphoric | adjective | | |
eugenesia | eugenics | noun | | |
eugenésic | eugenic | adjective | Spanish from Greek | |
eulogio | eulogy | noun | | |
eulogiose | eulogistic | adjective | | |
euro, € | Euro (EU currency) | noun | | |
Europa [europe-] | Europe | noun | | |
europeo | European (person from Europe) | noun | | |
europese, european | European | adjective | | |
eutimia | euthymia: a calm and stable mental state or mood, euthemia (alternate spelling) | noun | | |
eutímic | euthymic | adjective | | |
evacuar | evacuate | verb | | |
evadir | evade | verb | | |
evanescença | evanescence | noun | | |
evanescer [-ezca-] | evanesce: vanish by degrees, pass out | verb | | |
evangeli | gospel, good news of importance | noun | | |
evangélic | evangelical | adjective | | |
evangelismo | evangelism | noun | | |
evangelista | evangelist | noun | | |
evangeliz sinóptic | synoptics: the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke | noun | | |
evangelizar | evangelize | verb | | |
evasión | evasion | noun | | |
eveilar-se | wake up | verb | | |
eventu | event, activity, happening | noun | | |
eventual | eventual | adjective | | |
evidença [evidench-] | evidence | noun | | |
evidenchal | evedential | adjective | | |
evidente | evident: perceptible, clear, apparent | adjective | | |
evidentemén | evidently, obviously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
eviscerar | eviscerate | verb | | |
evitábel | evitable | adjective | | |
evitar | avoid, shun, avert, save from (doing or going somewhere), eschew | verb | | |
evocar | evoke: call forth | verb | | |
exemplare | exemplary: fit to be a model | adjective | | |
exemplario | exemplar: original model of the universe in the mind of God; model of virtue | noun | | |
exemplificación | exemplification | noun | | |
exemplificade | exemplified | adjective | | |
exemplifiçar [exemplifica-] | exemplify | verb | | |
exemplo | example | noun | | |
exotêz | green beans, string beans | noun | Mexico and Central American Spanish: ejotes from Nahuatl: exotl | |
ey | yes, this is right | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Sardinian and Mexican Spanish: ey/ei | |
eya | wow, hot dog, all right! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
ezecución | execution, enforcement (of sentence, debt collection) | noun | | |
ezecutábel | feasible, practicable | adjective | | |
ezecutade | executed, performed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
ezecutadu | executed, performed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ezecutar | execute: run, perform a task | verb | | |
ezecutar un programa | execute a program | verb | | |
ezecutivo | executive: person in authority | noun | | |
ezecutorie | executory, final (determination, judgement) | adjective | | |
ezercici | exercise | noun | Catalan: exercici; Spanish: ejercicio; French: exercice; Italian: esercizio; Portuguese: exercício; Romanian: exercițiu | |
ezercici escrite | written exercise | noun | | |
ezercir | exercise (right), wield (power), exert (influence), practice (medicine, law) | verb | | |
ezercir le força | wield force | verb | | |
ezercitar | train, coach, drill, exercise (muscles, memory) | verb | | |
ezército | army, organization of trained people | noun | | |
faba | wide bean, faba bean | noun | | |
fábrica | factory | noun | | |
fabricación | fabrication: something made | noun | | |
fabricación aditive | additive manufacturing | noun | Portuguese: fabricação aditiva; Spanish: fabricación aditiva | |
fabricación întensive de capitau | capital intensive manufacturing | noun | | |
fabricade | fabricated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
fabricadu | fabricated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
fabricanti | manufacturer, maker | noun | | |
fabricar | manufacture, produce an artificial object; fabricate | verb | | |
fabul | fable, story | noun | | |
fabulose | fabulous | adjective | | |
faç | do/make (imperative or command form) | verb | Portuguese: faz, faça, façamos, fazei, façam; Spanish: haz, haga, hagamos, haced, hagan; French: fais, faisons, faites | |
faç-tudo | jack of all trades | noun | | |
façaña | exploit, feat, deed | noun | | |
facción | faction (literally a doing or making), political party, class of people | noun | | |
facciónz autoînteresade | self-interested parties | noun | | |
facem | present tense of facer [to do]; do, does | verb | | |
facer acusaciónz (sobrê) | make allegations (about) | verb | | |
facer bulto | make up or swell up the numbers | verb | Spanish: hacer bulto | |
facer caso omise de | pay no heed to, completely ignore, totally flout | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: hacer caso omiso de | |
facer rembrar | remind | verb | | |
facer un caminada | hike | verb | | |
facer un careta | make a face | verb | | |
facer valor | assert (case, rights), uphold | verb | | |
facer viral | go viral | verb | | |
facer [-fici-, fetch-, faga-, far-] | do, make | verb | Latin: facere, Galician,Asturian: facer | |
facer-se pasar por | impersonate | verb | Spanish: hacerse pasar por; Portuguese: fazer-se passar por | |
faceta | facet | noun | | |
facha [-fich-] | appearance/look, face | noun | | |
fachada | façade, front, facade | noun | | |
fachal | facial | adjective | | |
fachidue | two-faced | adjective | | |
fachina | clean-up, hurdle | noun | | |
fachinero | janitor, cleaner | noun | | |
fácil | easy, doable | adjective | | |
facilitá | facility, ease | noun | | |
facilitar | facilitate: make easier, supply (information) | verb | | |
facilmén | easily | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish: fácilmente, French: facilement, Portuguese/Italian: facilmente | |
facs | fax | noun | | |
factíbel | workable, feasible, doable, possible & achievable | adjective | | |
facultá | capacities, faculty | noun | | |
facultative | optional, non-compulsory | adjective | | |
fagam | do/make (present subjunctive form) | verb | Spanish: haga, hagas, hagamos, hagáis, hagan; Portuguese: faça, faças, façamos, façais, façam; Galician: faga, fagas, fagamos, fagades, fagan | |
faicha | sash, belt (Judo, Karate) | noun | | |
faisa | pheasant | noun | | |
falace | fallacious | adjective | Portuguese: falaciosa, falaz; French: fallacieux; Italian: fallace | |
falacia | falacy | noun | Spanish: falacia; Portuguese: falácia | |
falacia lógic | logical fallacy | noun | | |
falcón | falcon | noun | Spanish: halcón; Portuguese: falcão; French: faucon, Catalan: falcó | |
falda | skirt | noun | | |
faldón | tail of jacket or suit, flap; gable (architecture) | noun | | |
falecer [-ezca-] | pass away, die, perish | verb | | |
falecide | deceased, the late | adjective | | |
falecido | deceased, dead | noun | | |
falecidu | deceased | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
falecimento | death, passing on | noun | | |
falíbel | fallible | adjective | | |
falide | bankrupt | adjective | | |
falidu | bankrupt | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
falimento | bankruptcy, failure | noun | | |
falir | go under (business), go bankrupt | verb | | |
falla | defect (in manufacturing), fault (geology) | noun | | |
fallar | fail | verb | | |
falta | lack, shortage | noun | | |
faltar | be lacking, be missing | verb | | |
falte de | lacking in, shortage of | adjective | | |
falte de empatíê | lacking in empathy, with no empathy | adjective | | |
falte de ética | unethical | adjective | | |
fama | fame, reputation | noun | | |
fambi | hunger | noun | French: faim; Spanish: hambre; Catalan: fam; Italian: fame | |
fambiente | hungry: famished, starving | adjective | | |
familia | family | noun | | |
familiare | familiar | adjective | | |
famose | famous | adjective | | |
famuyero | deceitful person | noun | | |
fanátic | fanatical | adjective | | |
fanatico, fanatica | fanatic | noun | | |
fanatismo | fanaticism | noun | | |
fantasma | phantom, shadowy figure, ghost | noun | | |
fantasme | phantom | adjective | Spanish: fantasma | |
fantasme | hit-and-run (by vehicle) | adjective | | |
fantochi | puppet | noun | | |
faoliar | foul (in sports competition) | verb | | |
faqueiro | set of silverware, cutlery | noun | | |
fará | will do/make | verb | Spanish: haré, hará, harás; Portuguese: farei, fará; French: ferai, fera, feras, ferons | (future tense) |
farao | pharoah | noun | | |
fardo | burden | noun | | |
farelu | wheat bran | noun | | |
faríeb | would do/make | verb | Spanish: haría; Portuguese: faria | (conditional form) |
farina | flour | noun | | |
farina de trigo integral | whole wheat flour | noun | | |
faringi | pharynx | noun | | |
faringiti | pharyngitis | noun | | |
faringiti estreptocócic | streptococcal pharyngitis | noun | | |
farmacéutico, producto farmacéutic | pharmaceutical | noun | | |
farmacia | pharmacy | noun | | |
farmacien | pharmacist | noun | | |
fármaco | pharmaceutical drug | noun | | |
farmacológic | pharmacological | adjective | | |
farmacologíê | pharmacology | noun | | |
faro | beacon, source of light, lighthouse, traffic light | noun | | |
faro de luç | beacon of light | noun | | |
faro delanchare | headlight (vehicle) | noun | | |
farol | street light | noun | | |
farra | party, binge | noun | | |
farsa | farce, pretense | noun | | |
farsesc | farcical | adjective | | |
fascícul | installment: issue (of magazine, article), fascicle | noun | | |
fascinación (por) | fascination (for) | noun | | |
fascinante | fascinating, riveting | adjective | | |
fascinar | fascinate | verb | | |
fásic | phasic | adjective | | |
fasiz dele luna | phases of the moon | noun | | |
fastiar | loathe, weary, disgust | verb | | |
fastío | boredom, restlessness, weariness; loathing | noun | sp: hastío | |
fatal | fatal | adjective | | |
fatiga | fatigue | noun | | |
fatigante | tiring, fatiguing, tiresome, wearisome | adjective | Spanish; French: fatigant | |
fatigar | exhaust, fatigue | verb | | |
fatighe; fatigade | fatigued, tired, weary | adjective | | |
Fatimidye | Fatimid | adjective | | |
fatue | fatuous, conceited, vain, foolish | adjective | | |
fauna | fauna, wildlife | noun | | |
fauna silvestre | wildlife | noun | | |
fause | not true, false | adjective | | |
fause paso; fo-pa | faux paus: an embarassing or tactless act or remark | noun | French | |
fausificación | forgery, falsification | noun | | |
fausifiçar [fausifica-] | falsify | verb | | |
favela | slum, shantytown | noun | | |
favlade | said, spoken | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
favladore | talkative | adjective | | |
favladu | said, spoken | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
favladuría | gossip, rumour | noun | | |
favlanti | speaker | noun | | |
favlar | talk, speak | verb | Spanish: hablar + Portuguese: falar | |
Favlem cun el | Speak with him | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: Hable con él | |
favo | honeycomb | noun | | |
favor | favor, favour | noun | | |
favorábel | favorable, approving | adjective | | |
favorecer [-ezca-] | suit (clothes, improve in some way, advantage | verb | | |
favorecide | fortunate, favored, advantaged | adjective | | |
favorecidu | fortunate, favored, advantaged | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
favorite | favorite | adjective | | |
favorito | favorite | noun | | |
faxita | fajita: originally from the little strips of meat cut from the beef skirt in Tex-Mex cuisine. | noun | | |
fazenda | farm (usually large) | noun | | |
fazendero | farmer (of large lot) | noun | | |
fébel | feeble: weak due to illness, injury, or old age | adjective | | |
febrê | fever | noun | | |
febril | feverish | adjective | | |
fecunde | prolific, fertile, fruitful, productive | adjective | | |
fecunditá | fruitfulness, productiveness, fecundity | noun | | |
feda | fairy, sprite, pixie | noun | | |
feder | stink | verb | | |
federación | federation | noun | | |
federal | federal | adjective | | |
fedor | stink, stench | noun | | |
fedorente | stinking | adjective | | |
fei duradoure | lifelong faith | noun | | |
fei [-feder-, -fid-] | faith | noun | Spanish/Catalan/Galician: fe; Portuguese: fé; French: foi; Italian/Corsican: fede | |
feijonado | black bean stew | noun | Brazilian Portuguese: feijoado | |
feijónz | beans (not specific variety) | noun | Galician: feixón; Portuguese: feijão; Italian: fagiolo | |
feira | trade fair, market | noun | | |
feitchizadu | bewitched, spellbound, enchanted | adjective | Spanish: hechizado, Portuguese: enfeitiçado | |
feitor | factor, element (of surprise...) | noun | | |
feitu | fact, deed, truth | noun | Catalan: fet; Spanish: hecho; French: fait; Italian: fatto; Portuguese: fato | |
feitual | factual | adjective | | |
feitura | bill, invoice | noun | | |
feituración | billing, turnover, invoicing | noun | | |
feituramento | turnover, revenue | noun | | |
feiturar | invoice, bill; make money | verb | | |
feletcho | tall fern, bracken | noun | Spanish: helecho; Leonese: feleitu, feichu; Galician: fieito, fento | |
feliç mazêl | happy destiny, best wishes | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Judeo-Spanish | |
felice, feliç | happy, contented (being content) | adjective | | feliz is used before the noun to wish something for someone |
felicíssime | happiest | adjective | | |
felicitá | happiness, felicity | noun | | |
felicitaciónz | felicitations | noun | | |
felicitar | make happy, felicitate | verb | | |
feligi | fern | noun | | |
fêmina | female, woman | noun | Norman: fâme, English: female | |
fêmina de înterior | housewife, home-maker | noun | | |
fêminina | feminine (linguistics) | noun | | |
fêminine | feminine | adjective | | |
fêministe | feminist | adjective | | |
fên | fun | noun | | |
fenciclidina | PCP, phencyclidine | noun | | |
fenda | crack | noun | | |
fenestra | window that doesn't necessarily have to open but has to be see-through | noun | | |
fenomenal | phenomenal | adjective | | |
fenómeno | phenomenon | noun | | |
fenomenologíê | phenomenology | noun | | |
fenómenoz | phenomena | noun | | |
fenotipo | phenotype | noun | | |
feriado | holiday: day of festivity or religious observance and is usually a day off from work | noun | | |
feriar | exchange, deal, trade | verb | | |
ferida | wound | noun | | |
feride | wounded, injured | adjective | | |
feridu | wounded, injured | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ferimento | injury | noun | | |
ferir | wound, injure, hurt | verb | | |
fermentación | fermentation | noun | | |
fermento | yeast, ferment | noun | | |
fermose | beautiful and balanced, majestic, perfect (usually of nature) | adjective | etymology: Sp: hermosa, Galician: fermosa, Po: formosa, Latin: formosus | |
feroce | fierce, ferocious | adjective | | |
ferramentaz | tools (of iron or steel) | noun | | |
ferre | tough like iron | adjective | | |
ferrero | smith, iron worker | noun | | |
férric | ferric: containing iron | adjective | | |
ferro | iron, branding iron | noun | | |
ferrose | ferrous, of iron | adjective | | |
fértil | fertile | adjective | | |
fertilitá | fertility | noun | | |
ferviente, en ebullición | boiling, fervent | adjective | | |
fervir | boil | verb | | |
fervor | fervor | noun | | |
festa de Yul | Yuletide, Yule time; festival of the winter solstice | noun | | |
festivau | festival | noun | | |
festive | festive | adjective | | |
fetal | fetal | adjective | | |
fetcha | date | noun | Spanish: fecha | |
fetche | made, done | adjective | | |
fetchu | made, done | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
feto [fet-] | fetus | noun | | |
fevrero | February (month 2 of Gregorian calendar) | noun | | |
fiábel | reliable, safe, dependable (usually not a person) | adjective | | |
fiaca | laziness | noun | | |
fibra dietétic | dietary fiber | noun | | |
fibra óptic | fiber-optic | noun | | |
ficar | stay, remain, lie (be situated at) | verb | | |
ficar con | lie with someone; make out with | verb | | |
ficción | fiction | noun | | |
ficcional | fictional | adjective | | |
fichero | file (computing) | noun | | |
fici | preterite (perfect past) of facer, made, did | verb | | |
ficiessê | imperfect subjunctive of facer [to do] | verb | Spanish: hiciera, hiciese, hicieras, hicieses, hiciéramos, hiciésemos, hicierais, hicieseis, hicieran, hiciesen; Portuguese: fizesse, fizesses, fizéssemos | |
fictive, ficticie | fictitious, fictional, fictive | adjective | | |
fidelitá | fidelity, faithfulness | noun | | |
fiduciare | fiduciary: holding something in trust | adjective | | |
fiele [-fidele-] | faithful | adjective | | |
fiera [feroce-] | wild beast | noun | | |
fierosamén | fiercely, fercosiously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
fiesta [festi-] | party | noun | | |
fifi | pansy | noun | | |
fígado | liver | noun | | |
figura | figure, shape, form | noun | | |
figurar | figure, appear, be prominent | verb | | |
fila | line (of something), row | noun | | |
filantrópic | philanthropic | adjective | | |
filantropíê | philanthropy | noun | | |
filey | filet | noun | | |
filiación | affiliation | noun | | |
filiamar | love developed out of deep friendship or fighting side by side on a battlefield | verb | | |
filiau de l'empresa | campany's affiliate | noun | | |
filigrana | watermark (on bill) | noun | | |
Filipos | Phillippi | noun | Spanish/Portuguese | |
filla | daughter | noun | Spanish pronunciation with f at beginning | |
fillastro | stepchild | noun | | |
fillo | son | noun | | |
fillo pródighe | prodigal son | noun | | |
fillola | goddaughter | noun | | |
fillolo | godson | noun | | |
filloz | children (of mother and father) | noun | | |
filloz de Adamo | sons of Adam (basically all humanity) | noun | | |
filmi | film: motion picture | noun | | |
filmi de acción | action film | noun | | |
filo | strand of yarn, thread | noun | | |
filo de seguritá | security thread | noun | | |
filo dental | dental floss | noun | | |
filogenómic | phylogenomic | adjective | | |
filosófic | philosophical | adjective | | |
filosofíê | philosophy | noun | | |
filósofo | philosopher | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: filósofo/a; Italian: filosofo/a; French: philosophe | |
filtro | filter (air, water) | noun | | |
filu | phylum | noun | | |
fin de l'añuz 60 | late 1960s | noun | | |
fin de setmana, wiquen | weekend | noun | | |
final | final | adjective | | |
finalmén | finally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
finança [financi-] | finance | noun | | |
financiación | financing, funding, finance | noun | Spanish: financiación | |
financiamento | financing | noun | | |
financiamento dele pesquisa | research funding | noun | Spanish: financiamiento de la pesquisa; Portuguese: financiamento de pesquisa | |
financiare | financial | adjective | | |
financista | financier | noun | | |
finau | close, end, ending, finish | noun | | |
finca | agricultural production complex; property, estate | noun | | |
fine | thin (wire, layer, cable), fine (paper, hair) | adjective | | |
fingimento | feigning | noun | | |
fingir | pretend, feign | verb | | |
finir | finish | verb | | |
finite | finite | adjective | | |
finlandech | Finnish | noun | | |
finlandese | Finnish | adjective | | |
Finlandia | Finland | noun | | |
finta | feint: deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other movement | noun | Spanish | |
firma | signature, autograph | noun | | |
firma oficial | official signature | noun | | |
firmar | sign, autograph, endorse | verb | | |
firme | firm, solid, steadfast | adjective | | |
fiscalía | district attorney, public prosecutor | noun | Spanish | |
fiscau | prosecutor (legal, public) | noun | Spanish: fiscal | |
física | physics | noun | | |
fisiológic | physiological | adjective | | |
fisionomíê | physiognomy | noun | Italian/Portuguese: fisionomia; Spanish: fisonomía | |
fîtra | fitrah: primordial human nature | noun | | |
fixación | fixation | noun | Spanish: fijación; Portuguese: fixação; French: fixation; Italian: fissazione | |
fixar | set (the eyes on), fixate | verb | | |
fixe | fixed (price, rules), unable to be changed | adjective | | |
flagrante | blatant, obvious, flagrant (lie, injustice) | adjective | | |
flaite | sketchy | adjective | | |
flama | flame (of fire) | noun | | |
flanquear | flank, line | verb | | |
flatulença | flatulence, gas (breaking wind) | noun | | |
flatulente | flatulent, gassy | adjective | | |
flecsíbel | flexible | adjective | | |
flecsión | flexion | noun | | |
fleit | whistle (instrument used by coaches) | noun | Papiamentu | |
fletcha | arrow | noun | | |
fletchaz încendiare | flaming arrows | noun | | |
flete | flat (tire) | adjective | English/Papiamentu | |
fleter [flecs-] | flex (muscles), bend | verb | | |
flissye | hard-working | adjective | Romansch | |
flissyitá | industriousness | noun | Romansch | |
flor | flower | noun | | |
flor de lis | fleur-de-lis | noun | | |
floral | floral | adjective | | |
florecente | burgeoning, flourishing | adjective | | |
florecer [-ezca-] | flourish, burgeon | verb | | |
floreiro | flower vase | noun | | |
Florença | Florence (town in Italy) | noun | Neapolitan | |
florista | florist | noun | | |
flota | fleet | noun | | |
flotación | flotation | noun | | |
floxe | loose, slack; poor (in performance, not potent) | adjective | Spanish: flojo, floja | |
fluctuación | fluctuation | noun | | |
fluctuante | fluctuating | adjective | | |
fluctuar | fluctuate | verb | | |
fluvial | fluvial, river | adjective | Spanish: fluvial | |
fluxo | flow, flux | noun | Spanish: flujo, Portuguese: fluxo | |
fluxograma | flowchart | noun | Portuguese: fluxograma; Spanish: diagrama de flujo | |
fluyente | fluent | adjective | | |
fobia | phobia | noun | | |
foca | seal (the animal) | noun | | |
foco | focus | noun | | |
fogasa | fougasse: breads that include focaccia in Italian cuizine, hogaza in Spain, and fogassa in Catalonia. | noun | | |
fogo | fire, flame, heat | noun | | |
fôle | crazy, out of one's mind, mad | adjective | French: fou, folle | |
fôlemén | crazily, madly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
folga | strike (worker's) | noun | | |
fôlía | folly, madness | noun | French: follie, Italian: follia | |
folla | leaf, blade | noun | | |
folladj | foliage | noun | | |
follaz | leaves | noun | | |
folleto | brochure, booklet | noun | Spanish/Galician: folleto; Portuguese: folheto | |
fonación | phonation | noun | | |
fonç | fount: a source of a desirable quality or commodity | noun | Catalan: fons | |
foncez | sources | noun | | |
foncez fidedigne | reliable sources; trustworthy sources | noun | | |
Fondo Monetare Înternacional (FMI) | international monetary fund (IMF) | noun | | |
fondoz | funds (money) | noun | | |
fondoz mutue | mutual funds | noun | | |
fonema | phoneme | noun | | |
fonétic | phonetic | adjective | | |
fonética | phonetics | noun | | |
fongoz | mushrooms, fungus | noun | | |
fonológic | phonological | adjective | | |
fonologíê | phonology | noun | | |
fonoteca | sound library | noun | | |
fonti | font (typography, writing) | noun | | |
forca | pitchfork, fork of forklift, fork of bicycle; any large fork | noun | Spanish: horca, Portuguese: forca | |
força centrífuge | centrifugal force | noun | Portuguese: força centrífuga; French: force centrifuge | |
força de voluntá | willpower, will power | noun | | |
força laboral | workforce | noun | | |
força motore | driving force, prime mover | noun | | |
força oscilante | oscillating force | noun | | |
força [fort-] | force, strength | noun | | |
forçade | forced | adjective | | |
forçar [fort-] | force | verb | | |
fórceps | forceps | noun | | |
forçudo | strong man, man of strength | noun | | |
forense | forensic | adjective | | |
forma | shape, form | noun | Latin | |
forma de unda | waveform | noun | | |
forma de vida | lifeform | noun | | |
forma físic | fitness, physical fitness | noun | | |
formative, de formación | formative | adjective | | |
formato de arquivo | file format | noun | | |
formidábel | formidable | adjective | | |
formidabelmén | formidably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
formiga | ant | noun | | |
fórmula | formula | noun | | |
formulación | formulation | noun | | |
formular | formulate | verb | | |
formulario | application form, documentation to enter in information | noun | | |
fornalla | furnace | noun | Portuguese: fornalha | |
forno | oven, furnace | noun | | |
forno de micr'undaz | microwave oven | noun | | |
forno tostadore | toaster oven | noun | Spanish: horno tostador [+: hornos tostadores] | |
forno tostadore per convección | convection toaster oven (toaster oven by convection) | noun | | |
foro [+:foroz] | forum [+:fora, forums] | noun | | |
forqueta | confluence of rivers, forked branch | noun | Portuguese: forqueta | |
forquilla | hairpin, bobby pin | noun | Spanish: horquilla; Portuguese: forquilha | |
fortalecer [-ezca-] | strengthen, fortify, build/toughen up, make stronger | verb | | |
fortalesa | fortress, stronghold, strength, fortitude | noun | | |
forte | strong, powerful (physically strong) | adjective | | |
fortificación | fortification | noun | | |
fortificade | fortified, defensed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
fortificadu | fortified, defensed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
fortitud [-tudin-] | strength, fortitude, resolve | noun | | |
fortuna | fortune | noun | | |
fosa | pit, ditch, cavity (nasal, other anatomy) | noun | | |
fosfina | phosphine | noun | | |
fosforescença | phosphorescence | noun | | |
fosforescente | phosphorescent | adjective | | |
fôsforo | phosphorous; match (for lighting fire or candle) | noun | | |
fósil | fossil | adjective | | |
fossa oceanic | oceanic trench | noun | | |
fotocopiador | copier (copy machine), photocopier | noun | | |
fotolitografíê | photolithography | noun | | |
fotosíntesi | photosynthesis | noun | | |
fotosintétic | photosynthetic | adjective | Spanish: fotosintético | |
foyêr | foyer | noun | | |
fra'ri [fratern-] | brother in organization (unrelated brother) | noun | | |
fracasade | failed, unsuccessful, abortive | adjective | Spanish: fracasado | |
fracasar | fail, fall through (plan/project) | verb | | |
fracaso | failure | noun | | |
fracción | fraction | noun | | |
fraccional | fractional | adjective | | |
fractura | fracture | noun | | |
fracturose | fracturous | adjective | | |
frágil | fragile (bone, structure, material) | adjective | | |
fragmentade | fragmented | adjective | | |
fragmentar | fragment | verb | | |
fragmento | piece, fragment | noun | | |
fragrante | fragrant, of a sweet smell | adjective | Spanish: fragante | |
frais | fries (potato French fries), chips (British) | noun | | |
frajun | sibling | noun | Romansch | |
francamén | frankly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
francech | French (language or person) | noun | | |
francese | French | adjective | | |
Francia | France (country) | noun | | |
francófil | Francophile | adjective | | |
francófilo | Francophile (person) | noun | | |
francofonia | The Francosphere, Francophonie | noun | | |
francófono | Francophone (person) | noun | | |
franja | strip (narrow piece of something), stripe, fringe | noun | | |
Franja de Gaza | Gaza Strip | noun | | |
franjar | fringe, trim | verb | | |
franque [franca-] | frank, plain | adjective | | |
franquesa | frankness | noun | | |
franquiça | franchise | noun | Catalan: franquícia; Spanish: franquicia; Portuguese: franquia | |
franquiste | Franco | adjective | | |
fraquine | fracking | adjective | | |
fraternal | fraternal | adjective | | |
fraternitá | fraternity | noun | | |
fratricida | fratricide (person) | noun | | |
fratricidio | fratricide | noun | | |
fraudulente | fraudulent | adjective | | |
frazada | blanket (for warmth) | noun | | |
frazi | phrase | noun | | |
frecuentar | frequent, visit on a regular basis | verb | | |
frecuente | frequent | adjective | | |
frecuentemén | frequently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
fregata | frigate | noun | | |
fregti | freight | noun | | |
frenetic | frenzied, frantic, distracted | adjective | | |
frenétic | frenetic | adjective | | |
freno | brake | noun | | |
frenta | forehead | noun | | |
frente a | across from | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
frescura | freshness (of food, air), coolness | noun | | |
fresque | fresh, cool | adjective | Catalan: fresque, frescos, frescs, fresca, fresc | |
frezaz | strawberries | noun | | |
fricción | friction | noun | | |
frigide | frigid, really cold | adjective | | |
frije | cold, cool (temperature) | adjective | | |
friqueade | freaked out | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
friqueadu | freaked out | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
friquear-se | freak out | verb | | |
friso | frieze | noun | | |
fritade, frite | fried | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
fritadu, fritu | fried | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
fritar | fry, cook in oil | verb | | |
frívole | frivolous, trivial | adjective | | |
frixolez | refried beans | noun | Spanish: frijoles | |
frontira | border, frontier | noun | | |
frontirize | border, frontier (before noun); bordering, forming the border | adjective | Spanish: fronterizo | changes the noun “frontera” to use it as an adjective, describing the region |
fructosa | fructose | noun | | |
frustración | frustration | noun | Spanish: frustración, Italian: frustrazione | |
frustrade | abortive (of plan, attempt) | adjective | | |
frustrar | frustrate, thwart, foil (prevent/abort) | verb | | |
frustrar-se | get frustrated, fail (fall through) | verb | | |
fruta [frutu-, fruct-] | fruit | noun | | |
frutero | fruit seller | noun | | |
frutuose | fruitful, successful | adjective | | |
fuchie | fuchsia (color) | adjective | | |
fuenti | fountain pen | noun | | |
fuera | out, away, abroad | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
fuera de | outside, out of | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
fufu | spell | noun | | |
fugace | fugacious, fleeting | noun | | |
fugacemén | fleetingly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
fugir | escape, flee | verb | | |
fugitivo | fugitive, escapee | noun | | |
fui | preterite (perfect past) of ser, was, were | verb | | |
Fui un plazi conocer-te. | It was a pleasure to meet you, Pleasure to make your acquaintance | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
fuissê | imperfect subjunctive of ser [to be] | verb | | |
fulminante | fulminating | adjective | | |
fumar | smoke | verb | | |
fumo | smoke | noun | | |
fumoz | fumes, smoke | noun | | |
función | function (mathematic, computer science) | noun | | |
función judicial | judicial branch | noun | | |
funcional | functional | adjective | | |
funcionamento | performance, the functioning of | noun | | |
funcionar | function, work | verb | | |
funcionario | functionary | noun | | |
funcionariuz públic | public workers | noun | | |
fundación de l'empresa | launch of the company | noun | | |
fundade | founded | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
fundadu | founded | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
fundamental | fundamental, foundational | adjective | | |
fundamentalismo | fundamentalism | noun | | |
fundamentalista | fundamentalist | noun | | |
fundamento | foundation | noun | | |
fundar | found: began from the bottom | verb | | |
funde | bottom, end | adjective | | |
fundición | melting, ironworks, smelting | noun | | |
fundido | dish of refried beans covered in cheese | noun | | |
fundir | fuse, blend | verb | | |
funeral | funeral | adjective | | |
funerau | funeral | noun | | |
fungi | fedora or top hat | noun | | |
fungir | hold a position or post, serve (in a position) | verb | | |
funi | rope | noun | | |
furastero | foreigner | noun | Neapolitan | |
furgon | semi truck, tractor-trailor | noun | | |
furgonero | truck driver | noun | | |
furia | fury, rage | noun | | |
furic | furious | noun | | |
furtar | steal | verb | | |
fusibla | fuse (electronics) | noun | | |
fusión | fusion | noun | | |
fusionar-se | coalesce | verb | | |
fuso | rounded rod, spindle | noun | | |
fuso uorare | time zone | noun | | |
fusta | switch for riding a horse | noun | | |
fusti | shaft (architecture), saddle tree | noun | | |
fútbol | soccer | noun | | |
fútbol american | football (American/USA) | noun | | |
futbolero | soccer supporter, soccer fan | noun | | |
futbolista | soccer player, footballer | noun | | |
fútil | futile, trifling | adjective | | |
futilitá | futility | noun | | |
futurista | futurist | noun | | |
futuro perfeite | future perfect | noun | | |
gáado | cattle | noun | | |
gabardina | raincoat | noun | | |
gabêgul | gabagool, capicola: traditional Italian pork cold cut (salume) made from the dry-cured muscle running from the neck to the 4th or 5th rib of the pork shoulder or neck. The name capocollo comes from capo ("head") and collo ("neck"). | noun | | |
gabineti | (political) cabinet | noun | | |
gafaz | glasses (eye), spectacles | noun | | |
gafi | gaffe, blunder | noun | French: gaffe; Portuguese: gafe | |
gaita | bagpipes | noun | | |
gala | gala | noun | | |
galaccia [galáct-] | galaxy | noun | | |
Galacia | Galatia | noun | | |
galáctic | galactic | adjective | | |
galant | gallant, handsome man who pays special attention to women | noun | | |
galanteriê | gallantry | noun | | |
galardón [+:galardónz] | award | noun | | |
galataz | Galatians | noun | | |
galech | Welsh | noun | | |
galera | shed, storage area | noun | | |
galeta | cookie (USA), biscuit (UK- sweet), cracker (savory) | noun | | |
galina | chicken hen | noun | | |
galla | gal | noun | | |
gallo | rooster, guy (colloquial) | noun | | |
galo | chicken cock, rooster | noun | | |
galo-roman | galloroman, gallo-roman | adjective | Portuguese: galo-romana; Spanish: galorromana; Catalan: gal·loromana | |
galón | gallon | noun | Spanish: galón | |
gama | range, musical scale, gamut | noun | | |
gañante | winning, earning | adjective | | |
gañanti | winner | noun | | |
gañar | win, earn, gain, get | verb | | |
gañar terreno | gain ground | verb | | |
ganeden | garden of Eden | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
ganisoz | dice (in a game of chance) | noun | | |
ganja | marijuana | noun | | |
gaño financiare | financial gain | noun | | |
gañoú | won, preterite of gañar (to win) | past participle | | |
gant | glove (usually for working) | noun | | |
gantcho | clothes hanger | noun | | |
gantez de jardinadj | gardening gloves | noun | | |
ganu | guano: bird excrement used as fertilizer | noun | | |
garadj | garage | noun | | |
garañon | studhorse | noun | | |
garantíê | guarantee, warranty | noun | | |
garantir | guarantee | verb | | |
garer | store | verb | | |
garfo de manu | hand fork (gardening) | noun | | |
garga | black ant | noun | | |
gargara | gargle | noun | Spanish: gargaras; Catalan: gargara; Portuguese: gargarejo | |
gárgola | gargoyle | noun | Spanish | |
garifuna | descendant of escaped African slaves | noun | | |
garjen | throat | noun | | |
garrafa | bottle or jug (any sealed container that carries a liquid) | noun | | |
garre | filthy , disgusting | adjective | | |
garrobo | spiny-tailed iguana | noun | | |
garrotaso | package of harsh economic measures | noun | | |
garuva | light rain, shower | noun | | |
gasi | gas (physical state) | noun | | |
gasiose | carbonated, gaseous | adjective | | |
gasolina | gasoline, petrol (British) | noun | | |
gastadu | spent, worn | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
gastar | spend, waste/use(up)/consume | verb | | |
gaste | spent | adjective | | |
gasto | expenditure, spending, expense | noun | | |
gastoz doméstic | household expenses | noun | | |
gastoz genral | overhead (costs for infrastructure and moving parts) | noun | | |
gastoz governamental | government spending | noun | | |
gastronómic | gastronomic, gastronomical | adjective | | |
gastronomíê | gastronomy | noun | | |
gastrónomo, gastrónoma | gourmet, connoisseur of fine food | noun | | |
gata | jack (for car) | noun | | |
gatillo | trigger | noun | | |
gatito | kitten | noun | | |
gato | cat | noun | | |
gautchesc | gauchesque, like the culture of the Gauchos | adjective | | |
gautcho | Argentinian cowboy, traditional person living off the land | noun | | |
gaveta | drawer (of cabinet or dresser) | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: gaveta | |
gaviano | hawk | noun | Portuguese: gavião from Gothic: gabilans | |
gaviota | seagull | noun | | |
gaz | gas | noun | | |
gazpatcho | gazpacho: Spanish-style soup served cold | noun | | |
gebya | cistern | noun | Maltese | |
Gef | Jeff (name) | noun | | |
géisêr | geyser | noun | | |
geladería | ice cream shop, ice cream parlor | noun | | |
gelado | ice cream | noun | | |
gelatina | gelatine, jell-o | noun | Portuguese/Spanish | |
gelatinose | gelatinous | adjective | | |
gelose | jealous (husband, wife, lover) | noun | | |
gelosíê | jealousy | noun | | |
gelu | ice | noun | | |
gemele | twin | adjective | Spanish: gemela | |
gemelo idéntic | identical twin | noun | Spanish | |
gemer | moan, groan | verb | | |
gencivaz [gengiv-] | gums (anatomy, part of the mouth) | noun | Italian: gengive; French: gencives; Spanish: encías; Portuguese: gengivas | |
genealógic | genealogical | adjective | | |
genealogíê | genealogy | noun | | |
generade per energíê solare | solar-generated | adjective | | |
generade per le vanto | wind-generated | adjective | | |
generar [genra-] | generate | verb | | |
genéric | generic | adjective | | |
género [gener-] | gender (linguistics), kind/type, genre | noun | | |
generosamén | generously, liberally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
generose [generosa-] | generous (originally of noble birth) | adjective | | |
generositá | generosity | noun | | |
génesi | genesis | noun | | |
genétic | genetic | adjective | | |
genética | genetics | noun | | |
geneticamén modificade | genetically modified, GM | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
geneticamén modificadu | genetically modified, GM | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
genéticien | geneticist | noun | | |
gengiviti | gingivitis | noun | Portuguese/Italian: gengivite; Spanish/Catalan: gingivitis; French: gingivite | |
geniu | genius (not person), disposition | noun | | |
genocidariuz | génocidaires, people guilty of genocide | noun | | |
genocide | genocidal | adjective | | |
genocidio | genocide | noun | | |
genoma | genome | noun | | |
genómic | genomic | adjective | | |
genómic | genomic | adjective | | |
genotipo | genotype | noun | | |
Genova | Genoa (town in Italy) | noun | Neapolitan | |
genración | generation | noun | | |
genracional | generational | adjective | | |
genral | general | adjective | | |
Genralitá de (nomi de luoga) | An autonomous system of government within a larger one; Generalitat de (name of place) | noun | | |
genralizar | generalize | verb | | |
gentalla | riff-raff, mob | noun | Portuguese: gentalha | |
gentiel | Gentile | noun | | |
gentil | gentle, kind | adjective | | |
gentilesa | gentleness, kindness | noun | Spanish: gentileza | |
gentrificación | gentrification | noun | | |
genxibrê | ginger | noun | | |
geocéntric | geocentric, earth-centered | adjective | | |
geocentrismo | geocentrism | noun | | |
geodésic | geodesic, geodetic | adjective | Spanish: geodésica | |
geoespaço | geospace | noun | | |
geoestratégic | geostrategic | adjective | | |
geofísica | geophysics | noun | | |
geoglifo | geoglyph | noun | | |
geográfic | geographical | adjective | | |
geografíê | geography | noun | | |
geoîngeñaría | geoengineering | noun | | |
geolinguística | geolinguistics | noun | | |
geológic | geological, geologic | adjective | | |
geologíê | geology | noun | | |
geólogo | geologist | noun | | |
geomagnétic | geomagnetic | adjective | | |
geométric | geometric | adjective | | |
geometricien | geometrician | noun | | |
geometríê | geometry | noun | | |
geometríê diferenchal | differential geometry | noun | | |
geometríê elíptic | elliptic geometry | noun | | |
geometríê euclidian | Euclidian geometry | noun | | |
geomorfológic | geomorphological | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: geomorfológico; Catalan: geomorfològica; French: géomorphologique | |
geomorfologíê | geomorphology | noun | | |
geopolític | geopolitical | adjective | | |
geopolítica | geopolitics | noun | | |
geoquímica | geochemistry | noun | | |
gerentchi [gesti-] | manager, manageress (of store, restaurant, hotel) | noun | | |
gerentchial | managerial | adjective | | |
gerundio | gerund | noun | | |
gespa, pasto | lawn, yard (of short grass) | noun | Catalan: gespa; Spanish: césped, pasto; French: linon; Italian: linone/prato | |
gesticular | gesticulate | verb | Spanish | |
gestión | management | noun | | |
gestión de projetuz | project management | noun | | |
gestionar | negotiate (deal), manage (issues), arrange (sale, make arrangements), handle (steps, process, business) | verb | | |
gesto | gesture: using body movement as language | noun | | |
gherra | warfare, fighting | noun | | |
gherra de aniquilación mutue | internecine war | noun | | |
gherra de subsidios | subsidy war | noun | Spanish: guerra de subsidios | |
Gherra de Trenta Añuz | Thirty Years War | noun | | |
Gherra Frije | Cold War | noun | | |
gherrare | warrior, warfighting | adjective | | |
Gherraz de l'Opio | opium wars | noun | | |
gherrero | warrior, fighter | noun | | |
ghiaro | pebble | noun | spanish: guijarro; italian: ghiaia | |
ghidar | guide, lead | verb | | |
ghion | script (for movie, radio, or television); summary/outline (for book or play) | noun | | |
ghirlanda | garland | noun | old Spanish: guirlanda | |
ghisa | guise, manner | noun | | |
ghisado | stew | noun | | |
ghitara | guitar | noun | | |
ghitara acústic | acoustic guitar | noun | | |
ghitara baije | bass guitar | noun | | |
ghitara baritone | baritone guitar | noun | | |
ghitara eléctric | electric guitar | noun | | |
ghitara tenore | tenor guitar | noun | | |
ghitarista | guitarist | noun | | |
ghitarón | guitarrón: a guitar larger than a cello | noun | | |
gica | tip, clue | noun | | |
gigabaitê, gigaocteto | gigabyte (GB): 1024 megabytes; 2 to the 30th power bytes | noun | | |
gigabît | gigabit (Gb): 1024 megabits | noun | | |
gigante | giant, big | adjective | | |
gigantesa | giantness | noun | | |
gigantesc | colossal, huge, giant-like, gigantic | adjective | | |
gigatón | gigaton | noun | | |
gile | dizzy | adjective | Tagalog: hilo from Sp: giro | |
gimnasiu | gym (building) | noun | | |
ginro | son-in-law | noun | Spanish: yerno; Portuguese: genro; Romanian: ginero; French/Catalan: gendre; Italian: genero; Galician: xenro | |
girar | revolve, circle | verb | | |
giratorie | revolving, girating, swivel | adjective | | |
giro | turn, rotation (on itself), lap | noun | Spanish: giro | |
giro irónic | ironic turn | noun | | |
giro radical | radical change, radical turnabout | noun | Spanish: giro radical | |
gisempeñar | play/perform a part or role (politics, history...) | verb | Spanish/Portuguese (pronunciation) | |
gisempeño | performance | noun | Portuguese; Spanish: desempeño | |
gisempeño de fábrica | factory performance | noun | | |
gíun | double bass | noun | Romansch | |
giurne | diurnal | adjective | | |
glaçadj | icing, frosting (of cake…) | noun | | |
glace | icy, in a frozen state | adjective | French | |
glacial | glacial | adjective | | |
glaciêr | glacier | noun | | |
glaciologíê | glaciology | noun | | |
glaciologo | glaciologist | noun | | |
glándul pituitare | pituitary gland | noun | Portuguese: glândula pituitária; Spanish: glándula pituitaria; Italian: ghiandola pituitaria; French: glande pituitaire | |
glas | nail polish | noun | | |
glia | slide (of handgun) | noun | | |
global | global, world-wide | adjective | | |
globalización | globalization | noun | | |
globalizar | globalize | verb | | |
globech | Globish | noun | English | simplified version of Anglo-American English used as a worldwide lingua franca |
globo | globe, spherical map | noun | | |
globo oculare | eyeball | noun | | |
gloriê | glory | noun | | |
Gloriê a Deo Sôle | Glory to God alone; Soli Deo Gloria (in Latin) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
gloriê circumspecte | chosen glory | noun | | |
glorificación | glorification | noun | | |
gloriose | glorious | adjective | | |
glosa | gloss: explanation; comment/note | noun | | |
glosar | gloss, comment on, annotate/criticize | verb | | |
glosario | glossary, small dictionary usually in the back of a book | noun | | |
glotal | glottal | adjective | | |
gloti [glot-] | glottis: opening between the vocal folds | noun | | |
glucosa | glucose | noun | | |
goleta | schooner | noun | | |
golfo | gulf | noun | | |
Golfo de Adén | Gulf of Aden | noun | | |
Golfo Pérsic | Persian Gulf | noun | | |
golpear | hit, beat, strike | verb | | |
golpeo | striking, knocking, hitting | noun | | |
goma | hangover | noun | | |
goma zantan | xanthan gum | noun | Spanish: goma xantana | |
gomchen | gumption:
shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness. | noun | Scottish, English | |
góndola | gondola | noun | | |
gorjeta | gratuity, tip | noun | Portuguese | |
gorme | midnight blue, very dark blue | adjective | Celtic | |
gorme, de gastronomíê | gourmet | adjective | | |
gorre | without charge, free, for nothing | adjective | | |
gôssi | now (right now) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
gotcha | drop | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: gota; Italian: goccia; French: goutte | |
gotchilla | droplet | noun | Spanish: gotita, gotilla; Catalan: goteta; French: gouttelette; Italian: gocciolina; Portuguese: gotícula | |
goton | cotton | noun | | |
governade | governed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
governador, governanti | governor, leader and ruler | noun | | |
governadu | governed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
governança | governance | noun | | |
governança participative | participatory governance | noun | Spanish: gobernanza participativa; Catalan/Portuguese: governança participativa; French: gouvernance participative | |
governante | governing | adjective | | |
governar | govern, rule over | verb | | |
governo | government | noun | | |
governo estrañere | foreign government | noun | | |
goyaba | guava fruit | noun | Arawakan: wayaba, Portuguese: goiaba/guaiaba, Spanish: guayaba | |
grabación | recording (act of) | noun | | |
grabar | record (music, sound, movies, computer data) | verb | | |
grabar un disco | cut a record | verb | | |
gradienti | gradient | noun | | |
grado [gradu-] | step, level/grade | noun | | |
gradual | gradual, incremental change | adjective | | |
gradualmén | gradually | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
grafeno | graphene | noun | | |
gráfic | graphic | adjective | | |
gráfico | graphic, chart: visual representation of data | noun | | |
grama | gram (measurement) | noun | | |
gramado | lawn, grass area | noun | | |
gramática | grammar | noun | | |
gramatical | grammatical | adjective | | |
gran | big, great | adjective | this adjective comes before the noun | |
Gran Comisión | Great Commision (instruction of Jesus Christ) | noun | | |
gran égsito de taquilla | blockbuster | noun | Spanish: gran éxito de taquilla | |
granara | pomegranate | noun | | |
grande | big, large | adjective | | |
grande i esplendorose | great and glorious | adjective | | |
grande oberte | wide-open | adjective | | |
grande obra | magnum opus, one's life work | noun | | |
grande pussançaz | great powers | noun | | |
grandesa | grandeur, grandness, greatness | noun | | |
grandiose | grandiose, magnificent | adjective | | |
grandone | very big | adjective | | |
graneiro | barn, grainery | noun | | |
grano | grain | noun | | |
granul | granule | noun | | |
granulare | granular | adjective | | |
granularitá | granularity: how detailed a work breakdown structure (wbs) is (project and program management) | noun | | |
grapa de uvaz | bunch of grapes | noun | | |
grasaz saludábel | healthy fats | noun | | |
grase | fat | adjective | | |
gratça inagotábel de Deo | inexhaustible grace of God | noun | | |
gratça [gratci-] | grace | noun | | |
gratciose | amusing, attractive, cute | adjective | | |
gratitud [-tudin-] | gratitude | noun | | |
gratuye | free, at no cost | adjective | | |
gratuyose | gratuitous | adjective | | |
gravar | tax, levy a tax on, burden | verb | | |
gravata | necktie | noun | | |
grávide | pregnant, expecting a child | adjective | Portuguese | |
gravitá | gravity (in science) | noun | | |
gravitorie | gravitational | adjective | | |
gravose | heavy, burdensome | adjective | | |
Grecia | Greece | noun | | |
greco-roman | Greco-Roman | adjective | | |
grege | Greek | adjective | | |
grego | Greek (person or language) | noun | | |
greich | grease | noun | | |
greichente | greasy, oily, fat, lardy | adjective | | |
grenada | grenade | noun | | |
greve | serious, grave | adjective | | |
grevemén | seriously, gravely | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
grevíssime | very serious, extremely grave | adjective | | |
grevitá | gravity (of a situation) seriousness | noun | | |
grigru | weaved baskets or hats made from leaves (see: bayau) | noun | | |
gripa | influenza, flu (virus) | noun | French: grippe, Spanish: gripe/gripa, Catalan: grip, Portuguese: gripe | |
grise | gray, grey | adjective | | |
gritar | scream, bark | verb | | |
grito de dolorez pronunciade | cry of severe pain | noun | | |
gritón | caller, person who barks out orders or leads in a cadence | noun | | |
gritone | clamorous, noisy, loud, crying/barking | adjective | | |
griyo | cricket (insect) | noun | | |
groccar | grok: understand thoroughly, deeply, and/or intuitively | verb | English from Stranger in a Strange Land; Italian: groccare | |
Groenlandia | Greenland | noun | | |
grose | heavy, rough (weather, seas), large (animal), fat (person) | adjective | | |
grosere | rude, coarse, gross, uncivil | adjective | | |
groseritá | rudeness, coarseness, ungraciousness, vulgarness | noun | | |
grotesc | grotesque | adjective | | |
gruese | gross, massive | adjective | | |
grueso | bulk, mass | noun | | |
grupeto | turn (music) | noun | | |
grupo | group | noun | | |
grupo anti-régimen | anti-regime group | noun | | |
grupo de idad | age group | noun | | |
grupo disidente | faction: dissident group | noun | | |
gruta | cave, grotto | noun | | |
gruya | mob, gang (unruly) | noun | | |
guaca | gourd: pumpkin, squash... | noun | | |
guacamuli | guacamole: made from mashed up avocadoes, onions, tomatoes, lemon juice and chilli peppers (and sometimes a clove or two of garlic), guacamole is often eaten with tortilla chips or used as a side dish. | noun | | |
guaco | laughing falcon | noun | | |
guacolicor | harlequin dutchman's pipe, remedy for snake bites | noun | | |
guagua | small bus, minibus | noun | | |
guaiza | chopsticks | noun | | |
guancasco | traditional Lenca ceremony that affirms peace between two parties | noun | | |
guapa | babe, hottie (for woman) | noun | | |
guape | handsome, attractive | adjective | | |
guapinol | stinking toe tree, West Indian locust | noun | | |
guapo | hunk or stud (for man) | noun | | |
guara | macaw (bird) | noun | | |
guaracha | thin cresent-shaped cookie glazed with sugar | noun | | |
Guaraní | Guarani language | noun | | |
guarda costare | coast guard | noun | | |
guarda-ropa | cloakroom, coatroom, checkroom (usually in public meeting places) | noun | | |
guardar | guard: keep (safe), bear/follow, save, put away | verb | | |
guardar le Dieç Mandamentoz | follow/observe the ten commandments | verb | | |
guardar rencor | hold a grudge, bear malice | verb | | |
guatera | pasture planted with corn or sorghum | noun | | |
guatoza | wild rat: central American agouti | noun | | |
Guaymuras | another name of Honduras | noun | | |
guayon, guayona | young man, young woman | noun | Neapolitan | |
guayusa | guayusa: an upper Amazonian rainforest holly tree that has caffeine and polyphenols | noun | | |
guaziel | alguazil, minister of a township or ship | noun | sp: alguacil | |
gubayera | loose, short-sleeved shirt with large pockets | noun | | |
guere | blonde, fair (hair, eyes) | adjective | | |
guevón | slow and lazy person | noun | | |
guevone | slow and lazy | adjective | | |
gugol | googol: the digit 1 followed by 100 zeroes | number | | |
guitchi | catfish | noun | | |
gulag | forced labor camp | noun | | |
gumi | cutting edge | noun | | |
gupino | ladle | noun | | |
gurgucha | nest egg, savings for retirement | noun | | |
gustar | please: make happy | verb | | |
gustar de | enjoy, like | verb | | |
gustoz de Facebook (feisbok) | Facebook likes | noun | | |
Guyana Francese | French Guiana (country) | noun | | |
habitación | living space, bedroom, living quarters (in hotel, barracks, etc) | noun | | |
habitar | inhabit, dwell, live in, occupy | verb | | |
hábitat | habitat | noun | | |
habitu | habit | noun | | |
habitual | habitual, customary | adjective | | |
habitualmén | habitually | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
hacktivismo | hacktivism | noun | | |
hacktivista | hacktivist | noun | | |
hagiografíê | hagiography | noun | | |
hail | high (socially) | adjective | | |
hailoso | socialite, high life person | noun | | |
halel | praise; hallel | noun | Hebrew/Arabic with silent H | |
halva | halva | noun | | |
hamaca | hammock | noun | Arawakan: hamaka (originally meant 'net'), Spanish: hamaca | |
hamburghesa, burghesa | hamburger | noun | | |
haplogrupo | haplogroup | noun | | |
harafi | high terrace | noun | | |
harambi | project that a community builds together, involving volunteering one's time and working hard for the sake of the community | noun | Swahili | |
harmonía | harmony, unity, accord | noun | Spanish | |
harmonización | harmonization | noun | | |
harmonizar | harmonize | verb | | |
hartar | get tired of, get fed up or annoyed with | verb | | |
hartazgo | one's fill, surfeit, sometimes refers to glut or overeating | noun | | |
hast | spear, sharp spine | noun | Latin and proto-IndoEuropean | |
hau | present tense of haver (auxiliary verb for present perfect tense) | verb | Romanian: (ei/ele) au; French: ai, avons, (Eles/Elas/Vocês) ont; Portuguese: hás, há, (Eles/Elas/Vocês) hão | |
hau idu | have gone | verb | | |
hau que | It is necessary (to), You gotta | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
hau sidu | have been, has been (present perfect tense) | verb | | |
hau viadjadu | have travelled | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
haver bozwê de | need: have need of | verb | | |
haver declaradu publicamén | be (have gone) on record as saying that; have declared publicly that | verb | | |
haver [hau, huvi-, hayam] | have (used only as an auxiliary verb) | verb | | |
havrá | [noun, pronoun] will have [past participle] (futuro perfeite) | verb | | |
havrá estadu | will have been (used for Future perfect continuous tense, followed by gerund) | verb | | |
havrá que | It will be necessary (to);You'll need to; You'll have to | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
havríeb | would have | verb | French: aurait, aurais, auriez; Spanish: habría; Portuguese: haveria | used for Conditional perfect tense, followed by past participle |
havríeb idu | would have gone | verb | | |
hayam | Present Subjunctive of [haver]; there are; there is | verb | Spanish: hay, haya, hayas, hayan, hayamos; Portuguese: haja, hajas, hajamos; Catalan: hagi, hàgim, hagis, hàgiu, hagin | |
hebreo | Hebrew | noun | | |
hecsidecimau | hexidecimal numbering system, base 16 used in computing | noun | | |
hectárea | hectare | noun | | |
hectolitro | hectoliter | noun | | |
hedónic | hedonic | adjective | | |
hedonístic, hedoniste | hedonistic | adjective | | |
hegelian | Hegelian | adjective | | |
hegemónic | hegemonic | adjective | | |
hegemoníê | hegemony | noun | | |
hegemoníê mundial | global hegemony | noun | | |
helénic | Hellenic | adjective | | |
helenístic | Hellenistic | adjective | | |
hélici [+:héliciz] | helix, spiral, propeller | noun | | |
helicóptero | helicopter | noun | | |
heliocéntric | heliocentric | adjective | Spanish: heliocéntrica | |
heliocentrismo | heliocentrism | noun | | |
heliopausa | heliopause | noun | | |
heliósfera | heliosphere | noun | | |
heliporto, helixafi | heliport (helicopter landing site) | noun | | |
heliu | helium | noun | | |
helova | hell of a: adds emphasis; It could mean extremely positive or extremely negative (slang) | intensifier or quantifier | | |
hemisferio | hemisphere | noun | | |
hemorragi | haemorrhage, hemorrhage | noun | | |
hépi-aur | happy hour | noun | | |
herald | herald: official messenger bringing news | noun | | |
heráldic | heraldic | adjective | | |
herança | heritage | noun | | |
heredábel | inheritable | adjective | | |
heredar | inherit | verb | | |
hereditare | heriditary | adjective | | |
heredoro, heredora | heir, heiress | noun | | |
heregi | heretic (person) | noun | | |
heresi | heresy | noun | | |
heretic | heretical | adjective | | |
heritá | landed property, heritage | noun | | |
hermenéutica | hermeneutics | noun | | |
hêssol | hustle: side job or activity | noun | American English | |
hetere | tasty and delicious, yummy | adjective | Guarani: hetereí | |
heterodocse | heterodox, unorthodox | adjective | | |
heterogene | heterogeneous | adjective | | |
heterogeneitá | heterogeneity | noun | | |
heurístic | heuristic | adjective | | |
hibaro | peasant, person from the country | noun | | |
híbride | hybrid | adjective | | |
hidración | hydration | noun | | |
hidranti de riego | irrigation hydrant, fire hydrant | noun | | |
hidratade | hydrated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
hidratadu | hydrated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
hidratar | hydrate | verb | | |
hidrato de metano | methane hydrate | noun | | |
hidraulic [hidro-] | hydraulic | adjective | | |
hidrocarburo | hydrocarbon, fossil fuel | noun | | |
hidroeléctric | hydroelectric | adjective | | |
hidrogenade | hydrogenated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
hidrogenadu | hydrogenated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
hidrogenar | hydrogenate | verb | | |
hidrogeno | hydrogen (H2) | noun | | |
hidroponia | hydroponics | noun | | |
hidrosfera | hydrosphere | noun | | |
hidrosféric | hydrospheric | adjective | | |
hiena | hyena | noun | | |
higieni | hygiene | noun | | |
higiénic | hygienic | adjective | | |
higienista | hygienist | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: higienista; Galician: hixienista; French: hygiéniste | |
higroscópic | hygroscopic | adjective | Spanish: higroscópico | |
himili | woody bamboo species | noun | | |
himnario | hymnal, collection of hymns | noun | | |
himno | hymn, gospel song | noun | | |
hiperactive | hyperactive | adjective | | |
hiperactivitá | hyperactivity | noun | | |
hipérbola | hyperbola | noun | | |
hipérboli | hyperbole | noun | | |
hiperbólic | hyperbolic | adjective | | |
hiperinflación | hyperinflation | noun | | |
hiperónimo | hypernym | noun | Spanish: hiperónimo; Italian: iperonimo | |
hipersensíbel | hypersensitive | adjective | | |
hipersensibilitá | hypersensitivity | noun | | |
hipnagogia | hypnagogia | noun | | |
hipoalergénic | hypoallergenic | adjective | | |
hipocresía | hypocrisy | noun | | |
hipócrita | hypocrite | noun | | |
hipócritic | hypocritical | adjective | | |
hipocsia | hypoxia | noun | | |
hipoderma | hypodermis | noun | | |
hipodérmic | hypodermic | adjective | | |
hipodromo | racecourse | noun | | |
hipónimo | hyponym | noun | Spanish: hipónimo; Portuguese: hipônimo; Italian: iponimo | |
hipopotamo | hippopotamus | noun | | |
hipotálamo | hypothalamus | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: hipotálamo; Italian: ipotalamo; Romanian: hipotalamus; | |
hipoteca | mortgage | noun | | |
hipotecade | mortgaged | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
hipotecadu | mortgaged | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
hipotecar | mortgage | verb | | |
hipotermia | hypothermia | noun | | |
hipotermia | hypothermia | noun | | |
hipótesi | hypothesis | noun | | |
hipótesi silurian | Silurian hypothesis | noun | | |
hipotétic | hypothetical | adjective | | |
histamina | histamine | noun | | |
histeria | hysteria | noun | | |
histeria colective | mass hysteria | noun | | |
histéric | hysterical, hysteric | adjective | | |
histograma | histogram | noun | | |
histopatológic | histopathological | adjective | | |
historial | historical | adjective | | |
historiau | record (historical), background (historical); history (medical, safety, performance) | noun | | |
históric | historic, historical | adjective | | |
historicamén | historically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
historiê [históri-] | history | noun | | |
historien | historian | noun | | |
hogôn | hogan: traditional wood and earth dwelling | noun | Navajo | |
hol- | used as an intensifier, whole - | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | From English: whole, holy | usually attached to adjectives |
holístic | holistic | adjective | | |
hôlograma | hologram | noun | | |
homen terrenal | earthly man, man of the earth | noun | | |
homen [+: homenz, homi-] | man (not woman) [+: men] | noun | Latin: hominem, vir; French: homme; Spanish: hombre; Portuguese: homem; Italian: Uomo | See also: om |
homen-dafeirs | businessman | noun | | |
homenadj | homage, tribute, obeisance | noun | | |
homenz sanghinare | bloodthirsty men | noun | | |
homeostasi | homeostasis | noun | | |
homeostátic | homeostatic | adjective | | |
homicida | murderer, person committing homicide | noun | | |
homicide | homicidal | adjective | | |
homicidio | homicide, murder | noun | | |
homogene | homogeneous | adjective | | |
homogeneitá | homogeneity | noun | | |
homogeneizade | homogenized | adjective | | |
homogeneizar | homogenize | verb | | |
homógrafo | homograph | noun | Spanish/Portuguese | |
homologación | homologation, accreditation and approval usually by an external agency | noun | | |
homologar | homologate | verb | | |
homóloghe | homologous | adjective | | |
homólogo | counterpart | noun | Spanish | |
homonimi | homonymy | noun | | |
homónimo | homonym | noun | | |
hônorade | righteous, righteous | adjective | | |
hônra | honor | noun | | |
hônradesa | integrity, fair-dealing, righteousness, honesty | noun | Spanish: honradez | |
hônrar | honor, grace | verb | Spanish: honrar | |
hônrose | honorable | adjective | | |
horizont | horizon | noun | | |
horizontal | horizontal | adjective | | |
horto | orchard | noun | Spanish: huerto; Portuguese/Galician: horta; Italian: orto; Catalan: hort | |
horuñe | annoying, irritating | adjective | | |
hósped [hospit-] | guest, lodger | noun | | |
hospedadj | lodging, accomodations | noun | | |
hospitalare | hospitable | adjective | | |
hospitalitá | hospitality | noun | | |
hospitau | hospital | noun | | |
hostil | unfriendly, hostile | adjective | | |
hostilitá | hostility | noun | | |
hotel | hotel | noun | | |
hul | swell, heave/roll | noun | French: houle | |
huli | oilcloth, oilskin-like substance | noun | | |
hulose | little agitated, choppy, heated (debate) | adjective | French: houleuse | |
human [humani-] | human, humane | adjective | | |
humanitá | humanity | noun | | |
humanitare | humanitary, humanitarian | adjective | | |
humanitario | humunitarian (person) | noun | | |
humanitáz | humanities, human studies | noun | | |
humano | human: man as a species, as distinguished from animals, and in science fiction, as distinguished from other sentient species. | noun | | |
humanoidê | humanoid | noun | | |
humero | humerus | noun | | |
humide | humid | adjective | | |
humiditá | humidity | noun | | |
humile | humble | adjective | | |
humiliar | humble, humiliate | verb | | |
humilitá | humility, humbleness | noun | | |
humor | mood, frame of mind, disposition | noun | | |
humorismo | humor, humour | noun | | |
humorístic | humorous, funny, comedy (of a show, play) | adjective | | |
huracano | hurricane | noun | Arawakan: hurakán, Spanish: huracán, French:ouragan, Italian: uragano, Spanish: huracán, Catalan: huracà; Portuguese: furação | |
hurutungo | distant, far away place not easily accessible | noun | | |
huvi | preterite (perfect past) of haver, had | verb | | |
huviessê | imperfect subjunctive of haver [to have] | verb | | |
i | and | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Catalan, Papiamentu | |
iceberg | iceberg | noun | | |
ichoco | small child, toddler | noun | | |
icôni | icon | noun | Portuguese: ícone; French: icône | |
icônic | iconic | adjective | | |
icônografíê | iconography | noun | French: iconographie; Spanish: iconografía | |
idad | age | noun | | |
idad adulte | adulthood | noun | | |
idad núbil | age of consent, marriageable age | noun | | |
idea | idea | noun | | |
ideal | ideal | adjective | | |
idealismo | idealism | noun | | |
idealista | idealist | noun | | |
idealiste | idealistic | adjective | | |
ideauz | ideals, principles | noun | | |
idéntic | identical | adjective | | |
identificación | identification | noun | | |
identifiçar [identifica-] | identify | verb | | |
identitá | identity | noun | | |
ideográfic | ideographic | adjective | | |
ideológic | ideological, ideologic | adjective | | |
ideologíê | ideology | noun | | |
ideólogo | ideologist | noun | | |
idílic | idyllic, Arcadian | adjective | | |
idioma | language of a nation, city, or of the palace/court | noun | | |
idiomaz estrañere | foreign languages | noun | | |
idôlatre, idôlatric | idolatrous | adjective | | |
idôlatría | idolatry | noun | | |
idôlo | idol | noun | | |
idu | gone | past participle | | |
îftur | iftar: in Islam, it is the meal that breaks the Ramadan fast | noun | | |
îglesia [eclesiást-] | church (people) | noun | | |
iglu | igloo: traditional house of ice | noun | | |
ígne | igneous | adjective | | |
iguana | iguana | noun | | |
ihijo | noxious odor especially of dead animals | noun | | |
ilegal | illegal | adjective | | |
ilegítime | illegitimate | adjective | | |
ilegitimitá | illegitimacy | noun | | |
ilesíbel | illegible | adjective | | |
iletrade | illiterate | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
iletradu | illiterate | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ilícite | unlawful, illicit | adjective | | |
ilimitade | unlimited | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
ilimitadu | unlimited | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ilógic | illogical | adjective | | |
Ilu es aventurade suponer | it's a bit too much to suppose that | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
îluminar | illuminate: make bright | verb | | |
Îluminismo | Enlightenment | noun | | |
îlustración | illustration | noun | | |
îlustrade | illustrated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
îlustradu | illustrated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
îlustrar | illustrate | verb | | |
imaxen [+:imaxenz; imaxin-] | image, picture (not painting) | noun | | |
imaxenz | imagery (more than one image) | noun | Spanish: imágenes | |
imaxinábel | imaginable | adjective | | |
imaxinación | imagination | noun | | |
imaxinar | imagine, picture (in your head), envision | verb | | |
imaxinare | imaginary | adjective | | |
imaxinarie | imagery (visually discriptive) | noun | | |
imaxinologíê médic na-învasive | noninvasive medical imaging | noun | Spanish: imagenología médica no invasiva; Portuguese: imagiologia médica não invasiva | |
imba | yam of Jamaica | noun | | |
imel, e-correo | email | noun | | |
imitade | imitated | adjective | | |
imitadore | follower, that impersonates | adjective | | |
imitar | imitate, mimic | verb | | |
imitative | imitative | adjective | | |
impalpábel | impalpable, intangible | adjective | | |
imparcial | impartial, fair | adjective | | |
imparcialitá | impartiality | noun | | |
împedimento | impediment | noun | | |
împedir | impede, prevent | verb | | |
impenetrábel | impenetrable, impossible to pass through or break through, inscrutable | adjective | | |
impenitente | impenitent, unrepentant | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese/Italian | |
imperador | emperor | noun | | |
imperativo categóric | categorical imperative | noun | | |
impercepción | imperception | noun | | |
imperceptíbel | imperceptible | adjective | | |
imperceptibilitá | imperceptibility | noun | | |
imperdonábel | unpardonable, unforgivable, inexcusable | adjective | | |
imperecíbel | undying, imperishable | adjective | | |
imperfección | imperfection | noun | | |
imperfeite [imperfec-] | imperfect | adjective | | |
imperial | imperial | adjective | | |
imperio | empire | noun | | |
Imperio Otoman | Ottoman Empire | noun | | |
imperiose | compelling: strong and irresistible; imperative; pressing, imperious
| adjective | | |
impermeábel | waterproof, impermeable | adjective | | |
impermeábel a | impervious to | adjective | | |
impermeabilitá | impermeability | noun | | |
împetu | impetus | noun | | |
împetuose | impetuous | adjective | | |
impietá | godlessness, impiety | noun | | |
impíose | impious, unglodly, heathen | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese | |
implacábel | relentless, implacable | adjective | | |
implacabelmén | unrelentingly, relentlessly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
împlantado | implant | noun | | |
împlantar | implant | verb | | |
împlicación | implication | noun | | |
împlicar | imply | verb | | |
împlícite | implicit, not spelled out, vague | adjective | | |
împonente | imposing, impressive; magnificent (structure) | adjective | | |
împoner [împost-, împonga-, împosi-] | impose, lay down or set (conditions), instill, enforce | verb | | |
împortaciónz i egsportaciónz | imports and exports | noun | | |
împortade | imported | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
împortadu | imported | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
împortança | importance | noun | | |
împortante | important | adjective | | |
împortar | import, matter, be of importance | verb | | |
impossíbel | impossible | adjective | | |
impossibilitá | impossibility | noun | | |
împostoz | taxes (on income) | noun | | |
împostoz sobrê le planilla | payroll taxes | noun | | |
împostu | imposed | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
imprescindíbel | essential, vital, indispensable, necessary, inexpendable | adjective | Portuguese: imprescindível, Spanish: imprescindible | |
împresión | impression | noun | | |
împresionábel | impressionable | adjective | | |
împresionante | impressive, striking | adjective | | |
împresionar | impress, move (emotionally), shock (figuratively) | verb | | |
împresionismo | impressionism | noun | | |
împresionista | impressionist | noun | | |
împresora | printer (computer) | noun | | |
împresu, împrimidu | impressed, imprinted | past participle | | |
impreviste | unforeseen, unexpected | adjective | | |
imprevizíbel | unforeseeable, unpredictable | adjective | | |
imprevizión | lack of foresight | noun | | |
împrimiente | printing | adjective | | |
împrimir [împres-] | print | verb | | |
improbábel | improbable, unlikely | adjective | | |
improbabilitá | improbability, unlikely | noun | | |
improbe | arduous, strenuous | adjective | | |
improductive | unproductive, fallow | adjective | | |
împrovización | improvisation | noun | | |
împrovizar | improvise | verb | | |
impudença | impudence: quality of being rude and not showing respect, especially toward someone who is older or in a more important position; shamelessness | noun | Portuguese: impudência; Spanish: impudencia; French: impudence | |
impudente | impudent, shameless | adjective | | |
împugnación | challenge, objection, contestation, rebuttal, impugnment | noun | Spanish: impugnación; Catalan: impugnació | |
împulsade per l'éliti | elite-driven | adjective | | |
împulsar | propel, drive (force), boost | verb | | |
impuntual | unpunctual | adjective | | |
impure | impure | adjective | | |
impuresa | impurity | noun | | |
imputar | impute | verb | | |
inacceptábel | unacceptable | adjective | | |
inacceptabilitá | unacceptability | noun | | |
inaccesíbel | inaccessible | adjective | | |
inadmisíbel | inadmissible, unacceptable, impermissible | adjective | | |
inagotábel | inexhaustible | adjective | | |
inalámbric | wireless (telephone, computer peripherals) | adjective | Spanish: inalámbrico | |
inalcançábel | unobtainable, unattainable | adjective | Portuguese: inalcançável; Spanish: inalcanzable | |
inalienábel | inalienable, unalienable | adjective | | |
inalterábel | unalterable, inalterable | adjective | French: inaltérable; Portuguese: inalterável; Spanish: inalterable | |
inambigue | unambiguous | adjective | | |
inamistose | unfriendly | adjective | | |
inapagábel | inextinguishable, unquenchable | adjective | | |
inat | whim | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
inaudite | unheard-of, outrageous, unprecedented | adjective | | |
înauguración | inauguration | noun | | |
înaugural | inaugural | adjective | | |
incalculábel | incalculable, unsearchable | adjective | | |
încandescença | incandescence | noun | | |
încandescente | incandescent | adjective | | |
incapace | incapable, unable, useless/incompetent | adjective | | |
incapacitá | incompetence, inability | noun | | |
încendiar | catch fire, light up | verb | | |
încendiare | incendiary | adjective | | |
încendio | fire (usually out-of-control nature) | noun | | |
încendio forestal | forest fire | noun | Spanish: incendio forestal | |
încensar | burn incense | verb | | |
încenso | incense | noun | | |
încentivo | incentive | noun | | |
incertitud [-tudin-] | uncertainty | noun | French: incertitude, Spanish: incertidumbre, Italian: incertezza, Portuguese: incerteza | |
incesante | incessant, ceaseless | adjective | | |
inchade | swollen | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
inchadu | swollen | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
inchar | swell | verb | | |
încidental | incidental | adjective | | |
încidenti | incident: event or confrontation | noun | | |
încidir [încide-] | cut into, make incision, impinge (on rights/power) | verb | | |
încipiente | incipient, budding, fledgling (just getting off the ground), inchoate | adjective | | |
încisión | incision | noun | | |
încitamento | incitement | noun | | |
încitar | incite | verb | | |
inclemente | unbearable, inclement, unpleasantly cold or wet | adjective | | |
inclinar | slope, incline, leans | verb | | |
încluide | included, enclosed | adjective | | |
încluidu | included, enclosed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
încluir [înclus-] | include, enclose | verb | | |
înclusión | inclusion | noun | | |
înclusivamén | inclusively | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
înclusive [înclusiva-] | inclusive | adjective | | |
încluyú | included | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
incógnite | unknown | adjective | | |
incoherente, falte de coherença | incoherent | adjective | | |
incombustible | fireproof, not combustible | adjective | | |
incómode | uncomfortable, awkward, cumbersome | adjective | | |
incomparábel | incomparable, matchless | adjective | | unable to compare |
incompatíbel | incompatible | adjective | | |
incomprensíbel | incomprehensible | adjective | | |
inconcebíbel | unthinkable, inconceivable | adjective | | |
inconchiente | unconscious, unaware | adjective | | |
inconchienti adaptative | adaptive unconscious (psychology) | noun | | |
incondicional | unconditional | adjective | | |
incondicionalmén | unconditionally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
incongruença | inconsistency | noun | | |
inconsistença | inconsistency | noun | Italian: inconsistenza; Portuguese: inconsistência; French: inconsistance; Spanish: inconsistencia | |
inconsistente | inconsistent | adjective | | |
inconspicue | inconspicuous | adjective | | |
inconstitucional | unconstitutional | adjective | | |
incontábel | uncountable, countless | adjective | | |
incontinença | incontinence | noun | | |
incontinente | incontinent, lack of self-control | adjective | | |
incontrovertíbel | uncontroversial: not open to question or dispute, incontrovertible | adjective | | |
încorporación | incorporation | noun | | |
încorporade | incorporated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
încorporadu | incorporated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
încorporar | incorporate | verb | | |
încorporar-se | embody, incorporate | verb | | |
incorrigíbel | incorrigible: incapable of being corrected, amended, or reformed | adjective | | |
incorruptíbel | incorruptible | adjective | | |
incrédule | incredulous, skeptical, unbelieving | adjective | | |
incredulitá | unbelief, incredulity, skepticism | noun | | |
incrédulo | unbeliever, non-believer, pagan | noun | | |
increíbel | incredible | adjective | Spanish: increíbel | |
încremento | increment, increase | noun | | |
încriminación | incrimination | noun | | |
încriminatorie | incriminating, incriminatory | adjective | Spanish: incriminatorio | |
încrostación | incrustation: crust or hard coating on the surface of something | noun | | |
incuestionábel | unquestionable | adjective | | |
înculcar | inculcate, instill (knowledge/values) | verb | Spanish/Portuguese/Catalan: inculcar | |
inculpábel | inculpable, innocent | adjective | | |
înculpar de | accuse of, charge with | verb | | |
încurrer | incur (blame, expense) | verb | | |
încursión | invasion, incursion | noun | | |
încursu | incurred | past participle | | |
indagación | inquiry, investigation | noun | | |
indagar | inquire (into) | verb | | |
indamnizar | compensate for wrong doing, indemnify | verb | | |
indecença | indecency | noun | | |
indecente | indecent, villainous | adjective | | |
indefendíbel | indefensible, untenable | adjective | Romanian: indefensabil; French: indéfendable; Portuguese: indefensável; Spanish: indefendible | |
indefense | defenseless, defenceless, undefended | noun | Spanish: indefenso; French: sans défense | |
indefinide | indefinite, undefined | adjective | | |
indelébel | indelible | adjective | | |
indelebelmén | indelibly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
independença | independence | noun | | |
independente | independent | adjective | | |
independentemén | independently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
indescifrábel | indecipherable, undecipherable, unsearchable | adjective | | |
indescriptíbel | indescribable | adjective | | |
indesejábel | undesirable | adjective | Spanish: indeseable; Catalan: indesitjable; Portuguese: indesejável | |
indeterminade | undermined | adjective | | |
India | India | noun | | |
îndicar | indicate | verb | | |
îndicative | indicative | adjective | | |
îndicativo | indicative (linguistics) | noun | | |
índici | index | noun | | |
indicíbel | unspeakable, unutterable | adjective | | |
îndicio | clue, sign, indication, evidence (criminal) | noun | Spanish: indicio | |
índiciz | indexes, indices | noun | | |
indiferença | indifference, disregard | noun | | |
indiferente | indifferent | adjective | | |
indignación | indignation, outrage or strong displeasure | noun | Spanish: indignación | |
indignación juste | righteous indignation | noun | | |
indignade | indignant | adjective | | |
indignar | make angry, anger, cause outrage | verb | Spanish | |
indignar-se | get angry, become indignant, be outraged | verb | | |
índigo | indigo: tropical plant of the pea family | noun | | |
indirectamén | indirectly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
indirecte [indirecta-] | indirect | adjective | | |
indiscriminade | indiscriminate | adjective | | |
indiscutíbel | questionless, undisputed, indisputable | adjective | | |
indispensábel | indispensable | adjective | | |
indisponer | cause to become indisposed | verb | | |
indistinte | indistinct, faint: not apparent | adjective | | |
individual | individual (can't be divided further) | adjective | | |
individuoz | individuals, persons (denotes separation from the group as a whole) | noun | | |
îndjên | American Indian (slang) | noun | | |
indo-arábic | Indo-Arabic | adjective | | |
Indochina | Indochina - includes Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos | noun | | |
indonesiano | Indonesian | noun | | |
indubdábel | indubitable: impossible to doubt; unquestionable | adjective | | |
indubdabelmén | indubitably, undoubtedly, without a doubt | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
înducción | induction: leading to | noun | | |
înducir [înduj-, înduzca-, înducc-] | induce, lead into | verb | | |
Industôn | Hindustan | noun | | |
îndustria de semiconductorez | semiconductor industry | noun | Spanish: industria de semiconductores | |
îndustrial | industrial | adjective | | |
îndustrialización | industrialization | noun | | |
îndustrializar | industrialize | verb | | |
inefábel | ineffable, beyond expression | adjective | | |
inefabilitá | ineffability | noun | | |
ineficace | ineffectual | adjective | | |
ineficacia, ineficacitá | ineffectiveness, inefficiency | noun | | |
inegsistença | nonexistence | noun | | |
inegsistente | nonexistent | adjective | | |
inegsorábel | inexorable: unable to be persuaded | adjective | | |
inegsperiença | inexperience, greenness (colloquial) | noun | | |
inegsplicábel | inexplicable | adjective | | |
inegsplicabelmén | inexplicably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
inegsplorade | unexplored, untraveled | adjective | | |
inegspresábel | inexpressible | adjective | | |
inegstinguíbel | inextinguishable | adjective | | |
inegstricábel | inextricable | adjective | | |
inegstricabelmén | inextricably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
inegual | unequal | adjective | | |
inegualitá | inequality | noun | | |
inelegíbel | ineligible | adjective | | |
ineluctábel | ineluctable: impossible to evade or avoid | adjective | | |
inemigal, inemic | inimical | adjective | | |
inemigo | enemy | noun | | |
inemistá | enmity | noun | | |
inepte | inept | adjective | | |
ineptitud [-tudin-] | ineptitude | noun | | |
inequivocamén | unequivocally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
inequívoque, sens equívoque | unequivocal, unambiguous | adjective | | |
inercia | inertia | noun | | |
inercial | inertial | adjective | | |
inerte [inerci-] | inert | adjective | | |
inescusábel | unexcusable, inexcusable, unforgivable | adjective | | |
inesperade | unexpected, unforeseen | adjective | | |
inestábel | unstable, unsteady | adjective | | |
inestabilitá | instability | noun | | |
inevitábel | inevitable | adjective | | |
inevitabelmén | inevitably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
inevitabilitá | inevitability: the quality of being certain to occur | noun | Spanish: inevitabilidad; Portuguese: inevitabilidade; French: inévitabilité; Italian: inevitabilità | |
infacil | not easy, difficult | adjective | | |
infalíbel | infallible, foolproof | adjective | | |
infamación | slander, defamation | noun | | |
infamar | slander, speak badly about, misspeak | verb | | |
infant | young child | noun | | |
infantería | infantry | noun | | |
infantil | child's, children's, infantile, childish | adjective | | |
infatigábel | tireless, indefatigable, unflagging | adjective | French/Spanish: infatigable; Italian: infaticabile | |
înfección | infection | noun | | |
înfecciose | infectious | adjective | | |
înfectar | infect | verb | | |
infelice, infeliç | unhappy | adjective | | |
infelicitá | unhappiness, infelicity | noun | | |
înferença | inference | noun | | |
inferiore | inferior | adjective | | |
inferioritá | inferiority | noun | | |
înferir [înfere-] | infer, conclude | verb | | |
infernal | infernal | adjective | | |
inferno | hell, underworld | noun | | |
infestar | infest | verb | | |
înfiltración | infiltration | noun | | |
infinitá | infinity, infinitude, infiniteness | noun | | |
infinitamén | vastly, infinitely | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
infinite [infinita-] | infinite | adjective | | |
infinito | infinite | noun | | |
înfixo | infix | noun | | |
înflammatorie | inflammatory | adjective | | |
inflecsíbel | unyielding, uncompromising, inflexible | adjective | Portuguese: inflexível; Spanish: inflexible; Italian: inflessibile | |
înflecsión | inflection | noun | | |
înfleter [înflecs-] | inflect | verb | | |
înfluença | influence | noun | Spanish: influencia; French: influence; Portuguese: influência; Italian: influenza; Catalan: influència | |
înfluir [înfluy-] | influence, be influential | verb | | |
înfluyente | influential | adjective | | |
înfluyú | influenced | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
înfomerchau | infomercial | noun | | |
înformación | information | noun | | |
înformación secrete | intelligence: secret information | noun | | |
înformar | inform | verb | | |
înfotenimento | infotainment (entertainment that is informational or instructional) | noun | | |
infraestructura | infrastructure | noun | | |
infraruje | infrared | adjective | | |
infructuose | fruitless, unsuccessful | adjective | | |
înfundir | infuse | verb | | |
îngeñaría | engineering (the work of engineering), field of engineering | noun | Dutch: ingenieurswerk; Spanish: ingeniería; Galician: enxeñaría; French: ingénierie; Portuguese: engenharia | |
îngeñaría mecánic, machinîngeñaría | mechanical engineering | noun | | |
îngeñero [îngeñar-] | engineer | noun | | |
ingenue | naive, ingenuous (not genius) | adjective | | |
Inglaterra | England | noun | | |
inglech | English language, person from England | noun | | |
inglese | English | adjective | | |
ingrate | ungrateful | adjective | | |
íngreme | steep | adjective | Portuguese | |
îngresar | admit (patient, prisoner), join (army, social club) | verb | | |
îngresive | ingessive | adjective | | |
îngreso | admission | noun | Italian: ingresso | |
îngreso libre | free admission/entry | noun | Italian: ingesso libero | |
íngrime | by oneself, all alone without company | adjective | | |
înherente | inherent | adjective | | |
inhîbir | inhibit | verb | | |
inhîbitorie | inhibitory | adjective | | |
inhuman | inhuman | adjective | | |
inicialmén | initially | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
inicue | iniquitous: grossly unfair and morally wrong | adjective | | |
inicuitá | iniquity | noun | | |
inimaxinábel | unimaginable | adjective | | |
inimitábel | inimitable | adjective | | |
inînterrompide | continuous (line, surface); unbroken; uninterrupted | adjective | | |
inînterrompidu | continuous (line, surface); unbroken; uninterrupted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
înjección | injection | noun | | |
înjetar | inject | verb | | |
injustiça | injustice | noun | | |
inmadure | inexperienced and immature, callow | adjective | | |
inmarcescíbel | immarcescible; unfading, that does not wither | adjective | Spanish: inmarcesible (que no puede marchitarse); Italian: immarcescibile; French/Catalan: immarcescible; Portuguese: imarcescível | |
inmediatamôn, de inmediate | immediately | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
inmediate [inmediata-] | immediate, instant | adjective | | |
inmerecide | undeserved, unmerited | adjective | | |
inmesurábel | immeasurable | adjective | | |
înmigración | immigration | noun | | |
înmigranti | immigrant | noun | | |
înmigrar | immigrate | verb | | |
inminente | imminent | adjective | | |
inmobiliario | real estate (unmoveable things) | noun | Sp: inmobiliario | |
inmolación | immolation | noun | Spanish: inmolación | |
inmolar | immolate | verb | | |
inmoral | immoral | adjective | | |
inmoralitá | immorality | noun | | |
inmortal | immortal | adjective | | |
inmortalitá | immortality | noun | | |
inmovil | immobile | adjective | | |
inmovilitá | immobility | noun | | |
inmunológic | immunologic | adjective | | |
inmunologíê | immunology | noun | | |
inmutábel | unchangeable, immutable | adjective | | not liable to variation or variability |
înnate | innate (ability, talent) | adjective | | |
innecessare | unnecessary | adjective | Spanish: innecesaria, Portuguese: desnecessária, Catalan: innecessari | |
innegábel | undeniable, unnegatable | adjective | Portuguese: inegável; Spanish: innegable | |
innegabelmén | undeniably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
innobel [innobl-] | ignoble | adjective | | |
innumerábel | innumerable | adjective | | |
înnuvación | innovation | noun | | |
înnuvar | innovate | verb | | |
înnuvative, înnuvadore | innovative | adjective | | |
inobteniu | unobtainium | noun | | |
inocente | innocent, blameless, naive | adjective | | |
inofensive | harmless, inoffensive | adjective | Spanish: inofensive | |
inolvidábel | unforgettable | adjective | | |
inôperábel | inoperable | adjective | | |
inoportune | inopportune | adjective | | |
inoxidábel | rustproof | adjective | | |
inquebrantábel | steadfast, unwavering, unshakeable, unbreakable | adjective | Spanish: inquebrantable | |
inquilino | tenant | noun | | |
înquisición | inquisition | noun | | |
înquisidor | inquisitor | noun | | |
înquisitive | inquisitive | adjective | | |
insaciábel | insatiable | adjective | | |
insalubre | insalubrious, unhealthy, unwholesome | adjective | | |
insatisfactorie | unsatisfactory | adjective | | |
înscripción | inscription | noun | | |
înscripción | enrollment, registration, signing-up | noun | | |
înscrite | inscribed | adjective | | |
înscritu | enrolled, signed up | past participle | | |
înscriver [înscrit-, înscrip-] | sign up, enroll, inscribe | verb | | |
insegure | insecure, unsecure | adjective | | |
insensíbel | insensitive, unaffected | adjective | | |
insensibilitá | insensitivity | noun | | |
inseparábel | inseparable | adjective | | |
inseparabilitá | inseparability | noun | | |
inserar | insert, introduce, put in | verb | | |
insertu, insertadu | inserted | past participle | | |
inseto | insect, bug | noun | | |
însidiose | insidious | adjective | | |
insinuante | insinuating, suggestive or provocative, flirtatious | adjective | | |
însinuar | insinuate | verb | | |
însistença | insistence | noun | Spanish/Galician: insistencia; Portuguese: insistência; Italian: insistenza; French: insistance; Romanian: insistență | |
însister | insist | verb | Italian: insistere; French: insister; Portuguese/Spanish: insistir | |
însolación | insolation: impact of sun's rays | noun | | |
însôlite | unusual | adjective | Spanish: insólite | |
insolúbel | insoluble | adjective | | |
insomnia | sleeplessness, insomnia | noun | | |
înspiración | inspiration | noun | | |
înspirante | inspiring | adjective | | |
înspirar | inspire | verb | | |
înstalación | installation | noun | | |
înstalar | install | verb | | |
înstantane | instantaneous | adjective | | |
înstante | instant | adjective | | |
înstintive | instinctive | adjective | | |
înstintu | instinct | noun | | |
înstintual | instinctual | adjective | | |
înstitución | institution, establishment | noun | Spanish: institución | |
înstitucional | institutional | adjective | | |
înstitucionalizar | institutionalize (values, practices, courtesies) | verb | | |
înstituir | institute, found | verb | | |
înstituto | institute, institution, research center | noun | | |
Înstituto Smithsonian | Smithsonian Institution | noun | | |
înstituyú | instituted, founded | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
înstrucciónz | instructions: directions on how to use or do something | noun | | |
înstructor | instructor | noun | | |
înstructriç [+:înstructricez] | instructor (woman) | noun | | |
înstruir [înstruc-] | instruct | verb | | |
înstruyú | instructed | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
insubordenación | insubordination | noun | | |
insuficiença cardiaque | heart failure | noun | | |
insuficiença riñal | renal failure | noun | | |
insuficiente | insufficient | adjective | | |
insulare | insular: of or related to an island | adjective | | |
însultante | insulting, aggressive | adjective | Spanish: insultante | |
însulto | insult (verbal abuse) | noun | | |
insumoz | raw materials, supplies, chemicals for manufacturing | noun | | |
insuportábel | unbearable, unendurable | adjective | | |
insurgença | insurgency | noun | | |
insurgenti | insurgent, insurrectionist | noun | | |
insurger | rise against | verb | | |
insusteníbel | unsustainable | adjective | | |
insustituíbel | irreplaceable, not able to be substituted | adjective | | |
intachábel | irreproachable, faultless | adjective | | |
integración | integration | noun | | |
integrade | integrated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
integradu | integrated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
integral, integrande | integral | adjective | | |
integrar | integrate | verb | | |
integritá | integrity, trustworthiness of something | noun | | |
intelectu | intellect, intelligence (of person) | noun | | |
intelectual | intellectual | adjective | | |
intelectuau | intellectual | noun | | |
intelixença | intelligence: ability to think | noun | | |
intelixença accionábel | actionable intelligence | noun | | |
intelixença artificial | artificial intelligence | noun | | |
intelixente | intelligent | adjective | | |
intelixentemén | intelligently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
intelixíbel | intelligible | adjective | | |
intelixibilitá | intelligibility | noun | | |
intelixibilitá mutue | mutual intelligibility | noun | | |
întênción | intention, aim, purpose, intent | noun | | |
întêncional | intentional | adjective | Spanish/Catalan/Portuguese: intencional; French: intentionnelle; Italian: intenzionale/intemzionato | |
întêncionalitá | intentionality | noun | | |
întênder | intend, mean (turn one's attention to) | verb | | |
întensamén | very much (suffer) | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
întense [întensa-] | intense: extreme, deep | adjective | | |
întensifiçar [întensifica-] | intensify, escalate | verb | | |
întensive en energíê | energy-intensive | noun | | |
întentar, tratar | attempt; try | verb | | |
întercambiábel | interchangeable | adjective | | |
întercambiar | exchange, swap; share | verb | | |
întercambio | exchange, interchange | noun | | |
înterceder [înterces-] | intercede | verb | | |
întercepción | interception | noun | | |
înterceptábel | interceptable | adjective | | |
înterceptar | intercept | verb | | |
întercesión | intercession | noun | | |
întercomprensión | intercomprehension | noun | | |
întercomprensive | intercomprehensive | adjective | | |
înterconecsión | interconnection | noun | | |
înterconectivitá | interconnectivity | noun | | |
întercostal | intercoastal | adjective | | |
întercultural | intercultural, cross-cultural (esp. communication, between groups) | adjective | | |
înterdependença económic | economic interdependence | noun | | |
înterdicción | interdiction | noun | | |
înterdisciplinare | interdisciplinary | adjective | | |
înterés | interest | noun | | |
înteresade | interested | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
înteresadu | interested | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
înteresante | interesting | adjective | | |
înteresar | interest | verb | | |
înterestelare | interstellar, between the stars | adjective | | |
înterfásic | interphasic | adjective | | |
înterferença electromagnétic | electromagnetic interference | noun | | |
întergaláctic | intergalactic | adjective | | |
întergenracional | intergenerational | adjective | | |
înterior | interior | noun | | |
înteriore | interior, inside | adjective | | |
înterioritá | interiority | noun | | |
înterjección | interjection | noun | | |
înterjetar [înterjec-] | interject | verb | | |
înterligación de rediz | internetworking | noun | Portuguese: interligação de redes; Spanish: interconexión de redes | |
înterligar | interconnect | verb | | |
înterlocutor | interlocutor, participant in a dialogue | noun | | |
înterlocutorie | interlocutory, preparatory to a definitive decision | adjective | | |
întermediación | intermediation | noun | | |
întermediate | intermediate | adjective | | |
întermedjare | intermediary, middleman | adjective | | |
întermedjario | intermediary, go-between, middleman, intermediator | noun | Spanish: intermedio, intermediario; Portuguese: intermediário; French: intermédiaire | |
interminábel | interminable, inextinguishable | adjective | | |
întermitente | intermittent, occurring at irregular intervals | adjective | | |
înternacional | international | adjective | | |
înternacionalismo liberal | liberal internationalism | noun | | |
înternalizar | internalize | verb | | |
înternar en un înstitución | institutionalize, put into an institution | verb | | |
înterne, înternal | internal, inner | adjective | | |
înternet | internet | noun | | |
înternet dele cosaz (IdC) | internet of things (IoT) | noun | | |
înterôperábel | interoperable | adjective | | |
înterôperabilitá | interoperability | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | Spanish: interoperabilidad |
înterpesonal | interpersonal | adjective | | |
înterplanetare | interplanetary | adjective | | |
înterpolación | interpolation | noun | | |
înterpretación | interpreting, interpretation | noun | | |
înterpretade | interpreted | adjective | | |
înterpretar | interpret, perform a part or role (play, musical, symphonic...) | verb | | |
întérpreti | interpreter | noun | | |
înterrogación | interrogation | noun | | |
înterroganti | question, question mark | noun | | |
înterrogar | interrogate | verb | | |
înterromper | interrupt, break | verb | | |
înterrupción | interruption | noun | | |
înterruptor | switch (electrical) | noun | Spanish: interruptor | |
întertecstual | intertextual | adjective | | |
întertecstualitá | intertextuality | noun | | |
întervención | intervention | noun | | |
întervenir [întervini-, întervenga-] | intervene | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | verb | Spanish/French: intervene; Portuguese: interver |
intestinal | intestinal | adjective | | |
intestine | internecine, internal | adjective | | |
intestino | gut, bowel, intestine | noun | Po, Sp | |
intimamén | intimately | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
íntime [íntima-] | intimate, close | adjective | | |
intolerábel | intolerable | adjective | | |
intolerança | intolerance, bigotry | noun | Spanish: intolerancia | |
intranodal | intranodal | adjective | | |
intranquil | restless, uneasy, anxious, unsettled | adjective | | |
intransferíbel | untransferable, inalienable | adjective | Portuguese: intransferível | |
intransigença | intransigence | noun | | |
intransigente | uncompromising, intransigent | adjective | | |
intransigentemén, sens compromiso | uncompromisingly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish/Portuguese: intransigentemente; French: sans compromis | |
intransmutábel | intransmutable | adjective | | |
intrepide | dauntless, unmoved by threat or danger, intrepid | adjective | | |
intrigande | intriguing | adjective | | |
intrigante | intriguing, arousing curiosity | adjective | | |
intrigar | intrigue | verb | | |
întrínseque | intrinsic | adjective | | |
întroducción | introduction | noun | | |
întroducir [întroduj-, întroduzca-, întroducc-] | introduce: lead/bring a person or thing into a place or group | verb | | |
întroductorie | introductory | adjective | | |
intuchábel | untouchable, bulletproof (figurative) | adjective | | |
întuición | intuition | noun | | |
întuitive | intuitive | adjective | | |
înundación | deluge, flood, inundation | noun | | |
inútil | useless, pointless, of no use, unavailing | adjective | Spanish | |
învadir | invade | verb | | |
invalidade | invalidated | adjective | | |
invalidar | invalidate | verb | | |
invariábel | invariable | adjective | | |
învasión | invasion | noun | | |
invencíbel | invincible, unconquerable | adjective | | |
învención, învento | invention | noun | | |
înventade | invented | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
înventadu | invented | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
înventar | invent | verb | | |
înventive | inventive | adjective | | |
înverse | inverse | adjective | | |
înversión | inversion, reversal (of policy, opinion), investment (turnaround or something turned over) | noun | | |
invertebrado | invertebrate | noun | | |
învestidura | investment, investiture | noun | | |
învestigábel | investigable: that may be investigated, looked into | adjective | | |
învestigación | investigation | noun | | |
învestigador | investigator | noun | | |
învestigar | investigate | verb | | |
inviábel | inviable, not viable | adjective | | |
invicte | unbeaten, undefeated, unconquered | adjective | | |
inviolábel | inviolable | adjective | | |
invizíbel | invisible | adjective | | |
invizibilitá | invisibility | noun | | |
inxerença | interference (of election, etc.) | noun | Sp: injerencia | |
iónic | Ionic | adjective | | |
ionosfera | ionosphere | noun | | |
ionosféric | ionospheric | adjective | | |
ipnosi | hypnosis | noun | | |
ipnotic | hypnotic | adjective | | |
iporaite | very content, satisfied, happy | adjective | Guarani | |
ipore | content, happy, and good to go | adjective | Guarani: iporã | |
iquí | here | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
ir tentandu le camino | find one's way | verb | | |
ir trôvar algom | go and see someone | verb | | |
ir [va-, iv-, yend] | go | verb | combination of ir and aller | |
ira | anger, wrath | noun | | |
Iraki | Iraq | noun | | |
irakian | iraqi | adjective | | |
irakiano | iraqi (person) | noun | | |
irascíbel | irascible, quarrelsome | adjective | | |
iridescença | iridescence | noun | Spanish: iridiscencia; Italian: iridescenza; Catalan: iridescència; Portuguese: iridescência | |
iridescente | iridescent: lustrous, or colorful in effect or appearance | adjective | | |
iridiu | iridium | noun | | |
irîs | iris | noun | | |
irlandech | Irish | noun | | |
irmana | sister (biological) | noun | | |
irmanastra | stepsister | noun | | |
irmanastro | stepbrother | noun | | |
irmano | brother (biological) | noun | | |
irracional | irrational | adjective | | |
îrradiación | irradiation | noun | | |
irréal | unreal | adjective | | |
irrealiste | unrealistic | adjective | | |
irredentismo | irredentism | noun | | |
irredentiste | irredentist | adjective | | |
irredimábel | unredeemable | adjective | | |
irreflecsión | non-thinking, irreflection, thoughtlessness | noun | | |
irrefutábel | irrefutable, incontrovertible, unanswerable, undeniable, indisputable, unquestionable | adjective | Portuguese: irrefutável; Spanish: irrefutable; French: irréfutable; Italian: irrefutabile | |
irregulare | irregular | adjective | | |
irreizonábel | unreasonable | adjective | | |
irrelevança | irrelevance | noun | | |
irrelevante | irrelevant | adjective | | |
irrenunciábel | irrevocable, indispensable, not able to renounce, inalienable | adjective | Portuguese: irrenunciável; Spanish: irrenunciable; Italian: irrinunciabile | |
irreparábel | irreparable, beyond repairing | adjective | | |
irreprensíbel | blameless; not reprehensible; irreproachable | adjective | Spanish: irreprensible; Portuguese: irrepreensível/irrepreensíveis | |
irreprensibelmén | blamelessly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Portuguese: irrepreensivelmente | |
irreprochábel | irreproachable, faultless, above reproach, flawless, beyond reproach | adjective | Spanish: irreprochable; French: irréprochable; Catalan: irreprotxable; Romanian: irepro?abil | |
irresponsábel | irresponsible | adjective | | |
irreversíbel | irreversible | adjective | | |
irrevocábel | irrevocable, indefeasible | adjective | | |
irriconciliábel | irreconcilable, refuses reconciliation or compromise | adjective | | |
irriemplacíbel | irreplaceable | adjective | | |
îrrigación | irrigation | noun | | |
îrrigar | irrigate: lead water to | verb | | |
îrromper | burst in, raid | verb | | |
isca | bait | noun | Portuguese | |
isla [insul-, aisla-] | island | noun | | |
islámic | Islamic | adjective | | |
islamismo | Islam | noun | | |
islandech | Icelandic | noun | | |
Islaz Vírgene Británic | British Virgin Islands | noun | | |
isleño | islander | noun | | |
isoglosa | isogloss, heterogloss | noun | | |
isoglucosa | isoglucose | noun | | |
isopropanol | rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol with the molecular formula C₃H₈O or C₃H₇OH or CH₃CHOHCH₃ | noun | | |
isostasi | isostasy | noun | | |
isótopo | isotope | noun | | |
ispañese, ispañole | Spanish | adjective | | |
ispanic | Hispanic | adjective | | |
Ispanoamérica | Hispanic America, Spanish America | noun | | |
ispanofonia | Hispanosphere (places where Spanish is a dominant language, countries where Spanish is widely spoken) | noun | | |
ispanofono | Hispanophone (person who speaks the Spanish Language) | noun | | |
ispañola | Spanish (from Spain) | noun | | |
isquerde | left | adjective | | |
isquerdista | left-winger | noun | | |
isquerdiste | left-wing | adjective | | |
isquerdo | left (direction) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
israelita | Israelite | noun | Spanish/Italian/Portuguese | |
issar | hoist up (a flag), haul up | verb | | |
ist | east | noun | | |
iste | east | adjective | | |
isteño | easterner | noun | | |
istmo | isthmus | noun | | |
Italia | Italy | noun | | |
italian | Italian | adjective | | |
italiano | Italian language, person from Italy | noun | | |
îteración | iteration | noun | | |
îterar | iterate | verb | | |
îterative | iterative (usually a procedure that has repetition to finish- loop) | adjective | | |
itinerario | itinerary | noun | | |
iva | imperfect past of ir | verb | | |
ivernación | hibernation | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
ivernal | winter, wintry | adjective | | |
ivernar | hibernate | verb | | |
iverno | winter | noun | | |
izoti | spanish bayonet, yucca | noun | | |
ja | already, before | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
jabeli | wild boar, wild pig | noun | | |
Jac | Jack, Jacques (proper name) | noun | | |
jaca | jackfruit | noun | Portuguese/Catalan: jaca, Spanish: yaca | |
jacari | alligator | noun | | |
jacinto | hyacinth | noun | spanish | |
jactancia | boastfulness, boasting | noun | | |
jactanciose | boastful | adjective | | |
jadear | gasp, pant | verb | | |
jai | young and attractive woman | noun | | |
jaloe | yellow (between yellow and light orange) | adjective | | |
jamás | not ever, never (more extreme than nunca) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
jambalaya | jambalaya | noun | Louisiana French from Provençal jambalaia "stew of rice and fowl." | |
jantchi | wheel rim | noun | | |
Japón | Japan | noun | | |
japonech | Japanese | noun | | |
japonese | Japanese | adjective | | |
jaqueta | jacket | noun | | |
jardín zoôlógic | zoo, zoological park | noun | | |
jardín [+:jardinez] | garden | noun | | |
jardinadj | gardening (about gardening) | noun | | |
jardinero | gardener | noun | | |
jarqui | jerky: cured and dried meat | noun | | |
jaula | cage | noun | | |
javelina | javelin | noun | | |
jegada | arrival | noun | Spanish: llegada, Portuguese: chegada | |
jegar | arrive (at), gradually become | verb | | |
jegar a conocimento | come to (somebody's) attention | verb | | |
jegar a ser | become (involving a good deal of effort and time) | verb | | |
jehén | gnat | noun | | |
jenesécua | je ne sais quoi (I don’t know what) | noun | | |
jerarquíê | hierarchy | noun | | |
jeroglífic | hieroglyphic | adjective | | |
jeróglifo | hieroglyph | noun | | |
Jerusalén | Jerusalem | noun | | |
Jesucristo | Jesus Christ | noun | | |
Jesús | Jesus (Christ) | noun | | |
jetlag; desfasi uorare | jetlag | noun | Spanish: desfase horario | |
jicara | calabash fruit | noun | | |
jicoti | stingless bee | noun | | |
jirafa | giraffe | noun | | |
jiro | gyro | noun | | |
Jo allam que | I think that; I suspect that (have an opinion on) | verb | Portuguese: acho que | |
Jo gustam de lo bocu! | I like that very much! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo jegará tarde ale treballo. | I'm late for work | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo lu sentim | I'm sorry, forgive me; My condolences | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: Lo siento | literally: I feel it. ; Apologize for being late.; offer condolences; |
Jo me chamam... | I call myself... | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo na conseghiú | I didn't manage (to)... | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo na estam de humor. | I'm not in the mood. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo na estava en mev ánimo dicer | I didn't mean to say; I didn't have the intention to say | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo na podem dechar esto | I cannot let this go. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo tenem dretcho a | I'm entitled to | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo ti atênderá | I'll wait for you | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo treballam bocu. | I work a lot | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo tuvi que … | I had to | verb | Spanish: Tuve que … | |
Jo'stam en casa. | I am at home. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo'stam ralandu | I'm working hard | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Jo'stuvi temtade de | I was tempted to | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
jocio | joy, pleasure | noun | Spanish: gozo, French: joie; Portuguese: regozijo; Italian: gioia; Haitian Creole: jwa | |
jociose | joyous, joyful | adjective | French: joyeux, joyeuse; Italian: gioiosa | |
jocose | humorous (movie, play, book, comment), jocular, jocose | adjective | | |
joda | joke, bloody nuisance | noun | | |
johoba | jojoba | noun | | |
jole | nice, lovely, fine (ironic) | adjective | Fr: joli, jolie | |
jolemén | nicely, prettily | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Fr: joliment | |
jongler | juggle | verb | French/German | |
Jordania | Jordan | noun | | |
jorro | gush, outpouring, stream (out from) | noun | po, sp:chorro | |
Jóvan | John, Jean (French), Juan (Spanish), João (Portuguese), Giovanni (Italian) | noun | Haitian Creole | |
joven | youngster, young man, young woman | noun | Spanish | |
jóvene [-juven-] | young, teen, juvenile | adjective | | |
Jovi | Jupiter (astrology, old Roman name for God of Jupiter) | noun | | |
jovial | jovial: originally meant under the influence of Jupiter (Roman God of the sky) | adjective | | |
joyero | jeweler | noun | | |
joyo | jewel | noun | | |
jubilade | retired (from working/employment) | adjective | | |
jubilar | retire (from working/employment) | verb | Spanish: jubilar | |
júbilo | jubilation, joy/rejoicing | noun | | |
jucada | move (in game), play | noun | | |
jucador | player (of game) | noun | | |
jucar | play a sport or game | verb | | |
jucher | improve the style of something, smarten up (a room, an outfit) | verb | | |
juco | play, game | noun | | |
jucstaponer [jucstapost-, jucstaponga-, jucstaposi-] | juxtapose | verb | | |
Judá [judi-] | Judah | noun | | |
judaizer | make live as the Jews | verb | | |
judeç [judici-;+:judecez] | judge | noun | Latin: iudex; Spanish: juez, jueza; Portuguese: juíza, juiz; Italian: giudice; Romanian: judecător | |
judeo-cristan | Judeo-Christian | adjective | | |
judicatura | judiciary: group of judges | noun | | |
judicial | judicial | adjective | | |
judiciare | judiciary | adjective | | |
judiciario | courts and judicial system considered as a group | noun | | |
judicio | judgement | noun | | |
judicio errone | erroneous judgment | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Italian: giudizio erroneo; Spanish: juicio erróneo | |
judiciose | judicious | adjective | | |
judie | Jewish | adjective | | |
judioz | Jews | noun | | |
junca | junk (traditional sailboat) | noun | | |
juncal | slender and graceful | adjective | Romani | |
juño | June (month) | noun | Catalan: juny; Portuguese: junho; French: juin | |
junta | joint (anatomy) | noun | | |
juntadu | joined, linked | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
juntamén | together, jointly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
juntar | join together, gather up | verb | | |
junte | together, joined | adjective | | |
juntos | together with, next to | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
Júpitêr | Jupiter (the planet in the solar system) | noun | | |
juquêtería | toy store | noun | | |
juquêti | toy | noun | | |
juquêtone | playful, frisky, full of energy | adjective | | |
jurar | swear, take an oath | verb | | |
jurídic | juridical: of or relating to judicial proceedings and the administration of the law. | adjective | | |
jurio | jury | noun | | |
jurisdicción | jurisdiction, authority | noun | Spanish: jurisdicción; Portuguese: jurisdição | |
jurisprudença | jurisprudence | noun | | |
jurista [juris-] | jurist | noun | | |
jusgar mau; na calcular bien | misjudge, not calculate well | verb | Spanish: no calcular bien, juzgar mal | |
jusgar [judici-] | judge, consider | verb | | |
jusgau | military tribunal | noun | | Mexican Spanish: juzgau |
juste [justi-] | just: right | adjective | | |
justiça | justice | noun | | |
justiçábel | justiciable: subject to trial in a court of law | adjective | | |
justificación | justification | noun | | |
justificade | justified, righteous | adjective | | |
justificadu | justified | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
justifiçar [justifica-] | justify | verb | | |
justificative | justificatory, justificative; supporting and/or documentary | adjective | Spanish: justificativo, French: justificative | |
jut | jute: rough fiber used to make ropes and twine | noun | | |
juti | fresh water snail | noun | | |
juvenil | juvenile, youthful | adjective | | |
juvenilmén | youthfully | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
juventud [-tudin-] | youth (abstract form) | noun | | |
l'absurdo | the absurd | noun | | |
l'actualitá | current affairs, current news | noun | | |
l'actualitá înternacional | international news | noun | | |
l'ámbito geográfic | the geographical scope | noun | | |
l'añu pasade | last year, the year past (passed) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
l'aplicación dele ley | law enforcement, enforcement of the law | noun | | |
l'apoyo a | the advocacy of | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | phrase | Italian: l’appoggio a |
l'aspectu económic de | the economics of, the financial aspects of | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
l'empresa i l'ovreroz | capital and labor | noun | | |
l'establecimento gradual dele confiança mutue | gradual confidence building | noun | | |
l'etapa de preparación | the planning stage, the planning period | noun | | |
l'Eterno | the Everlasting God; the Eternal | noun | | |
l'îndustria petrolere | the oil industry | noun | | |
l'obtención de | obtaining... | noun | Spanish: la obtención de | |
l'occidenti | the west | noun | | |
l'om i l'outro | one and the other, both | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
l'omez acia l'outroz | towards one another | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
l'orienti | the east | noun | | |
l'Últime Dena | the Last Supper | noun | | |
l'últime etapaz | the final stages | noun | | |
l'últime simfoníêz de Beethoven | Beethoven's late symphonies | noun | | |
labayer | bark (make dog sound) | verb | | |
laberinto | labyrinth | noun | | |
labor de equipo, treballo de equipo | team effort | noun | | |
laboral | working | adjective | | |
laboriose | laborious, industrious | adjective | | |
lacrar | seal with wax | verb | | |
lacraya | centipede | noun | | |
lacrimatorie | lachrymatory | adjective | Spanish: lacrimatoria; Portuguese: lacrimatório | |
lacrimogenas | tear gas | noun | | |
lacrimógene | tear-producing, weepy, tear jerking | adjective | | |
lacsante | laxative | adjective | | |
lacsanti | laxative | noun | | |
lácteo | dairy product | noun | | |
lado [-later-] | side (see: lateral) | noun | | |
ladrón | thief | noun | | |
lago | lake | noun | | |
lagrima | tear | noun | | |
laguna | lagoon | noun | | |
laíc | secular, state (institution), not religious | adjective | Spanish: laico, Portuguese: leigo, French: laïque, laïc | |
laicismo | secularism | noun | | |
laicitá | secularism, that of lay persons | noun | French: laïcité, Galician: laicidade, Catalan: laïcitat | |
laja | flagstone, sandstone | noun | combination: Catalan, Portuguese, Spanish | |
lambicón | creep (detestable person) | noun | | |
lamentábel | lamentable, regrettable | adjective | | |
lamentabelmén | lamentably, regrettably, unfortunately | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
lamentación | lamentation | noun | | |
lamentar | lament | verb | | |
lamentar-se | lament, mourn | verb | | |
lamento | lament | noun | | |
lamer | lick (can be used figuratively) | verb | Spanish | |
lámina | sheet, lamina, thin plate | noun | | |
lámpada | lamp | noun | | |
lampion | lamppost | noun | Neapolitan | |
lana | wool | noun | Italian/Spanish: lana; French: laine; Catalan: llana; Galician: la; Portuguese: lã | |
lança | lance | noun | | |
lancea | light spear, lance | noun | Old French lance "spear, lance, lance-length" (12c.), from Latin lancea "light spear, Spanish lance" (Italian lancia, Spanish lanza) | |
lanchade | launched, thrown | adjective | | |
lanchadu | launched, thrown | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
lanchamento | launching | noun | | |
lanchar | launch (business, enterprise, website), throw (hard, violently) | verb | italian: lanciare; spanish: lanzar; portuguese: lançar | |
lantchon | old, heavy duty American car | noun | | |
lápida (sepulcral) | tombstone | noun | | |
lapidjo | tombstone | noun | Portuguese: lapide, Italian: lapideo | |
lápis | pencil | noun | | |
lapsu | lapse (in judgement), error | noun | | |
lari | home, near fireplace | noun | | |
laringi | larynx, voice box | noun | | |
laringiti | laringitis | noun | | |
lasaña | lasagna | noun | | |
laser-producto | laser product | noun | | |
lasoz | ties (political...), lassos, decorative bow/knot | noun | | |
lasoz comerchal | commercial ties | noun | | |
lassar | lasso | verb | | |
lasso | lasso, looped knot | noun | | |
lata | can (of preserved food) | noun | | |
latente | latent | adjective | | |
lateral | lateral, of the side (see: lado) | adjective | | |
latido | throb/beat (of heart, etc) | noun | | |
latifundio | large estate (usually rural) | noun | | |
latifundista | owner of a large estate | noun | | |
latín | Latin | noun | | |
latinamerican | Latin American | adjective | | |
latinamericano | Latin American | noun | | |
latir | throb/beat (of heart, etc) | verb | | |
latitud [-tudin-] | latitude | noun | | |
laton | brass | noun | | |
latrocinio | armed robbery, larceny | noun | | |
laudatorie | laudatory, applausive | adjective | | |
laudo | binding judgement in arbitration; finding/decision | noun | | |
launj | lounge bar (place of eating, drinking, and socializing) | noun | | |
laur | wait | noun | German: Lauer | |
lavábel | washable | adjective | | |
lavadj | washing | noun | | |
lavadj cerevral | brain washing | noun | | |
lavadj de dineiro | money laundering | noun | | |
lavadora, máchina de lavar | washer, washing machine | noun | | |
lavandería | laundry | noun | | |
lavandería automátic | laundromat | noun | | |
lavar | wash | verb | | |
le bíz-niz | the height of excellence or quality | noun | | from the bee's knees (an American colloquialism from the 1920s) |
le bone noticia | the Good News | noun | | |
Le chîminea semprê estava echandu fumo. | The chimney always smoked. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
le clasi dirigiente | the Establishment; directing class | noun | | |
le Concilio de Seguritá dele Naciónz Unide | the Security Council of the United Nations | noun | | |
le cumplimento de su promesa | fulfilling his promise, keeping his promise | noun | | |
le cumplimento dele ley | law enforcement (compliance) | noun | | |
Le Deo Xayême | the Living God | noun | | |
le Despatcho Oval | the Oval Office | noun | | |
le Día de Reyez | Epiphany, Three Kings Day | noun | | |
le división de treballo | the division of labor | noun | | |
le fason | the way | noun | | |
le feitor human | the human factor | noun | | |
le género human | humankind, mankind | noun | | |
le mais... | the most | comparative or superlative | | |
le mayor... | the oldest (when referring to people), the greatest | comparative or superlative | | |
le mellor actuación | the best performance | noun | | |
le mellor... | the best | comparative or superlative | | |
le menor... | the least, smallest | comparative or superlative | | |
le mesa estam poste | the table is set | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
le mundi entere, l'entere mundi | the whole world, the entire world | noun | | |
le mundi libre | the free world | noun | | |
le naciónz pertenecente | the member nations | noun | | |
le nivel de vida | standard of living | noun | | |
le pelona | death personified | noun | | |
le peor... | the worst | comparative or superlative | | |
le prensa | the press | noun | | |
le primare pasoz vacilante acia le democraciê | the first tentative steps towards democracy | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
le que | that which (in relative clauses) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
le relación entre...i... | the ratio of...and....; the relation between | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
le Rinaicimento | the Renaissance | noun | | |
le ritmo de vida frenetic | the frenzied pace of life | noun | | |
le, l' | the | article or demonstrative | | |
leafa | salary, wage | noun | | |
leal | loyal | adjective | | |
lealitá | allegiance, loyalty | noun | | |
lebi | lip | noun | | |
lebial | labial | adjective | | |
lebrillo | glazed clay pan for washing, basin | noun | Spanish: lebrillo | |
lecsema | lexeme | noun | | |
lécsic | lexical | adjective | | |
lecsico | lexicon | noun | | |
lecsicográfic | lexicographic, relating to compiling a lexicon or dictionary | adjective | | |
lecsicografíê | lexicography | noun | | |
lecsicógrafo, lecsicógrafa | lexicographer | noun | | |
lectura | reading | noun | | |
legado | legacy | noun | | |
legal | legal, lawful | adjective | | |
legalismo | legalism | noun | | |
legalista | legalist | noun | | |
legar | bequeath | verb | | |
legislación | legislation | noun | | |
legislade | legislated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
legislador | legislator | noun | | |
legisladu | legislated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
legislar | legislate: make laws | verb | | |
legislative | legislative, congressional | adjective | | |
legislatura | legislature: period of office, parliament | noun | | |
legitimar | legalize, legitimatize | verb | | |
legítime | legitimate, rightful | adjective | | |
legitimitá | legitimacy | noun | | |
leigo [laic-] | layman, regular person | noun | Portuguese | |
leito | riverbed | noun | | |
leje | lightweight, thin | adjective | | |
lelio [+:lelioz] | lily [+:lilies] | noun | | |
lema | motto, slogan | noun | Portuguese/Papiamento: lema | |
lemur | lemur | noun | | |
Lemusina | Occitan language | noun | | |
leña | firewood | noun | | |
lengeríê | lingerie, linen goods | noun | | |
lengua materne | native language, mother tongue | noun | | |
lengua [lingu-] | tongue; means of verbal communication, spoken and written, in the human community. | noun | | |
lenguadj | language: means of expression, style of speech, ability to speak, computing | noun | | See also: idioma |
lenguadj de odio | hate speech | noun | | |
lentamén | slowly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
lente | slow, slow-moving | adjective | | |
leon | lion | noun | | |
lesíbel | legible: readable | adjective | | |
leside | read (past participle) | adjective | | |
lesidor, lector, lectriç [+:lectricez] | reader | noun | | |
lesidu | read (past participle) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
lesiente | reading (present participle) | adjective | | |
lesir | read | verb | | |
lesitura | reading | noun | | |
letal | lethal | adjective | | |
letchero | milkman | noun | | |
letchi en polv | powdered milk | noun | | |
letchi [lácte-] | milk | noun | | |
letchuga | lettuce | noun | | |
leton | Latvian | noun | | |
letone | Latvian | adjective | | |
Letonia | Latvia | noun | | |
letra [liter-] | letter: character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet. | noun | | |
letrade | literate | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
letradu | literate | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
levam un împosto de | carries a tax of | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
levanca | lever, joystick | noun | | |
levantamento | uprising | noun | | |
levantar-se | get up, get out of bed | verb | French | |
levar | carry (take) | verb | | |
levar un vida de | live a life of | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
leve | light (when referring to weight or load); faint (hope, smile) | adjective | | |
levitá | levity, lightness | noun | | |
levitación | levitation | noun | | |
levitar | levitate | verb | | |
Levíticu | Leviticus | noun | | |
lexane | distant, far away | adjective | | |
lexos | far, far away | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
Ley de Duverger | Duverger's Law | noun | | |
ley [leg-] | law | noun | | |
Lía 7 díaz en un setmana. | There are seven days in a week. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Líbano | Lebanon | noun | Spanish, Portuguese | |
liberade | liberated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
liberadu | liberated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
liberal | liberal | adjective | | |
liberalismo | liberalism | noun | | |
liberalización | liberalization, de-regulation | noun | | |
liberalizar | liberalize | verb | | |
liberalmén | liberally | adjective | | |
liberar | liberate | verb | | |
liberau | liberal (in politics or social norms) | noun | | |
liberau clásic | classical liberal | noun | | |
libertá | liberty, freedom | noun | | |
libertá académic | academic freedom | noun | | |
libertador | liberator | noun | | |
libertinadj | debauchery, an anything goes mentality | noun | | |
libido | libido, sex-drive | noun | | |
libra | pound (measurement); Libra (astrology) | noun | | |
libre (-liber-) | free, unrestricted | adjective | | |
libremén | freely, without restriction | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
licença | license | noun | | |
licensatura | degree (usually bachelor's), course of study | noun | Spanish: licenciatura | |
liceo | high school, advanced school, lyceum | noun | | |
lición | lesson | noun | | |
licitación | bidding (of auction, contract) | noun | | |
licite | permissable, allowed | adjective | | |
licor | liqueur | noun | | |
licoreira | liqueur cabinet | noun | | |
lídêr | leader | noun | | |
lídêr opositore | opposition leader | noun | | |
lidêrazgo | leadership | noun | | |
liga | league (usually of soccer) | noun | | |
ligación | connection, (phone) call, liaison | noun | | |
ligadura | tie (music) | noun | | |
ligamento | ligament | noun | | |
ligar | make connection, switch on, call up | verb | | |
ligere | slight, faint, gentle, minor/unimportant, undemanding, frivolous, light | adjective | Spanish: ligera | |
lila | lilac | noun | | |
lima | lime | noun | | |
limbol | home-made flavored frozen treat usually made from natural fruits or sweet milk mixtures and often served on a small piece of water-resistant paper, a plastic or paper cup, or a popscicle stick | noun | | |
lime | lime color | adjective | | |
limerença | limerence: involuntary infatuation with obsessive thoughts for someone else | noun | Spanish: limerencia; Italian: limerenza; French: limerence | |
limfoma | lymphoma | noun | Spanish: linfoma | |
limitación | limitation, constraint | noun | | |
limitade | limited | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
limitadu | limited | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
limitar | limit, restrict | verb | | |
límiti | limit, boundary, maximum, borderline | noun | | |
límitiz borrose | blurred boundaries | noun | | |
limón | lemon | noun | | |
limonada | lemonade | noun | | |
limpadu | cleaned | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
limpar | clean, wipe up | verb | | |
limpe | clean, clear | adjective | | |
limpesa | cleanliness | noun | | |
liña | line | noun | | |
liña argumental | plot, storyline, line of the plot | noun | | |
liña de golpeo | line of scrimmage | noun | Spanish: línea de golpeo | |
liñadj | lineage | noun | | |
liñal, liñare | linear, lineal | adjective | | |
linci | lynx | noun | | |
linde | handsome, pretty, beautiful | adjective | | |
lingual | lingual, of the tongue | adjective | | |
linguista | linguist | noun | | |
linguístic | linguistic | adjective | | |
linguística computacional | computational linguistics | noun | | |
liquen [+:liquenz] | lichen | noun | | |
líquide | liquid | adjective | | |
líquido | liquid | noun | | |
lira de dieç cuerdaz | ten-stringed lyre | noun | | |
líric | lyrical, lyric | adjective | | |
lírica | lyrics | noun | | |
lise | smooth (to the touch) | adjective | | |
lisina | lysine | noun | | |
lisonjere | flattering, glib | adjective | Portuguese: lisonjeira; Spanish: lisonjera | sugar-coated (words) |
lista de control | checklist | noun | | |
lista de distribución | distribution list | noun | | |
litchi | lychee | noun | | |
literal | literal: taking words in their natural meaning | adjective | | |
literatura | literature | noun | | |
litificación | lithification | noun | | |
litigio | litigation | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | Spanish: litigio; Portuguese: litígio |
litigiose | litigious: concerned with lawsuits or litigation | adjective | | |
litiu | lithium | noun | Spanish: litio; Portuguese: lítio | |
litogene | lithogenous: produced by stone | adjective | | |
litogénesi | lithogenesis | noun | | |
litogénic | lithogenic | adjective | | |
litografíê | lithography | noun | | |
litológic | lithologic | adjective | | |
litologíê | lithology | noun | | |
litorau | littoral zone, near shore (geographical) | noun | | |
litosfera | lithosphere | noun | | |
litosféric | lithospheric | adjective | | |
litro | liter (measurement) | noun | | |
littorau | coastline | noun | | |
Lituania | Lithuania | noun | | |
lituanian | Lithuanian | adjective | | |
lituaniano | Lithuanian | noun | | |
livrería | bookshop or book store | noun | | |
livrero | book seller | noun | | |
livresc | bookish, related to books | adjective | | |
livreta | notebook | noun | | |
livro | book | noun | | |
livro de lectura | reader, reading book (usually for learning) | noun | | |
livro sagrade | holy book (sacred book) | noun | | |
livrón | big book | noun | | |
llaga | ulcer (external), wound/sore | noun | | |
llama | llama | noun | | |
llane | flat, even | adjective | | |
llanura | flatness, eveness | noun | | |
llavin | lock on a car, house door | noun | | |
llaviz | keys | noun | | |
lledge | ugly | adjective | Catalan: lleig, lletja, lleigs, lletges | |
llenar | fill, pack (boxes) | verb | | |
llene | full | adjective | | |
llene de determinación | purposeful (look) | noun | Spanish: llena de determinació | |
llene de humorismo | humorous (person) | adjective | | |
llevante | wearing | adjective | | |
llevar | wear: have on clothes | verb | | |
llorar | weep, cry | verb | Spanish | |
llorón, llorona | crybaby, weeper | noun | | |
Lo'preciam. | I appreciate it. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
loandro | oleander | noun | Portuguese: aloendro, loendro | |
lobança | praise | noun | | |
lobar | praise | verb | | |
lobear | lobby | verb | | |
lobo | wolf | noun | | |
lobul têmporal | temporal lobe | noun | | |
lobul terminal | terminal lobe | noun | | |
localizar | localize, locate, find | verb | | |
locuace | loquacious, talkative | adjective | | |
locuacitá | talkativeness, loquacity, loquaciousness | noun | | |
locución | phrase (linguistics) | noun | | |
locura | folly, madness, lunacy | noun | | |
locutorio | telephone booth, place of communicating and visiting (e.g. visiting room in prison) | noun | | |
lógic | logical, rational | adjective | | |
lógica dialéctic | dialectical logic | noun | | |
logicamén | logically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
logiciel; softwarê | software | noun | French: logiciel, logicielle | |
lógico | logic, reasoning | noun | | |
logística | logistics | noun | | |
logisticien | logistician | noun | | |
logográfic | logographic | adjective | | |
logograma | logogram: sign or character representing a word or phrase | noun | | |
lograr | obtain/attain/achieve (with some struggle), manage to (make something happen), get (to do something) | verb | | |
loma | hill | noun | | |
lomba | lower back | noun | | |
lombare | lumbar (support) | adjective | | |
lomoz | loins | noun | | |
lona | canvas, cloth | noun | | |
longeve | long-lived | adjective | | |
longevitá | longevity | noun | | |
longhe [longe/i-] | long | adjective | | |
longitud [-tudin-] | longitude (geography), length | noun | | |
longtêmpo | long (time), for a long time | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | French: longtemps; Spanish: mucho tiempo | |
longura (de) | length (of) | noun | | |
lora | Amazonian parrot | noun | | |
loroco | herbaceous vine | noun | | |
loti | lot: a share or an area for parking or for a building | noun | | |
lotificación | subdivision | noun | | |
lotifiçar [lotifica-] | subdivide lots of land for development | verb | | |
lubricante | lubricating, that lubricates | adjective | | |
lubricanti | lubricant | noun | | |
lubricar | lubricate | verb | | |
luç [luci-, +:lucez] | light (sunlight, artificial) | noun | | |
Luca | Luke, Lucas | noun | | |
lúcide | lucid | adjective | | |
lucidesa | lucidness, lucidity | noun | | |
luciérnaga | lightning big, firefly | noun | | |
lucrative | lucrative | adjective | | |
lucro | profit | noun | Italian; Latin: lucru | |
lúdic | playful, ludic | adjective | | |
luego | then, later (on), afterwards | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
lúgubre | lugubrious, extremely mournful | adjective | | |
Luisiana | Louisiana | noun | | |
luma | native tree species known for its extremely hard wood | noun | | |
lumbalú | melancholic recollection | noun | Palenquero | |
lumbi [lumin-] | glow, firewood, fuel | noun | | |
luminescença | luminescence | noun | | |
luminescente | luminescent | adjective | | |
luminose | luminous, bright | adjective | | |
luminositá | luminosity | noun | | |
Luna | moon | noun | | |
luna llene | full moon | noun | | |
lunare | lunar: based on the moon | adjective | | |
lundey | Monday | noun | | |
lunfardo | slang | noun | | |
luoga | place, location | noun | | |
lusarto | lizard | noun | Venetian, Italian | |
luso-tropicaliste | Luso-tropicalist | adjective | | |
lusofonia | The Lusosphere, Lusophony | noun | | |
lusofono | Lusophone (person who speaks the Portuguese language) | noun | | |
lutcha | struggle, effort towards a goal | noun | | |
lutchar | struggle (for something), strive | verb | | |
luterano | Lutheran | noun | | |
luti | wooden instrument | noun | | |
lutiero | luthier: musical instrument maker | noun | | |
luvaz | gloves | noun | | |
Luxemburgo | Luxembourg | noun | | |
luxo | luxury | noun | | |
luxose | luxurious, deluxe | adjective | | |
l’añu que venim | next year (looking to the future), the year that's coming | noun | | |
l’añu seghiente | the next year (in past time) | noun | | |
mabi | fermented drink from the Carribean made from the bark of the mabi tree | noun | | |
macabre | macabre | adjective | French/Catalan: macabre; Portuguese/Spanish/Italian: macabro; German: makaber | |
macacinaz | moccasins | noun | | |
macaco | macaque, monkey | noun | | |
macanaso | crash, smash-up, collision of vehicles | noun | | |
macanear | tell fibs and lie extravagantly | verb | | |
macanero, macanera | fib teller, liar | noun | | |
macarón [+:macarónz], pasta | pasta, macaroni | noun | | |
macarónz | macaroni, noodles | noun | Spanish: macarrón [+: macarrones]; Italian +: maccheroni; Portuguese: macarrão | |
macase | strong, resistant | adjective | | |
Macedonia | Macedonia | noun | | |
maceración | maceration, soaking and softening | noun | | |
macerar | macerate | verb | | |
machamba | agricultural land (fertile land) | noun | Mozambican Portuguese, Swahili | |
machiembra | pine board with tongue-and-groove joints | noun | | |
máchina analític | analytic machine (ancestor of computer) | noun | | |
máchina propagandístic midiátic | media propaganda machine | noun | | |
máchina [mecan-] | machine | noun | | |
machinación | machination | noun | French: machination | |
machinar | engineer, contrive | verb | | |
machinario | machinery | noun | | |
machinista | machinist | noun | | |
machinita | little machine | noun | | |
machinitero | mix master | noun | | |
machón | buttress | noun | | |
machoti | model, blueprint | noun | | |
machu | very, quite (comes before adjective) | intensifier or quantifier | Papiamentu | |
machu conocide | well-known | adjective | | |
machucar | hurt, pound, crush | verb | | |
macrobiótic | macrobiotic | adjective | | |
macrocefale | macrocephalous, of a large head | adjective | | |
macrocosmo | macrocosm | noun | | |
macroeconomíê | macroeconomics | noun | | |
macsila | maxilla | noun | | |
mácsime | maximum | adjective | | |
macsimización | maximization | noun | | |
macsimizar | maximize | verb | | |
madala | person of high status or esteem | noun | | |
madera | wood (material made of wood) | noun | | |
maderamento; maderadj | woodwork | noun | Portuguese: madeiramento; Spanish: maderaje | |
maderería | lumberyard | noun | | |
maderero | lumberjack, timber-merchant, lumber-dealer | noun | | |
madrê [matern-] | mom, mother, momma | noun | Latin: matre, Spanish/Italian: madre; Sicilian: matri | |
madrina | godmother, sponsor | noun | | |
madrugada | early morning, wee hours, dawn, daybreak | noun | | |
madrugar | get up early, get up at crack of dawn, be an early riser | verb | | |
madure | mature, ripe | adjective | | |
maduresa | maturity, mellowness | noun | | |
magasa | twins | noun | Haitian | |
magente | magenta (between pink and violet) | adjective | | |
magic | magical, magic | adjective | | |
magica | magic | adjective | | |
magicien | magician | noun | | |
magistrado | magistrate, functionary of a public office | noun | | |
magistral | magistral, magisterial, masterful | adjective | Catalan/Spanish/Portuguese: magistral; Italian: magistrale | |
magnánime | magnanimous | adjective | | |
magnanimitá | magnanimity | noun | | |
Magne Charta | Magna Carta, Great Charter | noun | | |
magnétic | magnetic | adjective | | |
magnetofono | tape recorder | noun | | |
magnetosfera | magnetosphere | noun | | |
magnetosféric | magnetospheric | adjective | | |
magnífic | magnificent, wonderful, splendid | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | adj | Spanish/Portuguese: magnífico; Italian: magnifico; French: magnifique |
magnificación | magnification | noun | | |
magnificamén | magnificently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
magnifiçar [magnifica-] | magnify | verb | | |
magnitud de desplacimento | magnitude of displacement | noun | | |
magnitud [-tudin-] | magnitude (of earthquake, hurricane, etc) | noun | | |
magre | thin (person, animal), not fat | adjective | | |
magwa | sorrow, grief | noun | | |
mahís | corn | noun | mahiz/mahís, Spanish: maíz, French: maïs | |
maio | May (month) | noun | | |
mais | more | intensifier or quantifier | Vulgar Latin, Portuguese, Galician | |
mais abaiju | further down, lower down | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
mais allá | farther | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
mais allá de | beyond | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
mais arriba | up (from respective position), higher up, upstream of | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
mais austral | southernmost | adjective | | |
mais grande | bigger (size) | adjective | | |
mais mau | worse (feeling, state of being), more badly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
mais o menos com | about as, more or less as, approximately (when comparing) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
mais pequine | smaller (size) | adjective | | |
mais que, mais de | more than | comparative or superlative | | |
mais saludábel | healthier, more wholesome | adjective | | |
mal-estar | unrest, feeling of faintness, malaise, uneasiness | noun | Portuguese: mal-estar; Spanish/Catalan/Galician: malestar; French: malaise; Italian: malessere | |
máladi | malady | noun | | |
malagachi | malagasy | noun | | |
malayerba | common poisonous weed | noun | | |
maldicción | damnation, curse | noun | | |
maldicidu | cursed, sworn | past participle | | |
maldite | cursed | adjective | | |
maleábel | malleable | adjective | | |
malespin | secret code used in 19th century | noun | | |
maleta | suitcase | noun | Spanish: maleta | |
maletero | trunk, boot (British); porter: person who carries your luggage | noun | Spanish: maletero | |
maletín | briefcase | noun | | |
malgastar | squander, waste | verb | | |
Mali | Mali | noun | | |
malicia | malice, ill will, wickedness, evil doing, maliciousness | noun | | |
maliciose | malicious, malevolent | adjective | | |
maliense | Malian | adjective | | |
maligne | wicked, malignant | adjective | | |
Maligno | Evil One | noun | | |
malnutrición | malnutrition | noun | | |
malta | colorful shawl | noun | | |
malta | malt | noun | | |
maltic, malte | malty | adjective | | |
maltodecstrina | maltodextrin | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: maltodextrina; Italian: maltodestrina | |
malvade | wicked, evil, villainous (of people) | adjective | | |
malversación | embezzlement, misappropriation of funds | noun | Spanish | |
malvole | malevolent | adjective | | |
malvolesa | malevolence | noun | | |
mamá, mami | momma, mommy | noun | | |
mamacita | dearest mom, beautiful young mother | noun | | |
mamar galo | tease (literally suckle the rooster) | verb | | |
mamîfero | mammal | noun | | |
mampara | pretext | noun | | |
mañá | morning | noun | | |
manada | pack (of wolves), bunch (group of people) | noun | | |
mananci | natural spring, fountain (source) | noun | Spanish: manantial | |
mananci termal | hot spring | noun | | |
manati | manatee | noun | | |
mança | apple | noun | | |
mancada | failure when compromising; something missed | noun | | |
mancante | lacking, devoid | adjective | | |
mancar | be lacking, missing; blow it (colloquial) [The subject is the thing that is lacking, and the indirect object is who lacks the thing.] | verb | | |
mancha | stain | noun | | |
manchar | defile, sully, smear | verb | | |
mancomunitá | commonwealth, legal personality and local entity | noun | | |
mandamento | commandment, order (to do something) | noun | | |
mandar | order: tell someone what to do; command (soldiers) | verb | | |
mandatario | head of state, leader | noun | | |
mandato | mandate | noun | | |
mandíbul | mandible, jaw | noun | Spanish: mandíbula | |
mandolina | mandolin | noun | | |
mandracada | fraudulent act, illegal dealings | noun | | |
manêgotti | manicotti: Italian American kind of pasta. They are very large pasta tubes, usually ridged, that are intended to be stuffed and baked. | noun | | |
manejábel | manageable | adjective | | |
manejade | managed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
manejadu | managed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
manejante | managing | adjective | | |
manejar | manage | verb | | |
manêobra | maneuver, manoeuvre | noun | | |
manêobrar | maneuver/manoeuvre, work/operate with the hands | verb | | |
manera | manner | noun | | |
manexar | drive (a vehicle) | verb | Mexico Spanish: manejar | |
manexar pegade ale vehícul de delanch | tailgate, follow closely while driving | verb | Latin American Spanish: manejar pegado al vehículo de delante | |
manga | sleeve, wind sock | noun | | |
mango | mango | noun | | |
maníaco | maniac | noun | | |
manifestación | social occasion, mass meeting, rally, event | noun | | |
manifestanti | demonstrator, protestor, demonstrationist, rioter | noun | | |
manifestar | declare: make clear, show | verb | | |
manifeste | manifest: clear or obvious to the eye or mind | adjective | | |
manifesto | manifesto: public declaration | noun | | |
maninge | abundant, plentiful, numerous | adjective | Maningi is from the Shona dialect, but is commonly used throughout the Central Provinces of Mozambique | |
manioca | Cassava, manioc, and yuca are all names for the same starchy tuber grown throughout South America, Africa, and Asia. | noun | | |
manipulación | manipulation | noun | | |
manipular | manipulate | verb | | |
manipulative | manipulative | adjective | | |
manitou | VIP, very important person | noun | | |
manivela | crank (of crossbow, etc) | noun | | |
manjer | eat or munch on | verb | | |
mansarda | attic | noun | | |
manteiga | butter | noun | | |
manteiga de cacahuati; crema de cacahuati | peanut butter, PB | noun | Spanish: mantequilla de cacahuete, mantequilla de maní, crema de cacahuete | |
mantener a raya | keep at bay | verb | | |
mantener [mantuvi-, mantenga-] | maintain | verb | | |
manteníbel | maintainable | adjective | | |
mantenimento | maintenance: conservation of, continuation of | noun | | |
manto terrestre | mantle (of the earth) | noun | | |
manu | hand | noun | | |
manu de obra | workforce, people in a company, hand of labor | noun | | |
manual | manual | adjective | | |
manuel | manual | noun | | |
manuscrite | handwritten | adjective | | |
manuscrito | manuscript: physical copy of text usually handwritten | noun | | |
manzel | inn, manzil, caravanserai | noun | | usually has stable for horses and cistern or well |
mapa | map | noun | | |
mapa geográfic | geographical map | noun | | |
mapa local | local map | noun | | |
mapatchi | raccoon | noun | | |
mapin | napkin | noun | | |
Maqreb (le) | Maghrib (the), Maghreb | noun | | |
maquear | beat up, clobber, thrash | verb | | |
maquiavélic | Machiavellian | adjective | Portuguese/Spanish: maquiavélico; French: machiavélique | |
maquiavelismo | machiavellianism | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: maquiavelismo; French: machiavélisme | |
maquila | manufacturing industry particularly assembling plants for exporting to wealthy countries | noun | | |
maquiladora | assembling plant that has little to no taxes for imported parts. | noun | | |
marcador | marker (biology), indicator | noun | | |
marcador epigenétic | epigenetic marker | noun | | |
marcaz de luxo înternacional | international luxury brands | noun | | |
marcescer | fade, wither (flower) | verb | | |
marcha | mojo | noun | | |
marcher | march, walk together (in military formation...) | verb | | |
marchose | fun-loving, enjoying parties | adjective | | |
marcial | martial (law), warlike | noun | | |
marcian | Martian | adjective | | |
marciano | Martian | noun | | |
marcide | withered and lean; marcid | adjective | Latin: marcidus | |
março | March (month) | noun | Romanian: martie; French: mars; Spanish/Galician/Italian: marzo;, Portuguese: março; Catalan: març | |
marco | basis; framework (of constitution, essay, society...) | noun | | |
Marco Aurelio | Marcus Arelius | noun | Spanish | |
marco polític | political framework | noun | | |
marcsismo | Marxism (Karl Marx) | noun | | |
marcsista | Marxist | noun | | |
marcsiste | Marxist | adjective | | |
Marcu | Mark, Marcus, Marco | noun | | |
margarita | daisy (flower), also a drink | noun | Spanish: margarita; Portuguese: margarida, Italian: margherita, French: marguerite | |
margen continental | continental margin | noun | Spanish: margen continental | |
margen de manêobra | buffer, wiggle room | noun | | |
margen [+:margenz; margin-] | margin, edge | noun | | |
marginal | marginal | adjective | | |
marginar; marginalizar | marginalize | verb | Spanish: marginar | |
marichau | marshal | noun | | |
marida | wife | noun | | |
marido | husband | noun | | |
marine | marine | adjective | | |
marinero | mariner, sailor, seaman | noun | | |
marir | marry | verb | | |
marítime | maritime: of or pertaining to objects or actions related to or conducted on the sea | adjective | | |
marmelada | marmelade | noun | | |
marmita | large pot (for cooking) | noun | | |
mármol | marble | noun | | |
marmota | groundhog | noun | | |
marone | brown (dark) | adjective | | |
marqués | marquis | noun | | |
marquesina | bus shelter (at the bus stop) | noun | | |
Marroco | Morocco | noun | | |
marsupa | porpoise | noun | | |
martabela | dead bolt | noun | | |
Marte [marci-] | Mars (the planet) | noun | | |
martey | Tuesday | noun | | |
martino | hammer | noun | | |
mártur | martyr | noun | | |
marturio | martyrdom | noun | | |
marturización | martyrization | noun | | |
marturizar | martyrize, martyr | verb | | |
marunchinoz | almond macaroons | noun | | |
mas | yet, but (*pero* is used more often) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Spanish, Italian | |
masa | mass (physics), dough (especially of bread) | noun | | |
mascota | pet (of a family like a dog or cat) | noun | | |
masculine | masculine | adjective | | |
masculiniste | masculinist | adjective | | |
masculino | masculine (linguistics) | noun | | |
másculo | male, man | noun | | |
masged | mosque | noun | | |
masônj | lie, falsehood | noun | | |
mástiel | mast, neck (of guitar) | noun | Portuguese: mastro; Spanish: mástil | |
masto | flagpole, mast | noun | Portuguese: mastro; Spanish: mástil | |
mat | matte | noun | French: mat | |
matabicho | brunch, late breakfast | noun | Mozambique:matabicho | |
matador | killer, matador | noun | | |
matamoscaz | fly swatter | noun | | |
matança | slaughter, slaying, massacre | noun | | |
matancina | massacre | noun | | |
matar | kill | verb | | |
match | sports game, match (competition between teams) | noun | | |
matemática | mathematics | noun | | |
materia penal | criminal charge, penal matter | noun | | |
materia residual | waste matter, residual matter | noun | French: matières résiduelles | |
materia vegetal | vegetable matter | noun | French: matière végétale | |
materia [materi-] | subject (academic) | noun | | |
material | material: physical goods, needs, etc | adjective | | |
materialismo | materialism | noun | | |
materialiste | materialist | adjective | | |
materiau aislante, aislanti | insulation: isolating material (for climate control and/or sound proofing) | noun | | |
materiauz | materials: building, teaching, writing | noun | | |
materiaz | matters | noun | | |
materiaz particulare | particulates, particles in suspension | noun | | |
maternal | maternal | adjective | | |
matey | mate: Paraguayan tea made from yerba mate leaves served hot | noun | Guarani | |
Matiyu | Matthew, Matthias (Dutch), Mateus (Portuguese), Mateo (Spanish) | noun | | |
matriç [+:matricez] | matrix | noun | | |
matrimonio | marriage (institution of), state of being married | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | Latin: matrimonium |
matson | mason, bricklayer | noun | | |
mau [mal-] | badly, adversely, dangerously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
mauve [mal-, mau] | poor (performance), bad-doing, bad, evil | adjective | | |
maxose | ugly, nasty | adjective | | |
mayestramén | masterly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
mayestrança | an institution of skilled workers, naval yard workers | noun | | |
mayestrazgo | mastership, an office of a master (someone in charge of something based on knowledge) | noun | | |
mayestríê | mastery, control or governance (over something) | noun | Español: maestría; mestria; Português: domínio; Français: maîtrise; Italiano: maestria; Rumano: măiestrie; Latin: magisterium | |
mayestro | teacher, master (title for skillful and experienced mechanic, chef, carpenter, mason, etc) | noun | | |
mayonesa | mayonnaise | noun | | |
mayóparti, mayoría | most, major part | noun | Spanish: mayor parte; French: plupart; Portuguese: maior parte; Catalan: major part | |
mayor | older, elder, major, greater | adjective | | |
mayor que | greater than, older than | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
mayorazgo | estate, primogeniture, inheritance of land (so that the person is in charge of its upkeep and gets what it produces) | noun | | |
mayoría | majority, most people | noun | | |
mayúscula | capital letter, uppercase letter | noun | Catalan, Spanish | |
mazêl | destiny, luck, fortune | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
me parecem... | It seems..., it looks like | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
mecánic, machinal | mechanic, mechanical | adjective | | |
mecánica | mechanics | noun | | |
mecanicien | mechanic (person) | noun | | |
mecanismo de afrontamento | coping mechanism | noun | Spanish: mecanismo de afrontamiento; Catalan: mecanisme d'afrontament | |
mecaniste | mechanistic | adjective | | |
mecanización | mechanization | noun | | |
mecanizar | mechanize | verb | | |
mecanizmo | mechanism | noun | | |
mecanografíê | typing (usually on a computer keyboard or typewriter) | noun | mecanografía | |
medalla | medal | noun | Catalan/Spanish: medalla, French: médaille, Portuguese: medalha | |
mediana | median strip (in road) | noun | | |
médic | medical | adjective | | |
medicamento | drug/treatment with medicine | noun | | |
médicien | physician, doctor of medicine, surgeon | noun | | |
Médicienz sens Frontiraz | Doctors without Borders | noun | | |
medicina | medicine | noun | | |
medidaz contra le corrupción | anticorruption measures | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
medidaz preventative | preventative measures | noun | | |
mediocre | mediocre, average, uninspiring | adjective | | |
mediocritá | mediocrity | noun | | |
Medioevo | Middle Ages | noun | | |
meditación | meditation | noun | | |
meditar | meditate, ponder: think over | verb | | |
Mediterráneo | Mediterranean | noun | | |
medja | average, standard, mean (temperature, score, or other measurement) | noun | Spanish: media | |
medjador | mediator | noun | Spanish: mediador | |
medjamerico | person from the Federation of Texas, Mexico, or Central America (used by others and sometimes disparagingly) | noun | | |
medjante | by means of, through, with (using) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Spanish: por medio de, mediante | |
medjante le víncul dele paç | through the bond of peace | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
medje | half, middle, median | adjective | | |
medje-luna | crescent, half-moon | noun | | |
medje-notchi | midnight | noun | | |
medjedía | midday, noon | noun | | |
medjo | means (of expression), medium (for art) | noun | Spanish: medio; Portuguese: meio | |
medjuora | half-hour | noun | | |
médula | root, marrow in bone, spinal cord, pith in plant | noun | | |
Mefistófeli | Mephistopheles | noun | | |
megabaitê, megaocteto | megabyte (MB): 1024 kilobytes; 2 to the 20th power bytes; about 1 million bytes | noun | | |
megabît | megabit (Mb): 1024 kilobits | noun | | |
megaciutá | megacity | noun | | |
megafauna | megafauna | noun | | |
megáfono | megaphone | noun | | |
megaîglesia | megachurch | noun | | |
megalític | megalithic | adjective | | |
megatendença | megatendency | noun | | |
megre, delgade | lean, thin, skinny, meager | adjective | | |
megritud [-tudin-] | leanness, thinness, meagerness | noun | | |
meisón | dwelling, large house, mansion | noun | Norman, French | |
melancólic | gloomy, sad, wistful | adjective | | |
melancolíê | gloom, melancholy, blues | noun | | |
mélanj | mixture of disparate materials, mix, melange, blend | noun | French/Haitian | |
meliflue | mellifluous: sweet and smooth like honey | adjective | Spanish: melifluo | |
mellor | better | adjective | | |
mellor que | better than | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
melloramento | amelioration, improvement, betterment | noun | | |
mellorar | ameliorate, improve, make better | verb | | |
melodramátic | melodramatic | adjective | | |
melon | melon | noun | | |
membre | member | adjective | | |
membro | member | noun | | |
memorando | memorandum | noun | | |
memoriê colective | collective memory | noun | | |
memoriê selective | selective memory | noun | | |
mendace | mendacious | adjective | | |
mendacitá | mendaciousness, mendacity | noun | | |
mendrugo | unwanted food that is given to beggars or those in need; leftover bread | noun | Spanish | |
menina | maid, helper, minion | noun | Spanish | |
menóparti, menoría | least part, minority | noun | | |
menos | less | comparative or superlative | | |
menos que, menos de | less than | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
menos têmpo | less time | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
mensadj | message | noun | | |
mensadjero | messenger | noun | | |
menstrual | menstrual (of women's cycle) | adjective | | |
menstruar | menstruate | verb | | |
mentide | lied (fibbed) | adjective | | |
mentidu | lied (fibbed) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
mentiente | lying (fibbing) | adjective | | |
mentir | lie: tell a lie, fib | verb | | |
mentiroso | liar | noun | | |
menton | chin | noun | | |
mentru | as long as, until | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
menyú | menu | noun | | |
mequetrefi | whipper-snapper, child or toddler who is into everything or annoying in some ways | noun | Spanish: mequetrefe, mequetrefa | |
mêr Mediterráne | Mediterranean Sea | noun | Spanish: mar Mediterráneo | |
mêr [mari-] | sea | noun | | |
meravijar | astonish, amaze | verb | | |
meravijar-se | be amazed, be astonished | verb | | |
meravilla | marvel, miracle (in a sense) | noun | | |
meravillar | marvel, wonder | verb | | |
meravillose | marvelous, wonderful | adjective | | |
mercadero | merchant, store owner | noun | | |
mercadillo | flea market, street market | noun | Spanish: mercadillo | |
mercado | market | noun | | |
mercado alciste | bull market | noun | | |
mercado baijiste | bear market | noun | | |
mercaduría | merchandise: articles for sale or trade, commodities of commerce | noun | | |
mercantil | mercantile | adjective | | |
mercantilismo | mercantilism | noun | | |
mercantiliste | mercantilist | adjective | | |
mercería | haberdashery | noun | | |
mércoley | Wednesday | noun | | |
merequeteng | strong discussion, heated argument/fight | noun | Spanish (Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Nicaragua, Uruguay): merequetengue | |
mergullador | diver | noun | Portuguese: mergulhador | |
mergullar | dive, plunge, dip | verb | Portuguese: mergulhar | |
Meridion | Meridion, South | noun | | |
meridional | southern, meridional | adjective | | |
meritente | deserving | adjective | | |
meriter | deserve, merit | verb | | |
mérito | merit | noun | | |
meritocraciê [meritocrat-] | meritocracy | noun | | |
meritorie | meritorious, full of merit | adjective | | |
mesa | table (furniture) | noun | | |
mesa de despatcho | office desk | noun | | |
mesita | little table | noun | | |
mesme | same | adjective | | |
mesón | bar countertop; dining table (large to accomodate a lot of people) | noun | | |
mesonero | busboy: clears dishes from table at restaurant | noun | | |
Mesopotamia | ancient name for the land that lies between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (in modern Iraq) | noun | | |
mesopotamian, mesopotámic | Mesopotamian | adjective | | |
mesopotámic | mesopotamian | adjective | | |
mesosfera | mesosphere | noun | | |
mesosféric | mesospheric | adjective | | |
mesquine | mean, petty, stingy | adjective | Spanish: mezquino from Arabic: miskín | |
messía, Messía | messiah, Messiah | noun | Spanish: mesías; French: messie; Portuguese: messias; Italian: messia | |
mesura, medida | measure, measurement | noun | | |
mesurábel | measurable | adjective | | |
mesurade | measured | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
mesuradu | measured | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
mesurar, medir | measure | verb | | |
metabólic | metabolic | adjective | | |
metabolismo | metabolism | noun | | |
metacarpo | metacarpus | noun | | |
metafísic | metaphysical | adjective | | |
metafísica | metaphysics | noun | | |
metafoníê | metaphony | noun | Portuguese/Spanish: metafonia; Galician: metafonía; French: métaphonie | |
metáfora | metaphor | noun | | |
metalenguadj | metalanguage, meta-language | noun | | |
metálic | metallic | adjective | | |
metalinguístic | metalinguistic | adjective | | |
metalmecanicien | metalworker | noun | Italian: metalmeccanico | |
metalurgia | metallurgy | noun | | |
metalurgic | metallurgical | adjective | | |
metalurgista, metalurgico | metallurgist | noun | | |
metamatemática | metamathematics | noun | | |
metamórfic | metamorphic | adjective | | |
metamorfismo | metamorphism | noun | | |
metamorfosi | metamorphosis | noun | | |
metano | methane | noun | | |
metanol | methanol | noun | | |
metástasi | metastasis | noun | | |
metastásic | metastatic | adjective | | |
metastatizar; facer metástasi | metastasize | verb | Portuguese: metastatizar | |
metateoríê | metatheory | noun | | |
metau | metal | noun | | |
meteor | atmospheric phenomenon | noun | | |
meteora | meteor | noun | | |
meteorític | meteoritic: pertaining to a meteorite | adjective | | |
meteorito | meteorite | noun | | |
meteorológic | meteorological | adjective | | |
meteorologíê | meteorology | noun | | |
meteorólogo | meteorologist | noun | | |
meticulosamén | meticulously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
meticulose [meticulosa-] | meticulous, painstaking (attention to details) | adjective | | |
metir | put in/into | verb | | |
metir un gol | score a goal | verb | | |
metod | method, process | noun | | |
metodic | methodical | adjective | | |
metodista | Methodist | noun | | |
metro cubic | cubic meter | noun | | |
metro leve | light rail | noun | | |
metrópoli | metropolis | noun | | |
metropolitan | metropolitan | adjective | | |
metropolitano | metropolitan (person), city dweller | noun | | |
metroz de profunditá | meters deep, of depth | noun | | |
mev conocimento limitade de filosofíê | my limited knowledge of philosophy | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
mev puntu de vista | my point of view | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
mev'dama; meudama | madam: referring to woman with authority, lady | noun | | |
mev'sêr; meusêr | my sir (very polite) | noun | | |
mexican | Mexican | adjective | | |
mexicano | Mexican, person from Mexico | noun | | |
México | Mexico | noun | | |
mexilla | cheek | noun | Spanish: mejilla, French: joue | |
mi es indiferente | it's all the same to me | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
michla | mixture, blend | noun | | |
michlar | mix, blend | verb | | |
microbian | microbial, microbic | adjective | Spanish | |
microbioma intestinal | gut microbiome | noun | Spanish/Portuguese/Catalan: microbioma intestinal | |
microcosmo | microcosm | noun | | |
microeconomíê | microeconomics | noun | | |
micrófono | microphone | noun | | |
microplástico | microplastic | noun | | |
microscopio | microscope | noun | | |
microtchip, puç electrônic | microchip | noun | French: puce électronique | |
micste | mixed, co-ed | adjective | | |
micuein | large wooden spoon | noun | | |
mídia | media (the television channels, radio stations, newspapers) | noun | | |
mídia social | social media | noun | | |
midiátic | media | adjective | | |
midjonz | socks | noun | | |
miedo | fear, terror | noun | | |
miedose | fearful, timid | adjective | | |
miel | honey | noun | | |
mientras | while, during the time that, during | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
mientras que | whereas, while... | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
mierda | crap, shit | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
Mighel | Miguel (popular name) | noun | | |
migración | migration | noun | | |
migrador | migrator | noun | | |
migranti | migrant | noun | | |
migrar | migrate: move from one place to another | verb | | |
migratorie | migratory, migrating | adjective | | |
milenaria, milenario | Millennial: person born in 1980s or 1990s. | noun | | |
milenio | millennium | noun | French: millénaire; Spanish: milenio; Italian: millennio; Portuguese: milênio; Corsican: millenniu | |
milici | militia | noun | | |
milicien | militiaman | noun | | |
militare | military | adjective | | |
milla | mile | noun | | |
milladj | mileage | noun | | |
millonario | millionaire: person having over a million dollars | noun | | |
millu | better (feeling, state of being) | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
mina | mine (place where something is extracted from the earth) | noun | | |
mineroz | miners | noun | | |
mini-escaleira | small ladder, stool | noun | | |
miniatura | miniature, small version | noun | Spanish: miniatura | |
miniaturización | miniaturization | noun | | |
minimalismo | minimalism | noun | | |
minimalista | minimalist | noun | | |
minimaliste | minimalist | adjective | | |
mínime | minimal | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: mínima; Catalan: mínim | |
ministero | ministry | noun | | |
mins | month | noun | | |
minsal | monthly | adjective | | |
minsalmén | monthly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
minse | slim (chance, argument, person) | adjective | | |
mînt | mind | noun | Romanian: minte; Spanish/Portuguese: mente; Catalan: ment | |
mîntal | mental | adjective | | |
mîntalitá | mentality | noun | | |
mîntalitá provincian | parochialism, limited and narrow character or tendency | noun | | |
mîntalizar | mentalize; mentally prepare, mentally reframe | verb | | |
mîntalmén | mentally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
mîntalmén repitir | mentally prepare, rehearse | verb | | |
minucia | minutia | noun | Spanish: minucia | |
minuciose | close/minute, thorough, meticulous | adjective | | |
minuto | minute | noun | | |
miombo | strong liquor, brandy | noun | | |
miopia | myopia, nearsightedness | noun | | |
miquiz | cartoons | noun | | |
mirada | look, glance, a sight, a look | noun | | |
mirada atente | careful look | noun | | |
mirada mais atente | closer look | noun | Spanish: mirada más atenta, Portuguese: olhar mais atento | |
miradeiro | vantage point, lookout | noun | | |
miradj, espellismo | mirage | noun | | |
mirágul | miracle | noun | | |
miragulare | miracular | adjective | | |
miragulosamén | miraculously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
miragulose [miragulosa-] | miraculous | adjective | | |
mirar | look at, watch (television), gaze, glance | verb | | |
mîrdrâ | murder, slaying | noun | | |
mirón, mirona | onlooker, voyeur, peeping Tom | noun | | |
mirone | nosey, curious | adjective | | |
mirtilo | blueberry | noun | | |
mirtiloz | blueberries | noun | | |
misa | mass (Catholic church) | noun | | |
misericordi | mercy, forgiveness, compassion | noun | | |
misericordiose | merciful, forgiving | adjective | | |
misiel | missile | noun | | |
misiel antiaérie | antiaircraft missile | noun | | |
misión | mission, assignment | noun | | |
misionare | missionary | adjective | | |
misionario | missionary: person with a mission | noun | | |
misterio | mystery | noun | | |
místic | mystic, mystical | adjective | | |
místico | mystic | noun | | |
mitigación | mitigation | noun | | |
mitigar | mitigate | verb | | |
mitigar riesgo | mitigate risk | verb | | |
mito | myth | noun | | |
mito fundacional | foundational myth | noun | | |
mitocondria [+:mitocondriaz] | mitochondrion [+:mitochondria] | noun | | |
mitocondrial | mitochondrial | adjective | | |
mitogenoma | mitogenome | noun | | |
mitológic | mythological | adjective | | |
mitologíê | mythology | noun | | |
mnemotécnica | mnemonic, mnemotechnique: aids in retenion or retrieval | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: mnemotécnica | |
mobilê | furniture, furnishings: things that are moveable | noun | | |
mobilería | furniture store | noun | | |
modelo | model | noun | | |
modelo numéric | numeric model | noun | | |
modelo teóric | theoretical model | noun | | |
moderade | moderate (not excessive) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
moderado | moderate (politics) | noun | | |
moderadu | moderate (not excessive) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
moderar | moderate (adjust/change); act as moderator in debate | verb | | |
moderne | modern | adjective | | |
modernismo | modernism | noun | | |
modernitá | modernity | noun | | |
modificación | modification | noun | | |
modifiçar [modifica-] | modify | verb | | |
modismo | idiom | noun | | |
modo | mode: a way of operating, living, or behaving | noun | | |
modo de transporti | mode of transportation | noun | | |
modulación | modulation | noun | | |
modular | modulate | verb | | |
modulare | modular | adjective | | |
módulo | modulus, modulo | noun | | |
mofa | mockery, ridicule, subjection of someone to contemptuous behavior | noun | | |
mofeta | skunk | noun | Spanish, Italian | |
Moizes | Moses | noun | | |
moldi | mold | noun | | |
mole | soft (to the touch) | adjective | | |
molécul | molecule | noun | | |
moleculare | molecular | adjective | | |
molitud [-tudin-] | softness | noun | | |
molusco, almeha | clam, mollusk | noun | Portuguese: molusco, Spanish: almeja, Italian: mollusco | |
momento | moment | noun | | |
momentose | momentous: decision or event of great importance for the future | adjective | | |
moña | pot, marijuana | noun | | |
monarquíê | monarchy | noun | | |
monastero | monastery | noun | | |
monedeiro | coin purse | noun | | |
monedo | coin | noun | | |
moneta | money (in any form) | noun | | |
monetare | monetary | noun | | |
monetización | monetization | noun | | |
monetizar | monetize | verb | | |
monitor | monitor | noun | | |
monofilia | monophyly | noun | | |
monólogo | monologue | noun | | |
monomito | monomyth, hero's journey | noun | | |
mononitrato | mononitrate | noun | Portuguese/Spanish/Italian: mononitrato | |
monopolio | monopoly | noun | | |
monopoliz centradu en le búsqueda de rentaz | rent-seeking monopolies | noun | Spanish: monopolios centrados en la búsqueda de rentas | |
monopolizade | monopolized | adjective | | |
monopolizar | monopolize | verb | | |
monoteísmo | monotheism | noun | | |
monoteístic, monoteíste | monotheistic | adjective | | |
monótone | monotonous | adjective | | |
monótono | monotone | noun | | |
monstru | monster | noun | | |
monstruose | monstrous, freakish | adjective | | |
montadj | assembly: fitting together, mounting | noun | | |
montaña | mountain | noun | | |
montañard | montagnard, highland person | noun | | |
montañard | mountain-dweller, montagnard | noun | French: ?montagnard | |
Montañaz Rocose | Rocky Mountains | noun | | |
montañose | mountainous | adjective | | |
montar | ride a bike, horse or other animal; mount | verb | | |
montícul | mound, knoll, hillock | noun | Spanish: montículo | |
monton | heap | noun | | |
monumental | monumental | adjective | | |
monxa | nun | noun | | |
monxi | monk | noun | Spanish: monje, Galician: monxe; Portuguese: monge | |
mopa, trapeador | mop | noun | Spanish: mopa; Latin America Spanish: trapeador; English | |
mopear, trapear | mop | verb | | |
moqueta | carpet: wall-to-wall | noun | | |
moracujá | passion fruit | noun | Portuguese: maracujá from Tupi | |
morada | dwelling (place), abode, residence, habitation | noun | | |
morador | inhabitant | noun | | |
moral | moral | adjective | | |
moralitá | morality | noun | | |
morar | dwell, reside at, live somewhere | verb | | |
morciego | bat (animal) | noun | Spanish: murciélago; Portuguese/Galician: morcego | |
morene | tanned, bronzed | adjective | | |
moretón | bruise | noun | | |
morfina | morphine | noun | | |
morfológic | morphological | adjective | | |
morfologicamén | morphologically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
morfologíê | morphology | noun | | |
morrau | haversack, satchel (carried on one shoulder) | noun | Spanish: morral | |
morsa | walrus | noun | | |
mortal | mortal, deadly | adjective | | |
mortau | mortal, human being who will die unlike a heavenly being | noun | | |
morte | dead, died | adjective | | |
mortífere | deadly, slaughterous, lethal | adjective | | |
mortificación | mortification | noun | | |
mortifiçar [mortifica-] | mortify, subdue with self-discipline | verb | | |
mortu | dead, died | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
mortuare | mortuary: pertaining to death and the dead | adjective | | |
mortuariu | mortuary, morgue | noun | | |
mosaico | mosaic | noun | | |
mosca | fly (insect) | noun | | |
moscadura | coffee cake or cookies served with coffee | noun | | |
Moscú | Moscow | noun | | |
mosquito | mosquito | noun | | |
mostra | sample | noun | | |
mostradora | front desk (at hotel or business, usually in foyer) | noun | | |
mostrar | show | verb | | |
moszo | young man, older boy | noun | | |
motchila | backpack | noun | | |
moti | dried wheat | noun | | |
motivación | motivation | noun | | |
motivacional | motivational | adjective | | |
motivar | motivate | verb | | |
motivo | motive, cause, reason, motif | noun | | |
motocicleta, moto | motorcycle | noun | | |
motor | motor, engine | noun | | |
motore | driving | adjective | Spanish: motriz and motor | |
motorista | driver (of motor vehicle) | noun | | |
môtri | watch (mechanical), wrist watch | noun | | |
motzadela | mozzarella | noun | | |
mousi | mouse (for computer) | noun | | |
mover | move: cause to move | verb | | |
mover-se | move oneself | verb | | |
movil | mobile | adjective | | |
movilización | mobilization | noun | | |
movilizar | mobilize | verb | | |
movimento | movement | noun | Spanish: movimiento, Portuguese/Italian: movimento, French: mouvement | |
movimento social | social movement | noun | | |
moxama | fillet of salt-cured tuna | noun | Spanish: mojama; Italian: mosciame; Portuguese: muxama | delicacy of Phoenician origin |
mozqui | mosque | noun | | |
muamba | chicken stew | noun | | |
muchie | mushy | adjective | | |
mude | mute, silent | adjective | | |
Muhamed | Muhammad, Mohammad | noun | | |
muli | mole: a sauce used to flavor meats with various mixes of peppers and sometimes nuts (such as almonds, peanuts, or pine nuts), seeds (such as sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, or squash seeds), cilantro, seedless grapes, plantains, garlic, onions, cinnamon, and chocolate. | noun | | |
mullade | wet | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
mulladu | wet | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
mullar | get wet | verb | | |
mullêr | woman (not man) [+: women] | noun | Portuguese: mulher; Galician: muller; Spanish: mujer; Latin: mulier | |
mullêr-dafeirs | businesswoman | noun | | |
mullêrsuela | whore | noun | | |
multa | fine, ticket (traffic violation) | noun | | |
multar | fine, charge someone a fine for doing something | verb | | |
multicelulare | multicellular | adjective | | |
multidisciplinare | multidisciplinary | adjective | | |
multieiche | multiaxis | adjective | Spanish: multieje; Portuguese: multieixo | |
multiétnic | multiethnic, multinational | adjective | | |
multifacétic | multifaceted | adjective | Spanish: multifacético | |
multifuncional | multifunctional, multifunction | adjective | | |
multilateral | multilateral | adjective | | |
multilingue | multilingual | adjective | | |
multimídia | multimedia | noun | | |
multimillonario | multi-millionaire | noun | | |
múltiple | multiple | adjective | | |
multiplicitá | multiplicity | noun | | |
multipolare | multipolar | adjective | | |
multipolaritá | multipolarity | noun | | |
multirachal | multiracial | adjective | | |
multitud [-tudin-] | crowd, multitude | noun | | |
multitudinal | multitudinal | noun | | |
multitudinare | multitudinous | adjective | | |
multivariente | multivarient | adjective | | |
multiverso | multiverse | noun | | |
mulungo | white person; foreigner | noun | | |
mundane, mundian | worldly, mundane | adjective | | |
mundi | world | noun | | |
mundial | worldwide, world | adjective | | |
mundillo | world (realm), underground (denoting the secretive or not well-known) | noun | | |
mundiorden | world order | noun | | |
muñeca | doll | noun | | |
muñeca | wrist | noun | | |
municipio | municipality | noun | | |
muñiga | dried cow dung | noun | | |
muquio | pile, heap, mountain of something | noun | Italian: mucchio | |
muralla | rampart, castle wall | noun | Spanish: muralla, Portuguese: muralha | |
muribunde | at the point of death, in terminal decline | adjective | | |
muriente | dying | adjective | | |
murir [mort-] | die | verb | | |
muro | wall (usually large) | noun | | |
muscolare | muscular | adjective | | |
muscolo | muscle | noun | | |
muscolose | muscular, full of muscles | adjective | Spanish: musculoso | |
museo | museum | noun | | |
museografíê | museography | noun | | |
museografo | museographer | noun | | |
musgo | moss | noun | | |
música | music | noun | | |
musical | musical | adjective | | |
musicau | musical: a play with lots of songs and dancing | noun | | |
musicien | musician | noun | | |
musiu | foreigner not acquainted with local customs | noun | | |
mustach | mustache, moustache | noun | | |
musulman | muslim | adjective | | |
mutar | change, molt (feathers), shed (snake skin) | verb | | |
mutar-se | change clothes | verb | | |
mutualismo | mutualism | noun | | |
mutuamén | mutually, reciprocally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
mutue [mutua-], mutual | mutual | adjective | | |
na | no, not, don't | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Na Fumem | No Smoking | verb | | |
na împortam | doesn't matter | verb | | |
na lía | there aren't; there isn't | verb | | |
na podem | can't, cannot (present tense) | verb | | |
na podem aguardar | can't wait | verb | | |
Na te priocupem | don't worry | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
na-aliñade | non-aligned | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
na-aliñadu | non-aligned | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
na-autónome | non-autonomous, not self-governing | adjective | | |
na-autorizade | nonauthorized, unauthorized | adjective | | |
na-clasificade, na-confidenchal | unclassified, not confidential | adjective | | |
na-comprise | excluded, not comprising, exclusive | adjective | | |
na-conceptual | nonconceptual | adjective | | |
na-cristan | non-Christian | adjective | | |
na-cuberte | uncovered, not covered | adjective | | |
na-democrátic | nondemocratic, non-democratic | adjective | | |
na-egscluíbel | non-excludable | adjective | Portuguese: não-excluível; no excluible | |
na-familiarizade | unfamiliar, not familiarized | adjective | | |
na-feitual | nonfactual | adjective | | |
na-ficción | nonfiction | noun | | |
na-liñal, na-liñare | non-linear, nonlinear | adjective | | |
na-literal | nonliteral | adjective | | |
na-mitigade | unmitigated | adjective | | |
na-mutue | nonmutual | adjective | | |
na-paril, sens paril | nonpareil, unrivaled, unparalleled | adjective | | |
na-polémic | non-polemic, uncontroversial, safe and undivisive (topic) | adjective | | |
na-sectare | non-sectarian | adjective | | |
na-susceptíbel | nonsusceptible; not susceptible | adjective | | |
na-teológic | nontheological | adjective | | |
na-tócsic | non-toxic | adjective | | |
na-transparença | non-transparency | noun | | |
na-transparente | non-transparent | adjective | | |
na-verbal | nonverbal, non-verbal | adjective | | |
nacascolo | pods of tree has chemical that's used to tan leather | noun | | |
nación | nation | noun | | |
nacional | national | adjective | | |
nacionalismo tecnológic, tecno-nacionalismo | techno-nationalism | adjective | Spanish: tecno-nacionalismo, Portuguese: nacionalismo tecnológico | |
nacionaliste | nationalistic, nationalist | adjective | | |
nacionalización | nationalization | noun | | |
nacionalizar | nationalize | verb | | |
nada | anything, nothing (negative) | noun | | |
nahuali | guardian spirit, spirit animal | noun | Spanish: nahual | |
naicente | nascent, beginning to rise | adjective | | |
naicer [nat-, nacio-] | born, be born | verb | | |
naicidu | born | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
naicimento | birth | noun | | |
najar, zuemer | swim | verb | | |
namarada | girlfriend | noun | Portuguese | |
namarado | boyfriend | noun | Portuguese | |
namusoro | person who can mediate between the living and the dead | noun | Mozambique: nhamussoro from Cindau | |
nane | dwarf, small | adjective | | |
naño/naña | bro/sis (slang) | noun | | |
nanopartícul | nanoparticle | noun | | |
nantsin | wild cherry tree | noun | | |
Napuli | Naples (town in Italy) | noun | Neapolitan | |
narcisismo | narcissism | noun | | |
narcisista | narcissist | noun | | |
narcisiste | narcissistic | adjective | | |
narcotraficanti | drug trafficker, narco | noun | | |
narcotráfico, tráfico de drogaz | drug trafficking | noun | | |
nariç [+:naricez] | nose | noun | | |
narración | narration | noun | | |
narrativa | narrative | noun | | |
narrativización | narrativization | noun | | |
narvau | narwhal | noun | | |
nate | born | adjective | | |
nativo, nativa | native (referring to birth or nationality) | noun | | |
natural | natural | adjective | | |
naturalesa | nature (environment) | noun | | |
naturalmén | naturally, of course | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
naturesa | nature (natural character, origin…) | noun | | |
naturopátic | naturopathic | adjective | | |
naufragio | shipwreck | noun | | |
nauseade | nauseated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
nauseadu | nauseated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
navalla | razor, clasp knife, penknife | noun | Portuguese: navalha, Spanish: navaja, Catalan: navalla | |
navegábel | navigable | adjective | | |
navegación | navigation | noun | | |
navegacional | navigational | adjective | | |
navegador | browser (internet), navigator | noun | | |
navegar | navigate | verb | | |
navio genracional | generation ship (for interstellar voyages that take a lot of time) | noun | | |
navio portacontenedore | container ship | noun | Spanish, French: navire porte-conteneurs | |
nebot [nepot-] | nephew | noun | | |
nebota [nepot-] | niece | noun | | |
nebula | nebula | noun | | |
nebulose | nebulous | adjective | | |
necesare | necessary | adjective | | |
necesaremén | necessarily | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
necesitá | necessity, need | noun | | |
necesitose, nessitose | needy | adjective | | |
nechi | nest | noun | | |
necrópoli | necropolis | noun | | |
nectarina | nectarine | noun | | |
nectêr | nectar | noun | | |
nefaste | nefarious, disastrous, poisonous, wrong and unjust | adjective | | |
negar | negate | verb | | |
negochi | business affairs, negotiations, trade (selling and buying) | noun | Papiamentu | |
negociación [negochi-] | negotiation | noun | Spanish: negociación; Catalan: negociació; Portuguese: negociação; French: négociation; Occitan: negociacion; Italian: negoziazione | |
negociador | negotiator | noun | Spanish/Portuguese | |
negociar | negociate | verb | Spanish/Portuguese/Catalan: negociar; French: négocier | |
nematologíê | nematology | noun | | |
némesi | nemesis | noun | | |
neña | girl (child) | noun | Catalan: nen/noia; Spanish: niña | |
neñada | litter, brood, clutch | noun | Portuguese: ninhada | |
neñesa, neñiça | childhood | noun | Spanish: niñez; Portuguese: meninice | |
neño | boy (child) | noun | Catalan: nen/noi; Spanish: niño | |
neñoz | kids, children | noun | Catalan: nens | |
neo-mercantilismo | neo-mercantilism | noun | | |
neoliberalismo | neoliberalism | noun | | |
nepotismo | nepotism | noun | | |
nerre | black | adjective | | |
nervo | nerve | noun | | |
nervose | nervous, edgy, worked-up | adjective | | |
nessitar [neces-] | require, need | verb | | |
neta | the absolute truth | noun | | |
neurastenia | neurasthenia | noun | | |
neurobiológic | neurobiological | adjective | | |
neurochiença | neuroscience | noun | | |
neurocircuitoz | neurocircuitry | noun | | |
neurocognitive | neuro-cognitive, neurocognitive | adjective | | |
neurodesvelopimental | neuro-developmental, neurodevelopmental | adjective | | |
neuroepigenética | neuroepigenetics | adjective | | |
neurolinguística | neurolinguistics | noun | | |
neurológic | neurologic | adjective | | |
neurotocsicitá | neurotoxicity | noun | | |
neurotocsina | neurotoxin | noun | Italian: neurotossina; Spanish/Catalan/Portuguese/Galician: neurotoxina; French: neurotoxine | |
neurotransmisor | neurotransmitter | noun | | |
neutral | neutral | adjective | | |
neutralitá | neutrality | noun | | |
neutralizar | neutralize | verb | | |
neutro | neuter (linguistics) | noun | | |
nevi | snow | noun | | |
neviar | snow | verb | | |
nevieira | icebox | noun | | |
nevula | navel orange | noun | | |
ni...ni | neither...nor | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
nicaraguense | Nicaraguan | adjective | | |
nicho | niche | noun | | |
nieta | granddaughter | noun | | |
nieto | grandson | noun | | |
nihilismo | nihilism | noun | | |
nihilista | nihilist | noun | | |
nimie | trivial, petty, insignificant | adjective | | |
ningom, nadie | anyone, anybody (in negative sentences), nobody, no one | pronoun | | |
ningú luoga | anywhere (negative sentences), no place, nowhere (adv) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
ningú [ning-] | any (when used in negative sentences), no | intensifier or quantifier | | |
níquel | nickel | noun | | |
nistagmo | nystagmus | noun | Spanish: nistagmo | |
nitide | clear, clean, neat | adjective | | |
nitidu | clear, clean, neat | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
nitrógeno | nitrogen (N2) | noun | | |
nivel | level | noun | | |
nivelación | leveling (out), evening out | noun | Spanish: nivelación | |
nivelade | level, flat (on surface), balanced | adjective | Spanish: nivelado | |
nivelar | balance, even out, level, grade | verb | | |
nobel [nobl-] | noble | adjective | | |
noblesa obligade | noblesse oblige: the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged | noun | | |
noblesa, nobilitá | nobility | noun | | |
noblíssime | most noble | adjective | | |
ñocco | lump, bump | noun | Venetian: gnòco | |
noción | notion (view) | noun | | |
nocturnal | nocturnal: active at night | adjective | | |
nocturne | night, nighttime | adjective | | |
nodal | nodal | adjective | | |
nodo | node: point at which lines intersect | noun | | |
nódul | nodule | noun | | |
nogada | walnut-based cream sauce | noun | | |
noiva | bride | noun | | |
noivazgo | engagement of two people for marriage | noun | | |
noivo | bridegroom | noun | | |
nojente | disgusting | adjective | | |
nojo | disgust | noun | | |
nomenclatura | nomenclature | noun | | |
nomi (-nomin-) | name | noun | | |
nomi de dominio | domain name (internet) | noun | | |
nomi de pila | first name | noun | | |
nomi própie | first name | noun | | |
nominación, nomimento | nomination, appointment (for a post) | noun | | |
nominal | nominal: existing as something in name only | adjective | | |
nominar | nominate (for prize, award), appoint | verb | | |
nora | daughter-in-law | noun | Italian: nuora; Portuguese/Catalan/Galician: nora; Spanish: nuera; Romanian: noră | |
nórdic, nortic | northern, nordic | adjective | | |
norma | norm, rule (custom, habit) | noun | | |
normal | normal | adjective | | |
nort | north | noun | | |
Nortamérica, América dele nort | North America | noun | | |
norte | north | adjective | | |
norteño | northerner | noun | | |
Norwega [norwegh-] | Norway | noun | | |
Norweghech | Norwegian (language, person) | noun | | |
norweghese | Norwegian | adjective | | |
nostalgia | nostalgia | noun | | |
nostálgic | nostalgic, homesick | adjective | | |
nôt | knot | noun | | |
nota | note | noun | | |
notchi [nocturn-] | night | noun | | |
noticia | news | noun | | |
notificación automátic | automatic reminder | noun | | |
notoriamén | notoriously, egregiously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
notorie [notoria-] | notorious, egregious, noticeable | adjective | | |
notorietá | notoriety, fame | noun | | |
novecime | 19th, nineteenth | adjective | | |
novecimo | 19th, nineteenth | noun | | |
novela | novel, fictional story | noun | | |
novelesc | fictional, fictitious, storybook-like | adjective | | |
novembro | November (month) | noun | | |
noventime | 90th, ninetieth | adjective | | |
noventimo | 90th, ninetieth | noun | | |
novima | ninth note above root in music | noun | | |
novime | 9th, ninth | adjective | | |
novimo | 9th, ninth | noun | | |
nuanç [+:nuancez] | nuance, minute difference | noun | French/Portuguese | |
nuance | nuanced | adjective | French | |
núbil | nubile, marriageable | adjective | | |
nubo | cloud | noun | | |
nubose | cloudy | adjective | | |
nucanchi | inclusive we; all of us; all of you and me | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Guarani | |
nuch | nut (generic, any kind) | noun | | |
nucleare | nuclear | adjective | | |
núcleo [nucle-] | nucleus, kernel, core | noun | | |
nueç [+:nuecez] | walnut | noun | | |
nula | nothing (at all) | noun | | |
numerábel | numerable | adjective | | |
numeral | numeral | adjective | | |
numéric | numeric | adjective | | |
número | number | noun | | |
número racional | rational number | noun | | |
numerose | many, numerous | adjective | | |
numerose domeinez | several fields | noun | | |
nunca | never | intensifier or quantifier | | |
nupciaz | nuptials (wedding) | noun | | |
Nus na tenem conocimento de l’accidenti. | We are unaware of the accident. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
Nus tomem un caví | Let's have a coffee | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: Tomemos un café | |
Nus treballam conjuntamén cun nosre clientêz. | We work in partnership with our clients. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: trabajamos conjuntamente con nuestros clientes | |
nus-mesmoz | ourselves | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
nutriadj | nourishment (of person, plant, or animal) | noun | | |
nutrición | nutrition | noun | | |
nutricional | nutritional | adjective | | |
nutrir | nourish | verb | | |
nuvamén | newly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
nuve [nuva-] | new | adjective | | |
nuvitá | novelty | noun | | |
nyanga | marsh, coastal mangrove swamp | noun | | |
nyangara | leftist, commie | noun | | |
nyangarose | left-wing, communist | adjective | | |
nyicaso | rap on the head with knuckles | noun | | |
nyiwa | chigoe flea | noun | | |
o | or | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
o'quey | O.K., okay | noun | | |
oasis | oasis | noun | | |
obea | sorceress | noun | | |
oberte | opened | adjective | | (verb: obrir) |
obertu | opened | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
obertura | opening, aperture | noun | | |
obertura económic | economic openness | noun | | |
obese | obese | adjective | | |
obesitá | obesity | noun | | |
obfuscación | obfuscation | noun | | |
obfuscar | obfuscate: render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible; bewilder (someone) | verb | | |
obidide | obeyed | adjective | | |
obididu | obeyed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
obidiença | obedience | noun | | |
obidiença llene de fei | faith-filled obedience | noun | | |
obidiente | obedient | adjective | | |
obidir | obey, follow orders | verb | | |
óbitu | death | noun | Portuguese, English: obituary | |
obituario | obituary | noun | | |
objección | objection | noun | | |
objetar | object | verb | | |
objetivamén | objectively | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
objetive [objetiva-] | objective | adjective | | |
objetivitá | objectivity | noun | | |
objetivo | objective | noun | | |
objetivoz dele pesquisa | research objectives | noun | Spanish: objetivos de la pesquisa | |
objetu | object | noun | | |
objetu astronómic | astronomical body, celestial body | noun | | |
objetual | objectual | adjective | | |
obligación | obligation | noun | | |
obligade | obliged, obligated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
obligade cumplimento | binding (of a law), obligated compliance | noun | | |
obligadu | obliged, obligated: I appreciate it and will try to return the favor | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
obligante | obliging, accommodating, kind | adjective | French: obligeant | |
obligar | oblige, obligate | verb | | |
obligatorie | obligatory, compulsory, necessary and essential, vital, required, mandatory, indispensable | adjective | | |
oblique | oblique | adjective | | |
obra [ôpera-] | deed, work, works (of artist), charity | noun | | |
obrare | working, labor (not necessarily in a job, but sometimes charity or personal fulfillment) | adjective | | |
obrero | worker (not necessarily in a job, but sometimes charity or personal fulfillment) | noun | | |
obri-latas | can opener | noun | | |
obrir [obert-] | open | verb | | |
obscene | obscene | adjective | | |
obscure | obscure, not clear, darkened | adjective | | |
obscurecer [-ezca-] | darken, overshadow, put in the shade | verb | | |
obseder [obsess-] | obsess | verb | | |
observança | observance | noun | | |
observar | watch attentively, observe | verb | | |
observatorio | observatory | noun | | |
obsessión | obsession | noun | | |
obsiquiar | treat kindly or with kindness | verb | | |
obsíquio | favor, favour, kindness | noun | Portuguese: obséquio | |
obsiquiose | obsequious: characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; servilely compliant | adjective | Portuguese, French, English | |
obsolete | obsolete | adjective | | |
obstácul | obstacle | noun | | |
obstaculizar | stymie, hinder, hold up, hamper | verb | | |
obstetricia | obstetrics | noun | | |
obstetricien, obstetra | obstetrician | noun | | |
obstinación | obstinacy | noun | | |
obstinade | obstinate | adjective | | |
obstrucción dele justiça | obstruction of justice | noun | | |
obstruir [obstruc-] | obstruct | verb | | |
obstruyú | obstructed | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
obtención | obtaining, obtainment, procurement, procuration | noun | | |
obteníbel | obtainable | adjective | | |
obtenibilitá | obtainability | noun | | |
obviamén | obviously, logically, clearly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
obvie [obvia-] | obvious | adjective | | |
oca | goose | noun | | |
ocasión | occasion, time, opportunity, chance | noun | | |
ocasional | occasional, random | adjective | | |
ocasionalmén | occasionally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
occidental | western, occidental | adjective | | |
Occidenti [occident-] | Occident, West | noun | | |
oceánic | oceanic | adjective | Portuguese: oceânica; Catalan: oceànica; French: océanique; Spanish: oceánica | |
Océano Atlántic | Atlantic Ocean | noun | | |
Océano Índic | Indian Ocean | noun | | |
Océano Pacífic | Pacific Ocean | noun | | |
océano [oceán-] | ocean | noun | French: océan; Spanish: océano; Catalan: oceà; Portuguese: oceano | |
oceloti | ocelote | noun | | |
ochon | resinous wood used for fires | noun | | |
ocio | leisure, free time | noun | Spanish | |
oco | opening, hole, hollow, gap | noun | Portuguese: oco; Spanish: hueco | |
oco | cavity | noun | Sp: hueco | |
ocsidación | oxidation | noun | | |
ocsidade | rusty, oxidated | adjective | | |
ocsidar | rust, oxidize | verb | | |
ócsido | rust, oxide: a binary compound of oxygen with another element or group, corrosion | noun | | |
ócsido férric | iron oxide | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: óxido férrico; Catalan: òxid fèrric | |
ocsigenade | oxygenated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
ocsigenadu | oxygenated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ocsigenar | oxygenate | verb | | |
ocsígeno | oxygen (O2) | noun | | |
ocsitocina | oxytocin | noun | Spanish/Portuguese/Romanian: oxitocina; French: ocytocine; Italian: ossitocina | |
octubro | October (month) | noun | | |
ocultamento | hiding, concealment | noun | | |
ocultar înformación | withhold information | verb | | |
oculte | hidden | adjective | | |
ocupación | occupation, business | noun | | |
ocupacional | occupational, professional | adjective | | |
ocura | okra | noun | | |
ocura frite | fried okra | noun | | |
ocurrença | occurrence | noun | | |
ocurrer | occur | verb | | |
odiar | hate | verb | | |
odio | hatred, hate, odium | noun | | |
odiose | hateful | adjective | Spanish: odioso | |
ofender | offend, trespass against | verb | | |
ofensaz | trespasses, offenses | noun | | |
ofensive | offensive | adjective | | |
oferta | offer | noun | | |
ofici | profession, tradecraft | noun | | |
oficial | official | adjective | | |
oficialismo | ruling | noun | | |
oficiau | official, officer | noun | | |
oficiau comisionade | commissioned officer | noun | | |
oficiau na-comisionade | NCO: non-commissioned officer | noun | | |
oficina | business office | noun | | |
oficina de adquisiciónz | procurement office | noun | | |
oficina regional | field office | noun | | |
ofrimento | offering | noun | | |
ofrir | offer, volunteer, present | verb | | |
ofrir amistá | befriend, offer friendship | verb | | |
ôfset | offset (typography, printing) | noun | | |
oftalmologíê | ophthalmology | noun | | |
oftalmólogo | ophthalmologist | noun | Greek | |
ojui | today | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | French: aujourd'hui; Italian: oggi; Spanish: hoy; Portuguese: hoje | |
Olanda | Holland | noun | | |
olandech | Dutch | noun | | |
olandese | Dutch | adjective | | |
oleaginose | oleaginous | adjective | | |
oleo | oil | noun | | |
oler | smell, sense the aroma of | verb | | |
olfative | olfactory | adjective | | |
olfato | sense of smell, smelling/scent | noun | | |
oligarquíê | oligarchy | noun | | |
oligopolístic | oligopolistic | adjective | | |
oliverde | olive green | adjective | | |
olla | pot | noun | | |
olvidábel | forgetable | adjective | | |
olvidar, ubliar | forget | verb | French, Catalan | |
om | one, a generic person, you/they | noun | French: homme; Catalan: home; Portuguese: um/uma; Italian/Spanish: uno/una | See also: homen |
om a l'outro | one another, one to the other | pronoun | | |
ombro | shoulder | noun | Spanish | |
Omêgad | OMG, Oh my God | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | English | |
omeleti | omelette | noun | French and Portuguese | |
omise | negligent | adjective | Spanish: omiso | |
omisión | omission | noun | | |
omisu, omitidu | omitted | past participle | | |
omitir [omis-] | omit | verb | | |
omplir | fill | verb | | |
oncóloga, oncólogo | oncologist | noun | | |
oncóloga, oncólogo; oncologista | oncologist | noun | Spanish: oncóloga, oncólogo | |
oncologíê | oncology | noun | Spanish: oncología | |
oncul | uncle | noun | | |
onculare | uncular | adjective | | |
onde | where | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
ondequel | wherever | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Spanish: dondequiera, Portuguese: onde quer | |
oneste | honest | adjective | | |
onestitá | honesty | noun | | |
ónici | onyx | noun | | |
ónnibus, autobus | bus, omnibus, autobus | noun | | |
onnichiença | omniscience | noun | | |
onnichiente | omniscient | adjective | | |
ónnicidio | omnicide, destruction of all life | noun | | |
onnipotença | omnipotence | noun | | |
onnipotente | omnipotent | adjective | | |
onniprésensa | omnipresence | noun | | |
onniprésente | omnipresent, ever-present | adjective | | |
onnivore | omnivorous | adjective | | |
onnivoro | omnivore | noun | | |
onomatopeya | onomatopoeia | noun | Portuguese: onomatopéia; Spanish: onomatopeya; Catalan: onomatopeia | |
onomatopéyic | onomatopoeic | adjective | Spanish: onomatopéyico; Catalan: onomatopègic; Portuguese: onomatopaico | |
ontológic | ontological: relating to the nature of being | adjective | | |
ontologíê | ontology (reality) | noun | | |
opaque | dull, opaque, dark, gloomy | adjective | | |
opción | option, choice, alternative | noun | | |
opcional | optional | adjective | | |
ópera | opera: dramatic musical performance | noun | | |
ôperábel | operable | adjective | Portuguese: operável; Catalan/Spanish: operable; French: opérable; Italian: operabile; Romanian: operabil | |
ôperación | operation | noun | | |
ôperacional | operational | adjective | | |
ôperaciónz encuverte | covert operations | noun | | |
ôperario | operative, worker in a specialty | noun | Spanish: operario, operaria | |
ôperativo | police or state operation | noun | | |
opinión | opinion: thought and judgements based on perceived probabilities | noun | | |
opio | opium | noun | | |
oponer [opost-, ponga-, oposi-] | set up (against), oppose | verb | | |
oportune | opportune | adjective | | |
oportuniste | opportunistic, opportunist | adjective | | |
oportunisticamén | opportunistically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
oportunitá | opportunity | noun | | |
oposición | opposition | noun | | |
oposte | opposed | adjective | | |
oposte, oponide | opposite | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
opresión | oppression | noun | | |
opresor | oppressor | noun | Sp: opresor; Fr: oppresseur | |
oprimir [opres-] | oppress, weigh down, put pressure on | verb | | |
oprobio | opprobium | noun | Spanish: oprobio; Portuguese: opróbrio; French: opprobre | |
optar | opt | verb | | |
optar por algú cosa | opt to do something | verb | | |
optar por facer algú cosa | opt for something | verb | | |
óptic | optical | adjective | | |
optimal | optimal, most favorable | adjective | | |
optime | best, optimum | adjective | Latin: optimum | |
óptime | optimal, optimum, wonderful, ultimate | adjective | | |
optimista | optimist | noun | | |
optimiste | optimistic, upbeat | adjective | | |
optimización | optimization | noun | | |
optimizar | optimize | verb | | |
óptimo | optimum | noun | | |
optimu | best | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
opulença | opulence, affluence | noun | | |
opulente | wealthy, affluent, rich, opulent | adjective | | |
oración | prayer, oration | noun | | |
orácul | oracle | noun | | |
oraculare | oracular; enigmatic | adjective | | |
oradj; vremi | weather | noun | Romanian: vreme (Slavic loanword), Catalan: oratge, French: orage | |
orador | speaker, orator | noun | Sp: orador | |
oral | oral, by mouth, spoken | adjective | | |
oratorie | oratorical | adjective | | |
órbita | orbit | noun | | |
orca | killer whale | noun | | |
orden dele djorn | agenda: to do list for the day | noun | | |
orden [+:ordenz; ordin-] | order | noun | | |
ordenadamén | orderly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
ordenade [ordenada-] | tidy, arranged, ordained | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
ordenador | computer, digital processor, arranger | noun | | |
ordenadu | tidy, arranged, ordained | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ordenança | ordinance, decree, order by law | noun | | |
ordenança dele ciutá | city ordinance | noun | | |
ordenar | arrange, order, ordain (clergy, king...) | verb | | |
ordêvra | hors-d'œuvre, snack between meals | noun | French | |
ordinal | ordinal | adjective | | |
ordinare | ordinary | adjective | | |
orégano | oregano | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: orégano; French: origan; Italian: origano | |
orella | ear | noun | French: oreille, Catalan: orella, Spanish: oreja, Italian: orecchia, Romanian: ureche, Portuguese: orelha, Sardinian: origra | |
orellal | aural | adjective | | |
orelude | big-eared | adjective | | |
orfanade | orphaned | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
orfanadu | orphaned | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
orfanar | orphan | verb | | |
orfanatorio | orphanage | noun | | |
órfano, órfana | orphan | noun | Italian: orfana, orfano; French: orphelin, orpheline; Romanian: orfan; Catalan: òrfena, orfe; Galician: orfa, orfo; Portuguese: órfão, órfã; Spanish: huér | |
orgánic | organic | adjective | | |
organismo | organism | noun | | |
organización | organization | noun | | |
organización conspirante | conspiratorial organization | noun | | |
Organización dele Tratado de l'Atlántic Norte | North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) | noun | | |
organización etológic | ethological organization | noun | | |
organizante | organizing | adjective | | |
organizar | organize | verb | | |
organizative | organizational | adjective | | |
órgano | organ (of body) | noun | | |
organograma | organization chart | noun | | |
orghi | organ (musical instrument) | noun | | |
orghi eléctric | electric organ (instrument) | noun | | |
orgíê | orgy | noun | | |
orgullo | pride | noun | Portuguese: orgulho, Spanish/Galician: orgullo, Catalan: orgull | |
orgullose | proud: full of pride | adjective | | |
orientación | orientation (relative positioning or introduction to) | noun | | |
oriental | eastern, oriental | adjective | | |
Orienti [orient-] | Orient, East | noun | | |
origen helénic | Hellenic origin | noun | | |
origen [+:origenz; origin-] | origin | noun | | |
original | original, unique/different | adjective | | |
original, na-convencional, peor convencional | unconventional, not conventional | adjective | | |
originalitá | originality | noun | | |
originalmén | originally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
originar | originate | verb | | |
orilla | edge, hem | noun | Spanish: orilla | |
oriva | shore, edge, shoreline | noun | | |
orloji | clock (for telling time) | noun | | |
ormate | courteous | adjective | | |
ormigón | concrete | noun | | |
ornitóloga, ornitólogo | ornithologist: person who studies birds | noun | | |
orquestra | orchestra | noun | | |
orquestra simfónic | symphony orchestra | noun | | |
orquestral | orchestral | adjective | | |
orquídea | orchid | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: orquídea, Italian: orchidea, French: orchidée | |
orsitoz de goma | gummy bears | noun | | |
orso | bear | noun | | |
ortchata | horchata: almond flavored drink made from ground calabash seeds, squash seeds, grated lemon, cinnamon and sugar | noun | Spanish | |
ortel | mint | noun | Portuguese: hortelã | |
orticultura | horticulture | noun | | |
orticultural | horticultural | adjective | | |
ortodocsa | orthodox | adjective | | |
ortodocsíê | orthodoxy | noun | | |
ortodoncia | orthodontics | noun | | |
ortodoncista | orthodontist | noun | | |
ortodontista | orthodontist | noun | | |
ortográfic | orthographic | adjective | | |
ortografíê | spelling, orthography | noun | | |
ortopédic | orthopedic, orthopaedic | adjective | | |
orvallo | dew | noun | Portuguese: orvalho | |
oscilación | oscillation | noun | | |
oscilar | oscillate | verb | | |
oscilatorie | oscillatory | adjective | | |
ósera | carcass, frame of a car, remains of vehicle | noun | | |
oso | bone | noun | | |
ostentación | ostentation, show (abstract) | noun | | |
ostentar | boast, flaunt | verb | Portuguese/Spanish | |
ostentose | ostentatious | adjective | | |
osteoartrosi | osteoarthrosis | noun | | |
osteoporosi | osteoporosis | noun | | |
osteoporótic | osteoporotic | adjective | | |
ostracismo | ostracism | noun | | |
osude | bony | adjective | | |
OTAN | NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization | noun | | |
otaria | sea lion | noun | French: otarie | |
otchava | octave, eighth note in music | noun | | |
otchentime | 80th, eightieth | adjective | | |
otchentimo | 80th, eightieth | noun | | |
otchime, or otchave | 8th, eighth | adjective | | |
otchimo, or otchavo | 8th, eighth | noun | | |
otchocime | 18th, eighteenth | adjective | | |
otchocimo | 18th, eighteenth | noun | | |
ôtoño | Autumn, Fall | noun | | |
otorgade | bestowed, granted, awarded | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
otorgadu | bestowed, granted, awarded | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
otorgar | bestow, grant | verb | Spanish | |
otorrinolaringologíê | otolaryngology: the study of ear, nose, and throat; otorhinolaryngology; ENT | noun | | |
oulare | ocular | adjective | | |
oulo [ocul-] | eye | noun | | |
outre domeinez | other fields, other areas | noun | | |
outre veç | another time, again | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
outre [alter-, altern-] | other, another | adjective | | |
outroz | others (people or things) | noun | | |
oval | oval | adjective | | |
ovalo | oval | noun | | |
ovam | hear (command form), hey | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
ovarian | ovarian | adjective | | |
ovario | ovary | noun | | |
ovella | sheep | noun | | |
ovide | heard | adjective | | |
ovido | hearing | noun | | |
ovidu | heard | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ovir | hear, but not necessarily listen | verb | | |
Paç de Westfalia | Peace of Westphalia | noun | | |
paç duradoure | durable peace | noun | | |
paç [paci-] | peace | noun | | |
pachamanca | earth oven | noun | | |
pachanga | dance party, celebration (colloquial) | noun | | |
pachón | passion | noun | | |
pacíbel | peaceful (person), calm in spirit | adjective | French: paisable | |
paciença | patience | noun | | |
paciença, tolerança | forbearance (patience and/or tolerance) | noun | | |
paciente | patient; long-suffering, not complaining while waiting | adjective | | |
pacífic, pacíbel | peaceful | adjective | | |
pacificación | pacification | noun | | |
pacifiçar [pacifica-] | pacify | verb | | |
pacotilla | pack (of people), group, shoddy products | noun | | |
pacto | pact, formal agreement, covenant | noun | | |
padecer [-ezca-] | suffer from, endure, suffer through, put up with | verb | | |
padecimento | suffering, ailment, medical condition | noun | Spanish: padecimiento; Catalan: patiment | |
padell | frying pan | noun | Italian: padella; Catalan: paella; Occitan: padena; French: poêle | |
paden | interior | noun | Papiamento | |
padrê [patern-] | dad, father | noun | | |
padrino | godfather, sponsor | noun | | |
padrón | godfather, leader of leaders | noun | | |
pagan | pagan | adjective | | |
pagano | heathen, pagan | noun | | |
página | page | noun | | |
pahmi | among, amongst (a group or collective; not between) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
pahuil | curassow (type of tropical bird) | noun | | |
paila | pick-up truck | noun | | |
país | country, state of government | noun | | |
país desvelopide | developed country | noun | | |
país en desvelopimento | developing country | noun | | |
paisadj | landscape | noun | | |
paisadj [+:paisadjez] | scenery, landscape | noun | Spanish: paisaje; Portuguese: paisagem; French: paysage | |
Paísez Baije; Olanda | Netherlands; Holland | noun | | |
pala | spade (for digging), shovel | noun | French: pelle, Spanish/Catalan: pala, Portuguese: pá | |
paladín | crusader (in a figurative sense) | noun | | |
paladiu | palladium | noun | Spanish: paladio | |
palamentare | parliamentary | adjective | | |
palamento | parliament | noun | | |
palanca | political pull, clout, influence | noun | | |
palar | discuss, converse, negotiate regarding governing or managing, usually through parliamentary or judicial means | verb | | |
palavraz | words | noun | | |
palco | box in theatre | noun | | |
paleiso | palace: governmental house | noun | | |
paleiso de justiça | courthouse, palace of justice | noun | | |
paleo-arábic | paleo-arabic | adjective | | |
paleoantropologíê | paleoanthropology | noun | | |
paleoantropólogo | paleoanthropologist | noun | | |
paleobiologíê | paleobiology | noun | | |
paleografíê | paleography: study of ancient writing | noun | | |
paleolitic | paleolithic | adjective | | |
paleontologíê | paleontology, palaeontology | noun | | |
paleozoôlogíê | paleozoology | noun | | |
palestra | lecture | noun | | |
palestranti | lecturer | noun | | |
paliativo | palliative, workaround (information/computer science), temporary solution | noun | Spanish: paliativo; French: paliatif | |
pálide | pale, pallid | adjective | | |
palidecer [-ezca-] | become pale | verb | | |
palíndromo | palindrome: word spelled the same backwards as forwards | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: palíndromo | |
palita | scoop, scooper, small shovel | noun | | |
palla | straw, thatch, chaff | noun | Italian: paglia; Catalan: palla; Spanish: paja; Portuguese: palha; Romanian: paie/pai | |
palo | pole made of wood, stick | noun | | |
palo | alcoholic drink (slang) | noun | | |
paloma | dove: bird | noun | | |
palomba | pidgeon | noun | | |
palpábel | palpable, tangible, evident and obvious | adjective | | |
palpebra | eyelid | noun | | |
palpitación | palpitation | noun | | |
palpitar | palpitate, beat rapidly and/or irregularly | verb | | |
pamfleto | pamphlet | noun | Romanian: pamflet; Spanish/Portuguese: panfleto | |
pañ | bread | noun | Romansh: pagn/paun; French: pain; Spanish: pan; Portuguese: pão; Italian: pane; Catalan: pa | |
pañ de carni | meatloaf | noun | | |
pañ de sandwedj | sliced bread, sandwich bread | noun | | |
pañ integral | whole wheat bread | noun | | |
panacea | panacea | noun | | |
pañali | diaper, nappy (British English) | noun | Spanish | |
Panamá | Panama | noun | | |
pandemia | pandemic | noun | | |
pandemic | pandemic | adjective | | |
pandijero | gangster, mobster | noun | | |
pandilla | gang, mob | noun | | |
pañeiro | basket for bread, hamper | noun | | |
panel movil | movable panel | noun | | |
panelez de madera | wood paneling | noun | | |
pañería | bakery (of bread) | noun | | |
pañero, pañedero | bread baker | noun | | |
pánico chénic | stage fright, stage panic | noun | Spanish: pánico escénico, miedo escénico | |
pañito | bread roll | noun | | |
panóplia | panoply | noun | | |
panorama | panorama, view | noun | Spanish: panorama | |
panorámic | panoramic | adjective | | |
panqueca | pancake | noun | | |
pantalla | cover/screen, lampshade, fireguard | noun | | |
pantalla acústic | baffle, acoustic screen | noun | | |
pantalón [+:pantalónz] | pants (pair of pants) | noun | | |
pantufla | slipper | noun | | |
pañurato | crispy bread served with tomato sauce, poached eggs, and grated cheese | noun | | |
papá, papi | daddy, dearest dad | noun | | |
papaloti | kite | noun | | |
papaya | papaya | noun | | |
papel | paper | noun | | |
papel igiénic, pe-i | toilet paper roll, TP | noun | | |
papiar | talk excessively | verb | Spanish: papear | |
papiro | papyrus | noun | | |
papirologíê | papyrology | noun | | |
papo | chat, a talk | noun | | |
paqueti | packet, package, pack (of cigarettes, beer), parcel | noun | | |
Paquistôn | Pakistan | noun | | |
para înfundir confiança | confidence-building | adjective | | |
para mantener | to support | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
para onde | for where | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
para que | in order that, so that | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
para, pa' | for: indicate destination; show the use or purpose of a thing; in order to or for the purpose of; indicate a recipient; express a deadline or specific time; express a contrast from what is expected | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
para-caídas | parachute | noun | | |
parábol | parable | noun | | |
parabola | parabola: the curve formed from all the points (x, y) that are equidistant from the directrix and the focus. | noun | | |
parábolic | parabolic: dealing with parables or parabolas | adjective | | |
parabrisa | windshield of vehicle | noun | | |
parachoqui | bumper, buffer | noun | | |
parachuda | parachute | noun | | |
parachuva | umbrella | noun | | |
parada de autobus | bus stop | noun | | |
paradeiro | whereabouts | noun | | |
paradigma | paradigm: a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field | noun | | |
paradigma constructiviste | constructivist paradigm | noun | | |
paradigmátic | paradigmatic | adjective | | |
paradiso | paradise | noun | | |
paradj | place, spot | noun | | |
paradocsa | paradox | noun | | |
paradocsal, paradócsic | paradoxical: seemingly absurd or self-contradictory | adjective | | |
paradocsalmén | paradoxically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
parafilia | paraphyly | noun | | |
Paraguai | Paraguay | noun | | |
paralele | parallel | adjective | | |
paralelismo | parallelism | noun | | |
paralelogramo | parallelogram | noun | | |
parálisi | paralysis | noun | | |
paralític | paralytic | adjective | | |
paralizade | paralyzed | adjective | | |
paralizar | paralyze | verb | | |
paramétric | parametric | adjective | | |
parámetro | parameter | noun | | |
paranormal | paranormal | adjective | | |
parar | stop | verb | Spanish/Portuguese | |
parasitar | parasitize | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: parasitar | |
parasol | sunshade, parasol | noun | | |
parcela | plot (of land), parcel (agriculture) | noun | | |
parceria | partnership, joint venture | noun | | |
Parceria Transpacífic de Coôperación Económic | Trans-Pacific Partnership | noun | Spanish: Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica; Portuguese: Parceria Transpacífica | |
parcero | dude | noun | | |
parchero | handyman who can fix things temporarily | noun | | |
parecer [-ezca-] | seem, appear, be evident, look like | verb | | |
pared | wall (usually of room in structure) | noun | | |
parega | laziness | noun | | |
paregose | lazy | adjective | | |
paregoso | sluggard, lazy person | noun | | |
pareha | couple, pair | noun | | |
parentela | kin, kinfolk, relations (family) | noun | Portuguese/Spanish: parentela | |
paréntesi | bracket, parenthesis | noun | | |
parer | bear, give birth to | verb | | |
parfey | parfait: dessert of ice cream with fruit, chocolate, caramel and/or nuts | noun | English from French parfait | |
paria | pariah | noun | | |
paril | rivaled, equaled in ability | adjective | | |
París | Paris | noun | | |
pároco | parson | noun | | |
parocsismo | paroxysm | noun | | |
parodi de justiça | travesty of justice | noun | | |
paroquial | parochial (of a parish), not the figurative sense | adjective | | |
parqui | parking lot, depot for cars | noun | | |
parrandear, ir-se de pachanga | go party, be partying, throwing a party | verb | | Not to be confused with infestar! |
partença | departure (of person) | noun | | |
parti [-part-] | part, place | noun | | |
participación | participation | noun | | |
participanti | participant | noun | | |
participar | participate | verb | | |
partícipat | participant | noun | Spanish: partícipe | |
participio | participle | noun | | |
participio pasade | past participle | noun | | |
partícul | particle | noun | | |
particulare | particular: private (lesson, plane), specific (case), special | adjective | | |
particularmén | particularly, specifically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish: particularmente | |
partidare | partisan, in favor of, supporter | adjective | Portuguese: partidária; Spanish: partidario | |
partidario | supporter, person in favor of | noun | | |
partidarismo | partisanship | noun | | |
partidiste | partisan, supporter | adjective | | |
partido | side (usually political), political party | noun | | |
partido laboriste | labour party, labor party | noun | | |
partir | cut in half or slices | verb | | |
partir de | depart, part: break off, break from; slice (a sandwich, pizza, cake) | noun | | |
partitura | musical score | noun | | |
partiz dele discurso | parts of speech | noun | | |
parto | childbirth, partum | noun | | |
pasade | passed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
pasadiso | passageway, corridor, alley | noun | Spanish: pasadizo; Catalan: passadís | |
pasadj | passage: journey (to another place figuratively or literally) | noun | | |
pasadjero | passenger, traveler | noun | | |
pasado | past, that which has passed | noun | | |
pasadu | passed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
pasantía | internship (general) | noun | | |
pasaporti | passport | noun | | |
pasar | pass (in space or time), spend time | verb | | |
pasar por alte | overlook, pass over, ignore | verb | Spanish: pasar por alto | |
pascon | sieve | noun | | |
pasconiade | full of holes, riddled, like Swiss cheese | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
pasconiadu | full of holes, riddled, like Swiss cheese | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
pasê | pass, permit (rail, bus, visit) | noun | Spanish: pase | |
paseo | walk, stroll; ride (on bike); drive (by car) | noun | | |
pasillo | hallway, aisle, corridor | noun | | |
pasive | passive | adjective | | |
paso | step, pace | noun | | |
paso de pietonz | pedestrian crossing | noun | | |
pasque | because | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
pasta | paste (usually culinary) | noun | | |
pastel | pastel (art) | noun | | |
pastijraz | grasslands | noun | Spanish: pastizales, Portuguese: pastagens, French: prairies, Italian: praterie | |
pastilla | pill, tablet, lozenge | noun | Spanish: pastilla, Portuguese: pastilha Catalan: pastille | |
pata | leg (of insect, animal) | noun | | |
patada de mula | kick (potent, usually of liquor) | noun | | |
patasli | vegetable pear, chayote | noun | | |
patatuz | convulsion, seizure, fainting spell | noun | | |
patcha | flask for liquor usually | noun | | |
paternal | paternal | adjective | | |
patinar | skate | verb | Spanish/Portuguese/Catalan: patinar; Italian: pattinare; French: patiner | |
patís | pastry: cake, pie | noun | | |
patisería | bakery that specializes in pastries and sweets | noun | | |
patisero | pastry cook, confectioner | noun | | |
patogénic | pathogenic | adjective | | |
patológic | pathological | adjective | | |
patologíê | pathology | noun | | |
patria | fatherland, homeland | noun | | |
patrimonio | inheritance (traditional) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | Latin: patrimonium |
patriótic | patriotic | adjective | | |
patrocinador | patron, official sponsor | noun | | |
patrocinadore | sponsoring | adjective | | |
patrocinar | sponsor, patronize | verb | | |
patrón de pensamento | thought pattern | noun | Spanish: patrón de pensamiento; Portuguese: padrão de pensamento | |
patronazgo | patronship, patronage | noun | Spanish: patronazgo | |
Patruja de Cachorez | Paw Patrol | noun | | |
patruja de frontira | border patrol | noun | | |
patura | bed covering | noun | | |
patwa | patois: the dialect of the common people of a region, differing in various respects from the standard language of the rest of the country. | noun | | |
patzesc | absurd, crazy (mad in british english), loony | adjective | | |
pavellón | pavilion, canopy or tarp for people outside | noun | Sp: pabellón, Po: pavilhão | |
Pavlo | Paul (name), Pablo | noun | | |
pavo | turkey (meat) | noun | | |
pavo/pava | trendy, well-dressed adolescent | noun | | |
paxaratcho | ugly bird | noun | | |
páxaro, ocello | bird | noun | | |
payadoure | payable, will be paid in the future | adjective | | |
payadu | paid | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
payar | pay (for)- exchange money for something | verb | | |
payaso | clown | noun | | |
paye | paid | adjective | | |
peatonal | pedestrian, for walking | adjective | | |
pêb | pub, bar | noun | | |
pecado | sin | noun | | |
pecador | sinner | noun | | |
pecaminose | sinful (person, deed) | adjective | | |
pecaminositá | sinfulness | noun | | |
pecana | pecan (pecan nut) | noun | | |
pecar | sin | verb | | |
pechade | fished (past participle) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
pechadería | fish market/shop, fishmonger's shop | noun | | |
pechadero | fishmonger, fish merchant | noun | | |
pechado | fish that is caught | noun | | |
pechador | fisherman, angler | noun | | |
pechadu | fished (past participle) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
pechar | fish: catch fish, angle | verb | | |
pechare | fishing | adjective | | |
pectoral | pectoral, of the chest | adjective | | |
pectorau | pectoral muscle | noun | | |
pecuarie | livestock | adjective | | |
peculiaritá | distinctiveness, peculiarity | noun | | |
pecuniare | pecuniary | adjective | | |
pedagógic | pedagogical | adjective | | |
pedagógic | pedagogical | adjective | Spanish: pedagógico | |
pedagogíê | pedagogy: teaching an academic subject or theory | noun | Spanish: pedagogía | |
pedaso | piece, slice (of cake, pie, etc) | noun | | |
pedasoz | pieces, bits (when broken) | noun | | |
pédau | pedal | noun | | |
pedestre | pedestrian, common place | adjective | | |
pedir [petici-] | order (something), ask for | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: pedir |
pedjada | footprint, track (animal), footstep | noun | Catalan: petjada; Portuguese: pegada; Spanish: huella | |
pedjada de carbono | carbon footprint | noun | | |
pedo | fart | noun | | |
pedorro | fart (usually of old person) | noun | | |
pedra | stone, rock | noun | | |
pedra angulare | capstone, cornerstone | noun | | |
pedregose | stony | adjective | | |
pegar | paste | verb | | |
peiñê | comb (for hair) | noun | Portuguese: pente, Spanish: peine; French: peigne; Italian: pettine | |
peitu | breast | noun | | |
pela | skin, hide of animal | noun | | |
peladj | skins of animal, fur | noun | | |
pelar | peal | verb | | |
peldañoz | steps (of ladder), stairs | noun | | |
pelear, gumer | fight | verb | | |
pelero | saddlecloth | noun | | |
película | negatives of photographs or filmstrip | noun | | |
película delgade | thin film | noun | | |
pelota | ball (round object usually for sports) | noun | | |
pena | sentence (legal), penalty | noun | | |
pena de óbitu | death penalty | noun | | |
penal | penal | adjective | | |
penco | oaf, jerk | noun | | |
pendente | pending, outstanding | adjective | | |
pender | hang, be pending | verb | | |
pendexo | asshole, mother f**er (vulgar), pushover | noun | Spanish: pendejo | |
pendide en le pared | hanging on the wall | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
péndulo | pendulum | noun | | |
penetrábel | penetrable, able to be penetrated or circumvented | adjective | | |
penetrante | pervasive, penetrating | adjective | | |
penetrar | penetrate, break through | verb | | |
peneuma, neuma | tire, tyre | noun | Spanish: neumático; French: pneu
| |
península | peninsula: almost island | noun | | |
península ibéric | Iberian Peninsula | noun | Spanish: península ibérica | |
penitença [penitenci] | penitence, repentance | noun | | |
penitenchal | penitential | adjective | | |
penitenciare, penitenchare | penitenciary, prison | adjective | | |
penitenciario, penitenchario | penitentiary: prison that incorporates reformatory discipline | noun | | |
penitente | penitent, repentent | adjective | | |
pensamento positive | positive thinking | noun | | |
pensamentoz | thoughts | noun | | |
pensar | think, plan (ahead) | verb | | |
Pentágono | Pentagon | noun | | |
pentámetro yámbic | iambic pentameter | noun | | |
penúltime | penultimate, second-to-last | adjective | | |
penumbra | semidarkness, gloom | noun | | |
peón | peon | noun | | |
peor | little, few | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
peor de | a little of | adjective | | |
peor étic | unethical | adjective | | |
peor que | worse than | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
peperoni | pepperoni: American-style spicy salami commonly used on pizza | noun | | |
pepinillo | gherkin | noun | | |
pepino | cucumber | noun | | |
pepita | seed (in fruit) | noun | | |
pequine | small, little | adjective | | |
pequira | peccary | noun | | |
per | by (agent or cause of) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
per error | by error | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
per etapaz | in stages | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
per le | by the | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
per medjo de | by means of, through | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
per ónnibus | by bus, via bus | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
per pied | by foot, on foot, standing/up | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
pera | pear | noun | | |
pera asiátic | asian pear | noun | | |
percebide | perceived | adjective | | |
percebidu | perceived | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
percebir [percep-] | perceive, realize | verb | | |
percentadj | percentage | noun | | |
percentil | percentile | adjective | | |
percento | percent | noun | | |
percepción | perception | noun | | |
percepción egstrasensorial | ESP: extrasensory perception | noun | | |
perceptíbel | perceptible | adjective | | |
perceptive | perceptive, perceptual | adjective | | |
perceptor | perceptor, perceiver | noun | | |
perceptual | perceptual | adjective | | |
percutor | hammer (of gun) | noun | | |
perder | lose, miss (a class, plane, opportunity) | verb | | |
perder terreno | lose ground | verb | | |
perder-se | fail to experience, miss | verb | | |
perdición | undoing, perdition, ruin | noun | | |
pérdida | loss | noun | | |
perdide | lost | adjective | | |
perdón | forgiveness, pardon | noun | Spanish | |
perdonábel | pardonable, forgivable | adjective | Portuguese: perdoável; Spanish: perdonable; Italian: perdonabile; French: pardonnable | |
perdonar | pardon, forgive | verb | | |
perdonem | pardon me, sorry (if bumping into someone) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
perdurar | last, endure, live on | verb | | |
perecer [-ezca-] | perish | verb | | |
peregrín | pilgrim | noun | | |
peregrinación | peregrination, pilgrimage | noun | | |
peregrinadj | pilgrimage (action of the voyage) | noun | | |
peregrinar | visit a sacred place, go on a pilgrimage | verb | | |
perehili | parsley | noun | | |
perentorie | peremptory, urgent, pressing, very important (in regards to a fixed date or time limit) | adjective | | |
perequi | big talk, hot air | noun | | |
perfección | perfection | noun | | |
perfeite [perfec-] | perfect | adjective | | |
perfidia | perfidiousness, treachery, perfidy, deceit | noun | | |
perfiel | profile | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: perfil | |
perfilar | outline, shape | verb | | |
perforadora | drill (large, for mining and engineering) | noun | Spanish | |
perfumi | perfume | noun | | |
pergamin | parchment | noun | Spanish: pergamino; Portuguese: pergaminho; Catalan: pergamí; Occitan: pergamin | |
pergunta | question | noun | | |
perguntar | ask (see also: question) | verb | | |
pericia | expertise, skill/ability | noun | | |
pericial | expert | adjective | | |
perico | parakeet | noun | | |
pericon | sweetscented marigold | noun | | |
periféric | peripheral | adjective | | |
periféricoz | peripherals | noun | | |
periferiê | periphery | noun | | |
periglo | peril, danger | noun | Italian: periglio, pericolo; galician: perigo; catalan: perill; romanian: pericol; spanish: peligro; corsican: periculu | |
periglo de încendio | fire risk, fire hazard | noun | | |
periglo de óbitu | danger (of death) | noun | | |
periglo para le salud | health hazard (danger for the health) | noun | | |
periglose | dangerous, perilous | adjective | | |
perimetro | perimeter | noun | | |
periódic | periodic: occurring in intervals | adjective | | |
periodicamén | periodically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
periódico, papel periódic | newspaper, periodical | noun | | |
período de restablecimento | recovery period (of a procedure) | noun | | |
período indefinide | undetermined period, indefinite period | noun | | |
período tardíe | late period | noun | | |
período [periód-] | period: length or portion of time | noun | | |
periodontista | periodontist | noun | Portuguese: periodontista; Spanish/Galician: periodoncista; French: parodontiste | |
periquillo | navy bean, parakeet | noun | Spanish: periquillo, Portuguese: periquilho | |
perito, perita | expert, trained in something | noun | | |
perjuiso | damage, harm | noun | | |
perjurio | perjury | noun | | |
permanecer [-ezca-] | remain, stay, be permanent, continue | verb | | |
permanente | permanent | adjective | | |
permeábel | permeable | adjective | | |
permeabilitá | permeability | noun | | |
permisíbel | permissible | adjective | | |
permisión | permission, permit | noun | | |
permisive | permissive | adjective | | |
permitiente | enabling, allowing | adjective | | |
permitir (a) | permit, allow (somebody to do something) | verb | | |
perna | leg (of person) | noun | | |
pernici | harm, ruin | noun | | |
perniciose | pernicious, having a harmful effect | adjective | | |
peró | but (sometimes: yet or except) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
peró purta | even so, nevertheless | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
peronism | Peronism, Judicialism | noun | | |
perpetuar | perpetuate | verb | | |
perpetue | perpetual: unchanging, neverending | adjective | | |
perpetuitá | perpetuity | noun | | |
perpleje | perplexed, puzzled | adjective | | |
persecución | persecution | noun | | |
persecutir | persecute | verb | | |
perseghir | pursue, persecute | verb | | |
perseverança | perseverance | noun | | |
perseverar | persevere | verb | | |
perspicace | insightful, discerning, perspicacious | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: perspicaz: Italian/French: perspicace | |
perspicacia, perspicacitá | acumen, insight (understanding), perspicacity, perspicaciousness | noun | | |
pertcha | pole, perch, hat stand | noun | | |
pertenecente | member, belonging (to), pertaining to | adjective | | |
pertenecer [-ezca-] | belong to (ownership), pertain to | verb | | |
pertinace | persistent, obstinate, prolonged, pertinacious | adjective | | |
pertinacia, pertinacitá | persistence, obstinacy | noun | | |
pertu | near, nearby | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
pertu de | near, close to | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
perturbación | perturbation | noun | | |
Perú | Peru | noun | | |
peruan | Peruvian | adjective | | |
peruano | Peruvian | noun | | |
pesadela | nightmare | noun | Spanish: pesadilla; Portuguese: pesadela | |
pesar | weigh | verb | | |
pesebri | manger, trough for feed and water of livestock | noun | | |
pésime | terrible, dreadful | adjective | | |
pesimista | pessimist | noun | | |
pesimiste | pessimistic | adjective | | |
peso | weight | noun | | |
pesona | person | noun | | |
pesonadj coloride | colorful character | noun | | |
pesonal | personal | adjective | | |
pesonalitá | personality | noun | | |
pesonalizade | custom, personalized | adjective | | |
pesordina, pesocompu | PC, personal computer (from pesonal + ordinador OR computador) | noun | | |
pesquisa administrative | administrative inquiry | noun | Spanish: pesquisa administrativa | |
pesquisa etnográfic | ethnographic research | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: pesquisa etnográfica | |
pesquisa genétic | genetic screening | noun | Spanish: pesquisa genética | |
pesquisar | investigate, inquire into, search (for) | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: pesquisar | |
pestana | eyelash | noun | | |
pestaña | tab (in web browser) | noun | | |
pesti [pestil-] | pest | noun | | |
pesticida | pesticide: substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals | noun | | |
pestilente | pestilent | adjective | | |
petabaitê, petaocteto | petabyte (PB): 1024 terabytes; 2 to the 50th power bytes | noun | | |
petaca | suitcase | noun | | |
pétalo | petal (of flower) | noun | Catalan: pètal, Romanian: petala, Italian: petalo, French: pétale, Spanish: pétalo, Portuguese: pétala | |
petardear | backfire (car mechanic) | verb | Spanish: petardear | |
petcho [pector-] | chest | noun | | |
petición | petition | noun | | |
peticionario | petitioner | noun | | |
petipua | green peas | noun | | |
petrol | refined petroleum, gasoline (ready for an engine) | noun | | |
petroleo | petroleum, oil for heating | noun | | |
peura | fear, anxiety about something | noun | Italian: paura; French: peur; Catalan: por | |
pia | font (in scriptures) | noun | Portuguese | |
pia bautismal | baptismal font | noun | | |
piano vertical | upright piano | noun | | |
piatê | money, bucks (slang) | noun | standard French word pièce ("coin") or pierre ("stone"), or perhaps piastre (dollar, buck) | |
picade | ticked off (upset); stung | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
picadillo | mixture of shredded meat, aromatics, fruits and spices | noun | | |
picadu | ticked off (upset); stung | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
picaflor | hummingbird | noun | | |
picar | pierce | verb | | |
picaresc [picaro] | roguish | adjective | | |
pícaro | rogue | noun | | |
picassesc [Picasso] | Picasoesque, pertaining to Picasso’s style | adjective | | |
pîchego | peach | noun | | |
pîchicha | bargain, good deal after haggling | noun | | |
pichina | swimming pool | noun | | |
picon | large pick (gardening) | noun | | |
picose | spicy, hot (taste) | adjective | | |
pida | ask for, order (at a restaurant) | verb | Spanish: pide, pida, pidamos, pedid, pidan; Portuguese: pede, peça, peçamos, pedi, peçam | |
pidido | request, application (for job...) | noun | | |
pidir [peti-] | ask for, request, plead, petiticion | verb | | |
pieça | piece, part (mechancial), member of a set | noun | | |
pied | foot | noun | | |
pietá | piety | noun | | |
pietón | pedestrian, person who is walking | noun | | |
pieza | room (in house) | noun | | |
pila | battery (dry, usually small variety) | noun | Spanish | |
pimenta | pepper | noun | | |
pimenteira | pepper shaker | noun | | |
pimentón (dolce) | bell pepper, sweet pepper | noun | | |
piña colada | piña colada | noun | Puerto Rican | |
pinácul | pinnacle, summit | noun | | |
pincello | paintbrush | noun | Italian: pennello; French: pinceau; Catalan: pinzell | |
pinguín | penguin | noun | | |
pino | pine tree | noun | | |
pinol | dried corn that is grounded with cinnamon and allspice into a flour | noun | | |
pinsa de cinturón | belt clip | noun | | |
pintado | paint | noun | | |
pintar | paint | verb | | |
pintor, pintriç [pintricez] | painter (artist) | noun | | |
pintoresc | picturesque, scenic | adjective | | |
pintura | painting (activity or genre) | noun | | |
pintura primitiviste | primitive (of painting, art) | noun | Spanish: pintura primitivista | |
piolet | ice pick | noun | | |
pionero | pioneer | noun | | |
píose | pious, godly, devout | adjective | | |
piotchi | pickax | noun | | |
pipirin | morsel, bite-size | noun | | |
pipone | bloated, potbellied | adjective | | |
piquiney | non-adult, child, teenager | noun | | |
pira | corn kernel (for popping) | noun | Spanish | |
pirámidi | pyramid | noun | | |
piramidoidê | pyramidoid | noun | | |
piraña | piranha | noun | | |
pirata informátic, hackero | hacker | noun | | |
pirita | pyrite | noun | | |
pirotécnic | pyrotechnical | adjective | | |
pisa | squashing, treading (grapes) | noun | | |
pisalet | dandelion | noun | Venetian, French | |
pisco | Peruvian brandy distilled from wine | noun | | |
piso | floor: story, storey (of building/ship) | noun | | |
pista | course or track (usually for sports) | noun | | |
pistachi | pistachio nut | noun | | |
pistacho | pistachio | noun | Portuguese, Greek: Pistacium | |
pistard | track cyclist | noun | French/Italian/Romanian: pistard | |
pistola de reglamento | standard issue pistol | noun | | |
pistoleta | pistol grip | noun | | |
pistón | valve in a musical instrument (usually a brass instrument) | noun | | |
pitcheti | small lizard | noun | | |
pitlaca | case of money | noun | Phillipine: pitaka from Spanish: petaca from Nahuatl: petlacalli | |
pitza | pizza | noun | | |
pitzería | pizzeria | noun | | |
pitzero | pizza maker | noun | | |
pivot | linchpin (figurative), pivot | noun | French: pivot; Portuguese: pivô | |
pizara | chalkboard | noun | | |
placa | board (cutting, etc), large flat plate, plaque | noun | | |
placaz tectónic | tectonic plates | noun | | |
placer | place (someone for a job); invest (place money in a good place); seat (someone at a show/concert/event) | verb | | |
placimento | placement (of employment, investment, product) | noun | | |
pladja | beach | noun | Romanian: plajă; Catalan: platja; French: plage; Spanish: playa; Portuguese: praia; Italian: spiaggia | |
plaga | plague | noun | | |
plagiario | plagiarist | noun | | |
plagio | plagiarism | noun | | |
plana abissal | abyssal plane | noun | | |
planaz | plains (geography) | noun | | |
plancha | iron (to press clothes) | noun | | |
planchar | iron, press (clothes) | verb | | |
plancton | plankton | noun | | |
planejador financiare | financial planner | noun | | |
planejamento | planning | noun | | |
planejamento de l'adaptación | adaptation planning | noun | | |
planejar | plan (also: design, schedule, arrange) | verb | | |
planeta | planet | noun | | |
planeta enane | dwarf planet | noun | | |
planeta terrestre | terrestrial planet | noun | | |
planetare | planetary | adjective | | |
planetariu | planetarium: place to watch the sky and planets | noun | | |
plani | plan: schedule for the day, scheme, ideas | noun | | |
planilla | payroll | noun | Sp: planilla, plantilla | |
planta | plant (natural world) | noun | | |
planta de montadj | assembly plant | noun | | |
plantar | plant (tree, flower) | verb | | |
plantilla | staff, workforce (personnel), team/squad | noun | Spanish: plantilla | |
plasa | courtyard, plaza, city center square | noun | | |
plasticitá | plasticity | noun | | |
plástico | plastic | noun | | |
plastiglomerado | plasticglomerate | noun | Spanish | |
plata | silver; money (slang) | noun | | |
plataforma | platform, shelf, raised surface | noun | Spanish/Catalan/Portuguese: plataforma | |
plataforma continental | continental shelf | noun | Spanish/Catalan/Portuguese: plataforma continental; French: plateau continental | |
plati | plate (flat dish) | noun | | |
platicar cun | chat with | verb | Mexican and Central American Spanish: platicar con | |
platillo | saucer, main dish | noun | Spanish: platillo | |
platillo gorme | gourmet dish | noun | | |
platinu | platinum | noun | Spanish: platino | |
plato principal | main course/meal | noun | | |
platónic | platonic | adjective | Spanish: platónica; Catalan: platònic; French: platonique | |
platou | plateau | noun | | |
plausíbel | plausible | adjective | | |
plausibilitá | plausibility | noun | | |
plazi | pleasure | noun | Spanish: placer, Portuguese: prazer; French: plaisir, Haitian Creole: plezi, Italian: piacere, Dutch: plezier | |
plazo | term, installment | noun | Spanish: plazo, Portuguese: prazo | |
pleachca | godsend, windfall | noun | | |
plebei [plebis-] | member of working class or the common people | noun | | sometimes used to denote hierarchy |
plebeyo, plebeya | plebeian, commoner | noun | | |
plebiscito | plebiscite | noun | | |
plectro | plectrum, guitar pick | noun | | |
pleito | lawsuit, judicial action, litigation, official dispute | noun | | |
plenare | plenary | adjective | | |
plene | full and complete; totally full; plenty, plain | adjective | Sp: pleno | |
plenitud [-tudin-] | plenitude, fullness | noun | | |
pletora | plethora | noun | | |
pliego | document, section of paper | noun | | |
pliego de condiciónz | specifications, document of conditions | noun | | |
pliego de peticiónz | list of demands | noun | | |
plu | plus (used when adding) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
pluma | contour feather; old-style pen/plume | noun | | |
plumadj | plumage (all the feathers make up the plumage on a bird) | noun | | |
plumero | plumber | noun | | |
plumo | lead, bullets (slang) | noun | | |
plural | plural | adjective | | |
pluralismo | pluralism | verb | | |
plutocraciê [plutocrat-] | plutocracy | noun | | |
plutócrata | plutocrat | noun | | |
plutocrátic | plutocratic | adjective | | |
Plutón | Pluto (former planet of the solar system) | noun | | |
pneumátic | pneumatic | adjective | | |
póbul [públ-] | people, the populace/masses usually of a nation | noun | | |
pobulación | population: number of people | noun | | |
pobular | people, populate, inhabit | verb | | |
pobulare | popular | adjective | | |
pobularitá | popularity | noun | | |
pobularizar | popularize | verb | | |
pobulatcho | populace, common people | noun | *from Middle French populace (16c.), from Italian popolaccio "riffraff, rabble | |
póbulez túrquic | turkic peoples | noun | | |
pobulose | populous, populated, full of people | adjective | | |
pochi, poch | pocket, pouch | noun | | |
pócima mágic | magical potion | noun | | |
pocu | not much, hardly, few, little | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish: poco; Portuguese: poucos; Italian: pochi; French: peu | |
pocu propície | inauspicious | adjective | Spanish: poco propicio; French: peu propice; Portuguese: pouco auspicioso | |
podar | prune, trim | verb | Spanish/Portuguese/Occitan | |
podatore | pruning, trimming | adjective | | |
podem | can (present tense) | verb | | |
poder [poss-, pote-, pussa-] | can, be able to | verb | | |
podio | podium | noun | | |
poema | poem | noun | | |
poemario | poem book, collection of poems | noun | | |
poesíê | poetry | noun | | |
poiña | handle | noun | | |
pol | pole | noun | | |
Pol Norte | North Pole | noun | | |
Pol Sude | South Pole | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
polare | polar | adjective | | |
polaritá | polarity | noun | | |
polarización | polarization | noun | | |
polarizar | polarize | verb | | |
polémic | polemical, polemic | adjective | | |
polémica | polemics: the art or practice of engaging in controversial debate | noun | | |
polen | pollen | noun | | |
polenta | paste or dough made from cornmeal, which is boiled and typically then fried or baked used in Italian cooking | noun | | |
poliamorose | polyamorous | adjective | | |
policentrismo | polycentrism | noun | | |
policia | police: the civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order. | noun | | |
policiau | police officer, policeman | noun | | |
poliesportivo | sports center, sports centre | noun | | |
poliestireno egspandide | styrofoam | noun | | |
políglota | polyglot: someone who knows and is able to use several languages. | noun | | |
polilla | moth | noun | Spanish: polilla | |
polimerización | polymerization | noun | | |
políptico | polyptych | noun | | Greek: poly- "many" and ptyche "fold" |
pólisa | policy (insurance) | noun | | |
polisemi | polysemy | noun | | |
polític | political | adjective | | |
política | politics, policy (of government or company; Not insurance policy) | noun | | |
política doméstic | domestic politics | noun | | |
políticamén | politically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
politicard | politico, politician, someone with strong partisan views | noun | French: politicard | |
políticien | politician | noun | | |
politización | politicization | noun | | |
politizar | politicize | verb | | |
politólogo | political scientist | noun | Sp | |
polivalente | polyvalent, multipurpose | adjective | | |
pollo | chicken as food (in its read-to-eat or ready-to-cook state) | noun | | |
polocha | jersey (football or soccer shirt) | noun | | |
Polonech | Polish | noun | | |
Polonese | Polish | adjective | | |
Polonia | Poland | noun | | |
polución | pollution | noun | | |
poluir | pollute | verb | Portuguese/French | |
poluyú | polluted | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
polv | powder, dust | noun | | |
polverización | pulverization | noun | | |
polverizade | pulverized | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
polverizadu | pulverized | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
polverizar | pulverize, make into dust | verb | | |
pombi | pump | noun | | |
pombiar | pump | verb | | |
pombiero | fireman | noun | | |
pomelo | pomelo, Chinese grapefruit | noun | Spain Spanish, Portuguese, Galician: pomelo; Italian, Corsican: pompelmo | |
pompa | pomp: ceremony and splendid display, especially at a public event. | noun | | |
pompose | pompous | adjective | | |
pompositá | pomposity | noun | | |
pon | put (imperative or command form) | verb | Spanish: pon, ponga, pongamos, poned, pongan; Portuguese: põe, ponha, ponhamos, ponde, ponham; Galician: pon, poña, poñamos, poñede, ponde, poñan | |
pon-te a treballar | get to work; get yourself to work | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: ponte a trabajar | |
Poncio Pilato | Pontius Pilate | noun | | |
ponder | lay eggs | verb | | |
ponditorio | nest box | noun | | |
ponendu | placing, putting | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
poner en periglo | put in danger, put in harm’s way | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
poner en prática | put in practice | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
poner nuve nomi (de/a) | rename | verb | Spanish: poner nuevo nombre a/de | |
poner rumbo a | steer (a ship), set the course for | verb | | |
poner [post-, pusponga-, posi-] | pose, place, put | verb | | |
pongam | put (present subjunctive form) | verb | Spanish: ponga, pongas, pongamos, pongan | |
ponti | bridge (of any kind) | noun | | |
ponti aérie | airlift | noun | | |
ponti colgante, brugo colgante | suspension bridge | noun | | |
pontificie | papal, pontifical | adjective | | |
pop (música) | popular music | noun | | |
popoti | drinking straw | noun | | |
popuro; potchoclo | popcorn | noun | Spanish (from various regions) | |
por | for: express gratitude or apology; for velocity, frequency and proportion (per mile, kilometer); when talking about exchange, including sales; on behalf of or in favor of; express a length of time
in cases of mistaken identity, or meaning "to be seen as"
to show the reason for an errand
to express cause or reason
when followed by an infinitive, to express an action that remains to be completed, use por + infinitive} | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
por enbaiju | underneath | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
por este reizón | for this reason; this is the reason why... | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
por le cumplimento de todo le... | on achieving all the... | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
por quey | why, for what reason or motive | interrogative, question word | | |
por tanto | therefore, thus, hence | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
porcino | little pig | noun | | |
porco | pig | noun | | |
porose | porous | adjective | | |
poroto | bean | noun | | |
porrazo | whack, blow | noun | | |
porta | gate (of airport, castle, town, fortress), door or opening to allow passing from one internal environment to another or to exit the building) | noun | French: porte; Italian: uschita, porta; Portuguese: portão, porta | |
porta de entrada | gateway, entrance point | noun | | |
porta de fachada | front door | noun | | |
porta principal | main door, front door | noun | | |
porta trasere | tailgate (of pickup truck) | noun | Spanish: puerta trasera | |
portafolio | portfolio (of artist or designer) | noun | | |
portátil | hand-held, portable | adjective | | |
portau | portal (web), gateway | noun | | |
portau periodístic | journalist portal | noun | | |
portavoç | spokesman | noun | | |
portazgo | toll, passage rights | noun | | |
portch delanchare | front porch | noun | | |
portentose | portentous | adjective | | |
portentositá | portentousness | noun | Portuguese: portentosidade; Catalan: portentositat | |
pórtico | portico: porch leading to the entrance of a building, or extended as a colonnade, with a roof structure over a walkway, supported by columns or enclosed by walls | noun | | |
portmanto | portmanteau: a blending of words | noun | Originally from French but adopted into English | |
porto troncal | tagged port, trunk port (in networking) | noun | Spanish: puerto troncal | |
portón | hatch (automobile trunk/boot), large door (usually entrance of building)
| noun | Spanish | |
Portugal | Portugal | noun | | |
portughech | Portuguese language, person from Portugal | noun | | |
portughese | Portuguese | adjective | | |
posa | post: forum message, web comment, social media post, tweet | noun | | Publicació is for more of a formal publication than posa. |
posada | inn, hostel | noun | | |
posicional | positional | adjective | | |
positive | positive, affirmative | adjective | | |
positiviste | positivist | adjective | | |
posparto, pos-parto | postpartum, after birth | noun | | |
posponendu | postponing | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
posponente | postponing | adjective | | |
posponer [pospost-, posponga-, posposi-] | postpone | verb | | |
posposte, posponide | postponed | adjective | | |
pospostu, posponidu | postponed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
posseídu | possessed, owned | past participle | | |
posseír [posses-] | possess, own | verb | French: posséder; Catalan: posseir; Spanish: poseer; Italian: possedere; Portuguese: possuir; Galician: posuír | |
possese | possess, owned | adjective | | |
possesión | possession | noun | | |
possíbel | possible | adjective | | |
possíbel clientê | prospect (potential customer or client) | noun | Spanish: posible cliente | |
possibilíssime | most possible | adjective | | |
possibilitá | possibility | noun | | |
post-apocalíptic | post-apocalyptic | adjective | | |
post-soviétic | post-Soviet | adjective | | |
postdoctorado | postdoc: a person engaged in postdoctoral research. | noun | | |
poste, ponide | placed, put (past) | adjective | | |
postergar | disregard, neglect, delay | verb | | |
posteriore | posterior, back, later, subsequent (in time) | adjective | | |
postmoderne | postmodern | adjective | | |
postmodernismo | postmodernism | noun | | |
posto | post, place, vacancy (hotel, job) | noun | | |
posto de gasolina | gas station | noun | | |
postrê | dessert (usually a pastry) | noun | | |
postu | placed, put (past) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
postular | postulate, posture | verb | | |
postura | posture | noun | | |
postural | postural | adjective | | |
potasiu | potassium | noun | Spanish: potasio | |
potença naval | sea power | noun | | |
potença [potench-] | potence, power (mathematics, naval...) | noun | Spanish: potencia, potenza; Italian: potenza | |
potenchal [potenciali-] | potential | adjective | | |
potenciación | strengthening, empowerment, boosting/promotion | noun | Spanish: potenciación | |
potencialitá | potentiality | noun | | |
potenciamento | improvement; enhancement; strengthening; empowerment | noun | | Spanish: potenciamiento |
potenciar | promote, develop, strengthen, upgrade, increase, potentiate, boost, power | verb | | Spanish: potenciar |
potenciómetro | potentiometer | noun | | |
potente | potent, strong (drug, engine, computer) | adjective | | |
potestá | power, authority, grounds | noun | | |
povertá | poverty (quality) | noun | | |
povertá abjete; povresa estreme | abject poverty | noun | | |
povre | poor | adjective | | |
povremén | poorly, shabbily | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
povresa | poverty, poorness, want | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: pobreza; Catalan: pobresa; French: pauvreté | |
povríssime | poorest | adjective | | |
pozoli | slow cooked stew of hominy corn with plenty of herbs and spices. Once ready to serve, lettuce, radish, onion, lime and chilli are sprinkled on top. | noun | | |
pragmátic | pragmatic | adjective | | |
pragmática | pragmatics: subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning. | noun | | |
pragmatismo | pragmatism | noun | | |
pragmatiste | pragmatist | adjective | | |
prátic | practical | adjective | | |
prática | practice | noun | | |
praticamén | practically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
praticanti | practitioner, craftsman (of) | noun | | |
praticar | practice | verb | | |
prau | meadow | noun | | |
precarie | precarious | adjective | | |
precio | price, value | noun | | |
precio de îngreso | cost of admission, price of admission | noun | Italian: prezzo d’ingresso; Spanish: precio de entrada | |
preciose | precious (sometimes used for beautiful) | adjective | | |
preciositá | preciousness | noun | Spanish: preciosidad; Portuguese: preciosidade | |
precise | precise, necessary, just enough | adjective | | |
precisión | precision | noun | | |
precoce | precocious | adjective | | |
predigación | preaching | noun | | |
predigación egspositive | expository preaching | noun | | |
predigador | preacher, pastor | noun | | |
predigamento | predicament, esteem | noun | | |
predigar | preach/proclaim; predicate: agree that something is a quality or property of someone, make a statement or assertion. | verb | | |
preferença [preferench-] | preference | noun | | |
preferenchal | preferential | adjective | | |
preferer | prefer | verb | | |
preferíbel | preferable | adjective | | |
pregira | prayer | noun | | |
premiación | award | noun | | |
premio | prize, award for creative work | noun | | |
preñade | pregnant (usually of animal) | adjective | Judeo-Spanish | |
prender | have and take/get | verb | | |
preparación | preparation | noun | | |
preparade | prepared, ready | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
preparadu | prepared, ready | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
preparar | prepare | verb | | |
preparatorie | preparatory, introductory | adjective | | |
prepotente | domineering, overbearing, very powerful | adjective | | |
presagio | omen, portent | noun | Spanish/Italian: presagio; Portuguese: presságio; French: présage | |
prescindíbel | non-essential, expendable | adjective | | |
prescripción | legal principle | noun | | |
présença | presence | noun | | |
presenchal | face-to-face | adjective | | |
présentar | present (opportunity...), introduce (before speech, a bill...) | verb | | |
présente | present (here and/or now) | adjective | | |
preservación | preservation (of buildings) | noun | | |
preservacionista históric | historic preservationist | noun | | |
presidença [presidench-] | presidency | noun | | |
presidenchal | presidential | adjective | | |
presidenti | president | noun | | |
presider | preside, make camp | verb | | |
presidio | camp (military), garrison, fortress enclave, military installation | noun | | |
presionar | pressure, lobby | verb | | |
pressión atmosféric | atmospheric pressure | noun | | |
prestación | allowance, benefit | noun | | |
prestaciónz social | welfare (benefit payments) | noun | | |
prestamo | loan | noun | Papiamento | |
prestar | lend out, volunteer to | verb | | |
preste | ready | adjective | | |
prestigio | prestige, standing | noun | Spanish: prestigio | |
prestigiose | prestigious | adjective | | |
prestu | early | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | It | |
presumción | presumption | noun | | |
presumidu | presumed | past participle | | |
presumir | presume | verb | | |
presumte | presumed, alleged | adjective | | |
prevención | prevention | noun | | |
prevendu | foreseeing | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
preventar | prevent | verb | | |
prever | foresee | verb | Spanish: prever; French: prévoir | |
previzión | foresight, pre-vision | noun | Spanish: previsión | |
pri-requisito | prerequisite | noun | | |
priámbul | preamble | noun | | |
pribélic | antebellum, before the war | adjective | | |
pricebir [pricep-] | preceive: take or receive in advance, warn (ahead of time) | verb | | |
pricedença | precedence (in rank) | noun | | |
pricedente | previous, preceding, foregoing | adjective | | |
pricedente edición | early edition (of book/magazine) | noun | | |
pricedentemén | precedingly, previously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
priceder | precede, go before | verb | | |
pricepción | preception: a previous notion, preconception (a taking beforehand) | noun | | |
priceptu [pricep-] | precept | noun | | |
priconcebide | preconceived | adjective | | |
priconcebidu | preconceived | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
priconcebir [priconcep-] | preconceive | verb | | |
priconcepción | preconception | noun | | |
priconceptu [priconcep-] | prejudice | noun | | |
pridestinación | predestination | noun | | |
pridestinar | foreordain, predestine | verb | | |
pridicción | prediction | noun | | |
pridicer [priditch-, pridiga-, pridij-, pridicc-] | predict, forecast | verb | | |
pridiseñade | predesigned | adjective | Spanish: prediseñado; Catalan: predissenyada | |
priditchu | predicted, forecasted | past participle | | |
prieminença | pre-eminence | noun | | |
prifixo | prefix | noun | | |
primacíê | primacy | noun | French: primatie; Spanish: primacía | |
primare | 1st, first, primary, primiere | adjective | | |
primare ministra | prime minister | noun | | |
primariz democrátic | Democratic primaries | noun | | |
primariz republican | Republican primaries | noun | | |
primavera | Spring (season) | noun | | |
primera | first gear (of machine, engine) | noun | | |
primero | 1st, first | noun | | |
primitive | primitive | adjective | | |
primo, prima | first cousin | noun | | |
primoderne | premodern | adjective | | |
primogénite | first-born | adjective | | |
primogénito | first-born child | noun | | |
prinatal | prenatal | adjective | | |
principado | principality | noun | | |
principal | main, principal | adjective | | |
principalmén | primarily, mainly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
principio | tenet, outset/beginning | noun | | |
priocupación | preoccupation, concern, worry | noun | | |
priocupade | preoccupied, worried, concerned, troubled | adjective | | |
priocupadu | preoccupied, worried | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
priocupar | preoccupy, worry, concern, trouble | verb | Sp/Po | |
prioritá | priority | noun | | |
priorizar | prioritize | verb | | |
priponderante | preponderant: predominant in influence, number, or importance. | adjective | | |
prisa | hurry, rush | noun | Spanish: prisa; Portuguese: pressa | |
prisionero | prisoner | noun | | |
pristi | priest, presbyter | noun | German: Priester | |
prisuposición | presupposition | noun | | |
prisuposto | budget | noun | | |
pritecstu | pretext | noun | | |
privación | hardship (trial of life) | noun | | |
privar | deprive | verb | | |
private | private | adjective | | |
priveniente | prevenient: preceding in time or order; antecedent. | adjective | Portuguese: preveniente, French: prévenant | |
priviamén | previously, beforehand | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
privie [privia-] | previous | adjective | | |
privilegiar | favor, privilege, favour | verb | Italian: privilegiare | |
privilegio | privilege, perk | noun | Spanish/Italian: privilegio; Portuguese: privilégio; French: privilège; Catalan: privilegi; Galician: privilexio | |
proactive | proactive | adjective | | |
proba | proof, test | noun | | |
proba de antígeno | antigen test | noun | Spanish: Prueba de antígeno | |
proba de aptitud | aptitude test | noun | | |
proba decisive, proba de fogo | litmus test | noun | | |
proba enstrumental | exhibit (legal) | noun | | |
proba forense, evidença forense | forensic evidence, forensic proof | noun | | |
probábel | probable | adjective | | |
probábel yacimento | prospect (mining), probable deposit | noun | Spanish: probable yacimiento | |
probabelmén | probably | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
probabilitá | probability | noun | | |
probar | prove: demonstrate, indicate; try on (clothes), taste (food); audition (for part in music group or acting) | verb | | |
probe | upright and honest | adjective | | |
probitá | probity, integrity | noun | | |
problema | problem | noun | | |
problemátic | problematic, problematical | adjective | | |
problematizar | problematize, problematise | verb | | |
proceder | proceed | verb | | |
procedimento | behavior, procedure | noun | | |
procedimento de toma de decisiónz | decision-making procedures | noun | | |
procedura | proceeding, procedure | noun | | |
procedural, de procedimento | procedural | adjective | | |
procesamento de lenguadj natural | natural language processing | noun | | |
procesamento de treballoz atrasade | backlog processing | noun | Spanish: procesamiento de trabajos atrasados | |
procesar | process (raw materials, information) | verb | | |
procesión | procession | noun | | |
procesional | processional | adjective | | |
procesu | process, lawsuit (action) | noun | | |
procesu egsonerative | exoneration, acquital process | noun | | |
procesual | processual: relating to or involving the study of processes rather than discrete events; procedural | adjective | | |
proclamación | proclamation | noun | | |
proclamade | proclaimed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
proclamadu | proclaimed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
proclamar | proclaim | verb | | |
procsi | proxy (computer) | noun | | |
procurador | attorney, deputy, solicitor | noun | | |
procurador genral de l'estat | Solicitor General (of the state) | noun | | |
procuraduría | lawyer's office; legal fees | noun | | |
procuraduría genral | attorney general's office | noun | | |
procurar | look for; search for (actively) | verb | | |
pródighe | prodigal, lavish | adjective | | |
prodigio | prodigy | noun | | |
prodigiose | prodigious: remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree. | adjective | | |
producción | production | noun | | |
producir [produj-, produzca-, producc-] | produce | verb | | |
productive | productive | adjective | | |
productivitá | productivity | noun | | |
producto | product | noun | | |
producto final | deliverable, final product | noun | | |
producto înterne brute | GDP | noun | | |
productor | producer | noun | | |
productrice | producing | adjective | | |
produsario | produsage | noun | Spanish: produsario | |
proesa | prowess: skill or expertise in a particular activity or field. | noun | | |
proesa retóric | rhetorical prowess | noun | | |
profanación | desecration | noun | | |
profane | profane | adjective | | |
profanitá | profanity | noun | | |
proferir | utter (word...) | verb | | |
profesar | profess | verb | Spanish: profesar | |
profesional | professional | adjective | | |
profesionau | practitioner, professional | noun | | |
profesor | professor, instructor, teacher | noun | | |
profeta | prophet | noun | | |
profétic | prophetic | adjective | | |
profilacci | prophylaxis | noun | Portuguese: profilaxia; Spanish: profilaxis; Galician: profilaxe; French: prophylaxie | |
profiláctic | prophylactic | adjective | Spanish/Galician: profiláctico; Portuguese: profilático; French: prophylactique | |
profunde | deep, profound | adjective | | |
profunditá | deepness, profundity (deep knowledge or insight; intensity of state or emotion) | noun | | |
profundor | depth (measurement, quantitative) | noun | | |
profundura | depth (distance from front to back) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
progeni | progeny, lineage, offspring | noun | Sp: progenie | |
progenitor | progenitor, ancestor (mother, father, etc) | noun | | |
programa | program, programme; policy (of party platform, of election) | noun | | |
programación algorítmic | algorithmic programming | noun | | |
programación înformátic | computer programming | noun | | |
programación modulare | modular programming | noun | | |
programación orientade a objetuz | object-oriented programming | noun | | |
programador | programmer (of computer, etc) | noun | | |
programar | program (a computer, application, etc) | verb | | |
programátic | programmatic | adjective | | |
progresar | progress | verb | | |
progresivamén | progressively | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
progresive [progresiva-] | progressive | adjective | | |
progreso | progress (improvement) | noun | | |
prohibide | prohibited | adjective | | |
prohibidu | prohibited | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
prohibir | prohibit | verb | | |
projección | projection | noun | | |
projección astral | astral projection | noun | | |
projetiel | projectile | noun | | |
projetor | projector, spotlight | noun | | |
projetu | project | noun | | |
projetual | projectual | adjective | | |
projuto | prosciutto: Italian dry-cured ham (made from hind leg or thigh) that is usually thinly sliced and served uncooked; this style is called prosciutto crudo in Italian and is distinguished from cooked ham | noun | Italian: prosciutto (crudo) | |
proletariado | proletariat, the working class | noun | | |
prolina | proline | noun | | |
promedjar | calculate the average | verb | Spanish: promediar | |
promedjo | average | noun | Spanish: promedio | |
promesa | promise | noun | | |
promesa solemne | vow, solemn promise | noun | | |
prometedore, prometente | promising, hopeful, prosperous | adjective | Spanish: prometedor | |
prometer [promesa] | promise | verb | | |
prominença | prominence | noun | | |
prominente | prominent | adjective | | |
promiscue | promiscuous | adjective | | |
promiscuitá | promiscuity | noun | | |
promoción | promotion (in advertising) | noun | | |
promocional, de promoción | promotional | adjective | | |
promontorio | promontory: point of high land | noun | | |
promover | promote: make important, advertise | verb | | |
promte | prompt, swift, quick, early | adjective | Spanish: pronto; Latin: prōmptus; Catalan: prompte | |
promtitud [-tudin-] | promptness, readiness, promptitude | noun | | |
promtu | soon, quickly | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Spanish: pronto; Latin: prōmptus; Catalan: prompte | |
promulgación | promulgation | noun | | |
promulgar | promulgate | verb | | |
prônosi | prognosis | noun | | |
prônóstico | forecasted outlook, prognosis, prognostication | noun | | |
pronunciamento | pronouncement is a term of Spanish and Latin-American origin for a special type of coup d'état. The coup d'état (called golpe de Estado in Spanish) was more common in Spain and South America, while the pronunciamiento was more common in Central America. The pronunciamiento is the formal explanation for deposing the regnant government, justifying the installation of the new government that was effected with the golpe de Estado. In a coup it is the military, paramilitary, or opposing political faction that deposes the current government and assumes power, whereas in the pronunciamiento the military deposes the existing government and installs an (ostensibly) civilian government. | noun | | |
pronunciar | declare, enounce, pronounce | verb | | |
propaganda | propaganda, advertising (usually of political manner) | noun | | |
propagar | propagate, spread | verb | | |
propense | prone, inclined to | adjective | Spanish, Portuguese | |
propense ale gherra | war-prone | adjective | Spanish: propenso a la guerra | |
propensitá | propensity | noun | | |
propiciación | propitiation | noun | | |
propiciar | propitiate: win or regain the favor of, foster | verb | | |
propiciatorio | mercy seat | noun | | |
propície | appropriate, suitable, favorable, propitious, auspicious | adjective | | |
própie | own: showing ownsership; proper, typical | adjective | | |
propietá | property, estate, homestead, ownership | noun | | |
propietare | proprietary | adjective | | |
propietario | owner, proprietor | noun | | |
propietáz aromátic | aromatic properties | noun | | |
proponenti | proponent: one who brings forth a proposition or argument | noun | | |
proponer [propost-, proponga-, proposi-] | propose, move (suggest a new course of action) | verb | | |
proporción | ratio, proportion | noun | | |
proporcional | proportional | adjective | | |
propósito | purpose, intent | noun | | |
propugnación | advocacy | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | Spanish: propugnación |
propulsade de | powered by | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
propulsión | propulsion, power (of vehicle) | noun | | |
prorromper | burst forth, break out | verb | | |
proscripción | proscription | noun | | |
prósime | next (in future), coming, close to happening | adjective | Spanish: próximo | |
prósime genración | next generation | noun | | |
prospectiva | perspective, outlook | noun | | |
prospectivaz de futuro | prospects (future possibilities) | noun | Spanish: perspectivas de futuro | |
prosperar | prosper, thrive, flourish (figuratively) | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: prosperar | |
prostración | prostration | noun | | |
prostrade | prostrate | adjective | | |
protección | protection | noun | | |
proteccionismo | protectionism | noun | | |
proteccioniste | protectionist | adjective | | |
protector | protector, guardian | noun | | |
protectorado | protectorate | noun | | |
proteger [protec-] | protect | verb | | |
protegido | protégée: a person who is supported and protected by a more experienced person | noun | Spanish: protegido; Italian: protetto; Catalan: protegit; French: protégée | |
proteína | protein | noun | | |
prótesi | prosthesis | noun | | |
protesta | protest, demonstration; oath | noun | | |
protestanti | Protestant | noun | | |
protocolo | protocol | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: protocolo; Italian: protocollo, French: protocole, Catalan: protocol | |
protocolo de înternet | IP: Internet Protocol | noun | | |
protôn | proton | noun | | |
prototipo | prototype: first of its kind | noun | | |
protuberança | protuberance, bulge | noun | | |
protuberante | protuberant, big, bulging | adjective | | |
protuberar | protrude, bulge | verb | | |
proveedor | provider | noun | Spanish: proveedor, proveedora; | |
proveer [provist-, provide-, proviz-] | provide | verb | ahead see | |
proveniente | from, originating out of | adjective | | |
provenir de [provini, provenga-] | come from, originates from; arise from | verb | | |
proverbi | proverb | noun | | |
provetcho | benefit (of merit), gain (of profit), advantage | noun | Spanish: provecho, Portuguese: proveito | |
providença [providench-] | providence | noun | | |
providenchal | providential | adjective | | |
providente | providential | adjective | | |
provinci | province | noun | | |
provincial | provincial | adjective | | |
provincialismo | provincialism, phrase or word that is from a certain region | noun | | |
provincian | parochial, narrow-minded, limited view or character | adjective | | |
provistu, providu | provided | past participle | | |
provizional | provisional, tentative (agreement, arrangement) | adjective | | |
proviziónz | provisions, supplies | noun | | |
provizo | proviso | noun | | |
provizorie | provisional, temporary, provisory, transitory, tentative | adjective | | |
provocación | provocation | noun | | |
provocade | provoked | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
provocador | provoker | noun | | |
provocadu | provoked | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
provocante | provoking | adjective | | |
provocar | provoke: call forth; incur (anger, wrath) | verb | | |
pruasa | prey, victim | noun | | |
prudente | prudent, wise | adjective | | |
pruna | plum | noun | | |
pseudoceréau | pseudocereal | noun | | |
pseudochiença | pseudoscience | noun | | |
pseudocódigo | pseudocode: resembling code | noun | | |
pseudoforça de Coriolis | Coriolis pseudoforce | noun | | Coriolis effect |
pseudónimo | pseudonym | noun | | |
psicoanalista | psychoanalyst | noun | | |
psicoanalític | psychanalytic | adjective | Spanish: psicoanalítica | |
psicodélic | psychedelic | adjective | | |
psicohistoriê | psychohistory | noun | | |
psicológic | psychological | adjective | Spanish: psicológico | |
psicologicamén | psychologically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish | |
psicologíê | psychology | noun | | |
psicólogo | psychologist | noun | | |
psicométric | psychometric | adjective | | |
psicópata | psychopath | noun | | |
psicopátic | psychopathic | adjective | | |
psicopatíê | psychopathy | noun | | |
psicopatologíê | psychopathology | noun | | |
psicosomátic | psychosomatic | adjective | | |
psiqui | psyche | noun | | |
psiquiatra | psychiatrist | noun | | |
psiquiátric | psychiatric | adjective | | |
psiquiatríê | psychiatry | noun | | |
psoríasi en placaz | plaque psoriasis | noun | | |
publicación | publication: of a book, newspaper or magazine article | noun | | |
publicamén | publicly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Italian: pubblicamente; Portuguese: publicamente; French: publiquement | |
publiçar [publica-] | publish, make public | verb | | |
publicista | article writer, publicity agent | noun | | |
publicitá | publicity | noun | | |
publicitarie | advertising | adjective | | |
público | public (the) | noun | | |
pubul a su cargo | people under him, people at his charge | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish | |
puç | bullet point (typographical, of presentation) | noun | French: puce | |
pucho | pouch, small bag | noun | | |
puding | pudding | noun | | |
pudrir [pútri-] | putrefy | verb | | |
puf | ottoman (furniture) | noun | | |
pugnace | pugnacious | adjective | Spanish: pugnaz; French: pugnace; Catalan: pugnaç | |
pugnar (por) | strive, struggle (towards), fight/push (for) | verb | Spanish: pugnar | |
puis | for, then, on this account | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Port: pois | |
pulcre | tidy, smartly dressed, elegant, meticulous | adjective | | |
pulcritud [-tudin-] | tidiness, elegance, meticulousness, refinement | noun | | |
pulga | flea | noun | Portuguese/Spanish: pulga | |
pulga oponíbel | opposable thumb | noun | | |
pulmón | lung | noun | | |
pulmonare | pulmonary: of the lungs | adjective | | |
pulóva | pullover, jumper, sweatshirt | noun | Spanish (Argentina) | |
púlpito | pulpit (of church) | noun | | |
pulpo | octopus | noun | | |
pulso | pulse (indicating blood pumping) | noun | | |
pulular | pullulate: breed or spread so as to become increasingly common | verb | | |
puma | puma, mountain lion, panther, or catamount | noun | | |
puna | high mountainous area that is usually desolate | noun | | |
puñalada | fist punch, stab | noun | | |
punición | punishment | noun | | |
puño | fist | noun | | |
puntadj final | final score | noun | | |
puntu | point | noun | | |
puntu cieghe | blindspot (in eye) | noun | | |
puntu de înflecsión | tipping point | noun | | |
puntu de referença | baseline, point of reference | noun | | |
puntual | punctual | adjective | | |
puntuar | punctuate | verb | | |
puntuz suspensive | ellipsis (in punctuation), suspension points | noun | | |
pupila | pupil (of eye) | noun | | |
pupiri | desk (in classroom) | noun | Sp: pupitre | |
purco, tchancho | pork: pig meat | noun | | |
puresa | purity | noun | | |
purey de batataz | mashed potatoes | noun | | |
purey de tomatiz | tomato puree | noun | | |
purgatorio | purgatory | noun | | |
purta | yet (but, in contrast with) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
pusi | preterite of poner [to put] | verb | | |
pusiessê | imperfect subjunctive of poner [to put] | verb | | |
pusilánime | pusillanimous: showing a lack of courage or determination; timid | adjective | | |
pussança | power, might, force (of blows, words, argument), dominion (empire) | noun | French: puissance; Anglo-French: pussance | |
pussança colonial | colonial power | noun | | |
pussante | mighty, powerful: influential, controlling (government...) | adjective | Portuguese: possante; French: puissante | |
puta | prostitute, whore, bitch (vulgar) | noun | | |
putcho | cigarette butt | noun | | |
pútride | rotten (vegetable, fruit), unhealthy, putrid | adjective | | |
puxante | booming, vigorous and strong, powerful, burgeoning | adjective | | |
puxar | struggle, use force, strain | verb | | |
que | that (connects to subordinate clauses), as (the same as), than (greater than, less than) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
que abarcam le galaccia | galaxy-spanning | adjective | | |
que dam vida | life-giving, that gives life | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
que représentam | depicting, that represents | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: que representan/representa | |
que [substantivo, pronomi] hayam [participio pasade] | that [noun, pronoun] has/have [past participle] | verb | | Present perfect subjunctive (that comes after the present indicative) |
quebab | kebab | noun | | |
quebrada | pass (mountain), gorge, ravine | noun | | |
quebrade | broken (usually body part), lame | adjective | | |
quebrantar | break and/or shake; confound, weaken and undermine | verb | Spanish | |
quebrar | interrupt; break (usually a part of the body, health or mood); break into pieces (something hard) | verb | | |
quecha | complaint or grievance | noun | | Spanish: queja; Portuguese: queixa |
quechar | complain | verb | | |
quelle | those, that over there | adjective | | |
quello | those, that thing over there; those things over there | noun | | |
quena | flute made of wood; traditional Andean flute | noun | | |
querato | karat (measurement) | noun | French: carat; Italian: carato; Arabic: qirat from the Greek kerátion meaning Carob seed | |
querer [quisi-, queram] | want | verb | | |
quêri | curry | noun | | |
querosen | kerosene | noun | | |
querubin | cherub | noun | | |
quesaditza | quesadilla (Tex-Mex style) | noun | | |
queso | cheese | noun | | |
queso creme | cream cheese | noun | | |
quetuhi | crime | noun | Angloan Portuguese from Kimbundi: quituxe | |
quey | what (used before nouns) | interrogative, question word | | |
quey longura | what length, how long | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
quíe | who, whom (in appositive phrase or question) | interrogative, question word | | |
quíequel | whoever, whosoever | pronoun | | |
quilo, quilograma, kilo | kilogram (measurement) | noun | | |
quilobaitê, quilo-octeto | kilobyte (KB): 1024 bytes; 2 to the 10th power of bytes | noun | | |
quilobît | kilobit (kb): 1024 bits | noun | | |
quilombo | mess | noun | Spanish (Argentina): quilombo | |
quilometradj, kilometradj | mileage but for kilometers, kilometrage | noun | | |
quilométric | kilometer-long | adjective | | |
quilometric atascoz de tráfico | kilometer-long traffic jams | noun | | |
quilómetro, kilómetro | kilometer (measurement) | noun | | |
quimar | burn | verb | | |
quimar etapaz | pogress rapidly, burn through the phases | verb | | |
quimbambas | boondocks, away from civilization | noun | | |
químic | chemical | adjective | | |
química | chemistry | noun | | |
química cuántic | quantum chemistry | noun | | |
químicoz | chemicals | noun | | |
quimista | chemist | noun | | |
quîmtchi | kimchi | noun | | |
quincime | 15th, fifteenth | adjective | | |
quincimo | 15th, fifteenth | noun | | |
quinina | quinine: used to treat arthritis, and lupis | noun | | |
quinta | 5th/fifth note above root in music | noun | | |
quinte, or cincute | 5th, fifth | adjective | | |
quintillón | quintillion: a million million million; a million trillion; a billion billion; the digit 1 followed by 18 zeroes | number | | |
quinto | 5th, fifth | noun | | |
quinua | quinoa | noun | | |
quirghe | kyrgyz | adjective | | |
Quirghistôn | Kyrgyzstan | noun | | |
quisi | preterite (perfect past) of querer, wanted | verb | | |
quisiessê | imperfect subjunctive of querer [to want] | verb | | |
quitar | remove: take off (clothing, make-up), take away (object) | verb | | |
quizá | maybe, perhaps | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Spanish: quizá; Portuguese: talvez; French: peut-être; Haitian Creole: petèt | |
quizá | perhaps, maybe | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
rabínic | rabbinic, rabbinical | adjective | | |
rabino | rabbi | noun | Spanish | |
rabo | tail (of animal) | noun | | |
raça | race, breed | noun | | |
rachal | racial | adjective | | |
ración | ration, portion | noun | | |
racional | rational | adjective | | |
racionalismo | rationalism | noun | | |
racionalista | rationalist | noun | | |
racionalitá | rationality | noun | | |
raconto | story, tale, fable, legend | noun | | |
radiación | radiation | noun | | |
radiante | radiant | adjective | | |
radiç [radic-;+:radicez] | root, original | noun | | |
radical | radical | adjective | | |
radicalismo | radicalism | noun | | |
radicalización | radicalization | noun | | |
radicalizar | radicalize | verb | | |
radícul | root, radicle | noun | | |
radio | radio | noun | | |
radiocomunicación | radiocommunication | noun | Spanish: radiocomunicación | |
radiodifusión | broadcasting | noun | | |
radiu | radium | noun | | |
radjo | radius | noun | | |
rafrein | chorus: refrain of poem or song | noun | | |
ráhmône | gracious, merciful | adjective | rach(a)man in Hebrew; [ra'man] in Arabic | |
raiva | rage, anger | noun | | |
raivose | angry, mad, rabid | adjective | | |
raja | crack, fissure in glass or ceramic | noun | | |
ralar | work hard, slave away, literally: to grate oneself | verb | | |
ralladora | shredder, grater | noun | | |
rallar | shred (with a grater) | verb | Spanish: rallar | |
ramadôn | Ramadan | noun | | |
ramo | branch, family | noun | | |
rana | frog | noun | | |
rana-bov, sapo-bov | bullfrog | noun | | |
ranchería | ranch including all the buildings | noun | | |
ranchero | rancher | noun | | |
rancho | ranch, range | noun | | |
rango | rank | noun | | |
rap (música de rap) | rap music | noun | | |
rapace | rapacious, predatory | adjective | | |
rapacitá | rapacity, agressive greed | noun | | |
rapero | rapper | noun | | |
rapidamén | quickly, rapidly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
rápide [rápida-] | rapid, fast | adjective | | |
rapidíssime | most rapid, fastest | adjective | | |
raporti | report | noun | | |
rapresalla | reprisal, act of retaliation | noun | Italian: rappresaglia; French: représaille; Catalan: represàlia; Spanish: represalia | |
raprochimento | rapprochement: the development of greater understanding and friendship between two countries or groups after they have been unfriendly | noun | | |
raptar | kidnap, abduct | verb | | |
raqueta | racket, racquet | noun | | |
raqui | Turkish beverage made with anise | noun | | |
rare | rare, scarce | adjective | | |
rasca | mucus, something coughed up | noun | Neapolitan | |
rascar | cough up (mucus) | verb | Neapolitan | |
rascassa | scorpion fish | noun | Occitan: rascassa; French: rascasse | |
rasgo | feature | noun | | |
rasguñar | scrape, scratch, sketch | verb | Spanish: rasguñar | |
rasguño | scratch, scrape, sketch | noun | Portuguese/Spanish | |
raspado | shaved ice | noun | | |
raspar | scratch | verb | | |
rastro | rake | noun | | |
rastro digital | digital trail | noun | | |
ratate | really cool (meaning fantastic- I like this a lot) | adjective | | |
ratón | mouse | noun | Spanish: ratón | |
ravald | suburb, outlying area | noun | | |
rayade | striped | adjective | | |
réal | real: true, not an imitation | adjective | | |
realiste | realistic | adjective | | |
realitá | reality, fact | noun | | |
realización | realization, achievement, attainment, fulfillment (of ambition, feeling of satisfaction) | noun | Catalan: realització, French: réalisation, Italian: realizzazione, Spanish: realización, Portuguese: realização | |
realizar | realize: make real, achieve, accomplish (goals) | verb | | |
realizar un grabación | make a recording | verb | | |
realmén | truly, really | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
realzar | enhance, emphasize | verb | Spanish: realzar; Portuguese: ressaltar | |
rebaño | herd, flock | noun | | |
rebasar | surpass, exceed, go beyond | verb | | |
rebelar-se | rebel, rise up | verb | Spanish: rebelarse | |
rebelar-se contra le sistema | buck the system | verb | Spanish: rebelarse contra el sistema | |
rebelde | rebellious, rebel, unruly, stubborn/persistent | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese | |
rebeldi | rebel, insurgent | noun | | |
rebelión | rebellion | noun | | |
rêcamo | needlework | noun | Arabic: raqm; Italian: ricamo | |
recaudar | collect (taxes, revenue), raise (funds), make/earn money | verb | | |
receita | prescription (medical, when and how to take medicine), recipe | noun | | |
receita culinare | recipe (for cooking) | noun | | |
receitario | recipe book, collection of recipes | noun | | |
recén-jegado | newcomer | noun | Galician: recén chegado; Portuguese: recém-chegado; Spanish: recién llegado | |
récente | recent, new, late | adjective | | |
recentemén | recently, just (referring to time) | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
recesión | recession | noun | Spanish | |
receso | recess (legal): fall back, period of yielding from work or activity | noun | Spanish: receso | |
rechazar | reject, turn down (food, job, offer); (not as strong as rijetar) | verb | | |
recifiz de corai | coral reefs | noun | | |
recinto | enclosure (usually for pedestrians only) | noun | | |
recinto universitare | college campus, university campus | noun | | |
reciprocitá | reciprocity | noun | | |
recitación | recitation | noun | | |
recitar | recite | verb | | |
recitau | recital | noun | | |
reclamaciónz marítime | maritime claims | noun | Spanish: reclamaciones marítimas | |
reclamanti | claimant | noun | | |
reclamar | claim, reclaim, vindicate | verb | | |
recoller | straighten up, make orderly, gather back up | verb | | |
recollimento | recollection, withdrawal, absorption | noun | Spanish: recogimiento | |
recomendación | recommendation, commendation | noun | | |
recomendar | recommend, commend (to), admonish | verb | | |
recompensa | recompense, reward | noun | | |
recompensar | recompense, reward, compensate | verb | | |
reconfortante | comforting, relaxing | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese/Galician: reconfortante; French: réconfortante; Catalan: reconfortant; Italian: confortante, confortevole | |
reconfortar | comfort: provide relief and alleviate distress | verb | Spanish: reconfortar | more intense meaning than confortar |
reconnesança | reconnaissance (military, survey, exploration) | noun | | |
reconnesar | perform reconnaissance; explore, probe, and measure | verb | | |
reconocíbel | recognizable | adjective | | |
reconocibilitá | recognizability | noun | | |
recopilación | compilation | noun | | |
recopilar | collect, compile | verb | | |
recopilatorie | compilation | adjective | | |
récord | record, recording of music | noun | | |
recordar | remember, recall | verb | | |
recordista | record-holder | noun | | |
recorrer | trek, travel around, cover (distance) | verb | Spanish: recorrer | |
rectángul | rectangle | noun | | |
rectangulare | rectangular | adjective | | |
recte | right, honorable, just | adjective | | |
rectificación | rectification | noun | | |
rectifiçar [rectifica-] | rectify: make right | verb | | |
rectitud [-tudin-] | rightness, rectitude, righteousness | noun | | |
recuperación | recovery, recuperation | noun | | |
recuperar | recuperate, recover; retrieve | verb | | |
recuperar-se | make a recovery | verb | | |
recurso | recourse: the legal right to demand compensation or payment; appeal | noun | | |
recurso | resource | noun | | |
recursoz human | human resources | noun | | |
redacción | essay: written composition for school; homework; redaction | noun | | |
redada | raid | noun | | |
redar | raid | verb | | |
redemción | redemption | noun | | |
redemtor, redemtriç | redeemer, deliverer | noun | Italian: redentrice, redentore; French: rédemptrice, rédempteur; Spanish/Portuguese: redentor, redentora; Catalan: redemptor | |
redi | net, network, chain (of hotels, fastfood) | noun | | |
redi de seguritá social | social safety net | noun | Spanish: red de seguridad social; Portuguese: rede de segurança social | |
redi de televizión | television channel, network | noun | | |
redigir [redige-, redac-] | redact: drive back, bring back, bring down... | verb | | |
redimíbel | redeemable | adjective | | |
redimir [redem-] | redeem, ransom | verb | | |
rédito | interest (return) | noun | Spanish | |
redondear | round (a number) | verb | | |
redreçar | redress | verb | Occitan: redreçar | |
refén | hostage, captive | noun | | |
referença [referench-] | reference | noun | | |
referenchal | referential | adjective | | |
referendo, referéndum | referendum | noun | | |
reflecsión | reflection, thinking | noun | French: réflexion; Italian: riflessione; Portuguese: reflexão; Catalan: reflexió; Spanish/Galician: reflexión | |
reflecsive | reflective, reflexive | adjective | | |
reflecsivitá | reflexivity | noun | | |
reflecsivitá | reflexivity | noun | Spanish: reflexividad | |
reflecso | reflex | noun | | |
reflexar-se | be reflected, show/demonstrate, be written (evident) | verb | Spanish: reflejarse | |
reflexer [reflecs-] | reflect (physically or figuratively) | verb | | |
reforçar | reinforce, intensify, strengthen | verb | | |
reforma agrare | land reform | noun | | |
reformatorio | reformatory, correctional facility | noun | | |
reformaz económic | economic reforms | noun | | |
refrano | saying, proverb, adage, refrain | noun | Spanish: refrán; Portuguese: refrão; French: refrain | |
refrigeración | refrigeration | noun | | |
refrigerador | refrigerator | noun | | |
refrigeranti | soft drink, cold drink | noun | | |
refrigerar | make cold, refrigerate | verb | | |
refugiado | refugee | noun | | |
refugio | refuge, haven, shelter | noun | | |
refunfuñar | grumble, sulk, mutter (to oneself), be grouchy | verb | Spanish: refunfuñar | |
refutábel | refutable, answerable, deniable/disputable | adjective | Portuguese: refutável; Spanish: refutable; French: réfutable; Italian: refutabile | |
refutación | refutation | noun | Spanish: refutación | |
refutación | rebuttal, refutation | noun | Spanish: refutación; French: réfutation; Portuguese: refutação | |
refutar | refute: prove to be wrong or in error | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: refutar | |
refuzar | refuse | verb | Spanish | |
regalar | give a gift, give as a present | verb | | |
regalo | gift, present | noun | | |
regaluz | licorice, liquorice | noun | | |
regar | water (plant, garden), sprinkle with water | verb | | |
rêgbi | rugby | noun | | |
regenti | regent: a person who exercises the ruling power during the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign. | noun | | |
regie | royal, regal, sovereign | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: real; French: royal | |
régimen | regime | noun | | |
región | region, land of | noun | | |
región frontirize | frontier region, bordering region | noun | | |
regional | regional | adjective | | |
regiónz biogeográfic | biogeographic regions | noun | | |
registrade | registered | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
registrador | recorder, registrar | noun | | |
registradu | registered | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
registrar | record: set down facts, record (with an instrument); register | verb | | |
registro | register, record (data), registration | noun | | |
regla [regul-] | guiding principle, rule | noun | | |
reglamentare | regulation, regulatory | adjective | French: réglementaire | |
reglamento | rule, regulation, standing order(s), standard (issue) | noun | | |
reglaz gramatical | grammatical rules, grammar rules | noun | | |
regresar | go back, regress | verb | | |
regreso | return | noun | | |
regretar | regret | verb | Judeo-Spanish | |
regulador | regulator (person) | noun | | |
regulador dele displey | display setting | noun | | |
regulare | regular: evenly spaced, frequent, normal | adjective | | |
reificade | reified: make something more real or concrete (that was more abstract) | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese: reificado; Italian: reificato; French: réifié; Romanian/Catalan: reificat | |
reina | queen | noun | | |
reinado | reign | noun | | |
reinar | reign, rule over, dominate | verb | | |
reîncidença | recidivism | noun | Spanish/Galician: reincidencia; Portuguese: reincidência; Catalan: reincidència | |
reîncidente | recidivist | adjective | Spanish: reincidente | |
reino | kingdom | noun | | |
reizón | reason | noun | | |
reizonábel | reasonable | adjective | | |
reizonamento deductive | deductive reasoning | noun | | |
reizonar | reason, think out a plan | verb | | |
rejociar | rejoice | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: regocijar; French: réjouir; Italian: gioire | |
relacional | relational | adjective | | |
relacionamento | relationship | noun | Portuguese: relacionamento | |
relaciónz | relations | noun | | |
relative | relative, relating | adjective | | |
relato | story, tale; account/report of what happened | noun | | |
relegade | relegated | adjective | | |
relegar | relegate | verb | | |
relevança | relevance | noun | | |
relevante | relevant | adjective | | |
relevar | relieve/remove, take over from | verb | | |
religio-polític | religio-political | adjective | | |
religión | religion | noun | | |
religiose | religious | adjective | | |
rellenar | stuff, fill (peppers, cushion, toy) | verb | | |
rellene | filled, stuffed, plump (face) | adjective | | |
relleno | stuffing, filling (food) | noun | | |
remanenti | remnant | noun | | |
remaner | remain | verb | Italian | |
rembrança | remembrance | noun | Portuguese: lembrança | |
rembrar | remember | verb | Portuguese: lembrar | |
rembretchi | reminder | noun | Po:lembrete; Sp:recordatorio | |
remisión de pecados | remission of sins | noun | | |
remolcar [remolqu-] | tow away | verb | | |
remolqui | towing, towage | noun | | |
remordimento dele cumprador | buyer's remorse | noun | | |
remordimento; remorso | remorse | noun | Catalan: remordiment; Spanish: remordimiento | |
remover | stir, mix, blend | verb | | |
remunerar | remunerate: pay for services rendered or work done. | verb | | |
rencor | rancor, bitterness, resentment | noun | | |
rendimento | performance (of a product or service); yield/return: profit obtained from securities and capital in the form of interest and dividends. | noun | | |
rendir | make, render, yield; perform (well), produce, tire out | verb | | |
reñide | grueling, hard-fought, tough | adjective | Spanish: reñido | |
reñir | wrangle, have a quarrel or falling out | verb | | |
rentábel | cost-effective, profitable, worthwhile | adjective | | |
renuncia | waiver, renunciation, resignation | noun | | |
renuncia de democraciê | abdication of democracy | noun | | |
renunciar | renounce: waive, give up (a claim to) | verb | | |
reparación | repair, reparation (not modern sense) | noun | | |
reparar | repair, mend (clothes, house), fix up | verb | | |
repartir | pass out (papers, food), distribute | verb | Spanish: repartir | |
repelenti de insetoz | insect repellent | noun | | |
repeler | repel, drive away, remove | verb | | |
repercusiónz | repercussions, aftermath | noun | | |
repertuôr | repertoire, index, catalog, catalogue | noun | | |
repeyar | apply stucco or cement on surface | verb | | |
repitide | repeated | adjective | | |
repitidu | repeated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
repitiente | repeating | adjective | | |
repitir | repeat | verb | | |
replicación de ADN | DNA replication | noun | | |
repositorio | repository | noun | | |
reposo | repose | noun | | |
repoyar | sprout, bud (of flowers) | verb | | |
repozar | rest/wait | verb | Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation | |
reprender [reprens-] | reprimand, rebuke, reproof, reprehend | verb | | |
reprensíbel | reprehensible: deserving censure or condemnation | adjective | | |
reprensibilitá | reprehensibility | noun | | |
reprensión | rebuke, reprimand, reprehension | noun | | |
representación | representation | noun | | |
representación proporcional | proportional representation | noun | | |
representación vizual | visual representation | noun | | |
representacional | representational | adjective | | |
représentanti | representative | noun | | |
représentar | portray, represent, picture | noun | | |
represión | repression | noun | | |
reprimenda | reprimand | noun | | |
reprimir [repres-] | repress, subdue by force | verb | | |
reprochábel | blameworthy, reprehensible, deplorable | adjective | | |
reptiel | reptile | noun | | |
república | republic | noun | | |
República Tcheque | Czech Republic | noun | | |
repudiar | repudiate | verb | | |
repudio, repudiación | repudiation | noun | | |
repugnança | repugnance, reluctance, incompatibility (philosophy) | noun | | |
repugnante | repugnant, disgusting | adjective | | |
reputación | reputation | noun | | |
reputacional | reputational | adjective | | |
requer | reckon, figure out, suppose so | verb | | |
requerimento judicial | injunction: judicial requirement | noun | Spanish: requerimiento judicial | |
requerir | require (concentration, effort, skill), request; summon | verb | | |
requinto | requinto: higher pitched guitar | noun | | |
requisito | requisite, requirement | noun | | |
requisitoz reglamentare | regulatory requirements | noun | | |
resaltar | highlight, mark with a highlighter | verb | | |
resar | pray | verb | | |
resbaladise | slippery (surface, ground, skin), causing slipping | adjective | | |
rescati | rescue, recovery (of something lost) | noun | | |
rescutade | rescued | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
rescutadu | rescued | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
rescutar | rescue | verb | | |
reseña | review, critique | noun | | |
reseña de dopué de l'acción; reseña de pós-acción | after action review | noun | | |
reserva | reservation, booking | noun | | |
reservar | reserve, book | noun | | |
reservatorio | reservoir: a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply. | noun | | |
reservatorio | reservoir, thing that saves/reserves water | noun | | |
residença | residence (official, formal) | noun | | |
residença canine | kennel: boarding house for dogs | noun | Spanish | |
residenchal | residential | adjective | | |
residenti | resident | noun | | |
residual | residual | adjective | | |
residuo | residue: a remainder, that which is left behind | noun | | |
resiliente | resilient: quick to recover | adjective | | |
resistença | resistance, opposition (something in the way) | noun | | |
resistente | resistant to, resilient against | adjective | | |
resister | resist | verb | | |
resisteú | resisted, withstood | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
resoltamén | resolutely | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
resolte [resolta-] | resolute, determined | adjective | | |
resoltu | resolved | past participle | | |
resolución | resolution | noun | | |
resolutorie | resolutory | adjective | | |
resolver [resolt-/resolu-] | resolve | verb | | |
resonador | resonator | noun | | |
resonança | resonance | noun | | |
resonança magnétic nucleare | nuclear magnetic resonance | noun | Spanish: resonancia magnética nuclear | |
resonante | resonant | adjective | | |
resonar | resonate | verb | Spanish: resonar | |
respaldo | backing, support, endorsement (political) | noun | | |
respeitu | respect | noun | | |
respeituose | respectful | adjective | | |
respiración | respiration | noun | | |
respirador | respirator | noun | | |
respirar | respire, breathe | verb | | |
respiratorie | breathing, respiratory | adjective | | |
resplandecente | resplendent, radiant | adjective | | |
resplandecer [-ezca-] | glow, shine, sparkle | verb | | |
respondedor | responder | noun | | |
responder | respond, reply (to message) | verb | | |
responsábel | responsible, accountable | adjective | | |
responsabilitá | responsibility | noun | | |
responsabilizar; atribuir pussançaz a | empower, make stronger and more independent | verb | French: responsabiliser; Spanish: atribuir poderes a | |
responsibilización; atribución de pussançaz | empowerment: assigning power to | noun | French: responsabilisation | |
resposta | answer, reply | noun | | |
resso | network, mesh | noun | French: réseau | |
restablecer [-ezca-] | restore, recover, reinstate (plans, government, order) | verb | | |
restoranti | restaurant | noun | | |
restricción | restriction, constraint | noun | | |
restriccionista | restrictionist | noun | | |
restrictive | restrictive, qualificatory | adjective | | |
restringide | restricted | adjective | | |
restringir [restric-] | restrict, limit | verb | | |
resucitación | resuscitation | noun | | |
resucitar | resuscitate, resurrect, bring back to life | verb | | |
résultado | result, outcome | noun | | |
résultado empíric | empirical result | noun | | |
résultado étic | ethical outcome | noun | | |
résultado pareto-óptime | pareto-optimal outcome | noun | | |
resultar | result in, turn out to be | verb | | |
resurrección | resurrection | noun | | |
retención | retention | noun | | |
retenente | retaining | adjective | | |
retener [retuvi-, retenga-] | retain | verb | | |
retenide | retained | adjective | | |
retenidu | retained | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
reticença | reticence, unwillingness | noun | | |
reticente | reticent | adjective | | |
retina | retina | noun | | |
retirada | retreat, withdrawal, removal | noun | | |
retirar | withdraw, take back, remove (from spot) | verb | | |
retirar-se | move back from | verb | | |
retórica | rhetoric | noun | | |
retorical, retóric | rhetorical | adjective | | |
retrasade | delayed, held back | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
retrasadu | delayed, held back | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
retrasar | delay (train, flight, opening), hold-up (colloquial), push back, lose time | verb | | |
retrato | portrait | noun | | |
retreti | toilet | noun | | |
retroactive | retroactive | adjective | | |
retroalimentación amplificante | amplifying feedback | noun | | |
retroalimentación, fidebac | feedback | noun | | |
retrospección | retrospection | noun | | |
reunió | gathering together (meeting) | noun | | |
reunir-se | have a get together, bring together (people) | verb | | |
revanchi | revenge, return game | noun | | |
revanchismo | revanchism | noun | | |
revanchiste | revanchist | adjective | | |
revelación | revelation | noun | | |
reveladore | revealing (sign, story, comment) | adjective | | |
revelar | reveal | verb | | |
reverença | reverence | noun | Spanish: reverencia | |
reverente | reverent | adjective | Spanish: reverente | |
reversíbel | reversible | adjective | | |
reverso | opposite, reverse | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: reverso; Catalan: revés | |
reverso dele fortuna | reversal of fortune | noun | | |
revestimento | cladding, coating (of wire for instance), shield for protection | noun | Spanish: revestimiento; Portuguese: revestimento; Italian: rivestimento; French: revêtement | |
revista | magazine, review | noun | | |
revocábel | revocable | adjective | | |
revocar | revoke | verb | | |
revocatorie | revocative, revocatory | adjective | | |
rey [rein-, reg-] | king | noun | | |
reyal | royal | adjective | French: royal; Spanish/Portuguese: real | |
reyalesa, reyalitá | royalty | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: realeza; Italian: regalità; French: royauté; Catalan: reialesa; Romanian: regalitate | |
rezumen | résumé, summary, curriculum vitae | noun | Spanish: resumen | |
rezumir | summarize | verb | | |
ri-enviar | forward (message), resend | verb | | |
ri-escriver | rewrite | verb | Spanish: reescribir; Portuguese: reescrever; Italian: riscrivere | |
ri-inventar | reimagine, reinvent, take action towards changing the outcome | verb | | |
riacción | reaction | noun | | |
riacción en cadena | chain reaction | noun | | |
riacciónz positive | positive reactions or feedback | noun | | |
riacciónz químic | chemical reactions | noun | | |
riactivación de l'economíê | economic recovery | noun | | |
riactivar | reactivate | verb | | |
riactive | reactive | adjective | | |
riactor | reactor | noun | | |
riafirmade | reaffirmed | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
riafirmadu | reaffirmed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
riafirmante | reaffirming | adjective | | |
riafirmar | reaffirm | verb | | |
riager | react | verb | | |
rianimar | revive, revitalize, reanimate | verb | | |
riaparecer [-ezca-] | reappear | verb | | |
riata | flowerbed, small garden | noun | Spanish: arriate | |
riavaluación | re-evaluation | noun | | |
riavaluar | re-evaluate | verb | | |
ricalentar | reheat | verb | | |
ricapitular | recapitulate; sum up | verb | | |
ricebide | received | adjective | | |
ricebidu | received | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ricebimento | welcome, reception | noun | | |
ricebir [ricep-,ricip-] | receive | verb | | |
ricebo | receipt (document) | noun | | |
ricepción | reception | noun | | |
riceptácul | receptacle | noun | | |
riceptive | receptive | adjective | | |
riceptivitá | receptivity | adjective | | |
richpide | harsh | adjective | Portuguese | |
riciclar | recycle | verb | | |
ricipiente | recipient | adjective | | |
ricipienti | recipient; container | noun | | |
ricíproque | reciprocal | adjective | | |
riconciliación | reconciliation: gain one's favor again | noun | | |
riconciliar | reconcile | verb | | |
riconocente | appreciative, acknowledging, grateful | adjective | French: reconnaissant, Italian: riconoscente | |
riconocer [riconozca-] | recognize | verb | | |
riconocide | recognized | adjective | | |
riconocidu | recognized | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
riconocimento | recognition, acknowledgement | noun | | |
riconstituir | reconstitute | verb | | |
ricoz | rich (the folks who are wealthy) | noun | | |
ricrudescença | recrudescence | noun | Italian: recrudescenza, French: recrudescence, Spanish: recrudescencia, Portuguese: recrudescência | |
ricrudescente | recrudescent | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese/Italian/French: recrudescente | |
ridícule | ridiculous, laughable, ludicrous | adjective | | |
ridiculización | mockery, ridiculization | noun | | |
ridiculizante | mocking, derisive, ridiculizing | adjective | | |
ridiculizar | ridiculize, fool, mock | verb | | |
ridistribución | redistribution | noun | | |
rido | drapes, curtain | noun | | |
riducción | reduction | noun | | |
riducción de emisiónz | emission reduction | noun | | |
riducir [riduj-, riduzca-, riducc-] | reduce: lead back | verb | | |
riductive | reductive | adjective | | |
riego | watering, irrigation (by means of sprinkler or channels) | noun | | |
riembolsamento, riembolso | reimbursement, refund | noun | | |
riembolsar | reimburse, refund | verb | | |
riemplacer | replace (usually a person or a system); stand in for | verb | | |
riemplacíbel | replaceable | adjective | | |
riendu | laughing | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
rienfocar | refocus (focus again, focus on something else) | verb | | |
riesgo | risk | noun | | |
rifacer [rifetch-, rifici-, rifaga-, rifar-] | redo, do over again | verb | | |
rifrescante | refreshing | adjective | | |
rifrescar | refresh (mind or spirit) | verb | | |
rigar [rieg-] | water, moisten with water, spray with garden hose | verb | | |
rígide | rigid | adjective | | |
rigiditá | rigidity | noun | | |
rigur | rigor | noun | | |
rigurosamén | rigorously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
rigurose | rigorous, stringent | adjective | | |
rigurose [rigorosa-] | rigorous (sometimes: thorough or harsh); stringent, strict | adjective | | |
riîterar | reiterate | verb | | |
rijección | rejection | noun | | |
rijetar | reject (stronger than rechazar) | verb | | |
rijuvenecer [-ezca-] | rejuvenate | verb | | |
rijuvenecimento | rejuvenation, rejuvenescence, renewal | noun | | |
rima | rhyme | noun | | |
rimar | rhyme | verb | | |
rinaicentiste, dele rinaicimento | renaissance | adjective | | |
rinaicer [rinat-] | rebirth | verb | | |
rinaicimento, rinaicença | rebirth, revival | noun | | |
rincón | corner | noun | | |
ringhi | boxing ring | noun | | |
riño | kidney | noun | | |
rinoceronti | rhinoceros | noun | | |
rinuvábel | renewable (energy, resources) | adjective | | |
rinuvación | renovation, renewal (of) | noun | | |
rinuval | renewal | adjective | | |
rinuvar | renew, renovate | verb | | |
ripasar | go over again, check over and revise | verb | Sp:repasar | |
ripetición | repetition | noun | | |
rique | rich | adjective | | |
riquesa | richness | noun | | |
riquíssime | richest | adjective | | |
rir | laugh | verb | Portuguese: rir; Spanish: reír; Catalan: riure; French: rire | |
risa | laugh, laughter | noun | Spanish | |
risco | cliff | noun | Spanish | |
riscriver | rewrite | verb | | |
risellábel | resealable | adjective | Spanish: resellable; Portuguese: resselável; Italian: risigillabile; French: rescellable | |
risíbel | risible, funny, laughable | adjective | | |
ristauración | restoration | noun | | |
ristaurade | restored | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
ristauradu | restored | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ristaurar | restore (to health) | verb | | |
risurgimento | reemergence, resurgence, revival | noun | | |
rítmic | rhythmic | adjective | | |
ritmo | rhythm, pace | noun | | |
ritornábel | returnable | adjective | Spanish: retornable | |
ritu | rite | noun | | |
ritual | ritual | adjective | | |
rival | rival | adjective | | |
rivalitá | rivalry | noun | | |
rivalorización | revaluation, reassessment of value | noun | | |
rivalorizar | revalue, reassess (economics) | verb | | |
rivista | review: periodical, magazine | noun | | |
rivitalización | revitalization | noun | | |
rivitalizar | revitalize | verb | | |
rivizar | revise, check | verb | | |
rivizión | revision | noun | | |
rivo | river | noun | | |
rivolta | revolt | noun | | |
rivolte | came back, returned | past participle | | |
rivolución | revolution (of celestial body in its orbit, or figuratively) | noun | | |
rivolucionare | revolutionary | adjective | | |
rivolucionario | revolutionary, revolutionist | noun | | |
rivolver | come back, return, roll back | verb | | |
rizade | curly | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
rizadu | curly | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
robade | stolen, taken without consent | adjective | Spanish: robada | |
róbalo | bass (type of fish) | noun | | |
robancina | widespread theft, slew of robberies | noun | | |
robar | steal, rob | verb | | |
robo | burglary, theft | noun | | |
robuste | robust, sturdy, strong | adjective | | |
roca | rock | noun | | |
roca firme | bedrock (geology) | noun | | |
rocambolesc | fantastical, epic, and exciting | adjective | French writer Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail dreamed up the character Rocambole — a swashbuckling adventurer who inspired the French word rocambolesque. | |
Roch-hachanah (feriado judie) | Rosh Hashanah: Jewish new year day | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
roci | light kiss (on cheek) | noun | | |
rocío | dew | noun | Spanish | |
roconola | jukebox | noun | | |
roda | wheel, circle (of friends) | noun | | |
rodadj | filming, rolling | noun | | |
rodar | film: roll the film, record a movie | verb | | |
rodilla | knee | noun | Spanish: rodilla | |
rodovia | freeway, interstate highway | noun | | |
rogar | beseech, beg/plead | verb | | |
rogativa | rogation: solemn prayer/supplication... | noun | | |
rol | role: the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation | noun | | |
rol decisive | decisive role | noun | | |
rolante | rolling, moving | adjective | | |
rolar | roll, move | verb | | |
rolez de combati | combat roles | noun | | |
rolo | roll (of parchment/paper), scroll | noun | | |
rolo para pintura | paint roller | noun | | |
roman | Roman | adjective | | |
romanesc | romanesque | adjective | | |
románic | Roman, of the Romans, Romance (language) | adjective | | |
romanización | romanization | noun | | |
romano | Roman, person from Rome | noun | | |
rompecabeçaz | brain teaser, puzzle | noun | Spanish | |
romper [rot-] | break | verb | | |
romplone | course, vulgar (language, behavior) | adjective | Spanish: romplón | |
roncar | snore | verb | | |
ronda | round (of drinks) | noun | | |
ropa | clothes | noun | | |
ropadj | apparel, clothing, outfit, robes | noun | | |
ropeiro | closet, small room that holds clothes | noun | | |
rôquero, rôckero | rock musician | noun | | |
roqueti | rocket | noun | | |
roqui, rock | rock music | noun | | |
rosa | rose | noun | | |
rosbif | roast beef | noun | | |
rose | pink, rose-colored | adjective | | |
rostro | visage, countenance, face | noun | | |
rotación | rotation (crops, planets on axis...) | noun | | |
rotar | rotate (especially in graphics and computing) | verb | | |
rotatorie | rotary, revolving | adjective | | |
rotu | broken | past participle | | |
rôtulador | felt tip pen | noun | | |
rôtular | inscribe, put a label on | verb | | |
rôtulo | label on packaging, product label (visual and written description of facts about the product) | noun | | |
rotunde | resounding (not resonant), categorical, emphatic | adjective | Spanish: rotundo | |
Ruanda | Rwanda | noun | | |
ruandese | rwandan, rwandaises | adjective | | |
rubeola | German measles | noun | | |
rubí | ruby | noun | | |
ruca | roux | noun | mix of French Cajun with Czech | |
rude | rude | adjective | | |
rudesa | rudeness | noun | | |
rudimentare | rudimentary, unsophisticated, primitive | adjective | | |
rudimentare | rudimentary, inchoate | adjective | | |
rudimento | rudiment, first principles | noun | | |
rudimento | rudiment, vestige, beginning structure | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: rudimento | |
rueda | wheel | noun | | |
ruego | request: an act of asking politely or formally for something. | noun | | |
rugir | roar (of animal) | verb | | |
ruido | sound that is loud | noun | | |
ruinaz | ruins | noun | Spanish | |
ruine | ruinous, terrible | adjective | | |
ruje | red | adjective | | |
ruman | Romanian | adjective | | |
rumanech | Romanian | noun | | |
Rumania | Romania | noun | | |
rumano | Romanian language, Romanian person | noun | | |
rumbo | course: direction of travel, way of proceeding | noun | | |
ruminación | rumination: compulsively focused attention on the symptoms of one's distress | noun | | |
ruminar | ruminate: think deeply and repetitively about something | verb | | |
rumor | rumor | noun | | |
runga | dance party | noun | | |
runghero | merrymaker, reveler | noun | | |
rusech, ruso | Russian | noun | | |
Rusia | Russia | noun | | |
rusian, ruse | Russian | adjective | | |
ruta | road, route | noun | | |
ruta de navegación | shipping lane | noun | | |
ruta maritime | sea lane | noun | | |
rutador | router (for internet) | noun | | |
rutador sens estat | stateless router | noun | | |
rutard | backpacker, someone who travels a route | noun | French: routard | |
ruteru | itinerary | noun | | |
rutina | routine | noun | | |
sábado | Saturday | noun | | |
sabbat | Sabbath | noun | | |
sabbatic | sabbatical | adjective | | |
sabeduría | wisdom, knowledge, learning, prudence | noun | | |
sabendu que | knowing that | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
saber [supi-, sepa-] | know: be aware, know how to do something; express knowledge or ignorance of a skill, fact, or information about something | verb | | |
sabie [sapie-] | wise, savvy, learned, trained | adjective | | |
sábila, áloevera | slug (animal) | noun | | |
sabio, sabia | scholar (person who is learned) | noun | | |
sabón | soap | noun | | |
sabonose | soapy | adjective | | |
sabotadj | sabotage | noun | | |
sabotar | sabotage | verb | | |
sabrê | saber | noun | | |
sac | sack: usually more durable than a bag; Used for grain and money | noun | French | |
sacapuntador | pencil sharpener | noun | | |
sacar | take out, get out; draw (a revolver); stick out (tongue) | verb | | |
sacar un fotografo | take a photograph | verb | | |
sacar un pólisa | take out a policy | verb | | |
sacarina | saccharin, sugar substitute | noun | | |
sacati | grass | noun | | |
sacerdocio | priesthood, calling (in life) | noun | | |
sacerdot | priest | noun | | |
sacerdotal | priestly | adjective | | |
saciar | satiate (hunger, thirst, desire), satisfy (basic needs) | verb | | |
sacral | of, for, or relating to sacred rites or symbols. | adjective | | |
sacralitá | sacredness | noun | | |
sacramentau | sacramental: something set apart or blessed to manifest the respect due to the Sacraments and so to excite pious thoughts and to increase devotion to God | noun | | |
sacramento | sacrament | noun | | |
sacre [sacra-, sagra-] | sacred, holy | adjective | | |
sacrificial | sacrificial | adjective | | |
sacrificio | sacrifice | noun | | |
sacristia | vestry, sacristy | noun | | |
sacsofón | saxophone | noun | | |
sacudida violente | violent shake/shaking/jolt/upheaval | noun | | |
sacudir | shake, rock (figuratively) | verb | | |
sádic | saddistic | adjective | Sp | |
safaridj | water reservoir | noun | | |
safiro | sapphire | noun | Spanish: zafiro; Portuguese: safira | |
safrana | saffron | noun | | |
sage | wise, sensible | adjective | | |
sagesa | wisdom, sensibility, sensibleness, wiseness | noun | French: sagesse; Catalan: saviesa | |
sagrade | sacred | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
sagradu | sacred | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
sagrariu | sacrarium: sanctuary of a church | noun | | |
saguá | house entrance | noun | Spanish: zaguán; Catalan: zaguà | |
sahel | sahel: ecoclimatic and biogeographic zone of transition in Africa between the Sahara to the north and the Sudanian Savanna to the south. | noun | | |
sala | room, open area in building | noun | | |
sala capitulare | meeting room; chapter house | noun | | |
sala de congresoz | convention hall | noun | | |
sala de dança | dance hall, dancehall | noun | | |
sala polivalente | multipurpose room (of public area) | noun | | |
saldo | balance, remainder, outcome | noun | | |
salg | leave (imperative or command form) | verb | Spanish: sal, salgamos, salga, salgan | |
salgade | salty, salted | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
salgadu | salty, salted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
salgar | salt | verb | | |
salida | exit, departure (of plane, train) | noun | | |
saliente | salient, important/prominent, projecting (architectural element) | adjective | | |
saline | saline | adjective | | |
salir a jorroz | erupt, gush forth, jet out | verb | | |
salir de | extricate | verb | | |
salir por le culata | backfire, shoot [oneself] in the foot (expression) | verb | Spanish: salir por la culata | |
salir [salga-] | leave a location, exit | verb | | |
salmoz | psalms | noun | | |
salmura | brine | noun | Spanish: salmuera, French: saumure, Catalan: salmorra | |
salón | lounge: spacious area in a hotel, airport, club, or theater to sit and relax | noun | | |
salubre | salubrious, favorable to one's health, wholesome | adjective | French/Spanish/Portuguese: salubre | |
salubritá | salubriousness, salubrity | noun | | |
salud | health | noun | | |
saludábel | healthy, wholesome, salutary, good, salubrious | adjective | | |
salvación | salvation | noun | | |
salvadj | salvage: items saved from loss or destruction | noun | | |
salvador | saviour | noun | | |
salvamento | salvage: rescue of ship | noun | | |
salvar | save: rescue, deliver from | verb | | |
salvatore | life-giving | adjective | | |
salvegardia | safeguard | noun | | |
salveguardar | safeguard, protect and defend | verb | | |
salvetadj | rescue | noun | | |
salvu, salvadu | saved, salvaged | past participle | | |
san | saint, holy (goes in front of a noun for proper names of people or cities) | adjective | | |
sañalar | point, signalize | verb | | |
sanar | heal, cure, get well | verb | | |
sanatorio | sanitarium, sanatorium, hospital care facility | noun | | |
sandali | sandal | noun | | |
sandwedj | sandwich | noun | | |
sane [sana-] | sane, healthy | adjective | | |
sanghi | blood | noun | | |
sanghiente | bloody | adjective | | |
sanghine | sanguine | adjective | | |
sangrar [sanghi-] | bleed | verb | | |
sanitare | sanitary | adjective | | |
sante | holy | adjective | | |
Sante Grael | Holy Grail | noun | | |
Sante Lucia | Saint Lucia | noun | | |
santificación | sanctification | noun | | |
santificade | sanctified | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
santificadu | sanctified | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
santifiçar [santifica-] | sanctify: make holy | verb | | |
santilucense | Saint Lucian | adjective | | |
santimonia | sanctity, virtuousness | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | Latin: sanctimonia |
santitá | holiness, sanctity | noun | | |
santu | saint | noun | | |
santuariu | sanctuary | noun | | |
sapatero | shoe maker | noun | | |
sapato | shoe | noun | | |
sapiença | sapience | noun | | |
sapiente | having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment; of great intelligent | adjective | | |
saplon | informant, snitch | noun | | |
sapo | toad | noun | | |
saraf | money changer | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
sarcástic | sarcastic | adjective | | |
sarcôfago | sarcophagus | noun | | |
sargento | sergeant | noun | | |
sarobi | syrup | noun | Spanish: jarabe; Portuguese: xarope; French: sirop; Catalan: xarop | |
sarobi de aceri | maple syrup | noun | | |
sarobi de mahís a fructosa rique | high fructose corn syrup | noun | | |
sarobose | syrupy, sugary | adjective | Portuguese: xaroposo; French: sirupeuse; Romanian: siropos; Italian: sciropposo | |
sarpicar | sprinkle | verb | Judeo-Spanish | |
sastri | tailor | noun | | |
satélit | satellite | noun | | |
satélite | satellite | adjective | | |
sátira | satire | noun | | |
satisfacción | satisfaction | noun | | |
satisfacer [satisfetch-, satisfici-, satisfaga-, satisfar-] | satisfy, be satisfied | verb | | |
satisfactorie | satisfactory, pleased, satisfying | adjective | | |
satisfetche | satisfied | adjective | | |
satisfetchu | satisfied | past participle | | |
Saturno | Saturn | noun | | |
saudagi | longing, nostalgic yearning | noun | | |
saudite | Saudi | adjective | | |
sauerbraten | sauerbraten: cut of meat marinated (for several days) in a mixture of vinegar or wine, water, herbs, spices, and seasonings. | noun | | |
sauercrut | sauerkraut | noun | | |
sausa | sauce, gravy | noun | | |
sausa de soya | soy sauce | noun | | |
sausa fresque | salsa: a tomato-based dipping sauce with onions, chilis, and herbs; salsa fresca | noun | Spanish: salsa fresca | |
sausa picante | picante sauce, spicy sauce | noun | | |
sausicha | sausage | noun | | |
sautar | jump, leap | verb | | |
sauter | saute, toss while cooking | verb | | |
sauto mortal | somersault | noun | | |
savana | savanna: grassy plain in subtropical region | noun | Spanish: sabana, Portuguese: savana, French: savane | |
saver | taste | verb | | |
savro, savor | taste, flavor | noun | | |
savrose | tasty, delicious | adjective | | |
secadora, máchina de secar | dryer, drying machine | noun | | |
secar | dry | verb | | |
sección | section | noun | | |
sección infantil | children's library | noun | | |
secretario | secretary | noun | | |
secretariu | council-chamber, conclave, consistory | noun | | Latin: secretarium |
Secretariu Genral | Secretary General, Secretary-General | noun | | French: Secrétaire Général |
secrete | secret | adjective | | |
secse | sexy, sexually attractive | adjective | | |
secsu | sex (gender) | noun | | |
secsual | sexual | adjective | | |
secsualitá | sexuality | noun | | |
sectare | sectarian | adjective | French: sectaire | |
sectarismo | sectarianism | noun | | |
sector | sector | noun | | |
secuelaz | aftermath | noun | | |
secuença [secuench-] | sequence | noun | | |
secuenchal | sequential | adjective | | |
secuenchalmén | sequentially | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
secuestración | sequestration, sequester | noun | | |
secuestración de carbono | carbon sequestration | noun | | |
secuestrador | kidnapper | noun | | |
secuestrar | kidnap (person), sequester, quarantine, isolate (until debts are paid or goal is met), sequestrate | verb | Spanish/Portuguese | |
seculare | secular, lay(man) | adjective | | |
sedaca | charity | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
sedentare | sedentary | adjective | | |
sedimentare | sedimentary | adjective | | |
sedimento | sediment (geology) | noun | | |
sedimento pelagic | pelagic sediment : fine grained sediment that collects slowly on the deep-ocean floor | noun | | |
sedja | chair: seat | noun | Spanish: silla; Italian: sedia; Catalan: cadira; Portuguese/Galician: cadeira; French: chaise/siège; Latin: sella/sedes | |
sedja eléctric | electric chair | noun | | |
sedja rolante | wheelchair | noun | | |
sedjón | armchair | noun | | |
sedjón de hamaca | rocking chair | noun | | |
sedjorn | stay for a period of time, visiting a place, sojourn | noun | Italian: soggiorno; French: séjour | |
sedjornar | stay (temporarily), sojourn | verb | Italian: soggiornare; French: séjourner | |
segador | reaper, person who scythes | noun | | |
segar | reap, mow down, scythe | verb | | |
seghide | followed | adjective | | |
seghidu | followed | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
seghiente | following, next (in line) (adjective or preposition) | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | Portuguese: seguinte; Spanish: siguiente | |
seghimento | continuation; monitoring, tracking | noun | Portuguese: seguimento; Spanish: seguimiento | |
seghir | follow | verb | | |
segi | thirst | noun | | |
segiente | thirsty | adjective | | |
segmento | segment | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: segmento | |
segondare | secondary | adjective | | |
segonde | 2nd, second | adjective | | |
segondo | 2nd, second | noun | | |
segondogénite | second-born | adjective | | |
segondogenito | second-born child | noun | | |
segregación | segregation | noun | | |
segregación racial; apartheid | apartheid | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
segregar | segregate | verb | | |
según | according to | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | prepos | Spanish |
segundo, segunda | second cousin | noun | | |
segure | secure, safe, sure/certain | adjective | | |
seguritá | security | noun | | |
seguritá cibernétic | cyber security | noun | | |
seguritá înteriore | homeland security | noun | | |
seguro de vida | life insurance | noun | | |
seicime | 16th, sixteenth | adjective | | |
seicimo | 16th, sixteenth | noun | | |
seis de otcho es dos | Six from eight is two; eight minus six i two; 8-6 = 2 | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
seisentime | 60th, sixtieth | adjective | | |
seisentimo | 60th, sixtieth | noun | | |
seisir | grab, seize, take hold of | verb | old French seisir and Modern French saisir | |
seista | sixth note above root in music | noun | | |
seiste | 6th, sixth | adjective | | |
seisto | 6th, sixth | noun | | |
sêl marine | sea salt | noun | | |
sêl [sal-] | salt | noun | | |
selección | selection, choice (from a variety) | noun | | |
seleccionar | select | verb | | |
selecte | select | adjective | | |
selector de canauz | channel selector | noun | | |
selector de estereo | stereo control | noun | | |
sêleiro | salt shaker | noun | | |
Seleucidye | Seleucid, of or related to a Hellenistic dynasty founded by Seleucus I after the death of Alexander the Great. | adjective | | |
Selîm cun tig...i cun tig. | Peace be with you...And with you. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
sellador | sealant | noun | | |
sellar | seal | verb | | |
sello | seal (of approval, stamp, or mechanical) | noun | | |
selva | jungle | noun | | |
selva tropical | rainforest, tropical forest | noun | | |
selvadj | wildness, savage, untamed | noun | | |
selvadje | wild, savage, untamed | adjective | | |
selvadjemén | wildly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
semáforo | traffic light | noun | | |
semántic | semantic, semantical | adjective | | |
semántica | semantics: branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. | noun | | |
sembrade | sown | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
sembrado | sown field | noun | | |
sembrador | sower | noun | | |
sembradu | sown | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
sembradura | sowing | noun | | |
sembrar | scatter seed, sow, plant | verb | | |
semellança | resemblance, likeness, similarity | noun | Portuguese: semelhança, Spanish: semejanza | |
semellante | resembling, like, simlar to | adjective | | |
semellar | resemble: be like, look like | verb | | |
semi-estructurade | semi-structured, semistructured | adjective | Spanish: semiestructurado; Portuguese: semi-estruturado | |
semideo | demigod | noun | Spanish: semidiós | |
seminario | seminar | noun | | |
seminariu | seminary | noun | | |
semiótica | semiotics | noun | | |
semplice [sempl-] | simple, mere, not complex | adjective | | |
semplificación | simplification | noun | | |
semplifiçar [semplifica-] | simplify | verb | | |
semprê, touju | always | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
seña | password | noun | | |
senado | senate | noun | | |
senador | senator | noun | | |
señalade | appointed, momentous, distinguished | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
señaladu | appointed, momentous, distinguished | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
señalar | appoint (a time or place), point out, indicate/mark/show | verb | | |
señalización de vertud | virtue signaling | noun | | |
señalizar | signalize, make striking or conspicuous | noun | | |
señas | address | noun | | |
señaz postal | mailing address | noun | | |
senciença | sentience: faculty of sense; feeling, consciousness | noun | | |
senciente | sentient (capable of feeling and sensing consciousness) | adjective | | |
sencil | straight-forward, straightforward, simple, modest | adjective | Sp:sencillo | |
sencilesa | simplicity, easiness, straight-forwardness | noun | Spanish: sencillez | |
senda | path, track (of a railway), lane (of a highway) | noun | | |
sendaz directe | straight paths | noun | | |
senderismo | hiking, trekking | noun | Spanish: senderismo | |
sendero | footpath | noun | | |
sendía | watermelon | noun | Spanish: sandía | |
sendía sens pepitaz | seedless watermelon | noun | | |
señor | mister, sir, master, lord | noun | | |
Señor Jehova | Lord God | noun | | |
señora | miss, ma'am | noun | | |
señoril | lordly, noble, grand | adjective | | |
sens | without | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
sens blindadj | unshielded | adjective | | |
sens conocimento | unconscious, without consciousness | adjective | | |
sens conocimento públic | without the public’s knowledge | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
sens custo | without cost, free | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
sens difeitu, impecábel | flawless, impeccable | adjective | | |
sens embargo | nevertheless | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
sens estructura | unstructured | adjective | | |
sens falta | without failure | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
sens gastar bocu de arja | without spending too much money | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
sens gelu | ice-free | adjective | | |
sens împortança | insignificant, unimportant | adjective | | |
sens límitiz | limitless, without limits | adjective | | |
sens pricedentiz | unprecedented | adjective | | |
sens propósito | without purpose, unintentionally, aimlessly | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
sens tatcha | faultless, unblemished | adjective | | |
sens vergoña | shameless | adjective | | |
sens vida | lifeless | adjective | | |
sensación | sensation, feeling | noun | | |
sensacional | sensational | adjective | | |
sensate | sensible | adjective | Spanish/Portuguese | |
sensíbel | sensitive, touchy | adjective | | |
sensibilitáz | sensibilities | noun | | |
sensual | sensual,sensuous | adjective | | |
sentencia | opinion, ruling, sentence (in court) | noun | | |
sentenciose | sententious: concise and full of meaning, or pompous | adjective | | |
sentide | heartfelt | adjective | | |
sentido | sense (of smell, hearing, sight...), feeling | noun | | |
sentido comune | common sense, sense (judgement) | noun | | |
sentido dele humorismo | sense of humour | noun | | |
sentidu | heartfelt | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
sentimental | sentimental | adjective | | |
sentimento | sentiment | noun | | |
sentimento nacionaliste | sense of nationhood, nationalistic sentiment | noun | Spanish: sentimiento nacionalista; Portuguese: sentimento nacionalista | |
sentir [sens-] | feel or sense | verb | | |
senu [sinus-] | sinus | noun | Portuguese: seio; Spanish/Italian: seno | |
sepam | know | verb | Spanish: sepa, sepamos, sepan (saber) | present subjuntive of saber |
separación | separation | noun | | |
separadamén | separately | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
separade [separada-] | separated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
separadu | separated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
separar | separate | verb | | |
separate | separate, discrete | adjective | | |
sepíe | sepia (color of monochrome photographs of 19th and early 20th century) | adjective | | |
séptic | septic | adjective | | |
sepulcral | sepulchral | adjective | | |
sepulcro | sepulcher, sepulchre, tomb | noun | | |
sepultar [sepulcr-] | bury, put in the ground | verb | | |
sepultar-se | immerse oneself, be absorbed in | verb | | |
seque | dried, dry | adjective | | |
sequesa | dryness | noun | Italian: secchezza; French: sécheresse | |
sêr | sir ('senhor' with authority) | noun | | |
ser mais numerose que | outnumber | verb | | |
ser [fui-, es/som, seya-] | be: essential nature including characteristics (see: eser) | verb | | |
será | will be (used for permanent state) | verb | | |
seráfic | seraphic | adjective | | |
serafín [+:serafinez] | seraphim (fiery ones) | noun | Hebrew/Greek | |
Serbia | Serbia | noun | | |
serbian | Serbian | adjective | | |
serbiano | Serbian | noun | | |
serendipitá | serendipity | noun | French: sérendipité; Spanish: serendipia; Italian: serendipità; Portuguese: serendipidade | |
serendipitose | serendipitous | adjective | | |
serene | serene | adjective | | |
sereníssime | very serene | adjective | | |
sêri | serie(s) | noun | | |
seriamén | seriously, intensely | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
serie [seria-] | serious, intense (of a person) | adjective | | |
serietá | seriousness | noun | | |
sermón | sermon | noun | | |
serpenti | snake, serpent | noun | | |
serra eléctric | electric saw | noun | | |
serra, sag | saw | noun | | |
serrade | serrated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
serradu | serrated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
serrar | saw, serrate | verb | | |
servichal | helpful and accomodating; obliging | adjective | Spanish/Catalan: servicial; Portuguese: serviçal | |
serviço ale clientê | consumer affairs | noun | | |
serviço gratuye | free service | noun | | |
serviço [servich-] | service | noun | | |
servidor | person who serves | noun | | |
servidor | servant (not a person), something that serves | noun | | |
servidor procsie; servidor întermedjare | proxy server | noun | Catalan: servidor intermediari; Spanish: servidor proxy | |
servienti | servant (occupation) | noun | | |
servir | serve | verb | | |
servitud [-tudin-] | servitude | noun | | |
servyeta | napkin, towel for hands | noun | | |
sesgo | bias, slant | noun | | |
sesgo inconchiente | unconscious bias | noun | | |
setecime | 17th, seventeenth | adjective | | |
setecimo | 17th, seventeenth | noun | | |
setembro | September | noun | | |
setentime | 70th, seventieth | adjective | | |
setentimo | 70th, seventieth | noun | | |
Setentrion | Septrentrion, North | noun | | |
setentrional | septentrional, northern | adjective | | |
setima | seventh note above root in music | noun | | |
setime | 7th, seventh | adjective | | |
setimo | 7th, seventh | noun | | |
setmana | week | noun | Catalan: setmana; Spanish: semana | |
Setmana Sante | Holy Week (of Easter) | noun | | |
seyam | present subjunctive of ser [to be] | verb | Portuguese: sê, seja, sejamos, sede, sejam; Spanish: se, seamos, sea, sean | |
Seyam gentil, por favor | Be kind, please | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
si | if | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
sicario | hitman | noun | | |
sieder [sedi-] | sit, be seated | verb | | |
sieder-se, sentar-se | sit (oneself down) | verb | Italian: sedersi; Portuguese: sentar-se; Spanish: sentarse from Vulgar Latin: sedentare | |
siesta | siesta, afternoon nap | noun | | |
sifolar | whistle | verb | French: siffler | |
sifon | siphon | noun | | |
signau | traffic signal, red light; radio or phone signal | noun | | |
signau acústic | acoustic signal | noun | | |
significado, significación | significance, meaning | noun | | |
significative | significant, meaningful | adjective | | |
signo | sign | noun | | |
sigul | century | noun | | |
sigulare | centuries-old, century-old, age-old | adjective | | |
silaba | syllable | noun | | |
silábic | syllabic | adjective | | |
silencio | silence | noun | | |
silueta | silhouette | noun | Spanish | |
silvestre | wild, naturally occurring | adjective | | |
simbiosi | symbiosis | noun | | |
simbiótic | symbiotic | adjective | | |
símbol | symbol | noun | | |
simbólic | symbolic | adjective | | |
simbolismo | symbolism | noun | | |
simétric | symmetrical | adjective | | |
simetríê | symmetry | noun | | |
simfónic | symphonic | adjective | Catalan: simfònic; Romanian: simfonic; Italian: sinfonica; Portuguese: sinfônica; Spanish: sinfónica; French: symphonique | |
simfoníê | symphony | noun | French: symphonie; Spanish: sinfonía; Romanian: simfonie; Catalan: simfonia; Portuguese/Italian: sinfonia | |
similare | similar | adjective | | |
simpátic | sympathetic, likeable | adjective | | |
simpaticone | very likeable | adjective | | |
simpatíê | liking, fellow feeling, sympathy | noun | | |
simpatizanti | supporter, sympathizer | noun | | |
simpatizar cun | sympathize, be sympathetic to | verb | | |
simpe | pleasant, nice (person), friendly (atmosphere) | adjective | | |
simulación | simulation | noun | | |
simulade | simulated | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
simuladu | simulated | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
simular | simulate | verb | | |
sinceramén | sincerely | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
sincere [sincera-] | sincere | adjective | | |
sincrétic | syncretic | adjective | | |
sincretismo | syncretism | noun | | |
sincroníê | synchrony | noun | | |
sincronización impecábel | impeccable timing | noun | Spanish: sincronización impecable | |
sincronizade | synchronized | adjective | Spanish | |
sincronizar | synchronize | verb | Spanish | |
sindicalismo | trade unionism | noun | | |
sindicato | union, labor union | noun | | |
Sindoni de Turín | Shroud of Turin | noun | | |
síndromi | syndrome | noun | | |
síndromi de Vénus | Venus syndrome | noun | | |
sine-cua-non | sine qua non: originally a Latin legal term for "[a condition] without which it could not be", "but for...", or "without which [there is] nothing. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Latin | |
sinécdoqui | synecdoche | noun | French: synecdoche, Catalan: sinècdoque, Spanish: sinécdoque, Portuguese: sinédoque | |
sinecdóquic | synecdochic | adjective | | |
sinergetica | synergetics | noun | | |
sinérgic | synergetic | adjective | | |
sinergíê | synergy | noun | | |
sinergismo | synergism | noun | | |
Singapur | Singapore | noun | | |
singapurense | Singaporean | adjective | | |
singapurensi | Singaporean | noun | | |
singulare | singular | adjective | | |
sinistre | sinister | adjective | | |
sinític | sinitic: relating to or denoting the division of the Sino-Tibetan language family that includes the many forms of spoken Chinese. | adjective | Spanish | |
sino | except/save, rather, but rather | preposition or prepositional phrase and/or conjunction, may be adverb at times | | |
sinopsi | synopsis | noun | | |
sínoptic | synoptic | adjective | | |
sintacsi [sintáct-] | syntax | noun | | |
sintáctic | syntactic | adjective | | |
síntesi | synthesis | noun | | |
sintétic | synthetic | adjective | | |
sintetizar | synthesize | verb | | |
síntoma | symptom | noun | | |
sintomátic | symptomatic | adjective | | |
sintomatologíê | symptomology | noun | | |
sintoníê | tuning (of radio, television), harmony (understanding) | noun | Spanish: sintonía; Portuguese: sintonia | |
sintonización | action of tuning to a frequency; syntonization: the adjustment of two electronic circuits or devices so as to operate at the same frequency. | noun | Spanish: sintonización, Italian: sintonizzazione; French: syntonisation | |
sintonizador | tuner (on radio, walkie talkie, etc) | noun | | |
sintonizar | tune into, syntonize | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: sintonizar; French: syntoniser | |
siñun | chief herder on a seasonal pasture | noun | German: Senn; Romansch: signun | |
sinusiti | sinusitis | noun | Spanish: sinusitis; Portuguese/French/Italian: sinusite | |
siquiera | even if | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
siri de acontecimentoz | chain of events, series of events | noun | | |
sísmic | seismic | adjective | | |
sistema | system | noun | | |
sistema de gestión dele calitá | quality management system | noun | | |
sistema de justiça | justice system | noun | | |
sistema de propulsión | propulsion system | noun | | |
sistema inmunitare | immune system | noun | | |
sistema penitenciare, sistema penitenchare | prison system | noun | système pénitentiaire, sistema penitenciario | |
sistema solare | solar system | noun | | |
sistemátic | systematic: carried out using step-by-step procedures; of, characterized, or constituting a system | adjective | | |
sistematicamén | systematically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
sistematicitá | systematicity | noun | | |
sistémic | systemic: systemwide or deeply engrained in the system | adjective | | |
sitopia | food place | noun | | |
situ | site, place/location | noun | | |
situación | situation | noun | | |
situacional | situational | adjective | | |
situade | situated, located | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
situadu | situated, located | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
situar | situate, be placed | verb | | |
sobraz | leftovers, scraps (from meal, etc) | noun | | |
sobrê le Biblia | on the Bible | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
sobrê le pantalón | not tucked in (short); outside/on the pants | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
sobrê [super-] | on (top), about (a topic, subject, relating to), over, concerning, and regarding | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
sobrê-human | superhuman | adjective | | |
sobrêclasificación | overclassification | noun | | |
sobrêegsplotación | overexploitation, draining | noun | | |
sobrêlevar | endure, bear, cope with, weather (an event) | verb | Spanish: sobrellevar | |
sobrêmesa | time spent after a meal, hanging out with family or friends, chatting and enjoying each other's company | noun | | |
sobrêmonter | surmount, prevail over, overcome | verb | | |
sobrênatural | supernatural | noun | | |
sobrêpasar | surpass | verb | | |
sobrêsaliente | outstanding, projecting, imposing | adjective | | |
sobrêsautar | jump-start (vehicle) | verb | | |
sobrêsemplificación; semplificación eccesive | oversimplification; excessive simplification | noun | | |
sobrêvellança | surveillance, controlled watch | noun | Italian: sorveglianza; French: surveillance | |
sobrêvellar | surveil, survey, on the watch | verb | | |
sobrêvivença | survival | noun | | |
sobrêviventi | survivor | noun | | |
sobrêviver | survive | verb | | |
sobrie | sober: subdued, serious | adjective | | |
sobrietá | sobriety: subdued nature (not absense of being drunk) | noun | | |
sobrino, sobrina | nephew, niece | noun | Spanish: sobrino/sobrina; Portuguese: sobrinho/sobrinha | |
sociábel | sociable | adjective | | |
social | social | adjective | | |
socialismo | socialism | noun | | |
socialista | socialist | noun | | |
socialización | socialization | noun | | |
socialmén | socially | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
societá | society | noun | | |
socioeconómic | socioeconomic | adjective | | |
sociolinguística | sociolinguistics | noun | | |
sociológic | sociological, sociologic | adjective | | |
sociologíê | sociology | noun | | |
sociólogo | sociologist | noun | | |
sociópata | sociopath | noun | | |
sociopátic | sociopathic | adjective | | |
sociopolític | sociopolitical | adjective | | |
socola | clearing of forest to make room for ranch or farms | noun | | |
socolar | clear forestland | verb | | |
socorram | Help! | verb | | |
socorrer | relieve, bring aid to | verb | | |
socorrista [socorro] | relief worker, aid worker | noun | | |
socorro | relief, assistance, aid | noun | | |
socrátic | socratic | adjective | | |
sodipa | soda, pop, sodapop | noun | English | |
sódiu | sodium | noun | | |
sofa | sofa, couch | noun | | |
sofisma | sophistry, sophism | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: sofisma; Catalan: sofisme | |
sofisticación | sophistication | noun | | |
sofisticade | sophisticated | adjective | | |
sofisticar | sophisticate | verb | | |
soflar | blow, breathe into; slang: be of use, function | verb | Spanish: soplar + Latin | |
Sol | Sun | noun | | |
solare | solar | adjective | | |
solariu | solarium | noun | | |
soldado | soldier | noun | | |
soldadura per fricción | friction welding | noun | | |
soldar | weld, solder | verb | | |
sôle | sole, one, only | adjective | | |
solécismo | solecism | noun | | |
solemne | solemn: formal and dignified; serious, sincere | adjective | | |
solemnitá | solemnity (of occasion, promise) | noun | | |
soler | usually do, habitually do | verb | | |
sôletá | aloneness, solitude | noun | | |
solfejo: do (C), re (D), mi (E), fa (F), sol (G), la (A), si (B), do | solfège: pitch and sight singing method (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do) | noun | | |
solicitar | apply for (job, work), ask for or request (information) | verb | | |
solícite | solicitous | adjective | | |
solicitud de cambio; ruego de cambio | change request | noun | | |
solicitud [-tudin-] | concern, solicitude, anxiety | noun | | |
solidamén | solidly | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | adverb | Spanish: sólidamente |
solidamén establecide | well-established | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | adj | Spanish: sólidamente establecido |
solidare | solidary; who stand together, who show solidarity (of people) ; interdependent (mechanical pieces); binding on all parties | adjective | | |
solidaritá | solidarity | noun | | |
sólide | solid | adjective | | |
solidesa | solidness, solidity | noun | | |
sólido | solid | noun | | |
sôliloquio | soliloquy | noun | | |
sôlipsismo | solipsism (solus ipse) | noun | | |
sôlipsiste | solipsist | adjective | | |
sôlista | soloist | noun | | |
sôlitare | solitary | adjective | | |
sôlitud [-tudin-] | solitude | noun | | |
sôlo | solo (singer, guitar) | noun | | |
soltar | let go of, drop, loosen/untie; break forth | verb | | |
solte | loose/free/out, seperate/detached | adjective | | |
soltera | maiden: unmarried woman | noun | | |
soltere | single, unmarried | adjective | | |
soltero | bachelor: unmarried male | noun | | |
soltura | ease, fluency, agility | noun | | |
sôlu | merely, only, solely; it's just that... | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
solúbel | soluble | adjective | | |
solubilitá | solubility | noun | | |
solución | solution | noun | | |
solución întermedje | compromise | noun | | |
soluciónz egsperte | expert solutions | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | Spanish: soluciones expertas |
soluto | solute: dissolved substance in a solution | noun | | |
solvença | credit (financial standing) | noun | | |
solvente | solvent | adjective | | |
solver | loosen, disperse, dissipate | verb | | |
som | is, am, are (for permanence, present tense) | verb | | |
som, es | present tense of ser, is, are | verb | | |
somátic | somatic | adjective | | |
sombra | shade, shadow | noun | | |
sombre | somber, dark (gloomy) | adjective | | |
sombreiro | sombrero: wide-brimmed hat for shade | noun | | |
somel, sula | sole of shoe or sock | noun | | |
somnambul | sleep-walker, somnambulist | noun | | |
somnambulismo | sleep walking | noun | | |
somni | sleep | noun | Latin: somnus; Catalan: son; Spanish: sueño; Portuguese: sono; Italian: sonno; French: sommeil | |
somnifere | sleep-inducing | adjective | | |
somnífero | sleeping pill/drug | noun | | |
somnolença | sleepiness, drowsiness | noun | | |
somnolente | sleepy, drowsy | adjective | | |
sompopo | leaf cutter ant | noun | | |
son | sound (of singer, band) | noun | | |
soñar | dream | verb | | |
sonar | beep, ring, sound off | verb | | |
sonavra | sonar: acronym Sound Navigation And Ranging | noun | | |
sonaxa | rattle (something that makes sound when you shake it) | noun | | |
sonda | probe | noun | | |
soño | dream | noun | Italian: sogno; Portuguese: sonho; Spanish: sueño; Galician: soño; Catalan: somni | |
sonriso | smile | noun | | |
sôpa | soup | noun | | |
sôpaipilla | sopaipilla: kind of fried pastry and a type of quick bread served in several regions with Spanish heritage | noun | | |
sorber | suck in | verb | | |
sorbo | sip of a drink | noun | | |
soretch | mouse | noun | Romanian: şoarece; French: souris | |
soror | sister in organization (unrelated sister) | noun | | |
sororitá | sorority | noun | | |
sortchi | fortune, good luck | noun | | |
sortir | go out, come out, take out, break out | verb | French/Catalan: sortir | |
sorutchi | altitude sickness | noun | Guarani | |
sostén | breadwinner, support/help | noun | Spanish: sostén | |
sótano | basement, cellar | noun | | |
soteriológic | soteriological | adjective | Spanish: soteriológica | |
soteriologíê | soteriology: doctrine of salvation | noun | | |
soviétic | Soviet | adjective | | |
sôvran | sovereign | adjective | | |
sôvranitá | sovereignty | noun | | |
soyati | small palm used to make string and roofs. | noun | | |
sôziñe | alone, by yourself | adjective | Portuguese | |
su propi | his own, her own, its own | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
suara | evening | noun | | |
suave | smooth, even, soft | adjective | | |
suavemén | smoothly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
suavitud [-tudin-] | smoothness, sweetness, pleasantness | noun | | |
sub control | Under control | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
subatomic | subatomic | adjective | | |
subbullir | simmer | verb | Italian: sobbollire; Spanish: sub + | |
subconjunto | subset | noun | Spanish: subconjunto | |
subcontinenti [subcontinent-] | subcontinent | noun | | |
subcontratar | outsource, subcontract | verb | | |
subdiagnosticade | under-diagnosed | adjective | | |
subdirectuôr | subdirectory | noun | | |
subdivisión | subdivision | noun | | |
subida | ascent, slope, rise, climb | noun | | |
subir | go up, climb, lift up | verb | | |
subjetive | subjective | adjective | | |
subjetu | subject | noun | | |
subjetual | subjectual | adjective | | |
subjugación | subjugation | noun | | |
subjugar | subjugate | verb | | |
subnacional | subnational | adjective | | |
subóptime | suboptimal | adjective | | |
subordenado | subordinate | noun | | |
subordenar | subordinate | verb | | |
subornar | bribe | verb | | |
subrutina | subroutine, procedure or function | noun | | |
subsaharian | sub-saharan | adjective | | |
subseghiente | subsequent | adjective | | |
subsistença | subsistance | noun | | |
subsister | subsist, survive, retain the same state of existing | verb | from Middle French subsister and directly from Latin subsistere: to stand still or firm, take a stand, take position | |
substança | substance | noun | | |
substanchal | substantial, significant | adjective | | |
substanchose | substantial, full of substance | adjective | | |
substantivo | noun, substantival | noun | | |
substitución | substitution | noun | | |
substituíbel | replaceable, able to be substituted | adjective | | |
substituir | substitute | verb | | |
substitutive; de substitución | substitutionary, substitute | adjective | | |
substituto | substitute, stand-in | noun | | |
substitutorie | replacement, substitute | adjective | | |
substituyú | substituted | verb | | past tense of -uir verb |
subsulo | underground | noun | | |
subsumir | subsume: include or absorb (something) in something else. | verb | | |
subtecstual | subtextual | adjective | | |
subterfugio | subterfuge | noun | | |
subterrane | subterranean, underground | adjective | | |
subvalorar | devalue: cause someone or thing to seem less valuable | verb | | |
succédano | replacement or substitute for another food or medicine | noun | French: succédané | |
succeder a | succeed at | verb | | |
succión | suction | noun | French: succion; Portuguese: sucção; Spanish: succión | |
sucinte | succinct | adjective | | |
suco [sucul-] | juice (of anything) | noun | Latin: succus; Portuguese: suco; Italian: succo; Romanian/Catalan/French: suc; Spanish: jugo/zumo | |
sucoz digestive | digestive juices | noun | | |
suculença | succulence | noun | | |
suculente | juicy, succulent | adjective | | |
sud | south | noun | | |
Sudamérica, América dele sud | South America | noun | | |
sude | south | adjective | | |
sudeño | southerner | noun | | |
sudor | sweat, perspiration | noun | | |
suedech, swedech | Swedish (language and person) | noun | | |
suedese, swedese | Swedish | adjective | | |
Suedia, Swedia | Sweden | noun | | |
sueldo | pay, wage | noun | Spanish; Portuguese soldo | |
suficiença | sufficiency | noun | | |
suficiente | sufficient | adjective | | |
suficir | suffice, be enough, be sufficient | verb | | |
sufixo | suffix | noun | Spanish | |
sufocación | suffocation | noun | | |
sufocante | suffocating | adjective | | |
sufocar | suffocate | verb | | |
sufrimento | suffering | noun | | |
sufrir | suffer, bear (pain, weight, responsibility) | verb | | |
sugerença | suggestion, suggesting, prompt | noun | Spanish: sugerencia, Italian: suggerimento | |
sugerir [sugest-] | suggest, hint at | verb | | |
sugestión | suggestion | noun | | |
sugestive | thought-provoking, stimulating | adjective | | |
sugra | mother-in-law | noun | | |
sugro | father-in-law | noun | | |
suheter | wish (for), hope | verb | Haitian Creole: swete, French: souhaiter, Picard: souhédhier, Gallo-Roman Vulgar Latin: subtushaitare, Old French: sohaidier | |
suheti | wish | noun | | |
suhetíbel | desirable, hoped for | adjective | French: souhaitable | |
suicida | person who committed suicide | noun | | |
suicide | suicidal | adjective | | |
suicidio | suicide, murder of oneself | noun | | |
suitch | switch (in electronics), interruptor | noun | | |
suitse, switse | Swiss | adjective | | |
Suitsea, Switsea | Switzerland | noun | | |
suitso, switso | Swiss (person) | noun | | |
suje | dirty (not clean) | adjective | | |
sujetador | clip (mechanical), hairpin | noun | | |
sujetu | subject: grammar, but not theme or topic; person, guy | noun | | |
sujusgar | conquer, subdue, subject (underjudge) | verb | | |
sulfúric | sulphuric | adjective | | |
suliñar | underline | verb | | |
sulo | earth: the soil, ground | noun | | |
suma | sum, total | noun | | |
sumar | add up | verb | | |
sumare | summary: dispensing with needless details or formalities | adjective | | |
sumario | summary, synopsis | adjective | | |
sumetide | submitted | adjective | | |
sumetidu | submitted | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
sumetir a | submit, be subject to | verb | | |
suministrar | supplies to, ministers | verb | | |
suministro de agua | water supply (where it comes from) | noun | | |
sumisión | submission | noun | | |
sumo | sumo wrestling | noun | | |
suntchi | kiss | noun | Papiamento | |
suntchir | kiss | verb | Papiamento | |
suntuose | sumptuous: splendid and expensive- looking | adjective | | |
sunzapoti | monkey apple | noun | | |
suolo | floor (under feet) | noun | | |
superabsorbente | ultra absorbent | adjective | Spanish | |
superávit | surplus | noun | Spanish | |
superfichal | superficial | adjective | | |
superfichi [superfich-] | surface | noun | | |
superflue | superfluous, unnecessary | adjective | | |
superiore | superior | adjective | | |
superioritá | superiority | noun | | |
superlumínic | faster-than-light, superluminal | adjective | | |
supermercado | supermarket | noun | | |
superpussança, superpotença | superpower | noun | | French: superpuissance |
superstición | superstition | noun | | |
superveniença | supervenience: topic-neutral, dependency relation that typically holds between facts or sets of properties | noun | Spanish: superveniencia; Catalan: superveniència; Portuguese: superveniência; French: survenance | |
supi | preterite of saber [to know] | verb | | |
supiessê | imperfect subjunctive of saber [to know] | verb | | |
suplantar | supplant: supersede and replace | verb | | |
suplenti | substitute, stand-in, replacement, person on reserve | noun | Spanish:suplente | |
supletorie | additional, extra, supplement | adjective | | |
supley, por favor | please | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | French: s'il te plaît; Haitian Creole: souple; Spanish: Por favor, a shortening of por hacer el favor; to do the favor. | |
suplicación | supplication | noun | | |
suplicar | plead, beg | verb | | |
suplimental | supplemental | adjective | | |
suplimentar | supplement | verb | | |
suplimentare | supplentary | adjective | | |
suplimento | supplement | noun | | |
suplir | supply (a need) | verb | | |
suponente | supposing | adjective | | |
suponer [supost-, suponga-, suposi-] | suppose | verb | | |
suportábel | bearable, endurable | adjective | | |
suportar | stand/persevere, endure; bear, put up with; support weight | verb | | |
suporti | support (architectural/engineering), bracket (for shelves), foundation (of idea/hypothesis) | noun | Spanish: soporte | |
suposición | supposition | noun | | |
suposituôr | suppository | noun | | |
supostamén | supposedly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
suposte [suposta-] | assumptive | adjective | | |
suposte, suponide | supposed, alleged | adjective | | |
supostu, suponidu | supposed, alleged | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
supranacional | supranational: having power or influence that transcends national boundaries or governments | adjective | | |
supraterritorial | supraterritorial | adjective | | |
suprémacia | supremacy | noun | | |
supreme | supreme | adjective | | |
supresión | abolition, elimination, suppression, deletion (of something in writing or a file), lifting (trade embargo, etc) | noun | | |
suprimir [supres-] | suppress | verb | | |
surde | deaf, voiceless | adjective | | |
surdesa | deafness | noun | Catalan: sordesa; Portuguese: surdez | |
surf de vela | windsailing | noun | | |
surgimento | emergence | noun | Sp: surgimiento | |
surgir | spring (forth), comes up, emerge, arise | verb | Spanish | |
surprendente | surprising, amazing | adjective | | |
surprender | surprise, be surprising | verb | | |
Surprendeú-me... | I was surprised by... | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
surpresa | surprise | noun | | |
surquiar | plow a field before planting | verb | | |
surtide | assorted, mixed, various | adjective | Spanish: surtido | |
surtido | range (of things), assortment, variety | noun | | |
surtir | supply, provide, furnish | verb | Spanish: surtir | |
susceptíbel | susceptible | adjective | | |
susceptibilitá | susceptibility | noun | | |
suscripción | subscription | noun | | |
suscritu | subscribed | past participle | | |
suscriver [suscrit-, suscrip-] | subscribe (magazine, newspaper) | verb | French: souscrire; Italian: Sottoscrivere; Portuguese: Subscrever; Spanish: suscribir | |
susoditche | above-mentioned | adjective | Sp:susodicho | |
suspecha | suspicion | noun | | |
suspechose | suspicious (person, behavior) | adjective | | |
suspender le sesión | recess | verb | Spanish: suspender la sesión | |
suspender [suspens-] | suspend | verb | | |
suspendidu | suspended | past participle | | |
suspense | suspended, hanging | adjective | | |
suspensive | suspensive, suspensory | adjective | | |
suspetchar | suspect | verb | | |
suspetchose | suspect, suspicious, questionable | adjective | | |
suspetchoso, suspetchosa | suspect (person) | noun | | |
suspicace | distrustful, suspicious | adjective | | |
suspicacia, suspicacitá | suspicion, mistrust | noun | | |
sustenença | sustenance | noun | | |
sustenente | sustaining | adjective | | |
sustener [sustuvi-, sustenga-] | sustain, hold | verb | | |
susteníbel | sustainable | adjective | | |
sustenibilitá | sustainability | noun | | |
susteño | livelihood, sustentation, support | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Spanish: sustento, French: soutien, Romanian: sustine | |
susurrar | whisper, make a small noise, murmur | verb | Spanish: susurrar | |
sutdesvelopadu | underdeveloped | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Italian: sottosviluppato | |
sutil | subtle | adjective | | |
sutilesa | subtlety | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: sutileza; Catalan: subtilesa | |
sutlatch | rice pudding | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
sutpasadj | underpass, subway | noun | Italian: sottopassaggio | |
suvôn | often | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | French/Catalan | |
swey | care | noun | | |
tabaco | tobacco | noun | | |
tabernácul | tabernacle | noun | | |
tabloidêz | tabloids | noun | Spanish: tabloides | |
tablón | bulletin board: place of announcements | noun | | |
tablón de anuncioz | bulletin board | noun | | |
tábul | table (set of facts), spreadsheet | noun | | |
tábul de contenido | table of contents | noun | | |
tábul de conversión | conversion table | noun | | |
tábul de juco | game board, game table | noun | | |
tábul de multiplicación | multiplication table | noun | | |
tábul periódic | periodic table | noun | Spanish: tabla periódica | |
tabulade | tabulated | adjective | | |
tabulare | tabular, of tables and/or columns | adjective | | |
tacaluf | a subject matter that is unspeakable, because of culture or personal embarassment | noun | | |
tachadura | crossing out; correction | noun | from Spanish: tachar | |
tachar | challenge, edit out, label as bad | verb | | |
tácite | tacit, implied or widely understood | adjective | | |
tacógrafo | tachograph | noun | | |
tacoz | tacos: traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling. | noun | | |
tacsa | rate, tax | noun | Sp: tasa, Po: taxa | |
tacsación | taxation | noun | | |
tacsar | tax, place fine/duty on | verb | | |
tacsi | taxi, cab | noun | | |
tacsimetro | taximeter: mechanical or electronic device installed in taxicabs and auto rickshaws that calculates passenger fares based on a combination of distance travelled and waiting time | noun | | |
tacsista | taxi driver | noun | | |
táctic | tactic | adjective | | |
tacticien | tactician | noun | | |
táctil | tactile, tactual | adjective | | |
tacuara | variety of bamboo | noun | | |
tafonomíê | taphonomy | noun | | |
tagalo | Tagalog | noun | | |
Tagiquistôn | Tajikistan | noun | | |
tagsa | taxa (species) | noun | | |
tagsonómic | taxonomic | adjective | | |
tagsonomíê | taxonomy | noun | | |
tagsonomista | taxonomist | noun | | |
tahona | mill for bread | noun | | |
Tailand | Thailand | noun | | |
Tailandech | Thai (language) | noun | | |
Tailandia | Thailand, Siam | noun | | |
taipear | type (on keyboard, typewriter) | verb | | |
taipeo | typing | noun | | |
tal | such | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
tal com | just as | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
taladro | drill | noun | Spanish | |
talahi | bedbug | noun | | |
talconet | gecko | noun | | |
talento încipiente | burgeoning talent | noun | | |
talla | size: clothing measurement | noun | | |
tallatín [+: tallatínz] | noodle [+: noodles] | noun | Italian: tagliatelle; Romanian: tai?ei; Portuguese: talharim; Spanish: tallarín | |
tallê | atelier, workshop or studio used by an artist | noun | Portuguese: ateliê; Spanish: taller; French: atelier | |
tamali | tamale: pocket of corn dough stuffed with a sweet or savoury filling, wrapped in banana leaves or cornhusks and steamed. Fillings vary from meats and cheeses to fruits, vegetables, chillies and mole. | noun | | |
tamaño | size (dimensions) | noun | | |
tamarillo | tamarillo | noun | | |
tambí | also, too | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
tambo | plastic container | noun | | |
tambur | drum | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
tamís | sieve, strainer | noun | | |
tamisar | sieve, strain | verb | | |
tampoc | not either, neither | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
tan | so, to such a degree, to such an extent | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
tan laboriose | painstaking, very laborious | adjective | | |
tan...com | as...as (when comparing) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
tangíbel | tangible | adjective | | |
tanti | aunt | noun | | |
tanto | so much, so many | adjective | | |
tanto si | whether | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
tapa | cap (of bottle, pen), lid | noun | | |
tapisca | harvest | noun | | |
tapiseria | tapestry | noun | | |
tapit [tapis-] | rug | noun | | |
taquilla | ticket window, box office, ticket booth | noun | Spanish: taquilla from Arabic/Persian طَاق (tâq, “wind”) + -illa | |
tarabela | drill bit | noun | | |
tarae | tall | adjective | | |
tardíe | late (period in history or art), slow to arrive, tardy | adjective | | |
tardu | late | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
tarea | task, homework | noun | | |
targi | afternoon | noun | | |
tarof | demonstration of respect and hospitality in social situations | noun | | |
tarta | pie (fruit), tart | noun | | |
tarxeta bancare | banking card | noun | | |
tarxeta de crédito | credit card | noun | | |
tarxeta de débito | debit card | noun | | |
tasa | cup, mug (has handle) | noun | Sp: taza, Fr: tasse | |
tasca | task, chore | noun | | |
tascaz de casa | homework, house chores | noun | | |
tascaz doméstic | household chores | noun | | |
tatarate | wobbly, uneven, crooked | noun | | |
tatascon | kingpin, head honcho | noun | | |
tatcha | blemish, fault (human behavior) | noun | | |
taurina | taurine | noun | | |
tautológic | tautological | adjective | | |
tautologíê | tautology | noun | | |
taverna | tavern | noun | | |
tazer | be silent, stay still | verb | Italian: tacere; Sabir: tazir | |
tcha | tea: prepared, ready to serve | noun | | |
tchadeira | teapot | noun | | |
tchahaus | teahouse | noun | | |
tchaleco | long overcoat | noun | | |
tchamba | employment, work | noun | | |
tchampinol | stew made with mostly pork and corn | noun | | |
tchamuscar | scorch, singe | verb | | |
tchanci | chance | noun | | |
tchanja | collection of money between friends for an occasion or party | noun | | |
tchantadj | blackmail, shakedown, chantage | noun | Spanish: chantaje; French: chantage | |
tchapiar | cut, clear brush | verb | | |
tchapolín | grasshopper | noun | | |
tcharco | puddle | noun | | |
tcheco | Czech | noun | | |
tchelaz | brews, beers | noun | | |
tchelo | cello (musical instrument) | noun | | |
Tchenghîs Xan | Genghis Khan | noun | | |
tcheque | Czech (from Czechoslovakia) | adjective | | |
tchero | chair (of university), professorship | noun | | |
tchiar | screech (tires, brakes), squeak (door) | verb | | |
tchibo | food | noun | Italian | |
tchiclet | chewing gum | noun | Brazilian Portuguese: chiclete; Spanish: chicle | |
tchide | cool | adjective | Mexico Spanish: chido | |
tchijolo | brick | noun | Portuguese: tijolo | |
tchilaquilez | breakfast dish of lightly fried corn tortillas cut into quarters and topped with green or red salsa (the red is slightly spicier). Scrambled or fried eggs and pulled chicken are usually added on top, as well as cheese and cream. | noun | | |
tchili | chili pepper, hot pepper | noun | | |
tchili cun carni | chili with meat: spicy stew made with tomatoes and hot peppers | noun | | |
tchili rellene | Mexican dish of stuffed, roasted, fresh poblano pepper (a mild chili pepper named after the city of Pueblas) | noun | | |
tchiliz en nogada | Mexican dish of poblano chilis filled with picadillo (a mixture usually containing shredded meat, aromatics, fruits and spices) topped with a walnut-based cream sauce, called nogada, and pomegranate seeds, giving it the three colors of the Mexican flag: green for the chili, white for the nut sauce and red for the pomegranate | noun | | |
tchilpepi | bird pepper | noun | | |
tchimba | homemade firearm | noun | | |
tchimichur | sauce made of olive oil, vinegar, finely chopped parsely and garlic, and salt, served on bread with meat | noun | | |
tchinami | stall, booth at fair for temporary use | noun | | |
tchintchar | talk, catch-up with a friend | verb | Romansch | |
tchiqui | child | noun | | |
tchiquirin | cicada | noun | | |
tchire | broke, penniless, without money, moneyless | adjective | | |
tchirotiar | have fun, have a good time, rollick and play around | verb | | |
tchisma | gossip, word on the street | noun | | |
tchisti | joke, funny story | noun | | |
tchivo | billy goat, kid, goat (culinary) | noun | | |
tchivo egspiatorie | scapegoat, fall guy, patsy | noun | Spanish: chivo expiatorio | |
tchoclo | corncob, corn on the cob | noun | | |
tcholita | indigenous or mestizo (or mixed) woman | noun | Latin American Spanish: cholita | |
tcholo | extremely poor youthful person (from slums), gangsta | noun | | |
tchompa | sweater | noun | | |
tchoriz | shorts (short pants) | noun | | |
tchoro | bright orange mushroom that grows in the hills | noun | | |
tchosa | hut | noun | | |
tchota | sparrow | noun | | |
tchueque | crooked, bent, loose-living, one-armed, bow-legged | adjective | | |
tchuña | barefoot | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
tchuro | churro: tasty fried snack | noun | | |
tchuyu | knitted cap | noun | | |
tebie | tepid, lukewarm | adjective | Spanish: tibio, Catalan: tèbia, Italian: tiepido, French: tiède | |
teca | teak; large deciduous tree with small, fragrant white flowers | noun | | |
tecido | fabric, textile, cloth | noun | | |
téclado | keyboard, push button | noun | | |
tecnic | technic, technical | adjective | | |
técnica | technique, technic | noun | | |
tecnicamén | technically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
tecnocraciê [tecnocrat-] | technocracy | noun | | |
tecnócrata | technocrat | noun | | |
tecnocrátic | technocratic | adjective | | |
tecnologíê | technology | noun | | |
tecoloti | owl | noun | Papiamentu | |
tecstiel | textile | noun | | |
tecstil | textile | adjective | | |
tecstu | text | noun | | |
tecstu discursive | discursive text | noun | | |
tecstual | textual | adjective | | |
tecstura | texture | noun | | |
tecstural | textural | adjective | | |
Tedesqui | German person | noun | Italian: Tedeschi | |
tedio | boredom, tedium | noun | | |
tediose | tedious | adjective | | |
tefila | prayer | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
tegua | pan (cooking) | noun | Latin: tecula | |
teístic, teíste | theistic | adjective | | |
tela | screen | noun | | |
telaraña | spider's web | noun | Spanish-Portuguese | |
teleconferença | teleconference | noun | | |
teledjornau | television news | noun | | |
teledjornau dele suara | evening news, nightly news | noun | | |
teleferico | cable car | noun | | |
telefonar | phone, make a phone call | verb | | |
telefónic | telephonic | adjective | | |
telefoníê | telephony | noun | | |
teléfono | telephone | noun | | |
teléfono celulare, célul | cellular telephone, cellphone, mobile phone | noun | | |
telegrafíê | telegraphy | noun | | |
telegrama | telegram | noun | | |
telemecánica | telemechanics | noun | | |
telenovela | soap opera | noun | | |
teleológic | teleological | adjective | | |
telescopio | telescope | noun | | |
telespectador | televiewer, viewer | noun | French: téléspectateur/téléspectatrice, Spanish: telespectador | |
televizión | television, TV | noun | | |
televizión per cabul | cable TV | noun | | |
televizive | television | adjective | | |
televizor | television set | noun | | |
tella | tile (of roof) | noun | mix of French and Spanish | |
tellado | roof, housetop | noun | Spanish: tejado; Portuguese: telhado | |
tellar | tile, roof with tiles | verb | | |
telón | curtain (especially in theater), backcloth | noun | | |
telón de atcheo | iron curtain (steel curtain) | noun | | |
telón de fundo | backdrop | noun | | |
tema | theme, topic (subject) | noun | | |
temátic | thematic | adjective | | |
temaz pendente | outstanding issues, pending issues | noun | | |
temer | fear, be afraid of | verb | | |
temor | worry, fear | noun | | |
temorose | worrysome, fearful | adjective | | |
temperade | temperate, mild (climate) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
temperadu | temperate, mild (climate) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
temperar | moderate, regulate | verb | | |
temperatura | temperature | noun | | |
tempestu | storm, tempest | noun | | |
tempestuose | tempestuous | adjective | | |
templade | tempered (steel) | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
templadu | tempered (steel) | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
templar | temper (steel); increase strength of; make rigid (metal) | verb | | |
templo | temple | noun | | |
tempo | tempo: referring to time in music | noun | | |
têmpo de gherra | wartime, war-time | noun | | |
têmpo [têmpor-] | tense in grammar, time | noun | | |
tempor | temple: side of the head behind the eyes; Latin: tempus | noun | | |
têmporada | season | noun | | |
têmporal | temporal: related to time or existence in this life relative to the eternal. | adjective | | |
têmporalitá | temporary nature, of a time but for a time | noun | | |
têmporare | temporary: not permanent, for a limited time | adjective | | |
têmporaremén | temporarily | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
temtación | temptation | noun | | |
temtadore | tempting, appealing | adjective | Portuguese/Galcian/Spanish: tentadora/tentador | |
temtar | tempt; feel/probe | verb | | |
temtativa | attempt | noun | Portuguese, French | |
tenace | tenacious | adjective | | |
tenacitá | tenacity | noun | | |
tenatsa | tongs | noun | | |
tenchi | toe | noun | St. Lucian | |
tendedero | clothesline | noun | Spanish: tendedero | |
tendença | tendency, inclination | noun | | |
tendença alciste | upward trend | noun | | |
tendença de calentamento | warming trend | noun | | |
tendença de enfrijamento | cooling trend | noun | | |
tendenchose | tendentious: having a definite purpose | adjective | | |
tender | tend (towards something): be inclined to | verb | | |
tendón [+:tendónz] | tendon | noun | | |
tenedor de acciones | shareholder | noun | Spanish | |
tenedor, garfo | fork (eating utensil) | noun | Spanish: tenedor, Portuguese: garfo | |
tenem plene | is fully, is plainly | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
tenem plene conocimento de | is fully aware of; has full knowledge of | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
tenem, teem | have, has (present tense) | verb | | |
tenêr | content | noun | French: teneur | |
tener bocu de fachada | be all show and no substance | verb | | |
tener bon unda | have a good vibe | verb | | |
tener l'întênción de | intend | verb | | |
tener palanca cun | know influential people | verb | | |
tener partido entre | have support among | verb | | |
tener preferença | have priority | verb | | |
tener savor de | taste like | verb | | |
tener [tuvi-, tenga-, tenr-] | have, hold, keep | verb | | |
teng | have, hold or take (imperative or command form) | verb | Spanish: ten, tenga, tengamos, tened, tengan; Portuguese: tem, tenha, tenhamos, tende, tenham | |
Teng un eccelente fin de setmana | Have a great weekend | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: Ten un excelente fin de semana | |
tengam | present subjunctive of tener (to have) | verb | | |
tenis | tennis | noun | | |
tenrá | will have, will be in possesion of | verb | | |
tenue | faint (light, line, mark, smell); tenuous | adjective | | |
tenwî | attire, outfit | noun | Fr: tenue | |
tenwî de pombiero | fireman's uniform | noun | | |
Teodor | Theodore, Teodor (name) | noun | | |
Teófilo | Theophilus | noun | | |
teológic | theological | adjective | | |
teologíê | theology | noun | | |
teologo | theologian | noun | | |
teóric | theoretical | adjective | | |
teoricamén | theoretically | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
teoríê | theory | noun | | |
teoríê conspirative; teoríê dele conspiración | conspiracy theory | noun | Spanish: teoría de la conspiración, Italian: teorie cospirative | |
teoríê de l'estabilitá hegemónic | hegemonic stability theory | noun | | |
teosofíê | theosophy | noun | | |
teosofo | theosophist | noun | | |
tequeño | deep-fried flour roll filled with cheese, cheese stick | noun | | |
terabaitê, teraocteto | terabyte (TB): 1024 gigabytes; 2 to the 40th power bytes | noun | | |
terabît | terabit (Tb): 1024 gigabits | noun | | |
terapéutic | therapeutic | adjective | | |
terapia | therapy | noun | | |
terciare | tertiary | adjective | | |
terciera | 3rd/third note above root in music | noun | | |
terciere | 3rd, third | adjective | | |
terciero | 3rd, third | noun | | |
teredey | yerba mate based drink served cold and usually with fruit juice and/or herbs | noun | | |
tererey | cold maté with added fruit juice and/or steeped herbs | noun | Guarani: tereré | |
tergiversar | twist (words), misconstrue, distort (meaning or words) | verb | sp | |
termal | thermal, related to heat | adjective | | |
térmic | thermic, thermal, heated | adjective | | |
terminábel | terminable, something that (eventually) ends | adjective | | |
término | end, term, word (vocabulary), point (geometric, geographic) | noun | | |
termodinámic | thermodynamic | adjective | | |
termodinámica | thermodynamics | noun | | |
termogénesi | thermogenesis | noun | | |
termogénic | thermogenic | adjective | | |
termometro | thermometer | noun | | |
termonucleare | thermonuclear | adjective | French: thermonucléaire | |
termoquímica | thermochemistry | noun | | |
termosfera | thermosphere | noun | | |
termosféric | thermospheric | adjective | | |
termostato | thermostat | noun | | |
terne | tender, warm-hearted, mellow | adjective | Spanish: tierno; Portuguese: terno | |
ternera | beef, cow meat | noun | | |
terno | suit (men's), gear (that is worn on body) | noun | | |
ternura | tenderness | noun | Spanish/Portuguese | |
terra aerábel | arable land | noun | | |
terra recuperade | reclaimed land, recuperated land | noun | | |
terra, Terra [terri-] | earth, Earth (our planet) | noun | | |
terran | earth, from earth | adjective | | |
terrano | earthling | noun | | |
terraplén | earthwork, terrace | noun | Spanish: terraplén | |
terrariu | terrarium | noun | | |
terrazgo | arable land tax | noun | | |
terremoto | earthquake | noun | | |
terrenal | earthly | adjective | | |
terreno | terrain (the lay of the land), ground (when referring to location or jurisdiction) | noun | | |
terreno alte | high ground | noun | | |
térreo | ground floor | noun | | |
terrestre | terrestrial | adjective | | |
terríbel | terrible | adjective | | |
terribelmén | terribly | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
terrigene | terrigenous: land-produced | adjective | | |
terrigénesi | terragenesis | noun | | |
territorial | territorial, regional | adjective | | |
territorio | territory: place of earth | noun | | |
terrorismo | terrorism | noun | | |
terrorista | terrorist | noun | | |
tertulia | get-together with friends | noun | | |
terucho | counterfeit, fake | noun | Lunfardo, old Spanish | |
tésauro | thesaurus | noun | | |
tesi [-tétic] | thesis | noun | | |
teso | expert | noun | | |
test | test, quiz, exam (school, learning) | noun | | |
testaferro | frontman, front company, figurehead | noun | | |
testigo | witness | noun | | |
testigo pericial | expert witness | noun | | |
testigo presenchal | eyewitness | noun | | |
testimento | testament | noun | | |
testimoñar; testifiçar | testify | verb | | |
testimoño | testimony | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | Latin: testimonium; Spanish: testimonio; Portuguese: testemunho |
testimoño de estima | testimonial, professional reference | noun | | |
tetcho | ceiling | noun | Spanish: techo | |
tetrarc | tetrarch | noun | | |
texano | person of Texan background, the traditional music from the region | noun | | |
Texas | Texas (alternative historical timeline) | noun | | |
tianghi | small market (for selling and buying goods) | noun | Phillipine: tiangge; Mexican Spanish: tianguis from Nahuatl: tianquiztli | |
tiatral | theatrical | adjective | | |
tiatro | theater, theatre | noun | | |
Tíbet | Tibet | noun | | |
tiburon | shark | noun | Spanish, originally Carib | |
tienda | shop; open-air exchange place | noun | Spanish | |
tiendero | shopkeeper | noun | | |
tierne | cute | adjective | | |
tigela | bowl | noun | | |
tigrê | tiger | noun | | |
Tihadchi | Congratulations, Literally: may this renew you. | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Hebrew | |
tilinque | full, replete | adjective | | |
timarana | madhouse, mental hospital | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
timba | belly | noun | | |
timbon | potbelly | noun | | |
timbur | tembre | noun | | |
tímide | timid | adjective | | |
timiditá | timidity | noun | | |
timón | rudder (on airplane, boat, ship) | noun | Spanish | |
Timor | Timor | noun | | |
timorense | East Timorese | adjective | | |
tiña | ringworm | noun | Spanish | |
tincar | think (regarding an opinion of) | verb | | |
tinebras | darkness, total obscurity | noun | | |
tipi | tepee | noun | English originally from Lakota | |
típic | typical | adjective | | |
tipo | type | noun | | |
tipologíê | typology | noun | | |
tira | piece that was torn or cut off, shred | noun | Spanish: tira | |
tiránic | tyrannical | adjective | | |
tiraníê | tyranny | noun | | |
tirar | pull down, pull out, knock down (a building); draw (a sword) | verb | | |
tirar basura (en) | litter | verb | | |
tiro de cavaloz | team of horses | noun | | |
tisora | scissors | noun | | |
titánic | titanic | adjective | | |
titaniu | titanium, sociological factors | noun | | |
Tito | Titus | noun | | |
títul | title, headline | noun | | |
títul de posgrado | graduate degree | noun | | |
títul universitare | undergraduate degree | noun | | |
tlacuachi | possum, oppossum | noun | | |
tlapaleria | hardware store, do-it-yourself store | noun | | |
toala | towel (for body) | noun | | |
tocar | play music; ring (a bell) | verb | | |
toceloti | ocelot | noun | | |
tocino, bacon | bacon | noun | Spanish: tocino; French/Portuguese: bacon | |
tócsic | toxic | adjective | | |
tocsicodependenti, drogadicto | drug addict | noun | Portuguese, Spanish | |
tocsicologíê | toxicology | noun | | |
todo | all | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
todo comprise | all-encompassing, all-inclusive | adjective | | |
todo de un pieça | straightforward | adjective | French: tout d’une pièce | |
todo eloz | all of them | noun | | |
todo l'întênciónz i propósitoz | all intents and purposes | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
todo l'outroz | everyone else | noun | | |
todo le djorn | all day (long), whole day | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
todo le mundi | the whole world, everyone (in the world) | noun | | |
todo nos | all of us | noun | | |
todo xenti | everyone, all people, everybody | noun | | |
todo [tot-] | all, the whole of, every | adjective | | |
todo-terrene | all-terrain | adjective | | |
todom | everyone, everybody | noun | Like Catalan: tothom in its construction | |
todopussante | almighty, all-powerful | adjective | | |
Todopussanti | the Almighty | noun | | |
tolerábel | tolerable | adjective | | |
toleración | toleration | noun | | |
tolerança | tolerance | noun | | |
tolerar | tolerate | verb | | |
tômahac | tomahawk | noun | | |
tomar | take, drink | verb | | |
tomar nota de | record events in journal, take note of | verb | | |
tomar partido | take sides | verb | | |
tomati | tomato | noun | | |
tomatillo | tomatillo | noun | | |
tomber | drop, tumble | verb | | |
tomillo | thyme (spice), thymus vulgaris | noun | Spanish: tomillo | |
tomo | tome: single volume of many books; one section of a literary piece | noun | | |
tomo colective | omnibus, complete tome | noun | | |
tonal | tonal | adjective | | |
tôndera | thunder | noun | | |
tónica | medicine that you take to get more energy and feel healthier; carbonated water | noun | | |
tónico | tonic: root note in music | noun | | |
tono | tone, pitch (music) | noun | | |
tono protectore; tono paternal | patronizing tone | noun | | |
tonte | silly, foolish, goofy | adjective | | |
tonteríê | foolishness, sillyness | noun | | |
tontorone | very silly (this is normally used with endearment) | adjective | | |
tôo | thaw: an improvement in the relationship between two countries | noun | English: thaw | |
topi | speed bump, speed hump | noun | Mexican Spanish: tope | |
tópic | topical, external (use), clichéd, trite | adjective | | |
tópico | platitude, cliché | noun | | |
tôpo | top, peak | noun | | |
tôpográfic | topographic, topographical | adjective | | |
tôpografíê | topography | noun | | |
toranxa | grapefruit | noun | Mexico Spanish, Portuguese: toranja; Catalan: aranja | |
torbón | rain with thunder and lightning | noun | Galician | |
torcida | group of serious fans | noun | | |
torcide | skewed | adjective | | |
tornado | tornado | noun | | |
tornasol | litmus | noun | | |
toro [taur-] | bull | noun | | |
torpe | foolish | adjective | | |
torrencial | torrential, pouring hard, gushing out | adjective | | |
torrenti [torrenci-] | fast flowing water, rapids | noun | | |
torrio | tower | noun | | |
torrio de oficinaz | office tower | noun | | |
torrio esquinare | corner tower | noun | | |
tortillaz | tortillas: small flatbread made of finely ground flour or corn | noun | | |
tortuga | turtle | noun | | |
tortughismo | bureaucratic delay | noun | | |
tortuose | winding, windy; complex, intricate , convoluted | adjective | Italian | |
tortura | torture | noun | | |
tosa | rate | noun | sp: tasa | |
tosa de împortación, dretchoz de împortación | import duty | noun | | |
tostada | toast (bread) | noun | | |
tostadore | toasted | adjective | | |
tostapaña, tostadora | toaster (for bread) | noun | | |
tostar | toast , roast | verb | | |
tostonz | fried banana slices | noun | | |
total | total | adjective | | |
totau | total | noun | | |
tótem | totem | noun | | |
totopo | tortilla chip | noun | Mexican Spanish: totopo | |
toupo | mole (animal) | noun | | |
tovaleta | washcloth, wipe (wet) | noun | | |
tovalla | tablecloth, cloth that covers up furniture | noun | Catalan: estovalles; Italian: tovaglia
| |
tove | good (used for something that has fulfilled its purpose for which it was created) | adjective | Hebrew, Yiddish | |
tovillo | ankle | noun | Spanish: tobillo | |
tracaseríê | something done to make another's life more difficult; Can refer to policemen or soldiers asking for fines or bribes | noun | Kinshasa French | |
tracción | traction | noun | | |
tractor | tractor: motor vehicle that plows, drags, or pulls | noun | | |
tradición | tradition | noun | | |
tradicional | traditional | adjective | | |
traducción | translation | noun | | |
traducción automátic | machine translation, automatic translation | noun | Spanish, Catalan, French, Portuguese, Italian | |
traducir [traduzca-, traduj-, traducc-] | translate | verb | | |
traductor, traductriç | translator | noun | | |
traduzcam | present subjunctive of traducir [to translate] | verb | Spanish: traduzca, traduzcas, traduzcan, traduzcáis, traduzcamos | |
tragalivroz | bookworm, geek | noun | | |
tragar | swallow/scarf down (food), gulp down | verb | | |
tragediê | tragedy | noun | | |
Tragediê dele Recursos Comune | tragedy of the commons | noun | | |
trágic | tragic | adjective | | |
tragicien | tragedian | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: trágico | |
tragón, tragona | greedy person, pig | noun | | |
traher [trac-] | pull, draw, plow | verb | | |
traición | treachery, betrayal, treason | noun | Spanish: traición; Portuguese: traição | |
traicionare | treacherous | adjective | | |
traicioneramén | treachorously | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
| treachorous (attempt, intention); unpredictable and dangerous (ocean current); disloyal (leader) | adjective | | |
traidor | traitor | noun | | |
trajeto | journey | noun | | |
trajetorio | trajectory: the path followed by a projectile | noun | | |
trama | plot (of book, story) | noun | | |
tramar | plot, weave | verb | | |
tramitande | processing, proceeding | adjective | | |
tramitar | process: negotiate, transact (access, license, passport...) | verb | | |
trámiti | procedure or progression that requires steps or stages | noun | Sp: trámite | |
trampa | trap, snare | noun | | |
trampa egsplosive | booby trap | noun | | |
trampi de acceso | manhole | noun | | |
tranquil | happy, tranquil, at ease | adjective | | |
tranquilmén | tranquilly, silently, peacefully | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
tranquilope | all calm and well | adjective | Jopará | |
transcendental | transcendental | adjective | | |
transcendentalismo | transcendentalism | noun | | |
transcender | transcend | verb | | |
transcontinental | transcontinental | adjective | | |
transcriver | transcibe | verb | | |
transcultural | cross-cultural | adjective | | |
transcurrer | elapse, lapse | verb | Portuguese: transcorrer, Spanish: transcurrir | |
transeúnte | transient, itinerant | adjective | | |
transeúnti | transient, itinerant person | noun | | |
transferir | transfer, move/shift | verb | Spanish/Portuguese: transferir; French: transférer; Italian: trasferire | |
transfiguración | transfiguration (usually of Christ) | noun | Spanish | |
transformación | transformation | noun | | |
transformación ideológic | ideological transformation | noun | Sp: transformación ideológica | |
transformar | transform | verb | | |
transgénic | transgenic, genetically-modified, GM | adjective | | |
transgredir [transgres-] | transgress, infringe or violate agreed norms | verb | Spanish/Portuguese/Catalan: transgredir | |
transgresión | wrongdoing, transgression, infringement | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | Portuguese: transgressão; Spanish: transgresión; Catalan: transgressió |
transgresor | transgressor | noun | | |
transición | transition | noun | | |
transicional | transitional | adjective | | |
transigença | transigence | noun | | |
transigente | transigent, willing to compromise or change position | adjective | | |
transiger | put up with, tolerate, compromise | verb | Spanish/Catalan: transigir; Latin: transigere | |
transito | transit: movement of people or goods | noun | | |
transitorie | transient, passing, transitory | adjective | | |
transladar | be relocated (for job, family, etc), move ones place of residence | verb | | |
transmisión | transmission, act of transmitting | noun | | |
transmisión interhuman | human-to-human transmission | noun | | |
transmisor | transmitter | noun | | |
transmitir | transmit, broadcast | verb | | |
transmutábel | transmutable, able to be transformed | adjective | | |
transmutación | transmutation, change, transformation | noun | | |
transmutar | transmute, change the physical appearance of | verb | | |
transnacional | transnational | adjective | | |
transparença | transparency | noun | | |
transparente | transparent | adjective | | |
transportar | transport | verb | | |
transporti | transportation | noun | | |
transportista | carrier, hauler, haulier | noun | | |
transvulado | flight across to somewhere; crossing flight | noun | Italian: trasvolata | |
trapezio | trapeze (device) | noun | | |
trapezista | trapeze artist | noun | | |
trapezoidê | trapezoid | noun | | |
trapo | rag | noun | Spanish | |
tráquea | trachea, windpipe | noun | | |
traqueal | tracheal | adjective | | |
trará | will bring (from trazer) | verb | | |
traríeb | would bring (from trazer) | verb | Portuguese: traria, trarias; Spanish: traería, traerías | |
trasere | behind, back, rear | adjective | | |
trasti | fret (of guitar) | noun | Sp/Po: traste | |
trastorno | upheaval, disorder | noun | | |
trastorno dele pesonalitá | personality disorder | noun | | |
trastornoz polític | political disturbances, political upheavals | noun | | |
tratado | treaty, treatise | noun | | |
Tratado de Libre Comerço de Nortamérica | NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement | noun | | |
tratamento | treatment (medical) | noun | | |
tratar | treat | verb | | |
tratar de | try to do something (follow this with verb in the infinitive); deal with | verb | | |
tratcha principal | main course of meal | noun | | |
trato | treatment (of behavior, special) | noun | | |
trato entre bastidorez | backstage deal | noun | Spanish: trato entre bastidores | |
tratoria | family restaurant | noun | Italian | |
trauma | trauma | noun | | |
traumátic | traumatic | adjective | | |
traumatizante | traumatizing | adjective | | |
traumatizar | traumatize | verb | | |
travérs | crossbeam, transverse beam | noun | Spanish: través | |
traxi | suit, outfit (combination of clothes) | noun | traje (Spanish) | |
trazer [trar-] | bring, bring along | verb | Portuguese: trazer; Spanish: traer | |
treballador altamén calificade | high-skilled worker | noun | Spanish: trabajador altamente calificado | |
treballador na-especializade | low-skilled worker; non-specialized worker | noun | Spanish: trabajador no especializado | |
treballadore | hardworking | adjective | | |
treballar | work, busy towards a goal | verb | French: travailler; Portuguese: trabalhar; Spanish: trabajar; Catalan: treballar; Galician: traballar | |
treballo | work done towards a goal, job | noun | | |
treballo artesanal | handicraft work, artisanal work | noun | Spanish: trabajo artesanal | |
treballo atrasade | backlog | noun | Spanish: trabajo atrasado | |
treballo de curso | coursework | noun | French: travaux de cours; Spanish: trabajo de curso; Catalan: treball del curs | |
treballose | laborous, difficult | adjective | | |
treballoz de carpintaría | carpentry work | noun | Sp: trabajos de carpintería; Po: trabalho de carpintaria; Galician: traballos de carpintaría | |
treballoz forçade | hard labor, forced labor | noun | | |
trébol | clover, trefoil | noun | | |
trecime | 13th, thirteenth | adjective | | |
trecimo | 13th, thirteenth | noun | | |
tregua | truce | noun | | |
trein | train (that follows tracks) | noun | | |
tremende | tremendous | adjective | | |
tremlar | tremble | verb | | |
trentime | 30th, thirtieth | adjective | | |
trentimo | 30th, thirtieth (thing, person...) | noun | | |
trepar | climb (tree, ladder) | verb | | |
trepidación | trepidation | noun | | |
trepidar | tremble, hurry (out of fear) | verb | | |
trepide | trepid, trembling from fear or terror | adjective | | |
tresoro | treasury, treasure | noun | | |
triadj | screening, vetting | noun | | |
triangul | triangle | noun | | |
triangulare | triangular | adjective | | |
tribu | tribe | noun | | |
tribuna | raised platform, grandstand | noun | | |
tribunau | tribunal | noun | | |
tribuno | tribune, magistrate, head of a tribe | noun | | |
tricambral | tricameral | adjective | | |
triclinio | dining room (fancy word) | noun | | |
trigo | wheat | noun | | |
trija | track, rail (train, tram) | noun | Portugues: trilho | |
trilateral | trilateral | adjective | | |
trillade | trite, worn-out | adjective | | |
trimestrê | trimester | noun | | |
trimestrial | trimestrial | adjective | | |
trinchanti | carving knife or carving fork | noun | Spanish: trinchante,trinche | |
trinchar | cut, carve (culinary) | verb | Spanish: trinchar | |
trinitá | trinity | noun | | |
trinitare | trinitary | adjective | | |
trinitense | Trinidadian and Tobagonian | adjective | | |
triomfal | triumphal | adjective | | |
triomfante | triumphant | adjective | | |
triomfar sobrê | triumph over | verb | | |
triomfo | triumph | noun | | |
tripartite | tripartite | adjective | | |
triple | triple, threefold | adjective | | |
tríptico | triptych: usually 3-fold painting | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: tríptico | |
tripulación | crew (of a ship), air staff, manning | noun | Spanish: tripulación; Portuguese: tripulação | |
tripulación | crew, manning | noun | | |
tripular | man, crew | verb | | |
tripular | man, crew | verb | | |
triste | sad, miserable | adjective | | |
tristesa | sadness | noun | Catalan: tristesa; Portuguese/Spanish: tristeza | |
triune | triune | adjective | | |
trivial | trivial, banal | adjective | | |
trivialitá | triviality, trivial matter, trite remark, banality | noun | | |
trofeo | trophy | noun | | |
trogol | trough for feeding or drink | noun | Italian: trogolo; Dutch: trog; Danish: trug | |
trombón | trombone | noun | | |
trompa | trunk (of elephant), proboscis (insect), snout (anteater), French horn | noun | Spanish, Catalan, Romanian: trompa; Portuguese: tromba; French: trompe | |
trompeta | trumpet | noun | | |
tronco | trunk (of tree, in anatomy, in botany), torso | noun | | |
tropezar | trip, stumble, bump into, trip over | verb | | |
tropezón | stumble, trip, blunder | noun | | |
tropezón en le camino | bump in the road | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Spanish: tropezón en el camino | |
tropo | trope | noun | | |
troposfera | troposphere | noun | | |
troposféric | tropospheric | adjective | | |
tros | piece | noun | Catalan: tros; Occitan: tròç; Spanish: trozo | |
trotskismo | Trotskyism: theory of marxism advocated by Leon Trotsky | noun | | |
trotskista | Trotskyist | noun | | |
trôvar | find (after not seeing for a while) | verb | | |
trubador | troubadour: lyric poet and musician | noun | | |
trubar | compose in lyric and song | verb | Vulgar Latin *tropare "compose, sing" | |
trubo | trope, ditty, song with clever lyrics | noun | | |
truco | trick, ruse | noun | | |
truncar | truncate | verb | | |
truno | thunder | noun | | |
trupa | troop: group of soldiers or servicemen | noun | | |
tuberculosi | tuberculosis | noun | | |
tuberculosi | tuberculosis | noun | | |
tubo | tube | noun | | |
tuchábel | touchable | adjective | | |
tuchar | touch | verb | | |
tucura | grasshopper | noun | | |
tudo | everything | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
tuerca | nut (for a bolt) | noun | | |
tuerca de montadj | mounting nut | noun | | |
tuerca hecsagonal | hex nut | noun | | |
tuétano | marrow | noun | | |
tufue | smelly | adjective | | |
tumba | tomb, grave | noun | | |
túmulo | tumulus, burial mound | noun | | |
tumulo | speed bump | noun | | |
tumultu | tumult, turmoil, uproar | noun | | |
tumultuose | tumultuous | adjective | | |
túnel | tunnel | noun | | |
túnel carpal | carpal tunnel | noun | | |
túnica | tunic | noun | | |
Tunisia | Tunisia | noun | | |
tupla | record (basic data structure in computer science) or row in database; tuple | noun | | |
turbar | trouble, disturb | verb | | |
turbina eólic | wind turbin | noun | | |
turbulença | turbulence | noun | | |
turbulente | turbulent | adjective | | |
turco | Turk (Turkish person) | noun | | |
turcoise | turquoise: color | adjective | | |
turcomene | Turkmen | adjective | | |
turcomeni | Turkmen | noun | | |
Turcomenistôn | Turkmenistan | noun | | |
turista | tourist | noun | | |
turístic | tourist, touristic | adjective | | |
turístic localitá | tourist area, tourist locality | noun | | |
turner | turn (a wrench, key, etc) | verb | | |
turnido para afinar | tuner, tuning wrench | noun | Spanish: llave de afinación, tensor para afinar; Portuguese: chave de afinação | |
turno | shift, turn | noun | | |
turnra | tournament | noun | french: tournoi, German: Turnier | |
turque | Turkish | adjective | | |
turquech | turkish (language) | noun | | |
Turquía | Turkey (country) | noun | | |
tutela | tutelage, guardianship | noun | Spanish/Italian: tutela | |
tutelare | tutelary | adjective | | |
tutumut | bundle of things or services | noun | | |
tuvi | preterite (perfect past) of tener, had | verb | | |
tuviessê | imperfect subjunctive of tener [to have/hold] | verb | | |
twomper | deceive, mislead | verb | | |
twompose | deceiving, misleading | adjective | | |
ubicación | location, branch of office | adjective | | |
ubicade | located | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
ubicadu | located | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ubicar | localize, be located/situated | verb | | |
ubicater | get real (locate yourself) | verb | | |
ubicue | ubiquitous | adjective | | |
ubicuitá | ubiquity | noun | | |
ublio | oblivion | noun | | |
ubliose de | forgetful of | adjective | | |
ubuntu | universal brotherhood of sharing, hospitality, and collaboration; being human to each other because we are all connected; the human personality (Article 26) | noun | Bantu/Zulu/Xhosa | |
ucho | external door, door to enter a house or building | noun | Italian: uscio; Romansh: üsch; Romanian: ușă | |
ucrainech | Ukrainian | noun | | |
Ucrania | Ukraine | noun | | |
ucranian | Ukrainian | adjective | | |
ucraniano | Ukrainian | noun | | |
uecholotel | turkey (animal) | noun | from Aztec language; guajolote in Mexican and Central American Spanish | |
ueco | space (as in a hole or opening), hollow, gap | noun | Spanish: hueco; Galician/Portuguese: oco | |
ueviar | procrastinate, waste time (slang) | verb | | |
uevo [ov-] | egg | noun | | |
úlcera | ulcer | noun | | |
ultimamén | lately, of late, recently | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
últime uora dele mañá | late morning | noun | | |
últime uora dele targi | late afternoon | noun | | |
ultime [ultima-] | last, ultimate, latest | adjective | | |
ultrajade | outraged, offended | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
ultrajadu | outraged, offended | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
ultrajar | offend, insult, abuse | verb | | |
ultralevian | ultra light | adjective | | |
ultramoderne | ultramodern | adjective | | |
un | an, a | article or demonstrative | | |
un acordo de paç | a peace settlement | noun | | |
un bon estona | a good while, quite a while | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
un distançamento | distancing (oneself) | noun | Spanish: un distanciamiento | |
un etapa de paç | a period of peace | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
un manera de gañar le vida | a means of earning a living | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
un peor de | some, undetermined (amount of) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
un pesona sens tatcha | a person who is beyond reproach | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
un prósime día | some day soon | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
un pussança mundial | a world power | noun | | |
un vida de ocio | a life of leisure | noun | | |
uña | nail (anatomy) | noun | | |
unánime | unanimous | adjective | | |
uncime | 11th, eleventh | adjective | | |
uncimo | 11th, eleventh | noun | | |
unda de radio | radio wave | noun | | |
unda [-undul-] | wave | noun | | |
undulación | ondulation | noun | | |
undulante | undulating | adjective | | |
undular | undulate | verb | | |
unez | some, around/about | article or demonstrative | | |
unga | voodoo priest | noun | Haitian | |
ungido | the annointed, the elect | noun | | |
ungir | elect, put ointment on | verb | | |
unguento | ointment, salve | noun | Sp: ungüento | |
únic | unique | adjective | | |
unicambral | unicameral | adjective | | |
unide | united | adjective | | |
Unídioma | a constructed artistic naturalistic language: means uni- (one) and idioma (language) | noun | | |
unidu | united | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
unificación | unification | noun | | |
unificade | unified | adjective | | Past participle adjective form |
unificadu | unified | past participle | | Used with Perfect tenses: aver+ ___ |
unificante | unifying | adjective | | |
unifiçar [unifica-] | unify | verb | | |
uniforme | uniform: of same size, shape, or color; unvarying | adjective | | |
uniformi | uniform: same standard of attire | noun | | |
uniformitá | uniformity | noun | | |
unigénite | only begotten, one and only | adjective | | |
unilateral | unilateral | adjective | | |
unir | unite | verb | | |
unitá | unity, oneness | noun | | |
unitá de vigilança întensive | ICU: intensive care unit | noun | | |
univariente | univarient | adjective | | |
universal | universal | adjective | | |
universalismo | universalism | noun | | |
universitá | university: college with many schools and subjects offered | noun | | |
universitare | academic, relating to universities | adjective | | |
universitario | university student, academic (person), undergraduate | noun | | |
universo [univers-] | universe | noun | | |
unívoque | unambiguous, straight, one-to-one (relation) | adjective | | |
uno atrás de l'outro | one after the other | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
uno dele prioritáz | on the agenda, one of the priorities | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
uno volta dele terra | one revolution of the earth | noun | | |
unoutre | another | adjective | | |
untar | smear | verb | | |
uora | hour | noun | | |
uorario | timetable | noun | Spanish: horario; Portuguese: horário | |
upistido | cake made of coffee, almonds and hazelnuts, raisins, and grape syrup | noun | | |
urbanización | urbanization | noun | | |
urgença [urgench-] | urgency, emergency (medical) | noun | | |
urgenchal | urgential | adjective | | |
urgente | urgent | adjective | | |
urina | urine | noun | | |
urinar | urinate | verb | | |
urinare | urinary | adjective | | |
urinau | urinal, bed pan | noun | | |
usar | use | verb | | |
usario | user | noun | Spanish: usario | |
uso tópic | external use, topical use | noun | | |
usura [usuri-] | usury | noun | | |
usuriose | usurious | adjective | | |
usurpación | usurpation, encroachment | noun | | |
usurpar | usurp (power, role...), encroach | verb | | |
usurpatorie | usurpatory | adjective | | |
utchel | small bird | noun | Romansch | |
utensilio | tool, utensil, furniture | noun | | |
útero | uterus, womb | noun | | |
útil | useful, helpful, serviceable | adjective | | |
utilitar | utilize, utilitate | verb | | |
utilitarie | utility | adjective | | |
utilización | utilization | noun | | |
utilización normal | normal usage | noun | | |
utilizade | utilized | adjective | | |
utilizar | utilize | verb | | |
utilladj | tools and equipment | noun | Spanish: utillaje | |
utopia | utopia: not a place | noun | Greek prefix: ou (not) | |
utopian | utopian | adjective | | |
uva; raimo | grape | noun | | |
va | go, goes | verb | | Present tense of ir |
vaca [vacc-] | cow | noun | | |
vaciar | empty | verb | | |
vacíe | empty | adjective | | |
vacilante | hesitant, wavering, faltering, shaky, tentative | adjective | | |
vacilar | hesitate, waver, vacillate | verb | | |
vacío | void, emptiness | noun | | |
vacío espritual | spiritual vacuum | noun | | |
vacudo | villager with lots of cattle | noun | | |
vacue | vacuous | adjective | | |
vacuitá | vacuousness, vacuity | noun | | |
vacuna, vaccina | vaccine | noun | | |
vacunación | vaccination (act of) | noun | Spanish: vacunación | |
vacunar | vaccinate | verb | Spanish: vacunar | |
vagar | roam, wonder | verb | Spanish: vagar; Latin: vagari | |
vaghe | vacant | adjective | | |
vaina | seed pod | noun | | |
valencia | valence, valency | noun | | |
vali | valley | noun | Po: vale; Sp: valle | |
validación | validation | noun | | |
validar | validate | verb | | |
valide | valid | adjective | | |
validitá | validity | noun | | |
valisa | suitcase (when traveling) | noun | French: valise, Spanish: valija | |
valla | wall, fence | noun | Spanish: valla | (usually something tall and impenetrable) |
valor | worth, value | noun | | |
valor atípic, valor anómale | outlier (atypical value) | noun | | |
valorizar-se | gain value (appreciate) | verb | Portuguese: valorizar-se | |
valuose | valuable | adjective | | |
válvul | valve (heart, mechanical) | noun | | |
vama | is going to, are going to, am going to... | verb | shortened and simplified form of Spanish van a, vamos a... | precedes infinitive of verb, denoting future tense of something planned or willed to do. |
vandálic | vandalic, vandalistic, of vandalism | adjective | | |
vandalismo | vandalism | noun | | |
vane | vain, futile | adjective | | |
vanitá | vanity | noun | | |
vantadj | advantage | noun | | |
vantadj acumulative (l'efeitu Matiyu) | accumulative advantage (the Matthew Effect) | noun | | |
vantadj comparative | comparative advantage | noun | | |
vantadjose | advantageous | adjective | | |
vantana | window that opens to let in air | noun | | |
vanto | wind | noun | | |
vantose | windy | adjective | | |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu: a nation of island in the south Pacific | noun | | |
vapor de agua | water vapor | noun | | |
vaquero | cowboy | noun | | |
vara | rod, shaft (car, engine) | noun | | |
varano | monitor lizard | noun | | |
varejista | retailer, shop-owner | noun | Brazilian Portuguese | |
varejo | retail: selling of goods to the public | noun | Brazilian Portuguese | |
variábel | variable | adjective | | |
variabilitá | variability | noun | | |
variabli | variable (science, mathematics) | noun | | |
varianti | variant | noun | | |
varietáz | varieties | noun | | |
variose | various, several | adjective | | |
varón | male | noun | | |
varranda | veranda | noun | | |
vasaladj | vassalage, serfdom, fealty | noun | | |
vasalo | vassal, serf | noun | | |
vasculare | vascular: Of, pertaining to, or containing vessels that conduct or circulate fluids, such as blood, lymph, or sap, through the body of an animal or plant. | adjective | | |
vascularización | vascularization, vascularisation | noun | | |
vasessê | imperfect subjunctive of ir | verb | | |
vasi | preterite (perfect past) of ir, went | verb | | |
vaso | glass (for drinking); cup with no handle | noun | | |
vaso de wisqui | whiskey glass, short glass | noun | | |
vaste | vast, widespread, far-reaching | adjective | | |
vay | go (imperative or command form) | verb | Galician: vai, vaia, vaiamos, ide, vaian; Spanish: ve, vayamos, vaya, vayan | |
vaya | present subjunctive of ir | verb | | |
vazar | go away; go home | verb | | |
veç [+:vecez] | turn, time | noun | | |
vecine | neighboring, next door | adjective | | |
vecinitá | vicinity | noun | | |
vecsación | vexation | noun | | |
vecsar | vex, treat badly, annoy | verb | | |
vecsatorie | vexatious, vexing | adjective | Sp: vejatorio; Po: vexatório | causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry. |
vega | land beside a river | noun | | |
vegetau | vegetable | noun | | |
vehemença | vehemence, impetuosity, impulsiveness (imprudence) | noun | | |
vehícul | vehicle | noun | | |
vehícul utilitarie esportive (VUE) | SUV: Sports Utility Vehicle | noun | Spanish: vehículo utilitario deportivo; Portuguese: utilitário esportivo | |
vehiculare | vehicular | adjective | | |
veina | vein: blood vessel, a streak or stripe of a different element or color in rock or cheese, sometimes refers to layer of water in the earth | noun | | |
vela | sail (of ship) | noun | | |
velar | veil, conceal | verb | | |
velatorio | chapel of rest; room for vigil | noun | | |
veleiro | sailboat | noun | | |
vellard | old person | noun | French: vieillard | |
vellardez | old people, the elderly | noun | | |
velle | old | adjective | French: vieille/vieux, Spanish: viejo, Portuguese: velho, Catalan: vell | |
vellesa | old age | noun | | |
vellón | fleece | noun | Spanish/Galcian: vellón; Catalan: velló | |
velo | veil | noun | | |
veloce | fast, swift | adjective | | |
velocitá | velocity | noun | | |
velocitá mácsime, límiti de velocitá | speed limit | noun | | |
vem | sees, see (present tense) | verb | | See: ver |
ven, veng | come (imperative or command form) | verb | Spanish: ven, vengamos, venga, vengan; Portuguese: vem, venha, venhamos, vinde, venham | |
vencedor | victor, winner in battle, vanquisher, conqueror | noun | | |
vencer [vença-] | overcome, prevail, vanquish | verb | Spanish, Portuguese | |
vencíbel | conquerable, beatable (able to lose) | adjective | | |
vencidore | winning, victor, victorious | adjective | | |
vencimento | due date, expiration, maturity of a debt or payment; something that is ready or mature | noun | Spanish: vencimiento; Portuguese: vencimento | |
vendedor | vender, seller | noun | | |
vender | sell, vend | verb | | |
vender a varejo | retail | verb | Brazilian Portuguese | |
vendu | seeing | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | | |
veneno | venom, poison (usually of animal or used figuratively) | noun | | |
venerábel | worshipful, venerable | adjective | | |
veneración | veneration, worship | noun | | |
venerar | venerate, revere | verb | | |
venezolan | Venezuelan | adjective | | |
venezolano, venezolana | Venezuelan person | noun | Spanish/Catalan: venezolano/a | |
Venezuela [venezola-] | Venezuela | noun | | |
vengam | present subjunctive of venir [to come] | verb | | |
venidere | coming, forthcoming | adjective | Portuguese: vindouro, Spanish: venidero | |
venir trôvar algom | come and see someone | verb | | |
venir [vini-, venga-] | come | verb | Spanish: venir, Portuguese: vir, French | |
venjança | revenge, vengeance | noun | | |
venjar | avenge | verb | | |
venjar-se | take revenge | verb | | |
ventalla | valve (botany): one of the pieces into which certain fruits naturally separate when they dehisce | noun | | |
vente | seeing | adjective | | |
venti | size of about 20 ounces of coffee or another drink | noun | | |
ventilación | ventilation | noun | | |
ventilador | fan (electric) | noun | | |
ventilar | ventilate, toss the air around | verb | | |
ver [-vist-, -viz-, -vid-] | see, hold in view | verb | | |
verace | veracious: habitually disposed to speak the truth; truthful | adjective | Sp:veraz | |
veracitá | veracity, truthfulness | noun | | |
verano | Summer | noun | | |
verbal | verbal | adjective | | |
verbo | verb | noun | | |
verbose | wordy, verbose | adjective | | |
verbose | verbose | adjective | | |
verbositá | verbosity | noun | | |
verde | green | adjective | | |
verdejante | verdant, verdurous | adjective | Portuguese | |
verdura | greenery, greenness | noun | | |
verga | rod, yardarm (ship); penis (vulgar) | noun | | |
vergoña | shame, embarassment, disgrace | noun | Italian: vergogna; Spanish: vergüenza; Portuguese: vergonha; Catalan: vergonya; Galician: vergoña | |
verídic | veridical, truthful | adjective | | |
veridito | verdict | noun | | |
verificación | verification | noun | | |
verificade | verified | adjective | | |
verifiçar de feituz | fact-check | verb | | |
verifiçar [verifica-] | verify, check: prove something to be true, confirm | verb | | |
veritá | verity, truth | noun | | |
veritábel [vera-] | truthful, veritable, true, not false, real | adjective | | |
veritabelmén | truly, veritably, for real, verily | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
vermelle | vermilion, bright/vivid red, reddish/ginger (color) | adjective | | originally made from powdered cinnabar |
vernácul | vernacular: language or dialect of the regular people | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: vernáculo; Italian: vernaculo | |
vernaculare | vernacular | adjective | | |
vernacularitá | vernacularity | noun | | |
versatil | versatile | adjective | | |
versatilitá | versatility | noun | | |
versícul | verse of Bible or in poetry | noun | | |
versión | version | noun | | |
vertebrado | vertebrate | noun | | |
vertebraz | vertebre | noun | | |
vertedero | landfill (site) | noun | | |
verter | pour, spill, shed | verb | | |
vertical | vertical | adjective | | |
vertrevun | expelled person (from their home); displaced person | noun | | |
vertrevun înterne; desplacido înterne | IDP; internally displaced person | noun | German: Vertreibung; Dutch: verdrevene | |
vertud [vertu-,virtu-, -tudin-] | virtue | noun | French: vertu, Spanish: virtud | |
vertuose | virtuous | adjective | | |
vertuositá | righteousness, virtuousness | noun | Spanish/French | |
vespa | wasp | noun | Portuguese/Italian/Catalan: vespa; Spanish: avispa; French: guêpe | |
vésperaz | evening songs and prayers usually in a church service | noun | | |
vespón | hornet | noun | | |
vestíbul | lobby, entry hall, foyer | noun | | |
vestide | dressed | adjective | | |
vestido | dress (of woman), gown | noun | | |
vestidu | dressed | past participle | | |
vestidura | clothing, apparel | noun | | |
vestigio | vestige: mark, trace, sign | noun | Spanish/Itaian: vestigio; Portuguese: vestígio; French: vestige | |
vestir | dress, put on clothes | verb | | |
viábel | viable, workable, feasible, plausible | adjective | | |
viadj | voyage, trip, journey | noun | | |
viadj înterplanetare | interplanetary voyage, interplanetary travel | noun | | |
viadjar | travel, voyage | verb | | |
viadjero | traveler, voyager | noun | | |
víbora | viper | noun | | |
víbora | viper | noun | Portuguese/Spanish/Galician: víbora; Romanian: vipera; Italian: vipera | |
vibración | vibration | noun | | |
vibrar | vibrate (of engine) | verb | | |
vibratorie | vibrating | adjective | | |
vicarie | vicarious | adjective | Spanish/Italian: vicario/a | |
vicario | vicar, representative of a bishop | noun | | |
vice-presidenti | vice-president | noun | | |
vice-roy | viceroy | noun | | |
viceversa | vice versa | adjective | | |
viciar | vitiate: corrupt, spoil, impair, or destroy the quality, efficiency, or validity of. | verb | Catalan/Spanish/Portuguese: viciar; Italian: viziar; French: vicier | |
vicio | vice, bad habit | noun | | |
vicisitud [-tudin-] | vicissitude | noun | | |
victe | beaten, defeated, conquered | adjective | | |
victoriê | victory | noun | | |
victoriose | victorious | adjective | | |
vicuña | vicuña: camelid (like the llama) from the South American Andes | noun | | |
vida basade en carbono | carbon-based life | noun | | |
vida cotidian (le__) | daily life | noun | | |
vida egstraterrestre | extraterrestrial life | noun | Spanish | |
vida hônrade | righteous life (honored life) | noun | | |
vida normal (le__) | daily life (normal life) | noun | | |
vida [vit-] | life | noun | | |
vídeo | video | noun | | |
vídeojuco | video game; videogame | noun | | |
videojucotería | videogame store, arcade | noun | | |
vidrasa | window pane | noun | | |
vidriata | stained glass window | noun | | |
vidrio | pane of glass | noun | | |
vidrioz | see you around | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
vientra | belly, bowels, womb | noun | Spanish | |
viés cognitive | cognitive bias | noun | | |
vigilança | vigilance, watchfulness, surveillance/security (watching) | noun | | |
vigilante | vigilant | adjective | | |
vigilar [vigila-, -vella-] | guard, watch: keep an eye on, patrol | verb | | |
vigorizar | invigorate, revitalize, refresh | verb | | |
vigorose | vigorous | adjective | | |
vígtima | victim | noun | | |
vigtimismo | victimhood | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | |
| victimization | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | noun | |
| victimize | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | verb | |
viha | imperfect past of ver | verb | | |
vil | vile | adjective | | |
vilano | villain | noun | | |
vilesa | vileness, turpitude | noun | Spanish/Portuguese: vileza; Catalan: vilesa | |
vilipendiade | vilified, reviled | adjective | | |
vilipendiar | vilify, revile | verb | | |
villa | villa, country home | noun | | |
villadj | village, group of country homes | noun | | |
villazgo | tax, imposition, and/or responsibilities of a town | noun | | |
viludo | velvet | noun | | |
viña | vine (usually of grapes) | noun | | |
vinagrê | vinegar | noun | | |
víncul | tie (friendship, business...), link | noun | Spanish: vínculo | |
vindrey | Friday | noun | | |
Vindrey Sante | Good Friday | noun | | |
vinêgreta | vinaigrette: dressing of oil, wine vinegar, and seasoning. | noun | | |
viñeido | vineyard: group of vines | noun | | |
vini | preterite of venir [to come] | verb | | |
viniessê | imperfect subjunctive of venir [to come] | verb | | |
vino, wino | wine | noun | | |
vintime | 20th, twentieth | adjective | | |
vintimo | 20th, twentieth | noun | | |
violador | violator | noun | | |
violar | violate | verb | | |
violença | violence | noun | | |
violente | violent | adjective | | |
violete | violet (purple) | adjective | | |
violín | violin | noun | Spanish: violín; Portuguese/Italian: violino | |
viral | viral | adjective | | |
virgen [+:virgenz; virgin-] | virgin | noun | | |
virginal | virginal | adjective | | |
viril | virile: strong, powerful; full of sexual energy | adjective | | |
virtual | virtual: almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition; not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so | adjective | | |
virulente | virulent | adjective | | |
vírus [virul-; +:vírusez] | virus | noun | | |
viscatcha | type of rodent | noun | | |
visceral | visceral, very emotional, of intense emotion | adjective | | |
viscose | viscous | adjective | | |
viscositá | viscosity | noun | | |
visigótic | visigothic | adjective | | |
visitación | visitation | noun | | |
visitanti | visitor | noun | | |
visitar | visit | verb | | |
vista | view | noun | | |
viste | seen (past participle of see) | past participle | | |
vistu | seen (past participle of see) | past participle | | |
vital | vital | adjective | | |
vitalice | for life (during or throughout life), lifelong | adjective | Spanish: vitalicio | |
vitalitá | vitality | noun | | |
vitalmén | vitally | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
vitamina | vitamin | noun | | |
vitela | calf, veal | noun | Portuguese | |
vitrina | display cabinet, store window | noun | | |
vitro | test tube, glass tube used in chemistry | noun | | |
vituperación, vituperio | vituperation | noun | | |
vituperar | vituperate | verb | | |
viú | saw (past tense of see) | verb | | |
viuva | widow | noun | | |
vivace | vivacious, lively, zestful | adjective | | |
vivacitá | vivacity, liveliness | noun | | |
vive | alive, lively, living | adjective | | |
vivente | living, animate, live (animals, births) | adjective | | |
viver | live | verb | | |
viver cun recollimento | live in seclusion, live with peace and quiet | verb | | |
vivide | lived | adjective | | |
vividu | lived | past participle | | |
vivificante | life-giving, revitalizing, enlivening | adjective | | |
vivifiçar [vivifica-] | revitalize, enliven | verb | | |
vixente | valid (still), in force, in play, current (legislation) | adjective | Spanish: vigente | |
vizêvi | vis-à-vis: in relation to, with regard to, regarding (sometimes as compared with) | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | French | |
vizíbel | visible | adjective | | |
vizibilitá | visibility | noun | | |
viziêr | vizier, vezir, vicer | noun | | |
vizión | vision | noun | | |
vizión de conjunto | overview (whole vision) | noun | | |
vizionare | visionary | adjective | | |
vizionario | visionary | noun | | |
vizualización | visualization | noun | | |
vizualizar | visualize | verb | | |
Voç Comune | Common Voice | noun | | a name used for this auxiliary language |
voç [voc-; +:vocez] | voice | noun | | |
voç-IP, voç sobrê protocolo de înternet | VOIP: voice over IP | noun | | |
vocabulario | vocabulary | noun | | |
vocación | vocation, calling in life | noun | | |
vociferación | vociferation | noun | | |
vociferante | vociferous | adjective | | |
vociferar | vociferate | verb | | |
voçorón | loud, booming voice | noun | | |
vodu | evil spirit | noun | | |
volantazo | hard turn, sharp turm | noun | Spanish: volantazo | |
volanti | steering wheel | noun | | |
volátil | volatile | adjective | | |
volatilitá | volatility | noun | | |
volcanic | volcanic | adjective | | |
volcano | volcano | noun | | |
vóleibol | volleyball | noun | | |
volqueta | dump truck | noun | | |
volquetero | dump truck driver | noun | | |
volt | volt | noun | | |
volta | return, turn | noun | | |
voltadj | voltage | noun | | |
voltadj | voltage | noun | | |
voltar | turn around, turn about | verb | | |
volte | turned | adjective | | |
volte a naicer | born-again | adjective | | |
voltu | turned | past participle | | |
volumen [+:volumenz; volumin-] | volume, loudness, bulkiness, package | noun | | |
voluminose | bulky, voluminous | adjective | | |
voluntá | will | noun | | |
voluntare | voluntary | adjective | | |
voluntaremén | voluntarily | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | | |
voluta | scroll (in architecture) | noun | | |
volver a criar, ricriar | re-create | verb | | |
volver a imaxinar, ri-imaxinar | reimagine, think about something differently | verb | | |
volver a visitar | revisit | verb | | |
volver [volt-] | turn, change the orientation of | verb | | |
vómito | vomit, puke | noun | | |
vorace | voracious, insatiable (ravenous or greedy); raging/fierce (when speaking of fires and flames) | adjective | Sp: voraz | |
voracitá | voracity, voraciousness | noun | | |
vórtici | vortex | noun | | |
votanti | voter | noun | | |
votar | vote, elect | verb | | |
vuacen | neighbor | noun | | |
vudú | voodoo | noun | | |
vular | fly | verb | Spanish: volar; Italian: volare; Papiamentu; Portuguese: voar | |
vulgare | vulgar, unrefined, of the common people | adjective | | |
vulgaritá | vulgarity | noun | | |
vulnerábel | vulnerable | adjective | | |
vulnerabilitá | vulnerability | noun | | |
vulo | flight | noun | Italian: volo, Spanish: vuelo; French/Catalan: vol; Portuguese: vôo | |
Vus estam en le forno. | You're really in a bad situation (literally: You are in the oven) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
wabul | beverage made of plantain, banana, coconut milk, and sugar | noun | | |
wagon | car (of train, subway...), train/railway car | noun | | |
waira | winds (abstract or spiritual sense) | noun | Quechua: wayra | |
walasa | evil spirit | noun | | |
warme | warm, room temperature | adjective | | |
wasabi | wasabi | noun | | |
watcha | watch | noun | | |
wau | wow | other, not easily placed, or temporary place holder | Spanish: wao | |
waya | wire | noun | | |
web-página | web page, website | noun | | |
webinario | webinar, online seminar | noun | | |
west | west | noun | | |
weste | west | adjective | | |
westeño | westerner | noun | | |
wigwom | wigwam, wickiup: round traditional dwelling | noun | Algonquian | |
wincha | headband, hairband | noun | | |
wipa | meal | noun | St. Lucian | |
wisnel | sour cherry | noun | | |
wisqui | whiskey | noun | | |
wistiti | marmoset | noun | | |
witlacotch | huitlacoche: corn fungus that is considered the Mexican truffle | noun | | |
wusir | stew, saute | verb | Fr: roussir | |
xafi | harbor, harbour, port | noun | | |
xaladeira | handle | noun | Spanish: jaladera | |
xalapeño | jalapeño | noun | Spanish: jalapeño | |
xamón | ham | noun | | |
xaña | girlfriend, lover | noun | Nicaraguan/Honduran Spanish: jaña | |
xaño | boyfriend, lover | noun | Nicaraguan/Honduran Spanish: jaño | |
xayême | living, having power and movement | adjective | Hebrew: chaim, chayim חַיָּה ; Arabic: hayaah حياة | |
xefatura | leadership | noun | Sp: jefatura | |
xefi, xefa | boss, headman, headwoman | noun | | |
xeneralíssimo | generalísimo: supreme commander, generalissimo | noun | Spanish: generalísimo | |
xénerau | commander of an army, captain general | noun | Spanish: general; French: capitaine général | |
xenti | people | noun | | |
xenti malvade | wicked men/people | noun | | |
xentío | crowd, group of people | noun | | |
xerocar | photocopy | verb | | |
xerocs | xerox, photocopy | noun | | |
xineti | hockey | noun | Spanish: jinete | |
xovey | Thursday | noun | | |
xulio | July (month) | noun | Spanish: julio, Portuguese: julho, Galician: xullo; Catalan: juliol; Italian: luglio, French: juillet | |
xunta | junta, assembly, board | noun | Spanish: junta | |
xutzpa | chutzpah: shameless audacity/impudence | noun | Yiddish/Aramaic | |
yacaranda | jacaranda: south american tree that has blue flowers at the end of dry season | noun | | |
yacente | lying down; recumbent; reclining | adjective | | |
yacer | lie (laying/lying down) | verb | | |
yacimento | bed, deposit (geological); archeological site | noun | Spanish: yacimiento | |
yagua | royal palm | noun | | |
Yahu, Yah | Jah, Jehovah; short-form of Hebrew Yahweh | noun | | |
Yahuweh, Jehova | Yahweh, Jehovah; Hebrew God | noun | | |
yámbic | iambic | adjective | | |
yambo [yámb-] | iamb | noun | | |
yanero | January | noun | Romanian: ianuarie; Latin: Ianuarii; French: janvier, Italian: gennaio; Spanish: enero; Portuguese: janeiro; Galician: xaneiro | |
yapa | extra bit, something extra; tip for waiter at restaurant | noun | | |
yardero | groundskeeper | noun | | |
yati | yacht | noun | | |
yegua | mare- the female of a horse or other equine animal. | noun | | |
yejuno | fasting, fast (going without food) | noun | French: jeûne; Spanish: ayuno; Portuguese: jejuns/jejum; Italian: digiuno | |
yendu | going | verb | | |
yendu a casa | going home | verb | | |
yerrar-se | make a mistake, be mistaken | verb | Judeo-Spanish | |
yerro | mistake | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
yetta | bad luck, jinx | noun | Lombard and Lunfardo | |
yeyo | low blood pressure or dizziness | noun | | |
yidech | Yiddish | noun | | |
Yisrael | Israel | noun | Judeo-Spanish | |
yogur | yogurt | noun | | |
Yónic | Ionic | adjective | | |
yottabaitê, yottaocteto | yottabyte (YB): 1024 zetabytes; 2 to the 80th power bytes; 1 septillion bytes | noun | | |
yu-es-bi | USB | noun | | |
yuda | help, aid | noun | | |
yudar | help, assist | verb | | |
yudita | little help | noun | | |
yuel | yule | noun | | |
yugo | yoke (of oxen, or figurative) | noun | | |
yujos | medicinal herbs | noun | | |
Yunai | United Fruit Company | noun | | |
yundir | sink, submerge | verb | Sp: hundir | |
yurta | yurt: tradional house | noun | | |
zafar | unknit, loosen | verb | | |
zahara | blossom | noun | Maltese, Siculo-Arabic | |
zaid | era of time, period of time | noun | | |
zaid ventere | coming times, coming ages | noun | | |
zaidgaist | zeitgeist, spirit of the age | noun | German | |
zalamere | smooth-spoken, flattering, greasy (of a salesman) | adjective | | |
zambrano | large shrub or tree that produces legumes | noun | | |
zamirnamén | deliberately | adverb (clearly and always an adverb) | Czech | |
zamirne [zamirna-] | deliberate, intentional, purposeful, calculated | adjective | Czech | |
zampar | slap on, put on | noun | | |
zangi | freshwater eel | noun | St. Lucian | |
zanxa | trench, ditch | noun | Spanish | |
zapayu | vegetable marrow | verb | | |
zarpa | paw (of mammal) | noun | | |
zebra | zebra | noun | | |
zecley | lightning | noun | | |
zelador | janitor | noun | | |
zelar | look after, take care of | verb | | |
zenit | zenith | noun | | |
zenofilo | xenophile | noun | | |
zenófobe | xenophobic | adjective | | |
zenofobia | xenophobia | noun | | |
zepon | spur | noun | St. Lucian | |
zetabaitê, zetaocteto | zetabyte (ZB): 1024 exabytes; 2 to the 70th power bytes | noun | | |
zibolador | bottle opener | noun | | |
zibolar | open something that is blocked up or bottled | verb | | |
zicac | type of Carribean fruit | noun | St. Lucian | |
zigositá | zygosity | noun | | |
zigurat | ziggurat | noun | | |
zinco | zinc | noun | | |
Zión | Zion | noun | | |
zipey | zipper | noun | English | |
zoccu | tree trunk | noun | | |
zona acomodade | well-off area | noun | | |
zona campestre | countryside, country area | noun | | |
zona de remolqui | tow away zone | noun | | |
zona habitábel | habitable zone | noun | | |
zona neritic | neritic zone: the area along the coast of the ocean where sunlight reaches the ocean floor | noun | | |
zonze | dazed, not quite there | adjective | | |
zoô | zoo (short for zoological park) | noun | | |
zoôlógic | zoological | adjective | | |
zoôlogíê | zoology | noun | | |
zoônótic | zoonotic | adjective | | |
zoroastrismo | Zoroastrianism | noun | | |
zorro | fox | noun | | |
zuampo | swamp | noun | | |
zubia | place where a large amount of water flows | noun | | |
zuembruch | swimming trunks | noun | | |
zuip | whip | noun | | |
zumba | teasing, buzz; dance workout | noun | | |
zumbadora | indigo snake | noun | | |
zumbar | buzz, hum, whir | verb | | |
zurrar | flatten, make flat, lash out | verb | | |
zutano | so-and-so, somebody or other | noun | | |
zuzum | rumor | noun | | |
zwit | barnacle | noun | St. Lucian | |
[substantivo, pronomi] acabam de [verbo] | [noun, pronoun] have just, has just [verb] | verb | Spanish: [acabo, acabas, acabamos, acaban] de | |
[substantivo, pronomi] estará [gerundio] (futuro progresive) | [noun, pronoun] will be [gerund] (future progressive) | verb | | |
[substantivo, pronomi] estaríeb [gerundio] (condicionau progresive) | [noun, pronoun] would be [gerund] (conditional progressive) | verb | | |
[substantivo, pronomi] haveha sidu [participio pasade] per | [noun, pronoun] had been [past participle] by (used for past perfect) | verb | | |
[substantivo, pronomi] haveha sidu [verbo] per | [noun, pronoun] had been [verb] by | verb | | |
[substantivo, pronomi] havríeb [participio pasade] (condicionau perfeite) | [noun, pronoun] would have [past participle] (conditional perfect) | verb | | |
¡Adeo! | Bye! (meant to be used when you don't expect to see the other in a while; Literally: to God) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Aleluyah! | hallelujah: praise the Lord | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Aló! | Hello (when answering phone) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Andale! | Come on! Hurry! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Mexican Spanish | |
¡Anichén! | No way! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Astê luego! | Until next time!; See you later! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Atêndam un momento...! | Wait a moment/minute! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Bienvenidu! | Welcome! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Chac! | wham, bang! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Ca: xac | |
¡Cuidadu! | Watch out! Be careful! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Despaciu! | Slow down! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Encantadu! | Pleased to meet you!; Delighted! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Engratça bocu! | Thank you very much! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Engratça! | Thank you! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Feliç añu nuve! | Happy new year! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Feliç cumpleañu! | Happy birthday! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Feliç Navitau! | Merry Christmas! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Portuguese pronunciation of Natal: of the birth | |
¡Feliç Pascua! | Happy Easter! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Felicitaç! | Congratulations! Congrats! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Ixole! | Wow, holy cow! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Ôchalá! | If God wills it! Perhaps! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Ola! | Hi, hey, hello | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Pasem un gran djorn! | Have a great day! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Poura! | dagnabit, darn | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Pure Vida! | Right on! Cool! (literally "pure life") | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Costa Rican Spanish | |
¡Ratata! | Cool! Awesome! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Salúd! | Bless you, to health and prosperity (salut) | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Selîm! | peace that encompases completeness, tranquility, harmony, freedom from imperfections, reconciliation, prosperity, safety, and health | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Arabic: سَلاَم; Hebrew: שָׁלוֹם | Not used very often, part of a movement to unite people |
¡Tchau! | Bye! Ciao! Goodbye! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Tuanis! | Great! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | Costa Rican Spanish: Tuanis | |
¡Vamós! | Let's go! | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¡Wôlá! | Voila! There you go; Behold | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¿Como elez se chamam? | What are their names?; What do they call themselves? | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¿Como vus vos chamam? | What are your names?; What do you all call yourselves? | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¿Jura? | really? | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¿Quey mais tu gustam de facer? | What else do you like to do? | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¿Quey tal __? | how (was, is) ___; What (was, is) ___ like? | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¿Quey te parecem...? | what do you think of...? | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¿Quey tu tincam? | What do you think?; What's your opinion? | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |
¿Vus mi regalam? | Would you give me? ; Would you gift me? | phrase, sentence, and/or interjection | | |